Suboxone (Buprenorphine) is a medication that is primarily used to help individuals that are struggling with opiate addiction. This substance works as a semi-synthetic opioid agonist on the Mu receptor of the brain. In high doses it works to treat people that are trying to kick their addiction with opiates. In lower doses, it can be prescribed to help with moderate chronic pain. Since it is prescribed to many people trying to overcome their opiate dependency, there are many individuals that have been taking this drug for extended periods of time.
Although most people tend to find that this medication works for its intended purposes, it is more difficult than many think to withdraw from. In fact, some people have gone on to say that their withdrawal from Suboxone was more difficult than from their actual opiates. Theoretically it should be easier to withdraw from Suboxone, but some people get so accustomed to the drug when they come off of it, they cannot cope with life. This is a very powerful medication and a “controlled substance” (Schedule III). Most people notice that when they come off of it, they go through an intense withdrawal period.
Factors that influence Suboxone withdrawal include
There are many factors that have an influence on how quickly the withdrawal symptoms will subside. These include things like time that you took the drug, the amount you took, your personal physiology, as well as whether you plan to taper or come off “cold turkey.”
Another factor that may play a role is whether you still need the substance to treat your opiate addiction. It is not recommended to withdraw from Suboxone until you have your addiction under control and have a stress-free environment. It’s not recommended to come off of this medication unless you are prepared for the withdrawal symptoms that are in store.
1. Time Span
How long were you taking Suboxone? Generally the longer you took the drug, the more difficult the withdrawal process. Someone that has taken it for months will likely have an easier time coming off of it in comparison to someone who has been on it for years. When you are on any drug for an extended period of time, your body becomes more reliant upon it for everyday functioning. With Suboxone your body is getting an opiate-based response which helps lower pain levels. Thus the longer you are on it, the longer it will take your body to build up its ability to naturally fight pain during the withdrawal process.
2. Dosage
This drug can be taken transdermally (e.g. a “film” applied to the skin), orally (e.g. pill form), and with injections. The dose of Suboxone film tends to range from 4 mg/1 mg buprenorphine/naloxone to 24 mg/6 mg buprenorphine/naloxone per day. Most people agree that even fairly low doses can be just as effective as higher doses at treating symptoms. In pill form, the dosage range tends to typically fall between 1 mg and 16 mg.
3. Individual physiology
When coming off of any drug, two people aren’t going to have the same reaction. Some individuals may experience an array of painful symptoms, while others may experience very minimal symptoms. Your individual physiology and nervous system plays a huge role in determining how you react to coming off of the medication.
4. Cold turkey vs. tapering
Suboxone tends to have a pretty long half life (37 hours) – meaning the drug stays in your system for a pretty lengthy amount of time. Despite the longer half life, it is still recommended to not quit this medication “cold turkey.” If you quit without conducting a gradual taper, you are basically leaving your body and mind in a state of chemical chaos.
Your body is used to the drug and if you quit cold turkey from a high dose, you may experience much more pain than necessary. It is recommended to follow a tapering protocol off of Suboxone so that you minimize withdrwal symptoms as much as possible.
Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities
For many people withdrawal from Suboxone is just as difficult as the opiate that they were initially addicted to. Some people have attempted to quit this drug multiple times and are unable to cope with Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). Many of the withdrawal symptoms are a result of the body and brain becoming reliant on the medication. Each day you are off of Suboxone, you should realize that your body will be working towards returning to physical and mental homeostasis.
- Anxiety: Many people report severe anxiety and some experience panic when dealing with the withdrawal symptoms. Suboxone tends to have a calming effect on people, so it would make sense that when stopping this medication some people experience significant anxiety.
- Body aches: It is common to report aches and pains throughout the body when quitting this medication. These aches may be somewhat painful, but do your best to cope with what you are feeling. Realize that these should gradually lessen as you make it further through withdrawal.
- Concentration problems: You may feel as if you are unable to focus on any task. Work and/or school may become increasingly difficult. Your brain’s functioning was influenced by Suboxone and now you cut off the supply. It is trying to sort itself out as you withdraw from this medication.
- Confusion: Some people report feeling a general sense of confusion when they quit this medication. Any drug that has an influence on the brain and neurotransmitters can result in a certain degree of confusion when you stop taking it.
- Cravings: Suboxone is a Schedule III drug for a reason – it’s extremely powerful and in some cases addicting. Most people will experience some cravings for Suboxone when they first withdraw. These cravings happen because people have a difficult time dealing with the withdrawal experience – some symptoms can be pretty intense.
- Depersonalization: You may not feel like yourself during the withdrawal, which may cause you to freak out. If you are feeling as though you have become a totally different person. And chemically, you have become a different person – your endorphin and neurotransmitters are different than they were when you started. It will take awhile to feel like your “old self” again.
