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Zubsolv Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities

Zubsolv is a drug formulated with both buprenorphine and naloxone. It is primarily used to treat opioid dependency and addiction, but is also sometimes used for moderate chronic pain management. Most users of Zubsolv are taking it for opioid replacement therapy in attempt to transition off of a more potent opioid. Zubsolv is considered helpful for these individuals in that contains a “partial opioid agonist” (buprenorphine) and “pure opioid antagonist” (naloxone).

These contents give the user some degree of opioid stimulation to mitigate a full-blown opiate withdrawal, but not enough to get the user “high” – making it an ideal replacement drug. Generally when beginning Zubsolv, the goal is to stabilize on the drug, and then gradually reduce the dosage and become opioid-free. The problem is that many people neglect making an effort to reduce the dosage because they actually get addicted to it as an opioid-replacement drug.

When attempting to finally withdraw from Zubsolv, many people realize that it’s much tougher than initially expected. Although Zubsolv is certainly less potent than opioids like heroin and morphine, discontinuation (especially after long-term usage) will still pack a debilitating punch. Many people have come to realize that withdrawal from Zubsolv is so difficult, that they don’t know how to cope.

Factors that influence Zubsolv withdrawal include

If you’re withdrawing from Zubsolv, it is important to be aware of certain factors that will influence your withdrawal. These factors include things like: the time span you’ve been taking it, your current dosage, how quickly you discontinued, as well as your individual physiology.

1. Time Span

In general, the longer you’ve used Zubsolv, the more difficult it will be to discontinue. While you may not have increased the dosage over the long-term due to the fact that there’s a “ceiling effect” (in regards to dosage), your nervous system may be habituated to receive Zubsolv each day. The longer you continue any habit, whether it’s taking this drug or impulse buying junk food each time you’re at the store, the tougher it will be to stop.

Not only does your brain come to expect to receive Zubsolv on a daily basis, but your physiology expects the same production of opioids or pain-relief. Long-term users actually become dependent on the Zubsolv, making it tougher to quit. If you only used the Zubsolv for a short-term (e.g. months), it will likely be easier than someone who’s used it for years.

2. Dosage

Zubsolv comes in different dosing formulations of buprenorphine to naloxone ratios. The standard Zubsolv sublingual tablets are dosed as 5.7 mg (buprenorphine) with 1.4 mg (naloxone). It is thought that a doctor may adjust doses by increments of 1.4 mg (for the buprenorphine) and 0.36 mg of the naloxone. Eventually a patient will stabilize on a certain dose with adjustments from the doctor.

Just know that the higher the dosage you’ve taken, the more your body has come to expect the effects of the drug. Although there certainly is a built-in mechanism of a “ceiling effect” to prevent people from abusing the drug and/or overdose, this doesn’t mean that a higher dose is equally as easy as a lower one for withdrawal. Generally the more you increase, the tougher it is when you decrease and/or discontinue.

3. Cold Turkey vs. Tapering

Some have argued that it makes no difference whether you quit cold turkey or taper. While cold turkey may sound like an appealing idea, if you couldn’t handle the effects of discontinuing an opioid and needed to take Zubsolv in the first place, you may want to consider tapering. Feeling good on Zubsolv can make it seem like quitting cold turkey will be easy, when in actuality it shocks the entire nervous system.

Cold turkey is associated with more severe earlier stages of withdrawals and greater likelihood of protracted symptoms due to the fact that the nervous system may go into shock. By conducting a gradual taper prior to completely discontinuing, you’re allowing your body and brain to adjust to the slow changes in dose. This theoretically should make withdrawal symptoms much easier than discontinuing from a high dose. The slower the taper, the less severe the withdrawal symptoms should be.

4. Individual

No two people are identical when completing a withdrawal. Withdrawal for one person may take 2 months and for another may take 4 months before they feel noticeably better. Avoid comparing your withdrawal duration and symptoms to other people. While you may share some commonalities with another person, the length and severity of your withdrawal will likely be subject to individual variation.

It is important to consider things like: your individual physiology, whether you take other drugs or drink alcohol, your genetics, social support, and lifestyle when thinking about withdrawal. One person may have extremely low stress, great social support, be drug and alcohol free, and stay busy during withdrawal to help take their mind off of symptoms. Another person may have a lot of free time, be a smoker, and have high stress – which could compound the withdrawal.

Zubsolv Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities

Below is a list of symptoms that you may experience when discontinuing Zubsolv. Keep in mind that you may not experience every single symptom on the list. This is a collective list of symptoms people have reported when they’ve discontinued.

