Rexulti (Brexpiprazole) is an atypical antipsychotic that is most commonly utilized as a pharmacologic intervention for the management of schizophrenia, and in some cases, as an add-on (adjunct) treatment for refractory major depressive disorder. Throughout the central nervous system, the medication exerts neurophysiologic effects across dopaminergic, serotonergic, noradrenergic, and histaminergic targets.
Receptor sites most targeted by Rexulti include: D2, D3, D4 (dopamine receptors); 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, 5-HT1B, 5-HT7, 5-HT2C (serotonin receptors); alpha-1B, alpha-1D, alpha-1A, alpha-2A, alpha-2B (adrenergic receptors); and H1 (histamine receptors). The cumulative actions of Rexulti upon the aforementioned receptor sites help decrease or attenuate symptoms of schizophrenia and difficult-to-treat depression.
Despite the fact that Rexulti is considered effective and well-tolerated compared to most antipsychotics, not everyone derives clinically-significant benefit from its administration – and others might find it difficult-to-tolerate (due to Rexulti side effects). Most persons who don’t respond well to Rexulti will likely discontinue treatment, however, some of these individuals may not be prepared for potential withdrawal symptoms.
Rexulti Withdrawal Symptoms (Things You Might Experience)
While there’s not strong evidence in medical literature to support the idea of Rexulti-specific discontinuation symptoms, it is understood that discontinuation of any antipsychotic medication can yield withdrawal symptoms. Because Rexulti (brexpiprazole) is relatively similar to the medication Abilify (aripiprazole) – a drug associated with debilitating withdrawal symptoms – it’s very likely that a majority of persons will endure withdrawals upon cessation of Rexulti. Included below is a list of symptoms that you might experience following Rexulti withdrawal.
- Agitation: A symptom of Rexulti discontinuation that certain individuals might experience is agitation. Agitation is characterized by internal excitement, nervousness, or a stirring sensation. Agitation can be very uncomfortable and might cause restlessness, fidgeting, and/or compromise your ability to sleep soundly throughout the night. If your agitation becomes extreme, medication use may be necessary to get it under control.
- Anxiety: Withdrawal from Rexulti may cause you to feel extremely anxious or nervous. Even if you have no history of anxiety, withdrawal might provoke anxious feelings due to abnormalities in neurochemistry. Secretion of stimulatory neurotransmitters and altered activation of monoamine receptors (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine) might account for anxiety in withdrawal. Moreover, temporarily activation of histamine receptors might also induce anxiety following Rexulti cessation.
- Brain zaps: Discontinuing medications that modulate the neurotransmission of serotonin can sometimes cause “brain zaps.” Brain zaps are described as jolt-like or shock-like sensations that are perceived as occurring within the head. Rexulti acts upon numerous serotonin receptor sites such as: 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, 5-HT1B, et al. Irregular activation of serotonin receptors and/or serotonin signaling following discontinuation might account for brain zaps in withdrawal. Reducing stress and/or transitioning to another serotonergic medication might prevent or minimize the frequency of these zaps.
- Change in appetite: It is understood that Rexulti can cause modest-to-moderate weight gain for most users. In some cases, weight gain throughout treatment is partly due to drug-induced appetite increase. In the event that Rexulti increased your appetite during treatment, there’s a chance that you might notice a reduced or suppressed appetite in withdrawal (due to your appetite returning to its pre-Rexulti status). That said, loss of appetite in withdrawal could also be related to certain withdrawal symptoms such as nausea or vomiting – or a return of preexisting neuropsychiatric conditions (e.g. depression and/or schizophrenia) that affect mood.
- Confusion & cognitive dysfunction: Do not be surprised if confusion and/or cognitive dysfunction occurs following cessation of Rexulti. Cognitive dysfunction may be evidenced by: poor concentration; memory impairment, learning difficulties, disorganized or unclear thinking (i.e. brain fog), etc. It is believed that cognitive dysfunction in withdrawal is related to a combination of neurotransmitter fluctuations, heightened stress, and/or relapse of preexisting neuropsychiatric conditions.
- Depression (relapse): If you were using Rexulti to treat major depressive disorder (as an “add-on”), it’s very likely that depressive symptoms will return following its discontinuation. The return of depressive symptoms in withdrawal is partly due to the fact that the brain is no longer receiving Rexulti to help modulate neurochemistry in a way that counteracts depressive symptoms. Additionally, withdrawal-related neurochemical fluctuations might make depression in withdrawal even worse than before Rexulti treatment was initiated.