- Depression: It is very common to experience a general state of dysphoria and depression when you are coming off of Suboxone. It can be difficult to not identify with the depression – especially since it is linked with inadequate levels of neurotransmitters and endorphins. Do your best to realize that this is merely part of the withdrawal process and know that you will get better with time. It has been found that Suboxone helps treatment-resistant depression – therefore it also serves as an “off label” antidepressant. It makes logical sense that coming off of this medication may result in increased depression.
- Diarrhea: Most people experience some sort of diarrhea when they quit Suboxone. This is because narcotics tend to cause constipation – coming off of them produces the opposite effect. An easy solution to this symptom is to buy some Imodium – which is available over-the-counter.
- Discomfort: Most people coming off of this medication describe a sense of overall discomfort or malaise that they experience. If you are feeling especially uncomfortable, this is to be expected.
- Dizziness: You may feel dizzy or experience vertigo when you quit this drug. Although this isn’t as commonly reported as other symptoms, it is still possible that you could feel dizzy – especially if you don’t gradually taper.
- Fatigue: It is very obvious that you are going to experience fatigue when you stop taking Suboxone. This is a result of your body relying on the drug to give you energy throughout the day. Eventually the fatigue will subside and your energy levels will return to normal. Keep in mind that this may take an extended period of time.
- Fear of going crazy: You may fear as if you are about to snap or as though you really cannot put up with these symptoms. Just keep in mind that this is the withdrawal process and your anxiety levels are high during this time.
- Flu-like symptoms: Some people report feeling “sick” when they come off of this drug. Many of the symptoms including aches, pains, nausea, and sweating can feel similar to the flu.
- Headaches: It is common to experience headaches during withdrawal from Suboxone. If they become extreme, you may want to conduct a more gradual taper and/or consider headache relief medication.
- Insomnia: Many people will struggle to get a good night’s sleep when they initially stop taking Suboxone. This is due to the fact that they are no longer receiving the same degree of opioidergic and GABAergic stimulation to facilitate CNS depression. When stopping the drug, some individuals may experience severe insomnia despite feeling mentally and physically exhausted.
- Irritability: Some individuals report feeling highly irritable and grouchy when they first stop taking the drug. This may keep up for an extended period of time until a person re-establishes proper neurotransmitter levels.
- Malaise: Something may not feel right and you may notice that you just feel “off.” This is a general state of feeling ill or as if something is wrong. You should eventually recover from this feeling as time continues to pass.
- Mood swings: Not everyone will experience mood swings, but those who do may find them very difficult to cope with. One minute you may feel as if things are turning a corner for the better, and the next you may feel depressed, discouraged, and angry. Take a step back and realize that it is completely normal to have fluctuations in mood as you heal.
- Muscle tension: Many individuals report feeling especially tense during their withdrawal. Your muscles may feel very rigid and unable to relax. The best way to deal with this symptom is to work on guided relaxation in which you focus on mentally relaxing various parts of your body.
- Nausea: You may feel nauseated throughout the day – in some cases to an extreme. This nausea may lead to vomiting in some cases. Recognize that this may be tough to cope with in the early stages of withdrawal, but will subside.
- Pain: Since Suboxone is used by some people to help with chronic pain, you may feel more intense pain when coming off of it. This is because your body has gotten used to the drug doing most of the work to treat the pain and the natural endorphin production has significantly declined. In most cases it will take a good 30 days before your body’s natural endorphin levels start to rise again. Expect the pain to be more severe than prior to starting Suboxone during the withdrawal process.
- Restlessness: Many individuals report that they experience restlessness when they first come off of this drug. Specifically reported is the fact that people have restless leg or twitching in their legs that is only relieved with movement.
- Runny nose: When withdrawing you may experience an excessively runny nose. This is inevitable and is associated with the withdrawal process. Having a runny nose is not generally a debilitating symptom, but may be annoying in the early stages of withdrawal.
- Sleepiness: For many people, the Suboxone contributed significantly towards everyday functioning and task performance. When you cut off the supply during withdrawal, your body is basically going to be left without any energy. You may experience excessive sleepiness as your body and mind attempt to heal.
Note: The amount of time Suboxone stays in your system following discontinuation is subject to significant variation among users. Due to its long half-life, it can take up to 10 days after complete cessation to fully excrete the drug; this could be why symptoms become most severe 1-2 weeks into withdrawal.
Suboxone withdrawal timeline: How long does it last?
The withdrawal process differs for everyone – I recommend giving it 90 days before re-evaluating symptoms. There are a number of physiological and environmental factors that will play a role in determining your success when coming off of this substance. You should always be working closely with a professional who knows what to expect and can guide you through the symptoms. Some people are able to withdraw within weeks, while for others the process takes months, and/or years for their body and brains to reset to homeostatic functioning.