  • Agitation: Many people feel extremely agitated when they quit Zubsolv. The agitation may result in you to pace back and forth or move around excessively. You may feel as if you cannot sit still because internally you are wired with nervousness and discomfort.
  • Anger: While the first few days of withdrawal may result in a person feeling extremely tired and debilitated with fatigue, a person may start to get some energy back. When a little energy returns, they may not like how they feel and every little thing may make them angry. If you notice you’re feeling intense anger, realize it’s normal. Try to channel it productively rather than using it as an excuse to lash out on others.
  • Anxiety: The Zubsolv may actually have helped with anxiety while taking it. When you discontinue, your brain is no longer getting the partial-opioid stimulation from the Zubsolv, and you feel depressed. It may take awhile for your anxiety to lessen due to the fact that your brain will need to elevate its endogenous opioid levels, which will take time.
  • Body aches: Your body may become extremely achy and you may develop cramps when you withdraw. Realize that these aches are likely a result of abnormal endogenous endorphin production. Your endorphin levels are likely low due to using Zubsolv for an extended period, which leads to aches. As they return to a baseline, the aches should improve.
  • Brain fog: It is very common for people to experience brain fog riddled with concentration problems and memory issues. This is largely due to the fact that in the early stages of withdrawal, you are hit hard with an array of physical and psychological symptoms. It becomes nearly impossible for you to think about anything other than the unpleasant symptoms.
  • Cravings: Perhaps one of the most troubling symptoms to experience is that of cravings for Zubsolv or other opioids. It may be tempting to take another Zubsolv and your animal brain is probably trying to entice you to avoid the current pain that you’re enduring and get back the “pleasure feeling.” Realize that these cravings are likely going to be more intense during early stages of withdrawal. Each consecutive day you go without opioids, the easier withdrawal becomes.
  • Depression: Your brain is no longer getting the opioid stimulation that it had gotten from the Zubsolv. When you withdraw, your opioid production may be lower than average. Neural activity as well as neurotransmitter levels will be temporarily out of balance, especially in the early stages of withdrawal. The combination of lack of opioids and neurotransmitter level imbalances can lead to severe depression.
  • Depersonalization: You may feel as if you aren’t your true “authentic” self anymore. It may seem like an alien has hijacked your body and you are still living in it, but you just feel “weird.” Depersonalization is common when going through any drug withdrawal and means that your brain and physiology is nowhere close to being fully healed. Accept that you don’t feel like yourself, and know that you eventually will.
  • Diarrhea: Some people experience intense diarrhea when they initially discontinue any opioid drug. This is because when taking an opioid, it is common for people to become constipated. When the effects of the drug leave the system, you may find yourself on the toilet more than usual.
  • Dizziness: Feeling dizzy is something that nearly every person will experience when quitting Zubsolv. The dizziness may be mild, moderate, or severe depending on how quickly you discontinued. It may feel as if the room is spinning in the early stages of withdrawal, but it’ll eventually improve.
  • Fatigue: It is common to feel extremely fatigued when you quit Zubsolv. This may be among the most debilitating withdrawal symptoms of all. You try to get some work done around the house, but you can’t because you’re too tired. Even simple tasks may make you feel totally exhausted. While it is important to take extra time to “rest” so that your body recovers, don’t overdo the resting. Sometimes it’s necessary to push through the fatigue a little bit and dig deep to get something done.
  • Headaches: Another symptom that nearly everyone experiences is that of headaches. It is important to stay hydrated and consider taking supplements to help reduce the intensity of strong headaches. Get plenty of rest and accept that headaches are an inevitable part of the process.
  • Heart rate changes: You may notice that your heart rate changes significantly compared to when you were taking Zubsolv. This is a common reaction that people experience as a result of physical dependence. Engage in some sort of relaxation exercise to help lower your heart rate if it shot up.
  • Insomnia: The first few weeks of withdrawal may be characterized by sleepiness, but eventually you may transition to a point of intense agitation, anxiety, and insomnia. If you find that you cannot fall asleep, you may want to consider supplementing melatonin and/or engaging in some sort of relaxation exercise like mediation.
  • Irritability: Most people feel extremely irritable for awhile after they’ve quit Zubsolv. Even though it may seem like you’re doomed to an eternity of irritability, you can reduce the irritability by engaging in a relaxing or soothing activity when it strikes.
  • Joint pain: In addition to body aches, you may specifically notice that your joints are in pain or throbbing. The joint pain may be a physical reaction that your body is having in attempt to function without the drug. It had come to rely on the subtle opioid properties for pain relief, but it’s no longer getting them.
  • Mood swings: Don’t be surprised if your mood is all over the map during withdrawal. One day you may feel exhausted, another day mad at the world, and another day hopeful for the future. Realize that your mood will fluctuate as your nervous system and brain recalibrate themselves to homeostatic functioning.
  • Nausea: You may become nauseated to the point that you feel like throwing up. Nausea is most likely to occur in the earlier stages of withdrawal, and should lessen after a few weeks.
  • Palpitations: It may feel as if your heart is pounding loudly or uncomfortably fluttering in your chest. These are a common physical reaction associated with drug withdrawal and increased anxiety. Do your best to accept them as a withdrawal symptom and realize that they’re not the same thing as a heart problem; these are medically benign.
  • Restlessness: Many people complain of restlessness and restless leg syndrome during discontinuation. This involves feeling an uncomfortable sensation of creeping, throbbing, pulling, or energy in the legs that provokes movement. This is an inevitable symptom of withdrawal for many and can be very annoying, but will subside over time.
  • Sleep problems: At some stages of withdrawal you may end up sleeping excessively, while during other stages you may end up not getting enough sleep. Sometimes you may sleep for awhile, but wake up feeling like you hadn’t slept at all. Do your best to fight through the sleep issues and realize that your circadian rhythm will eventually reset itself.
  • Sweating: A very common symptom associated with Zubsolv withdrawal is that of sweats. You may find that you perspire in excess throughout the night or all day. Some people sweat around the clock as a result of the body detoxifying itself and attempting to function without the opioid.
  • Swelling: Some people may notice that their limbs (e.g. arms, legs, etc.) swell up. If you notice that your limbs have become swollen, it’s directly related to withdrawal. Know that in a few days the swelling should gradually begin to subside. It may be alarming to swell up during withdrawal, but it’s a reaction that some people have upon discontinuation.
  • Vomiting: Many people feel extremely sick when they stop the drug. This is due to the fact that the body developed a tolerance to its effect and is now in a state of backlash. The combination of many symptoms such as nausea and dizziness can easily provoke vomiting. To reduce the chances of vomiting, make sure to slowly taper.

Note: If you have experienced a symptom that isn’t on this list, feel free to mention it in the comments section below. Also consider reading about Suboxone withdrawal – a relatively similar drug to Zubsolv.

How long does Zubsolv withdrawal last?

There is no definitive timeline that can be stated for Zubsolv withdrawal. In general, most people find that the first couple weeks have the most severe symptoms. After several weeks, things may seem to slightly improve. After a full month, many people finally start seeing some positive signs of improvement. Realize that the length of your withdrawal is highly individual, therefore asking how long it will last is futile.

It is important to keep in mind that it will eventually end, and therefore your focus should be on improving as quickly as possible. To maximize your chances of a quick recovery, you’ll want to make sure you are eating a healthy diet, socializing, staying as busy/productive as possible, getting some light exercise, and not dwelling on your symptoms. I recommend giving it a full 90 days before you reevaluate your symptoms.

This isn’t to say you’ll be 100% better in 90 days, but it’s just to motivate you to get to the 3 month marker after full discontinuation. At this point you’ll realize that the worst stage of many symptoms is completely over. If you’ve been on Zubsolv and are currently going through withdrawal and/or have already made it through withdrawal, feel free to share your experience in the comments section below.