- Depersonalization: Imbalanced neurochemistry following discontinuation of Rexulti – coupled with elevated stress and/or poor sleep, could lead some individuals to feel depersonalized or report “depersonalization” in withdrawal. Depersonalization is described as feeling disconnected from your true identity or as though you’ve completely lost your “sense of self.” Some individuals notice changes in personality and/or emotional numbness as a result of depersonalization.
- Dizziness: Discontinuation of any potent neuropsychiatric, including antipsychotics like Rexulti, could cause you to experience dizziness. For most individuals, the dizziness will be most severe within the first couple weeks of discontinuation and should gradually subside thereafter. Nonetheless, there are many things that could contribute to dizzy spells in withdrawal, including: high anxiety, neurotransmitter adjustments, blood flow changes, and lack of sleep.
- Fatigue & lethargy: Many people will report fatigue following Rexulti discontinuation. Fatigue in withdrawal can be due to irregular neurotransmission, poor sleep, high anxiety, and/or a return of your neuropsychiatric condition (e.g. depression or schizophrenia). If you’re struggling with fatigue or lethargy after quitting Rexulti, ask your doctor what he/she recommends you do to increase your energy level. For some individuals, focusing on stress reduction, sleep enhancement, and getting light exercise might help reverse the fatigue.
- Fever & chills: Some former Rexulti users might notice fever and/or chills while withdrawing from the medication. Body temperature shifts can occur in withdrawal due to imbalanced neurochemistry, heightened stress throughout the CNS, and abnormal activation of certain regions within the brain. It’s possible that inflammation and/or immune changes in withdrawal might also account for changes in body temperature.
- Flu-like symptoms: Quitting Rexulti and other antipsychotics might make some individuals feel like they’re coming down with the flu. Cold turkey or abrupt withdrawal from Rexulti – with no replacement [antipsychotic] medication may increase the odds that you’ll experience flu-like symptoms in withdrawal. Examples of some flu-like symptoms that could occur after discontinuing Rexulti include: nausea, vomiting, sweating, headaches, body aches, and body temperature changes (e.g. chills).
- Headaches: Withdrawing from any neuropsychiatric medication may cause headaches for a myriad of reasons, including: cerebral blood flow changes (vasoconstriction or vasodilation), heightened stress, neurotransmitter fluctuations, and/or inadequate sleep. Dehydration and/or under-consumption of calories (or nutrients) could also explain headaches in withdrawal. To manage the headaches, you might want to try an over-the-counter headache relief medication.
- Insomnia: Some individuals find Rexulti to be sedating and helpful in the management of insomnia. If you had insomnia prior to using Rexulti, there’s a good chance that your insomnia will return in withdrawal – with even greater intensity (due to withdrawal-related neurotransmitter fluctuations). Nevertheless, even if you don’t have a history of insomnia, you might find it difficult to fall asleep in withdrawal as a result of excitatory neurotransmitter release, rapid thoughts, and/or anxiety.
- Irritability: Irritability may occur in withdrawal as a result of neurotransmitter imbalances, heightened stress, and/or lack of sufficient sleep. Moreover, relapse of depression or schizophrenia might also provoke irritability. If you find yourself feeling irritable such that little things are really getting on your nerves or making you angry – it is recommended to share this with your psychiatrist. A combination of stress/sleep management, medication, and exercise may help reduce irritability in withdrawal.
- Itching: A reaction that might occur after discontinuing Rexulti is itchiness. It may feel like your skin is much itchier than usual – such that you cannot stop scratching. The itchiness in withdrawal could be due to a rebound histaminergic effect – particularly at the H1 receptors. Itching may be accompanied by other “pseudo-allergy” symptoms such as: runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and/or yawning.
- Joint, muscle, or body aches: Joint aches, muscle pain, and/or body weakness might occur while discontinuing Rexulti. The aches and pains that are experienced throughout the body in withdrawal might be caused by increased excitatory neurotransmitter secretion and/or the innate freeze-fight-flight stress response – leading to altered peripheral blood flow, muscle tension, and/or inflammation. Stress management, a nutritious diet, adequate hydration, and/or over-the-counter medications should help decrease aches and pains that emerge throughout withdrawal.
- Nausea: Certain individuals may experience some nausea while quitting Rexulti. Nausea in withdrawal may be nonstop – occurring around the clock, or might be intermittent such that it “comes and goes” in waves. Because nausea can interfere with your appetite and possibly even provoke vomiting, you could consider using an over-the-counter antiemetic drug for nausea reduction in withdrawal.