By waiting 90 days (3 months), you will have likely recovered some, but most people suggest that this is the turning point – things should gradually keep improving from here. There is no set time period that universally applies to everyone for withdrawal. You may feel better by the 90 day marker, or you may still feel pretty crappy – keep in mind that everyone has a unique situation. It may take one person a full year to completely recover from withdrawal symptoms and it may take a different person just a few weeks or months.
During withdrawal from Suboxone it is highly recommended to engage in healthy activities. Take the time to get outside, get sunlight, exercise, stay busy throughout the day, and socialize with good friends and family. It is not going to be easy, but do your best to push yourself out of your comfort zone. For example, even if you feel extremely fatigued, try to go for a walk or go to the gym. Even if you don’t feel like working or talking to anyone, do it anyways. Try to stay as productive and healthy as you can during withdrawal – this will ensure quicker recovery.
It’s crazy what we endure when stopping Suboxone. I was on longer than most, 11 years on Suboxone, 4-5 years of Pain Pills before that. I say ‘Pain Pill’ because there was no preference really, as long as it was opiate derived. It was touted as being great, so much more practical than Methadone, and could be done in an outpatient setting easily, with no daily trips to a clinic.
Man were they wrong. I stopped on Sep. 1, 2018 and have been off of it for 30 days. I had been taking 1 & 1/2 (8mg) strips for 11 years. I tapered myself by cutting the strips down into tiny pieces with nail clippers, about 1/10th of a strip. I didn’t do it gradually either, I cut down at a low dose for about 2 weeks, then quit.
I had to do it this way, my doctor had retired unbeknownst to me, and I was told to find a new provider. Well, I didn’t want to, so here we are. I was done with it. Yes, time on it does have a huge impact on withdrawal, the longer the more severe. I’m still having bad days, lethargy mostly.
I had every symptom from sneezing in 3s, to tremors, RLS, tummy issues, etc. It was freaking awful. Day 13 is when the vomiting uncontrollably started, and I’m still throwing up once a day even now. I still have strips in my cabinet, duct taped shut so they can’t be accessed, and I had no desire to use them even when sick.
I had no desire to start the 37 hour clock back and undo progress. On about day 17, I started using Kratom once a day in the morning to get going, and to stop sweating so crazily. It really does help tremendously. I got the White Elephant, stronger than some of the other options, but I seriously would not recommend it for someone who cannot set a certain number of days to use it by.
I wouldn’t recommend more than 7-9 days of usage, just so you aren’t trading withdrawal for another substance. I waited until now to add my comment, as my view would probably have been skewed if I tried while I was still really sick. Sleep deprivation caused some very awkward thinking, and I am just now getting over 2-3 hours a night.
I really considered doing a controlled knock-out to help me sleep, which obviously isn’t rational thinking. I did have a splendid nurse that agreed to help the process, even though this wasn’t her field whatsoever. She prescribed Clonidine, which helped to slow my heart to a comfortable pace, and worked to relax my body (somewhat).
For the first 7-10 days, I had to lay on my hands, behind my back to stop them from wanting to flail. I won’t lie, it’s been s***. My thinking isn’t quite clear, and it feels like my brain can’t find pleasure in anything, but I’m slowing getting back into a rhythm of normalcy. I implore anyone ready to try to get off of Suboxone, because it’s the actual devil.
I had no idea how much of me was suppressed. My libido, blood sugar, skin, humor, are all slowly getting back where they should be. Suboxone should not be a long term thing, not in any way. I happened to write a long email to Indivior (the new Manufacturer now in place of Reckitt Benckiser) begging them to consider prescribing restrictions for Suboxone, limiting the time it can be prescribed.
For those of us that have been on for years, and especially beyond 10 years, we can’t imagine someone else going through the absolute hell that will follow upon stopping. PAWS are very real, and any addiction specialist that argues that has no real understanding of how Suboxone changes the brain, or effects multiple body systems.
I don’t imagine my residual symptoms will leave any time soon, but I don’t regret stopping one bit. It’s totally worth it, and reading those words while sick may offer little solace, but it’s the truth. It gets better, albeit slowly. Still worth it. I wish so much that I would have just detoxed from the pills by myself, and never got on Suboxone.
It’s a good idea to stay away from any stimulants while sick, especially in the first 2 weeks, caffeine/sugar/nicotine don’t play well, but obviously if you need a smoke, keep it minimal, it will work to increase your heart rate making you more miserable. Sugar will definitely mess with tummies.
If I could explain it better, it feels like my brain/thinking patterns were halted when I began Suboxone, and I’m picking up right at that point before starting. I’m getting giddy and idiotic again, just like when I was 19 years old.