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61 thoughts on “Zubsolv Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities”

  1. Today is rough… 5 days off zubsolv. Body aching and sweats and pains and being cold all the time.

    I can do this though… I have to. I know it’s not healthy but I’m drinking a little bit of my pre-work out throughout the day to try and keep my energy level up… not sure if that’s helping me or not.

  2. I have been on Zubsolv for 3 years now. I hate the stigma that comes with it. I’m treated like a piece of trash by people and this all started because, like a lot of people, my doctor was over prescribing pain meds to me for a problem I have with my jaw. I don’t consider myself better than anyone else going through addiction.

    The reality is, this is a disease and whether you inject heroin into your veins or take prescribed pain medication, opiates are opiates. You don’t wake up one day and decide you are going to be an opiate addict. It just happens when you least expect it. Anyway, I’m rambling a little bit. Here’s what I’m actually trying to get down to the bottom of.

    I started at 3 tablets daily and have cut myself down gradually to 1.25 tablets daily. My last dose change was 2 months ago and I have been fine. I only cut down by 1/4 tablet because it doesn’t affect me as much as 1/2 tablet would. About a week ago, I got really sick with what I thought was the stomach flu.

    I had a fever and chills. Was vomiting all night. Next day, I was back to normal and felt fine. Then last night, I got home from work and started feeling sick again. I had just taken my last Zubsolv dose 1 hour before that so I didn’t think it was withdrawal symptoms. Well, I gradually got sicker overnight.

    Massive muscle spasms in my back, nausea and vomiting, weakness and dizziness, insomnia, and chills. I called my doctor and he told me to increase my dose back up to 2 tablets. So I took a half tablet during the night with no relief. This morning, I took my normal half tablet. It wasn’t until this morning that I started feeling better at all, but this just seems really odd.

    Why am I going into withdrawal when I have been stable all this time and haven’t taken more than I should? My doctor had no clue why I was experiencing this. I refuse to increase my dose to 2 tablets when I have been so successful at cutting myself down. Tired of being addicted. Anyone experienced anything like this before? I felt so bad last night that I almost went to the ER.

  3. I’m 52 year old and many times I go through withdraws from pain pills. I’m a wounded veteran and I didn’t take pain meds for recreational use. Working 80+ hours for many years really hurt and pain meds masked the daily pain. Withdraw from zubsolv kicked my ass 3 times as any other withdraws.

    The stomach cramps are severe and if I had known zubsolv was as bad, I never would have took it. In 2 weeks – I still have cramps in stomach… not really anything else bothered me. It’s best to avoid cold turkey from zubsolv.

    • Imodium is a great help for stomach cramps and diarrhea. 5 weeks off Zubsolv now after 6 months but I was up to the strongest dose 3 tabs a day which was making me feel awful so I had had enough. Feeling better every day but very fatigued still. It is a very long process.

      Everything is an effort and I mean everything. Strangely enough my sex drive is through the roof on some days which my wife likes, but other than that, the sleeplessness is overwhelming and my doctors have been completely worthless. They could care less and will give me nothing for sleep because they don’t want me to get addicted to sleeping pills because I was taking opiates.

      Melatonin and NyQuil had very little effect. Sneezing all the time too. Probably would have been easier to stop taking the norco and fentanyl but knowing myself like I do, that probably never would have happened. It didn’t in 13 years. But no more constipation and those awful days on the toilet.

      No more stool softeners and not able to keep up with everyone. Even though I feel terrible, I do notice all my senses and feelings are coming back. You feel everything. Showers are incredible, music sounds even better, and food tastes better. It is great to feel alive again.

      No more monthly trips to the doctor and the pharmacist telling you it’s too early for a refill – so you pay as much as $20 for a pill from wherever you can find any – and 1 is nowhere near enough. This sucks, but life on pain pills is no way to live. They take so much from you. You have to be ready and for me it was time.

    • Have you had constipation/diarrhea issues even 10 days after discontinued? I can’t complete a f-ing bowel movement. It’s a living hell.

  4. I can relate to every post on here I was taking pain pills after back surgery and then stopped because I didn’t want to get hooked. The doc agreed, but what he didn’t tell me is of the serious withdrawals. After a couple of weeks trying to fight it I went to the doc and was given subutex then zubsolv.

    Fast forward 3 yrs later and I finally had enough of being a slave to pills, tapered down monthly starting from 2mg to 1.5mg to 1mg to 1/2mg and so on. Still feel lousy some days but I see light at the end of the tunnel. The ONLY thing that that made the withdrawals tolerable was my weed (which I see no one has mentioned).

    Don’t give up people were all in the same boat and things will get better and back to normal, fight every day – it’s worth it. We got ourselves into this mess and we all can get out. F the doctors they want you hooked so we keep coming back. They’re nothing but legal dealers.

    • Thank you SO much for the encouraging comments. Amen! We can do this. Seriously, anyone reading this not withstanding chronic pain, and people who genuinely need pain relief, can do this. I had 10 years of back pain and pills.

      I am 47 and four months ago I decided and was honest with myself as much as I loved my Percocet, I was sick of the game. I needed more and more to help and then when my back was better (post surgical spinal fusion) I was not in pain enough to warrant eating 6 Percocet 10/daily… But my body said, gimme more.

      I got on Suboxone 8 mg day, then my Doc switched me to Zubsolv 5.7. My plan to to begin cutting back a tiny bit by week myself. I have had some friends who take Suboxone express that it is NOT as bad if you gradually cut back, by day, by week. I will begin this summer and hope to be done by mid-late fall.

      If you have a doctor (a GOOD general PC Doc) talk to them. Be HONEST. Tell them your goals. Your fears and let them help you with clonidine / support meds like xanax or valium for those creepy legs and sleep disturbances. Take YOUR TIME, if you can. Another thing that has helped me so much is Activia drinkable yogurt WITH probiotics.

      I drink one or two per day. It keeps me “regular” and not constipated. Not to mention what it does to keep you well. How awful to be going through withdrawal and have flu or cold, too. Keep water with you at all times. Your body functions on the highest levels when you are fully hydrated.

      Your organs and all bodily functions need it, and those draggy days where you feel bad and not sure why – because your body needs to rid of waste and water helps! Hydration is underrated. Understand that you are HUMAN. None of us is exempt from being chemically dependent on any medication.