- Rapid heart rate: Possibly due to an upsurge in excitatory neurotransmission following Rexulti discontinuation, some individuals may experience a rapid heart rate. In other words, you might notice that your heart is beating faster or much quicker than usual throughout withdrawal. In addition to stimulatory neurotransmitters, poor sleep and/or unmanaged anxiety might also contribute to the fast heart rate – and could cause palpitations or sensations of irregular heart beat (e.g. heart fluttering or skipping beats).
- Rebound schizophrenia or psychosis: Anyone who was using Rexulti to manage symptoms of schizophrenia may experience a relapse in withdrawal. In other words, symptoms such as: delusions, hallucinations (e.g. hearing voices), disorganized thinking/speech, avolition, flat affect, cognitive impairment, abnormal behavior, etc. – might all return in withdrawal. To avoid rebound schizophrenia or psychosis in the aftermath of Rexulti cessation – work closely with a psychiatrist.
- Restlessness: It is known that agitation is a common symptom of antipsychotic withdrawal. The internal discomfort or stirring sensation associated with agitation can cause restlessness – or the urge to move around more than usual. Excitatory neurotransmission and heightened stress in Rexulti withdrawal are likely what cause restlessness to occur in withdrawal. Exercise, stress management, and/or anxiolytic medications may help restore internal calmness and/or decrease the restless urges.
- Tremor or shaking: After quitting Rexulti, you may experience tremor or involuntary bodily movements. Some describe tremor in withdrawal as shakiness, jitters, or restlessness. It is thought that imbalances in dopaminergic signaling, as well as increased secretion of activating neurotransmitters (e.g. norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine) might account for tremor in withdrawal. Because extrapyramidal symptoms can sometimes emerge as reactions to withdrawal, tremor should be reported to a medical doctor as soon as it is noticed.
- Thoughts of suicide: Suicidal thoughts or wanting to die after discontinuing Rexulti could occur in a subset of persons. If you experience suicidal thoughts in withdrawal, seek emergency psychiatric or medical attention. Suicidal thoughts or urges in withdrawal may be caused by a depressive relapse and/or neurochemical imbalance following Rexulti cessation. Medical treatment and psychological support should help get these thoughts under control or make them easier to manage.
- Sweats: As was mentioned, Rexulti withdrawal could alter thermoregulation and cause fever and/or chills in some former users. In addition to fever and/or chills, some individuals may experience intense sweats. Sweating in withdrawal might occur round-the-clock (all day) or be most noticeable at night (such that you wake up dripping with beads of sweat). Because sweating can deplete water and electrolyte stores, it is recommended to regularly rehydrate if you find yourself sweating excessively in withdrawal.
- Vomiting: Individuals who discontinue Rexulti “cold turkey” or rapidly might experience intense nausea that leads to vomiting. Using antiemetic medications might help prevent both nausea and vomiting from emerging in withdrawal. Though vomiting isn’t a common withdrawal reaction, it has been reported following antipsychotic discontinuation. If vomiting occurs in Rexulti withdrawal, contact a medical doctor and ask what can be done to stop it.
- Weight loss: If you experienced weight gain from Rexulti treatment, you might end up losing some weight during withdrawal. Weight loss in withdrawal might be due to the fact that Rexulti is no longer altering hormones, metabolism, or increasing appetite – to cause fat gain. That said, weight loss in withdrawal could also be related to increased restlessness (and non-exercise activity thermogenesis) and/or appetite suppression (due to symptoms such as nausea and/or vomiting).
Note: The list of Rexulti withdrawal symptoms compiled and described above might be incomplete. If you’re aware of additional symptoms that can occur following Rexulti cessation, be sure to report them in the comments section below.
Why do withdrawal symptoms occur after quitting Rexulti?
Discontinuation symptoms likely occur due to the fact that Rexulti modulates a variety of neurochemical targets (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, histamine, et al.) during treatment. Modulation of these neurochemical targets creates a CNS adaptation to its effect, such that when the medication is stopped – CNS activation is imbalanced. Withdrawal reactions (i.e. symptoms) then occur as a result of imbalanced CNS activation and difficulty reverting (or transitioning) back to homeostasis (pre-Rexulti activation).
Variables that influence Rexulti withdrawal symptoms
The specific symptoms that you experience following Rexulti cessation, as well as the severities of those symptoms – are likely determined by a set of influential variables. These influential variables include: length of Rexulti treatment; Rexulti dose (used in treatment); rate/speed of Rexulti discontinuation; and the use of other substances (while discontinuing). It is also hypothesized that a person’s lifestyle (healthy vs. unhealthy) and genetics might play roles in determining the withdrawal symptoms that you experience.