It’s different physically, person to person, that’s a given. Our experiences will never be exactly the same, but this comment section for whatever reason has turned into a refuge for people looking to quit, and I had to add to it. Two words, worth it. ?
I’m on or about day 35 of no Suboxone. I was put on a ridiculously high dose by a doc 3 – 4 years ago & lowered myself down. I was on 1mg every 36 hrs at the beginning of June 2018 and then .5 mgs before I decided to switch to oxycodone for a month and wean off of that.
I got the idea from a post online and was fine because I was never mentally addicted but very physically addicted to Suboxone. I still have no energy and feel like I have a bad sinus infection. I definitely gained weight too despite not eating much and its really hard to keep this going.
My teeth “hurt” too. The diarrhea finally stopped about a week ago but every time I eat even the smallest amount I get very loose stool. I’ve never been through a withdrawal before. I know it depends on the person but has anyone else had these odd symptoms and holy heck.
When will this ever end?! I’m also getting acne and usually have really clear skin. I hope the end of this is near… Please post if you can encourage me. Thanks!
I’m 1 month & a few days off of Subs after a 5 year pill habit & 6 years on Subs. I feel like total s*** still & have absolutely no energy. I’m severely depressed & anxiety is kicking hard. I can’t live like this for a year or even another month.
I’ve been through the worst part, but living like this isn’t a life either. I’m trying to do the right thing & stay away from it & have so far. Is there anything I can ask my doctor for to get rid of this feeling in my gut?
There is nothing that will work for that feeling, I have been through it and succeeded. We use because of this feeling, this feeling is a separation from God and the only way it can go away is for you to put God in that void. Read the Scriptures and call out to him.
I’ve finally hit my longest stint of being sober… Day 13 off my suboxone. After 9 years of pills and then heroin, I got the help I needed. Even though I knew I was trading one addiction for the next, I got on subutex. After 2.5 years of being on either subutex/suboxone, I went cold turkey.
Went 8 days and gave in to my demons. Went 8 days back on my subs and now Im on day 13 with nothing. I wont lie… Its been hard. And at this moment if I could get one, I probably would. But at the same time, I do not want to depend on them anymore. I want to live a normal life.
Meaning I don’t want to depend on something thru the day to get me thru the day. I’ve tried in the past, but I guess I was not ready. I know I’ve made it half way thru. And I have to keep telling myself that Im stronger than this. It’s just hard being in a new state and not having really anything to do or knowing anyone.
If I wouldn’t have moved away I’d be stuck in the same cycle. Sometimes leaving everything and everyone behind is something you have to do to get yourself well again. And as selfish as it might seem to some… this is a time to be selfish.
How can you help anyone else if you cant even help yourself? Reading other people’s comments help. I know I’m not the only one going thru this. So just know it gets easier… and you are not alone.
My name is Jodi and I was addicted to OxyContin 80 mg prescribed 120 a month back in 2004 and began taking suboxone 8mg/2mg strips and have been clean other than the suboxone! So I decided To come off of the suboxone! I have been on the suboxone for 8+ years and they just have no effect in my life and I want to just feel again so I decided it was time to taper down myself.
I started at a half for a couple of weeks and then I skipped 3 days with some panic attacks. I decided to take a quarter for a couple of days, but I haven’t had one for 6 days and I feel pretty good. Just a little diarrhea and panic attacks. But my doctor gave me some meds for that and they seem to be working!
My main goal is to try and stay completely off!! I hope I don’t have some of the things I read could happen to me!! I started getting up at 4:30 in the morning and going to the gym and that has really helped me so much throughout the day – every day!
I also am taking a class to help cope after taking narcotics. I start on September 5 – I’m super excited about it. Hopefully it helps with the mental part of wanting to use!! Wish me luck and good luck to all of you fighting this battle of addiction!!
I’ve been off subs for 7 days total after a 5 day detox. I just left an impatient AMA last night. I’m glad I went for the 6 days or I surely would’ve picked up. I’m coming off years of sub and adderall use. Heavily. And it sucks everyday every moment is hard physically. My body aches I yawn all day my legs restless but I truly feel within time I will feel better physically.
Emotionally I’m up and down. I left AMA because I felt I wasn’t getting the emotional and psychological help I needed. Using is on my mind constantly bc of how I feel however I just tell myself this will pass and ill take how I feel now over how I did a week ago. I refuse to do this to myself and my body again. If your looking to get off subs ill tell you its hard it sucks but it will pass.
The key here is that it’s different for everyone. I’ve been on either heroin or Subutex/Bupe for 18years straight (with only a few 1-3 day breaks over the years). I stopped H 2.5 years ago and began reducing my Sub slowly 1yr ago. The smaller reductions were uncomfortable, but not too bad where I couldn’t work etc.