      Know that you aren’t alone. Pray and ask God to help you through. Know that He loves and cares for us all, no matter what. I’m on the same path as you. Let’s bind together and maybe sooner than later our country (US) and the doctors who gave us these pills will have more sympathy to help us rid the chemical dependence and cease labeling us as addicts & drug seekers.

      Things will change. Just stay strong, REMEMBER this will not last. Stay focused on becoming NON-DEPENDENT and free of the judgement and ridicule! Godspeed. J- Alabama.

  5. I am 24 years old and I have been on suboxone/Zubsolv (both at different times) for 5 years. I recently found out some good news that I am expecting! I was surprised and a little worried because I always envisioned being off these opiate blockers long before I conceived. However, God had his own plans. I’ve been taking very very small amounts like a quarter of a 5.7/1.4 every other day.

    The fact that I have been on them so long, is why it’s always hard for me to get off of them. The biggest issues for me are the irritability, restlessness, anxiety, the sweats and chills, diarrhea, dehydration, hot and cold sweats, basically just an all around icky feeling. Anyone have any advice to make the symptoms less drastic? I would really appreciate it.

  6. Zubsolv is poison! Was on it for a couple months for abusing pain pills and been off it for a few weeks and still having WDs. Insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and chills. The other day I was hospitalized for pancreatitis, which not sure what caused it, but I wonder if Zubsolv caused the pancreatitis. Anyone else get pancreatitis after quitting cold turkey off Zubsolv?, Not sure just a suspicion. I also read abusing opiates caused pancreatitis. 3 months clean off pain meds for me.

  7. January 2017 – Since they don’t date these posts, I’m adding it myself. So here goes my story. I was on Opiate pain meds for many years due to a major surgery. I decided I wanted off this stuff. At approx 48 hours after my last pill is when all hell broke loose! I needed up in the ER and they kept me for four days in the hospital.

    Some pain addiction doctor came in to see me the following morning and told me I could either feel better in twenty minutes or the withdrawals could continue for weeks. I opted for the 20 minute fix because I hadn’t slept for at least 40 hours at this point and my head felt like it was going to explode! I insisted he give me the smallest dose there is! I think it was 2mg’s a day.

    After I came home I started to research Zubsolv. I really had no idea what any of this was. I felt like they had just replaced one drug for another, which really made me mad! I wanted off this new drug and fast! I realized this is a huge money maker for these “addiction doctors” and I wasn’t going to be another one of his cash cows!

    I was able to get off this pretty quickly by just tapering myself. I was done within a month! I am experiencing W/D’s as described in the info above. I think the insomnia and restlessness is by far the worst part. I’m on day 9 since I stopped taking it. My regular doctor gave me Neurontin which has helped me get some sleep, and stopped the restlessness.

    I am hoping since I wasn’t on this very long it will pass quicker? Idk, does that make any difference in this process or is the damage done from all the years of opiates?? My doctor has assured me the w/ds from the opiates are over, that what I’m experiencing is the mental part but couldn’t give me a time frame of how long this will last.

    FYI – I am not a drug addict/abuser. I never abused any meds and I have no other addictions, etc. Does that make any difference in the recovery time? I hate how I feel…

  8. Hello, cold turkey for a week and then took one. My GF and I (she is now in rehab and bout to come back) were splitting mine, so I wasn’t taking a prescribed dose. I figured when she left I took it a few more times and try to stop. It wasn’t awful, if you used pills or dope, you know awful. It’s more annoying. The worst were sweats, I sweat all the time, the sleep was either OK or bad.

    Lot of nightmares. I don’t take sleep meds, but do take neurontin and catapress at night, so that put me out for a few hours. I fought through the tiredness, seems to me I’d start the day tired but by night I was good. I’d walk to the store and back at 7 am just to feel like I can get past it. It was a 20 min walk – about 8 blocks. I have cold turkey’d off dope, Percocet, Suboxone like 3 times and methadone. I will get this done.

    I just remind myself of dropping from 80 mg of methadone to 35 mg in a couple months, then dropping out for good. I bought a few people’s take home for the times I needed to attend family functions, and of course didn’t want to look sick. But it was awful. It lasted 4 months before I’d felt like I could crawl out of the house. Luckily my GF at the time s, parents let me stay w her in a farm house 2 hrs from the city in the middle of nowhere.

    I had money but no drive to get up, dressed, trudge threw feet’s of snow…etc. just thinking of that time gives me chills. We can all do this. Get a therapist, and if you have a BF or GF, tell them you want sex whenever you can. It helps a bunch, or masturbate. Sounds funny, but it gets you light exercise and getting off releases endorphins. Drugs are a nuisance to enjoying life. To bad it took 20 years to learn.

  9. Well tonight will make 72 hours that I’ve been without zubsolv. I have been taking a half of a 5.7mg a day for about a month. This last week taking it every other day. And about three days ago I just stopped feeling like taking it. I’ve been extremely lethargic and depressed but besides that I’ve been fine. I’ve been resisting the urge to take a fourth of a 5.7 just out of boredom at this point.

    The only thing that’s really been helping is I’ve been getting pretty drunk the last few nights. That’s been helping with my mood and giving me something to look forward to all day to keep myself from taking some more. But I’m hanging in there. Really hope that it doesn’t get any worse. My little cousin said he just felt lethargic for a few days when he stopped taking subs after a months use so I’m hoping this will be it.

    I’ve withdrawn from subs after a years use of 3 strips a day cold turkey and it was miserable. Took about 4 days to start feeling bad… so hopefully this time will be different since I’ve only been on it for a month and at a much lower dose than last time. Wish me luck! And I hope this helps someone. Post again in a few days and let y’all know how it goes.

  10. I started taking opiates after several collapsed lungs. Doctors followed that with lung surgery on each side. This had left me on opiates for 4 years. After that, I was addicted and never stopped going to the doctor for more. I held a great job and did well for my family.

    Finally, one day I looked at my 9 year old daughter and realized that I had been dependent on pills for her entire life. So I went to my doctor and asked for the Suboxone which was later changed to Zubsolv. I will say that the Suboxone worked to help me realize that life without pills was a real possibility. I stayed on the Zubsolv for almost 2 years.

    But I am now on Day 9 of going cold turkey and I too have experienced every symptom here. I worked through the entire process so far. I am determined to not ever be dependent on drugs again. I am going to make it through this and you can too. Don’t give up! If I can do this so can you. Remember every day gets better!

    • I was on Norco 10 mg for 5 years bc of an auto accident. Before that I never took a pill was in the gym everyday for 10 years, looked and felt great. After I decided to quit the pain pills bc mine would get stolen every once in a while, and I went through pure hell, I went to my Dr and they put me on Suboxone. Lost my insurance and got enough money to go to a cash only clinic and began taking Zubsolv.

      I was prescribed 3 a day, but never took over one or a half a day for 2 years. Decided to get off those bc couldn’t afford them. I’m probably considered a mild addict to some of you all. I feel so bad for you. Even though I was taking such a low dose, it’s been really miserable. I’ve had most of the symptoms you’ve described. I’m into day 5 of no meds. Restless leg has kept me up every night, sweats, chills, I also like one lady said smell garlic and sneeze a lot.

      I don’t know if it’s the sweat that smells or just a symptom. I take klonopin to help with anxiety and heart palpitations. Best thing for restless leg is a warm bath, at least it’s relief for a while. I have it so severe it goes into my arms and upper body. Oh, also lots of magnesium helps too. If my Dr, after I’d had the wreck would have told me what my life was going to be after I became addicted to the pain killers, I’d never never taken them.

      Drs are bigger drug dealers than the ones in prison and on the streets, it’s just legal, greed. Your stories of success have encouraged me. Thank you!!! I was considering getting a pain pill just to feel better for a while, but changed my mind. For no more than I took, it’s been hell for me and I don’t know if my system is just more prone to addiction or what. But you all can do it, just like I’m going to and God bless you all.

  11. I abused opiates during my teenage years and became addicted to heroin for 9 months. I was prescribed Suboxone for a week or two and then transitioned to Zubsolv due to the side effects of Suboxone. I have been taking Zubsolv for 7 months and have been tapering from two 5.7mg tablets per day to one a day, and I have attempted to stop cold turkey after taking one every other day or so.

    I can go almost three days without taking one until experiencing almost unbearable withdrawal symptoms. The worst have been sweating, fatigue, loss of appetite, thirst, restlessness, insomnia, pain, irritability, and headaches. I try and curb the withdrawal symptoms by drinking kratom after a day or two without taking Zubsolv and that seems to help until day three.

    I have started splitting the 5.7mg tabs into two pieces and taking one every few days when I need something to counter the symptoms and I run out of kratom. It has been a few weeks of taking pieces of a tablet every 3 or 4 days, and I am still experiencing symptoms that keep me from sleeping or functioning normally. I have been absent from work for two weeks and am wondering when this will end, and if I will be able to replace the habit with kratom, which I do recommend.

    The symptoms are not as bad as the withdrawal from heroin, but I never expected to have to go through this kind of horror again.

  12. Hello. I began taking Suboxone two years ago for Fibromyalgia. After my new insurance refusing to cover it I switched to Zubsolv and was on it for almost a year. I felt like this medication was not helping with this type of pain and decided to stop because of the way it affected my ability to think and work. My intentions were to taper, but after my last visit with the pain DR.

    I got so frustrated that I never got the medication filled. I just wanted it out. I was so fearful of the withdrawal, but for me, and I understand everyone’s body is different, the withdrawal was mild and smooth. Minor sweating, and minor frontal lobe headache. I kept busy, kept going to work, and did not stop my daily routines.

    I was taking three of the 1.4s a day for pain. I am so thankful to be off of this drug. I read the craziest things online, people using this drug in the wrong ways. This drug was created for a reason and it should be taking as prescribed. Cold Turkey may not work for everyone, but it did for me. Thank You,

  13. I have been on suboxone or zubsolv for 3-4 years, buying them off the street the first 2 and a half years while also taking hydrocodone. Whichever I could find to not withdraw. Was addicted to hydrocodone for 6 years. I got pregnant last year, April 2015, and finally went to a doctor to get suboxone prescribed. If you withdraw while pregnant, it can harm or kill your baby. So I sought out help.

    What makes me a true addict I would say… When I was not going to a doctor, I was making one suboxone strip last me nearly a week if I couldn’t get pills. Then sought help from a doctor and thought that I would finally end my addiction. But instead the doctor prescribed me TWO a DAY. I should of said no, if I even could of, but I am an addict. My doctor could care less.

    While pregnant and working on my feet long hours, I increased to 1 a day then eventually to 2 a day. Not what I thought would happen. I planned on stopping, especially since I was pregnant. But you are replacing one addiction with another. And so I abuse it some days and others I only take one not two. It’s a battle to stop and it is just as bad as the opiate’s.

    If you are seeking help and want to get on zubsolv, research and do what you have to do to stop as fast as possible. Because before you know it, it will be a year and a half or 6 years later. And you will feel like there is no end. This stuff can and will be addicting if you let it. So do not go to a doctor that doesn’t care.

    I literally never see him, only the nurses, and have to pay so much money and the prescription is just as expensive (no insurance). I want off so bad and have not been able to do so. It’s frustrating and expensive. I want to stop, have to stop, and will try the taper method. Reading what everyone has wrote has helped me make my mind up. I’m letting the drug win and hope I can come back here one day and tell you I have stopped completely and give you better advice.

    Reading what others have written makes me feel not so lonely in this battle. Not the only one struggling. I commend you all who have stopped or in the withdrawal stages. Being an addict is the worst thing I’ve ever done to myself. And I’m truly tired of the struggle!

  14. What a horrifying list of symptoms! I’ve been taking Subutex, then switched to Zubsolv for years for fibromyalgia. As I’ve been tapering off of Zub, I was also tapering off of Trazodone for sleep. I’m happy to say my w/d symptoms are minimal compared to what others are experiencing: sleep disturbance, fatigue, pressure in my chest.

    Most days I now take no Zub, but occasionally will take 1/4 or 1/2 – if I do this before 1 pm, I will sleep through the night. Yesterday, I took 1/4 at about 1:30pm & felt so energetic & great even into the evening, that I thought my symptoms were over–until I had a sleepless nite! Anyway, I count myself lucky after reading everything here–perhaps others of you will as well. Good luck!