I changed to Bupe to get smaller doses, and stopped taking it when I got to .1mg. I had 3 days of withdrawal and 1 week of being uncomfortable. It was nothing compared to what I expected. Aside from not having normal sleep, it’s been a month now and feeling great. I found when I stopped worrying about the physical effects, it was much easier too.
Never on H, but the opioids and subs got the best of the last 6 to 7 years of my life! I’m f***n done! I feel like trash (flu like) right now, but as cheesy as it sounds… Reading messages like yours pushes me forward! Wish me luck! And all the best!
Hi Nicole. 7 years for me as well. Played professional hockey all my life and was put on Oxy for back pain. I wanted to stop taking this s*** 5 years ago, but my addiction doctor talked me into staying on it as “it will act as your pain medicine”. I chose to listen to him and my life has gone to s***.
I lost my job as a Probation Officer because I found it impossible to get going in the morning and was actually called disheveled. This astounded me as I used to take pride in my attire, my hair, everything. Now I just feel like I’m living each day exactly the same.
But what’s worse is that I’m starting to get body aches and other strange symptoms. I constantly think maybe I’m getting cancer or something, but then usually trace my symptoms back to sub. I take 16mg and have from the beginning.
I’m so worried that I’ve done permanent damage to myself, but when I read about getting off, the stories all sound like nightmarish painful failures. I’d like to maybe chat with you if you’re interested. Maybe we could help each other stop.
If not, I’d be open to anyone that can maybe provide me with some positive outlooks or stories that will take my fears away. Good luck to all of you. I mean it. Mark
You asked for help, so here it is. I went to a doctor to get Subs because I was sick of my oxycodone addiction. As a condition of treatment the doctor made me attend NA meetings. There is where I got the help that I had hoped for from the Subs doctor. The Subs dealt with my physical dependency, but working steps addressed my addiction, which was bigger than drug abuse.
After 2 years of Subs I started wondering if I was just substituting instead of quitting. So I slowly started tapering from two 8 mg until after a year I was at 1/16th of a 2 mg. Then I jumped off. Never felt at any point as bad as a 2nd day withdrawing from Oxys.
Most symptoms were gone by day 7, with sneezing bouts continuing for another month or so. Those were more embarrassing than painful, especially around NA people. 4 years later I am still clean. So my suggestion is go to NA. Go to 90 meetings in 90 days. Get a sponsor. Work the steps. And learn a new way to live.
Hey there I’m eight days clean today. Been using the cheek strips for about two months. Been on some type of narcotic mostly pain pills, for 12+ years. I had a horrible motorcycle wreck that killed my boyfriend and broke 23 of my bones. Worst being compound fracture of my tibia and a shattered femur (where I now have metal). I do feel somewhat better today.
My joints are sore. I’m taking gabapentin to ease the withdrawal just wondering how long should I be taking them and when will my GI be better??? Also my doc thinks I have Lupus because of two positive ANA tests and symptoms. Waiting for rheumatology appointment in April. If you guys pray please send some this way.
Hello I saw this comment and noticed that I stopped about 16 days after you. I was using subs for 7 years and jumped at 1mg. It’s been almost 60 days and I feel a million times better now but every few days I’ll have a rough day.
Mainly restlessness, foggy headed, no motivation or concentration and very lethargic. How are you feeling now? Has any of this gotten better for you? Thanks – and glad to see that you are clean!
Thank you for the comment. It is a relief to see that I am not the only one! Going on 50 days clean. I was using Sub for over 10 years. Tapered my dose slowly down to 1mg/day. Feeling well for the most part with exception of the continued lack of motivation and fatigue.
How have you been doing? Wow so sorry about the accident. I know many who ride. Are you still on Gabapentin? Please update.
Hello: I seriously thought I was losing my mind coming off of suboxone after 6 years of it. I took off the 5 mg patch on Nov. 30 and I feel like I’m slowly dying. I have always relapsed or been re-evaluated to continue use. This is my longest period being off. I lost my job because of it.
I have herniated/bulging discs and I swear I can feel the bones rubbing together. During this time I’ve also voluntarily taken myself off klonopin/Valium of daily use. I almost feel like I’ve had black outs as a result. Can anyone please help me even if it’s just an encouraging word and tell me I’m not experiencing a slow death by torture.
I want to post my success story here for all those reading this and freaking themselves out. I was on methadone for 5 & 1/2 years (highest dose 145mgs!) It took 3 long years to taper to 28mgs… I was pretty miserable and I knew it would take me another year-year and a half to get off so I switched to suboxone to finish my taper.