  15. Day 11 of Zubsolv withdrawal. Was on Suboxone or it for 5-6 years. Tapered down to two a week then ran out. Feel horrid. I thought the liquid bowl movements and gas were bad…then nausea hit at 3:30am today. Haven’t been to work all week. Guess whose rent will be waaay late. No appetite. This sucks.

  16. I’ve just completed week six from zubsolv use! Yeah, It’s still a bugger. Sleep is coming back slowly… I started at 16/4 mg./day and had worked my way down to 1.4/.36 once daily over 3 years of use. I knew it was going to be a son of a gun and it didn’t disappoint! Like the withdrawal symptoms above said fatigue is the worst.

    I stand 8 hours a day at work. I still have to sit down from time to time as I get exhausted easily. Some days are better than others. DON’T QUIT or GIVE IN!! It does get better! And I am also a recovering alcoholic / addict 3+ years sober (minus the zubsolv). You can do it if I can LOL! What a wicked drug!!! Only Advil and tylenol for me for my pain… Good luck to all!!

  17. Today is Saturday April 9th 2016 & I can say I am on day 4 of no zubsolv. First night was really bad. Fever, can’t sleep, toothache, (Something that’s been there but masked BC of the meds). Every time I lay down my stomach goes in knots. I can’t stop sweating & the chill bumps never end!! I know this wont last forever – I can already tell that my body & my brain are coming back to life.

  18. Has anyone had severe rhinitis (sneezing, itchy,watery eyes, etc.) during withdrawal from zubsolv? I was on Suboxone for about 3 years and switched to Zubsolv for about 3 years as well. It’s been a little over 2 months since I’ve been completely clean and I feel much better mentally and physically, but the severe rhinitis I’ve been experiencing is so frustrating…

      • So you guys are sneezing like crazy during withdrawal? That’s funny because I haven’t sneezed in probably 7 months… (which is almost the amount of time I have been on Zubsolv). Maybe the sneezes were built up!

        • Yes! I’ve sneezed more in the last two weeks off Zubsolv than I did the 9+ years on zub/subs… I thought maybe it was an E-cig reaction…

  19. My sister has been on zub for just over2 years but she doesn’t take a full pill a day, it’s been just over a quarter for about six-months. I know she is scared to quit and doesn’t know if she can get any time off work, but we have been talking and she is ready to seriously get her life back. I know I can’t help the irritability and anger she’ll be feeling, but is there anything I should have on hand besides maybe some Gatorade?

    What about sleep pills for the insomnia, would that help or hurt? She won’t get a docs help with this, but I was wondering if there is anything over-the-counter or supplements that could help her through the worst of it?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

    • I tried tapering off last fall with no success. I need to get off Zubsolv but am so fearful of the withdrawals! I have a dr’s appointment tomorrow to see what steps are necessary!

      • I’ve tried and tried and tried and finally I have succeeded so please keep trying. Your brain will eventually get the drift & you will just do it. =)

  20. After a very serious 10 plus year opiate addiction (up to 20 30mgs per day for years) I decided I had to stop, I tried multiple times without success previously with some of the most awful withdrawal symptoms imaginable including receiving IV fluids after one attempt. I used zubsolv for 10 days, 2 5.7 mg once a day for 6 days, with a couple times an extra at night for first few days. After seven days I went to 1 for three days and then stopped completely.

    I have some fatigue, but I am so happy I stopped before getting addicted to Zubsolv. I feel 90% better and improving every day, of course I follow doctor’s instructions, but these long term Zubsolv scripts may be helping the pharma companies more than anyone else. I have a high stress finance job and work 10-12 hours a day.

    I can’t tell you how much better things are now. Hope this helps someone. Trading one addiction for another is not doing much good in my book.

  21. It has been almost six weeks since I went cold turkey and I’m finally becoming a real person again. Anyone who is in their first few weeks, yes it seems unbearable. I experienced every symptom I have ever seen and I continued to push because it just started to piss me off that I wasted so much time already.

    I’m still getting better everyday, but it really took off once I got through those really anxiously shaking days. I am telling you, you can do this. Just remember your body is going through this to rid itself of this medicine that is plaguing your body. Please don’t give up!

    • Of all the posts I read here on my 7th day of withdrawal, I have to say, yours was the most promising. Thank you for your input. Truly is hell, but in a strange sort of bearable hell…LOL. Only an addict can understand it. Peace

  22. I been on zubzolv 3 months but I only take a tiny chunk twice a day. It doesn’t last a full 24 hours. If I don’t take a piece after about 14 hours I am sick to my stomach and I get the horrible sweats. Does this seem right or could it be something else making me this way? Usually if I take a piece before bed I am OK, but if I wait until the next day, I am sick by the time I wake up.

  23. I’ve been addicted to pain medication since I was 16 years old following a car accident that left me with several back injuries and a titanium femur. I have been prescribed zubsolv as an alternative to opioids and I am looking to wean down to minimize withdrawal symptoms. I went 1 week cold turkey and the symptoms were unbearable. I gave in and filled the new script that was given, however I am looking for the best way to taper so that the withdrawals are minimal. Any advice would be appreciated.

    • That and I am constantly sneezing. I tapered for 8 months down to the lowest dose they make and I would cut the pill into 1/4 and take a quarter a day. I believe it was the 1.4. I am feeling alright for the most part as I am on day 5 of nothing. Yawning sneezing and watery eyes. Can’t forget the hot/cold sweats.

  24. I have been off of zubzolv for two weeks and it’s been extremely horrible. I used the taper method and the last week I was on them I was taking a half every other day. Since I have stopped cold turkey I haven’t slept hardly at all and I don’t eat because of the nausea and diarrhea. It’s not gotten any better in two weeks and it’s driving me nuts. I basically have to lock myself in a room and stay away from people because of the mood swings. I wouldn’t recommend anyone ever taking this medication or quitting cold turkey.

    You would be better off going to a rehab facility. I don’t know how doctors and medical companies sleep at night. They prescribe one medication that gets you hooked and replace it with another that’s just as bad. If anyone needs someone to talk to feel free to email me. Believe me I know how it is when you are going through this and nobody understands or cares what you are going through.

    • Hi I’m very interested to know how the withdrawals progressed and hoping you didn’t relapse or need to replace by taking a different prescription drug? I was a heroin addict for around 2 years then on suboxone for another 2 years (but with a few relapses to H if I ran out of meds). I then got out onto zubsolv and realized it’s just as hard as suboxone to manage without.

      So because I couldn’t afford a rehab, or any more meds, I tapered myself off by breaking the last pill into minute crumbs. Now it’s been 7 days without anything and the withdrawals have been nasty needed Imodium and have been drinking alcohol (but not excessively )to try and help me fall asleep.feel very angry emotional and sometimes awful anxiety attacks but if I stay occupied or force myself to go outside it helps.

      I’m lucky not to have a job at the moment or should I say I’ve chosen not to work as I can’t function during this. I’m on a very tight budget and need to work again ASAP. I just wonder after week 1 how long it will last??? I’m determined not to relapse to heroin and thank God I’m not actually craving it at the moment. Best of luck to anyone going through this hell!!!

    • I was on norco 10/325 for 7 years fro my DJD in my back, I work 12 hour shifts and I am on my feet a lot. I was prescribed Zubsolv 07/2015. I am now trying to taper off. Reading everyone’s experience coming off zubsolv really scares me. I am moving to another state and starting a new job. Should I take a couple weeks off to get my head right before I start my new job? I have started trying to exercise, anything to feel normal. I would appreciate any suggestions.

      • Yes, I took a vacation week with weekends before and after off for the start of WD after tapering down. Even the second week is tough with insomnia and general fatigue in my experience.

    • Have been on zubsolv for 9 months but really want to get off of it. I am frightened of all the horrible things I have heard about any type of way to get this stuff outta my life. Go to a clinic everyday, they just want to keep you coming back, they make you feel real bad when you suggest a tapering concept. I believe it’s a racket all about the money, but I’m concerned about just stopping on my own, don’t know what to do!!!!!

    • I don’t know how they sleep either. My doctor was hanging my dependency on zubsolv and indirectly her over my head by making up unnecessary appointments, (not cheap as she didn’t go through insurance) and saying if I didn’t go to the appointment then she would cut me off the zubsolv. I cut her out of my life and unfortunately am going cold turkey. I don’t know how she lives with herself. Worst drug dealer (which is exactly what she is) I have ever had by far.

    • I am weaning down from 2 & 1/2 a day and I am down to 1 & 3/4 a day and it is very hard for me. I haven’t been to work in 2 days and there is no way for my boss to really understand what I am going through as he has never been an addict. I have been on ZUBSOLV for a little over a year. The last two days when I have been woken up by my alarm to get ready for work I have just woken up irritable – extremely irritable to the point that I want to sock anyone that comes near.

      I have dealt with horrible sweating the entire time that I have been on this medication and my doctor basically says there is nothing we can do about it except getting me stabilized. I think if I had ever been truly stabilized the sweating would have stopped eventually but it hasn’t. I have worn my sweater the entire time through the hot mid-west summer.

      I have had horrible restless leg problems the last two mornings as well. I don’t know how to make this stop but it has to because if it doesn’t then I am afraid of losing my job which is also high pressure everyday all day.it seems as though I never get anytime to relax and let my body and mind relax because if they aren’t complaining cause I didn’t come to work they are complaining that I didn’t come to work it seems like all they care about is the production at work not if the employees doing the production are happy and healthy.

      Working a full time job plus having a 3 year old to care for and school things to do plus taking this med and dealing with the stress of that is getting to me and I don’t know what to do. I need time to let myself truly relax but I’m not allowed to per my job and my busy life, so I need some help or ideas or something please and thank you.

  25. Hi, I was addicted to opiates since I was 16 due to a prescription for my chronic back pain and surgery. I would be dead if it weren’t for my doctor, suboxone/zubsolv, my family and my boyfriend. I know that all for a fact. It has now been over 5 yrs on zubsolv, I tapered from 3 to 2 per day. And now I have to wait over a month for insurance from my new job. I’ve broken up my last few pills to help ease into WD, but I’m basically going cold. Anyone else experience this? Any tips for me heading into no medicine days? Any would be helpful!

  26. I’m on zubsolv for 2.5 years and I’m tapering off. I’m cutting the 5.7 mg in 4 pieces and I’m taking 1 piece a day. I’m already feeling WD symptoms. Can someone that did this email me and tell me their experience please?

    • Miguel, I did the same thing in quarters but you have to reduce slowly. Don’t be in a hurry to stop something you have done for so long. You have to mentally and physically prepare yourself slowly. I weaned over a six month period… best advice? Instead of trying to just take a quarter out of the gate – reduce by a quarter for a month or two and continue until you get to that quarter over months and it won’t be near as hard. I’m no doctor but it worked for me. We took it for same amount time and at the same dose. Hope it helps. Good luck. God helps too.

  27. BE WARNED I was told people could take this for years and it was OK. I started a seven year addiction to Percocet due to a bad car accident. I overdosed this year of 2015. Went to rehab and they gave me suboxone. Unfortunately when I left my insurance didn’t approve it so zubsolv it was. I’m six months sober. about a month ago I told my doctor I wanted to taper off. He properly tapered me off zubsolv. I am on day four and still feel like hell.

    Day 2 was the worse I heard voices, cold, sweats, weak, depressed, cant leave the house, feel like I’m about to die, heart palpitations, cant eat and diarrhea. I’m extremely dehydrated and my husbands trying to get fluids in me that don’t wanna go in and stay in. My current doctor said I’m suffering with acute withdrawal syndrome to zubsolv. the only solutions are comfort meds and the symptoms can last to 1-3 weeks. Plus there is a post acute syndrome that last 2 years. Zubsolv IS DANGEROUS.

    • I agree Zubsolv is dangerous and I am on day 3 without it only was on it for 3 months. I would not advise anyone take this medicine it has to many side effects and the withdrawals are as bad as withdrawal from pain pills. Hope it gets better. I can’t eat, have trouble sleeping, agitation, anger, nausea, and headache. If I knew about all the w/d symptoms I never would’ve taken the stuff.

  28. I have been on zubsolv for 2 years now after taking Suboxone for 2 years. I know it’s time for me to to start resuming and eventually come off but I am really scared. I have a 10 year old daughter and I need to be 100% focused for my high pressure job. Not sure if the above weaned themselves off or went cold turkey. Can someone explain to me if there’s a difference?