I stayed stable 6mgs for 2 weeks, then 4mgs for 3 weeks then began my taper (my doc prescribed me 16mgs per day, so I had more than enough to taper). I tapered down 1/2mgs every 6 days until I reached 2mgs, then I went .25mgs every 4-6 days until I reached 1mgs. This is where I started to feel the most discomfort, but, still tolerable. I started splitting my dose so I could sleep better at night (most in the morning, and the rest around 4pm).
From 1mg I would then go down .25mgs every 8-10 days. Once I reached .50mgs it became a little rougher still, but, again tolerable. I had to start taking melatonin 5mgs to sleep at night. I stayed at .50mgs for 10 days then decreased to .25mgs. It took about 5 days to feel 80% adjusted. I waited an extra 3 days then I stopped. I went 2 days without anything… 1st day was ok, tired, a bit restless. I got about 5 hours of sleep.
2nd day was a bit more uncomfortable but I went for walks, played with my son, took hot epsom salt baths and watch funny movies. I also had clonidine which helped (and smoked weed at night before bed). On the 3rd day I took 1.5mgs and threw the rest out. I took 2 weeks off of work, but, still did things to keep myself busy.
I had some restlessness, anxiety and malaise/fatigue but I pushed through it and it wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be. I continued to eat healthy meals, especially high protein meals with veggies, I took mitadone withdrawal aid (from amazon)… the clonidine, as I said before, helped. I had 2 xanax bars that I used when I hadnt slept well just to get a few hours sleep.
If I got restless arms I would do push ups, take hot baths, and my husband would give me massages. Around day 10 I started to feel much better and every day got better and better. THE main thing is to keep BUSY… take vitamins, eat well when you can, Imodium, Clonidine, hot baths, gatorade, funny movies, brisk walks, and a good attitude and you will do JUST FINE.
My husband has been on subutex, for around 4-5 years. He decided to quit cold turkey around 10 days ago from 18mgs of the sublingual pills. He is now sick, vomiting, with chills, fever, aches and pains, sweating. Could this be caused by that? I encouraged him to wean off but he wanted off completely. Thanks for any advice or help. I’m just confused if he is sick or sick from withdraw?!
I am on day 24 and I still feel like absolute death. I must say each day has gotten a little bit better but I thought the physical symptoms would be long gone by now. I was on suboxone for 3 years and tramadol 4-5 years before that. I’m just hoping I have that day to look forward to where my entire body doesn’t wake up in the most uncomfortable RLS/pain possible.
I have been using the help of Kratom but I want to stop as soon as the w/d’s are somewhat manageable. Does anyone have any experience with starting to feel less w/d and then weaning off the Kratom successfully? Good luck to the rest of you out there, stay strong and keep living for that next better day. We can do it!! For a better life and better future.
I too used Kratom for the first 3 weeks & it helped me get through the rough days. I’m on day 33 & still have no energy, but it is getting better slowly. I did take a few Adderall during this period also which I thought would give me energy, but really didn’t do much.
If I had energy I would be fine, but it’s taking longer than I thought to feel decent. Kratom made me extremely horny though (LOL). I would rail my wife twice a day for those 3 weeks which was a blessing. Now I’m starting to feel like that again without it!
I have been off Sub now for 1 year and 4 months. Still having sleep issues. And now my skin is being affected by the sleep loss. Used to get 8 to 9 hours and now I get 4 to 5. Was on Sub for 7 years. Everything is great except for this sleep thing. Anyone experiencing the same problem?
Can you tell me how long it took you for the bad physical w/d’s to lessen? We have a similar timeframe of use. I am on Day 24 still feeling that uncomfortable RLS/body achiness first thing when I wake up in the morning. And info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
How is your skin being affected if you could please elaborate more about that?
So I was on Subutex for 4+ years I recently went to rehab and currently have 18 days sober. While on subs my period was regular, never late, etc and now that I’m sober still having some withdrawal symptoms, I’m late, and freaking out. Is this normal? Has anyone else have this happen to them? I’m 28 and a single mom to 2 kids and I’m not sure if I should take a test or what. PLEASE HELP!
This is very normal. I’ve been off 8 mg Subutex for 16 days now and my period is all messed up. I’ve had it for a day heavy then it’s gone and comes back 5 days later. Your body just needs time to heal.
Well I’ve been quitting suboxone for the past 14 days today being day 15. Now don’t get me wrong here it was sure hell jumping off 8mg a day plus. What I did is I got on the old iPad and did some resource on over the counter meds that help with the withdrawal. This is what I found I used magnesium 250mg I took like 4 of these at a time to stop the shaking legs.
I also bought some l-tyrosine 500mg I took these one at a time 3 to 5 times a day – this helped with the stress and boredom. It helps grow the receptors back a little quicker. I also got a prenatal vitamins took one in the morning and one at night. Ok the end result was a lot better then the last time I quit cold turkey.
I’ve been clean 14 days now, and everyday gets a little better. A month and I should be free from the bond of slavery that drug had me in. Can’t say this will work for you, but it did for a fact help me. But I’m a very strong minded man who takes no crap from anyone and I live 100 percent free now. Hope this helps.
I had been on pain meds. for 10 years because of a back injury resulting in 3 operations. I felt like the doctors basically got tired of treating me. They didn’t know what to do with me so rather than try to decrease the pain meds. they put me on Suboxone. I blame myself for not researching this drug beforehand. It was presented to me as some miracle cure.
I no longer desired pain meds. but I was still in chronic pain. I told my doctors this over and over with no results. I was on Suboxone for 6 years. Finally I ask my doctor why am I on this med. if its not addressing the pain issues I have. My thought was that one addiction had been substituted with another. So I tapered myself down and stopped taking it. I am in week 3 of withdrawals and have had every symptom possible.
I am a mess but I refuse to go back. My question is did the good outweigh the bad? My answer is no. I wish I had never heard of Suboxone. So for anyone out there considering taking this drug do your research first. It’s no walk in the park. Good luck to all who are trying to take their life back from Suboxone.
Was on 8mg/2mg once per day for over four years. Began my taper at 2mg/0.5mg per day, and the last couple months were 1/3 of a 2mg/0.5mg strip per day. I guess the math says that would be about 0.67mg per day for about three months. I went directly into bad withdrawals the next day, and at day 21 I am still there. Virtually the same as day 1.
I managed to get a handful of 5mg hydrocodone, and have taken 3-4 per day for about 5-6 days because I HAD to have a break from this. As of today that’s over, and back to the withdrawals as they were several days ago. I’m in my late 50’s, never bought off the street, never shot up, no coke, no meth, nothing but rx. meds. I wanted off the oxycodone & morphine so I could be awake and have a life, so a doc started me on Sub. at my request.
All I did was go from sleeping through life to just watching life go by. That’s why I’m trying so hard to come off EVERYTHING. I’m too old for this crap!! I’ve been dead once, and right now would not mind being there again – for good. Should I make it through this withdrawal I plan to sue the doctor(s) that put me in this situation as well as the company that makes and markets suboxone.
Madness, panic, and hopelessness. That’s all there is for me at this time…
There really should be a class action lawsuit against Suboxone. This is the same way opiates became such a prescribed medicine. Company sells doctors on the medicine being safe and helpful. It’s not either of those. It’s a money maker and a poison.
Hi Guys, Today is my 10th day w’drawing from suboxone. I was on 16mgs a day for four years… I feel like absolute crap, I have no desire or energy to do anything. I’ve become housebound because my anxiety which I already had prior to suboxone is through the roof. The insomnia is driving me insane I just want to get back on the program and not feel this horrible feeling… the tingling feeling all through my body, my lack of energy, I am barely eating and barely getting out of bed to have a shower. I went cold turkey but I need some advice from you all because I am sooooo scared that I’m going to die because of the withdrawals. Your advice is much appreciated.
Everyone who is trying to get off this drug stay strong. I was taking suboxone 8-16mg for multiple years, I had to check into a rehab to get it done but through the pain it is worth every second, I can now live life and not live with a monkey on my back. Getting into treatment and going to AA or NA meetings help. It’s a long road but a long road back to living life!
I am 5 days in to withdrawing from Suboxone. I hoped that the first couple days would be the worst, but it has gotten worse every day. Feeling helpless right now, but I know it will end in time…
It has been 19 days now since my last dose and all withdrawal symptoms are gone and I’m feeling great. Thanks everybody and good luck to you all. Just be strong it will pass and the grass is greener on the other side.
Did you go cold turkey?
I have been taking Suboxone for over a year now and for the last 6 months I have only been doing 1/6 to 1/7 of a 2mg strip per day. I have not taken any for at least 3 days now and I am having some mild withdrawal symptoms. Being that I was taking such a low dose, will the withdrawals last as long as a month? I have tried some of the over counter remedies (SAM-E, Loperamide, and Advil) it seems to work for the most part, but I am afraid of taking to much Loperamide. What would be a safe daily dose of it? My main question is how long should I expect the symptoms to last?
I decided to see how long I could go without taking my suboxone and now it is 120 hours (5 going on 6 days) and I have not ONE symptom of withdrawal.
I was taking two 8mg film strips per day. 16 mg total. This is insane after everything I have read. I have been taking it for going on 6 years. It is the brandname.
I am overweight so it may be an absorption thing. And I have taken drug tests every 3 months to prove I am on it and not selling it. So I know that I was getting the drug and not being duped by the drug companies. I never felt any effects from the suboxone when taking it.
But I was addicted to a lot of heavy duty nasty drugs 6 years ago, fentanyl, opium, soma and klonopin. When I decided to get off them, the suboxone worked like a charm. I had no withdrawal. But what’s the deal. Why am I not feeling any symptoms?