    • Hi, I am day 23 on Zubslov w.d. I also have a high pressure job (attorney). I will not lie, it was a terrible experience. The worst was the loss of sleep for so long. Fortunately, I picked a slow time at work when a lot of people we on vacation. I was not very productive for about a week, but I could function. Try to take your last dose (wean down as much as you can) on a Thurs., so the worst symptoms will hit on the weekend. Maybe take a day or 2 off work (easier said).

      Here is the good news, there is an end point. I do not feel the intense symptoms any more. A lot of lethargy and some depression, but those will eventually pass. You can do this…try to get a Dr to give a script for something to help you sleep. That saved me. Good Luck!!

    • Wean yourself… If you have been on it that long start cutting your daily dose by quarters. Cold turkey will literally shut down your nervous system and after 2-3 days you will be in virtual shock! As for your child you will be fine while reducing your dose over several weeks. Do it gradually… take your time.

      Don’t rush get your body and mind familiar with the reduced amount. When you stop completely you will certainly need someone around to watch your child or send her off to camp for a week or two. You won’t be able to pour a bowl of cornflakes for yourself initially, much less tend to your child’s needs.

      You need a minimum of 7 days off in my experience. It’s hard mentally gradually prepare. Your body and brain need that stuff now. Slowly tell them they don’t. Hope this helps.

  29. Weaning off Zubsolv was not particularly easy for me. I tried to taper my dose very gradually (though I was not given a tapering dose by my doctor who had prescribed the Zubsolv several years ago for my Fibromyalgia.) When I went into acute narcotic withdrawal, I had my husband take me to an ER. I was given IV fluids, IV Phenergan (for nausea) and IV Toradol (a NSAID) plus when I was getting ready to be discharged after 7 hours in the ER, I was given oral prescriptions to fill.

    They were: Hydroxyzine (generic Atarax) for restlessness, generic Zofran for nausea and Dicyclomine for abdominal cramping or muscle spasms. I thought the nausea, agitation, anger, muscle pain in large muscles of my back and thighs, insomnia, weakness and fatigue were my most difficult symptoms. I am 18 days out from when I went to the ER my first time and I am now able to eat more as my nausea is less and my muscle pain and irritability and anger has subsided some. I still have some withdrawal symptoms but I can tell I am improving some.

    I did have to go to the ER a second time about a week out from the first time due to extreme weakness related to continued nausea. I was given another bag of IV fluids, one dose of IV Phenergan and one dose of IV Toradol which helped. I think the amount of anger I had completely took me by surprise but I don’t have that amount of anger now. I a glad to be off the Zubsolv. I hope this information from my withdrawal experience is helpful to someone. Bless you.

  30. It has been about 2 weeks off zubsolv. Was on it or suboxone for about 3 years after 10 year pill addiction. The first 2 days weren’t bad, I felt fine. The 3rd-7th day were bad, but not opiate bad. Just no sleep, aches and pains, and cravings were bad. I got multivitamins and some advil and melatonin. I am already feeling better, mornings are still rough, but getting better. If possible I would take at least a week off work. Diarrhea is still really bad.

    • I totally agree with that. Same for me. The runs can really hold you back from wanting to go out and get your mind off of it!

  31. I would like to add a few more on the list of things that you may experience. Not wanting to eat, the feeling you need to keep swallowing, your senses are heightened from sensitivity to touch, sound, and you will experience certain smells. For me it was the smell of Garlic that went on for about five days. Today is day 8 for me and I am feeling better, but still sweating. Good luck to anyone who is trying to quit, don’t give up.

  32. Hi I’m on day 5 of withdrawal from taking Zubsolv and tapered down to a very very small amount before quitting cold turkey. Most of my symptoms have been lots of hot and cold flashes, chills, and super sweats. Seems to be much better today but still there – more sweating today than chills and flashes, last night was my worst night with restless legs and sleepiness. Mood swings are there too, but I’m staying hopeful and looking forward to the new normal for me! I keep my mind busy and stay doing something to keep me busy as well. I can only hope it will all get better in the next few days to come.

    • How long and how much zubsolv were you on? I am starting to wean myself off. Any advice you can give me would be great. I was on 5.7 mgs 3x a day. Trying to go down to 2 or 1 a day.

      • Day 7 off Zubsolv… First I would Like to thank the author’s of this forum. Thank you for the great information and you have the symptoms of withdrawal down to a T. If I had only read all of this before getting hooked on this crap. I think beating the other pills may have been easier but the Drs are the new pushers for sure. They even tried to talk me out of weaning off saying I would fail.

        I never turn down a challenge and quit once before. So for all of you that think it’s hopeless after day one or two? Hang in there! You can do it!! Everyday gets just a bit better. Last time I quit it took about 7 solid days on the vouch legs and arms swinging off the chain but once u get past the restless leg syndrome you are almost home free. I noticed for myself anyway once you get past that night or two and the flashes it’s all downhill.

        Want to give you some hope. You will bounce back. I was taking one 5.7 twice daily and tapered down to breaking one tablet into fours for several weeks before I decided on D day. Just be ready it seems easy until you do it… make sure you can get some time off work and have nothing really important to do. What I noticed in tapering is that a half or quarter packed the same initial punch and still lasted me all day.

        I was shocked to see just how powerful a drug this is taking a quarter a day for weeks then stopping. Tire skid marks in the road people. The doctors and pharma companies have outdone themselves in creating a new legal evil. I got hooked initially on Suboxone itself… I only turned to other opiates when I couldn’t get Suboxone or Zubsolv. I can however say I have gone 7 days and I’m not going back. Ever. Best of luck to you all. Seek god… ask for his help. Saved my life many times and saving it again now.

    • Thanks Amanda- keep at it. I tapered from 5.7 x 3 for several years down to as low as I could go before stopping. I had a dr prescribe clonidine and I use over the counter melatonin to help with sleep. The insomnia is the hardest part for me. I’m on day 11 now and each day is getting better.

      I also started naltrexone (the blocker without Any opioid) on day 4 off of Zubsolv. That helps as a stop gap even though I don’t plan to use.

      I haven’t used drugs or alcohol in almost 10 years outside of prescription Zubsolv so this has been a final frontier to get truly clean. Life went well on the meds but it was a ball and chain and I wasn’t my true self. I’m excited for what’s to come now. Good luck to everyone.


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