I have been on 4mg subutex for about 6 months now due to my heroin addiction and becoming pregnant. I no longer wish to take this medication because every week I have to drive 40 mins to the clinic and it really puts a lot of things on hold. I have been weaning myself off I’m down to 2mg a day. Should this withdrawal be that terrible as oppose to being on a higher dosage for years.
Anything I can do to make it easier? I have been off all drugs aside from Subutex and have no desire to go back to the drug that once owned me. I just lost a dear close friend to an overdose… Going to his funeral today. I’m done with opiates. Any input would be great! Thanks in advance.
I have been on Suboxone for approx 7 years. It saved my life. I was taking overdose amounts of Percocet and my doctor caught me and got me help. I was taking 12mg per day and tapered down to less that… 10mg per day. I am on day 4 of my withdrawal and the only real problem I am having is restless legs at night and not sleeping. I got absolutely no sleep last night and it seems to be getting worse. How long will this last?
Good morning, I’ve been off 13 days now and have been sleeping about 7 hours nightly (last three days) thank god! So I still have that queasy feeling in my stomach as well as a light fog on my brain. I reread my original post and was really amazed at how scattered my thoughts were.
Look all I’m saying it is getting better now and although I still have a ways to go, there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Lol just wish it was a little closer. Anyways hang in there lots of gatorade, exercise and don’t give up I’m doing it so I know you can too!! God Bless
My husband took 1 year to taper off and is 3 weeks short of being off it completely for 1 year. He still is not back to him old self I cannot remember his old self. I do not know how people live through this without God.
I want to scream from the rooftops the news to never go on this horrible drug. He was never put on it for an addiction which adds to the frustration. It makes no sense to us at all. If we only knew the horrible story of suboxone 9 year ago.
I just want to thank everyone for your insight and your advice it’s been very helpful. My story is a little different, I have been with my girlfriend for about 7 years and when we first met she was addicted to oxycodone. I think that I might have had a hand in helping her go to her Dr and she got on subs. Well ill be damned. I started taking small amounts of her subs because it made me feel like I had more energy that was about 5 years ago and now I’m in day 5 of a miserable detox.
I have yet to get more than 2hrs per night of sleep but I am beginning to feel much better. This is the toughest thing I ever had to go through. Please stay away from this stuff and if your going through this now – stay strong it gets better. God Bless. Brian
I will tell you it’s hard to do, but I did it and I felt like sh#t for over a year. I tapered off and that really helped. I stopped cold and that was painful. It’s been 16 months and I am still having anxiety and the shakes. I would recommend never even trying it for coming off pain medication.
I’m a little freaked out because I keep waiting for the horrible symptoms to start. I jumped off 12 days ago at 4mg a day and was on suboxone for 2 years (6mg for 1 year, 4mg for 1 year). I don’t feel great, tons of body aches, a little nausea, and a general feeling of anxiety, but this is not the horror I’ve heard from so many other people. Every morning I wake up, besides my aches, I feel fairly good. It gets worse through the day but I can still function. When will the rough part start? Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
It’s been about a month now, I can deal with the pain, what kills me is the insomnia. I had some leftover ativan from my mom’s hospice and that really seems to help the twitching and restlessness.
Not sure how old this is but I figured I’d share my story. I started taking oxycodone and was on that for about 3 years eventually getting up to 100-200mg a day and up to 400mg. I would take suboxone when I didn’t have the money for it. I was only about 20 when I really started taking them everyday but during the whole time I managed to still work out constantly. Usually 4-5 times a week even during the height of my problem.
I know that this isn’t an option for everyone but I believe it is essential for those that can. I’m on day 6 off sub today. I believe that keeping my health levels high aside from my problem has accelerated this process a by a huge amount. I eat healthy and exercise almost everyday doing weight training and cardio. Cardio is probably the best for cleaning your system and getting your brain back to normal.
I’m on day 6 and I definitely don’t fell 100% but I would say I’m about 75%. I never needed to take more then 4mg of sub so again I’m sorry if this doesn’t apply to you, but you can get down to this level and exercise during the process. I tapered down till I could get to .25mg a day maybe a little less. Then started skipping days. Once I skipped 3 days I quit and only had minor discomfort.
The only problem I really have at this point is not being able to sleep very well. I usually get about 2-4 hours a night and have night sweats, but I can already tell those are getting better. Gonna wrap this up by saying that you can do this! You just have to try and keep a positive attitude. When something makes me mad I just try to laugh about it and remind myself that I’m making a huge positive change in my life.
I’ve really started to appreciate the little things again. So if you can try to make all the other aspects of your life healthy and it will speed up the process immensely I promise. You can do this!