Length of Rexulti treatment (Short-term vs. Long-term)
The total length of a person’s Rexulti treatment might influence his/her withdrawal symptoms. It is generally thought that long-term treatment with any medication tends to yield harsher (or more severe) withdrawal symptoms following discontinuation – compared to short-term treatment. Long-term Rexulti users may end up with neurophysiologic adaptations to the medication that aren’t exhibited by short-term users.
What’s more, long-term users may be more likely than short-term users to administer higher dosages of Rexulti – as a result of tolerance development to lower doses over the long-term. Comparatively, a person who used Rexulti for a short-term may be less neurophysiologically-adapted to the medication – and might have been able to use a lower dose due to lack of tolerance. The potential combination of less neurophysiologic adaptation and low dose treatment might result in easier withdrawals for short-term Rexulti users.
Rexulti dosage (2 mg to 4 mg)
Individuals who administer high doses of Rexulti throughout treatment may be at risk of experiencing harsher or longer-lasting withdrawal symptoms compared to persons who utilize lower doses. The target therapeutic dosing range of Rexulti for the management of neuropsychiatric conditions falls between 2 mg and 4 mg per day.
Someone who’s taking just 2 mg (or less) per day would be considered a lower-dose user, whereas someone taking 4 mg (or more) per day would be considered a higher-dose user. The greater the dosage of Rexulti that’s administered, the more substantial the medication’s neurophysiologic impact.
A person who’s adapted to taking 4 mg per day (a high dose) will likely exhibit more substantial neurophysiologic adaptation (e.g. upregulation and/or downregulation of receptors) to the medication than if he/she were only adapted to 2 mg per day (a low dose). As a result of the more substantial neurophysiologic adaptation occurring from high-dose administration, the former user’s neurophysiology will exhibit greater imbalances when the medication is discontinued.
The greater the neurophysiologic imbalance upon discontinuation, the harsher a person’s withdrawal symptoms are likely to become and/or the longer it’ll likely take for full recovery. Know that while Rexulti dosing during treatment won’t always affect withdrawal symptoms (especially if a careful taper is conducted), it usually has some impact.
Rexulti discontinuation speed (Tapering vs. Cold turkey)
The speed or pace at which an individual withdraws from Rexulti could determine the severity of discontinuation symptoms – as well as how long they persist. Most professionals familiar with antipsychotic withdrawal recommend slowly tapering off of these medications rather than quitting “cold turkey” – to avoid harsh withdrawals.
Slowly tapering off of Rexulti allows the central nervous system to gradually transition to functioning with a lower quantity of Rexulti before the medication is completely stopped. As a result, neurophysiology will be closer to pre-Rexulti homeostasis with a slow taper which should minimize withdrawal severity.
On the other hand, cold turkey Rexulti discontinuation leaves the neurophysiology in a Rexulti-adapted state and much further from homeostasis. Predictably, withdrawal symptoms are typically harsher and it takes longer to fully recover if Rexulti is stopped suddenly – especially if the former user was adapted to a high dose (e.g. 4 mg).
Using substances in Rexulti withdrawal
Individuals who take substances such as prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and/or dietary supplements – should be cognizant of the fact that these agents could impact withdrawal. In most cases, using substances throughout withdrawal tends to lessen the severities of withdrawal symptoms and enhances recovery from them.
For this reason, if you’re using any substance in withdrawal (regardless of what it is), there’s a chance that it may be reducing or covering up harsh symptoms that you otherwise would’ve experienced. As an example, let’s say you stop using Rexulti, but have transitioned to another atypical antipsychotic medication.
Though you may still experience withdrawal symptoms from Rexulti, chances are good that the antipsychotic medication to which you’ve transitioned will exhibit some pharmacologic overlap in terms of its effect. Due to the pharmacologic overlap, you may experience a very mild withdrawal and/or possibly zero withdrawal at all.
Substances like antidepressants, over-the-counter medications, sleep aids, and even various supplements tend to reduce withdrawal symptoms and generally make recovery easier. On the other hand, using zero substances following discontinuation (transitioning from Rexulti to nothing) will probably result in severe withdrawal symptoms due to lack of neurophysiologic support.
Lifestyle, genetics, medical conditions
A person’s lifestyle, gene expression, and preexisting medical conditions might influence withdrawal symptoms of Rexulti. It is believed that making healthy lifestyle choices during withdrawal such as: consuming a nutritious diet, maintaining low stress, socializing with supportive people, and exercising – may help speed up the recovery process. Unhealthy lifestyle choices following Rexulti cessation might prolong withdrawal.
Genetic and epigenetic expression could also impact withdrawal. It’s reasonable to hypothesize that expressing certain genes might protect against particular withdrawal symptoms (e.g. headache, fever, etc.) and/or promote a quicker recovery – compared to expressing other genes. Though the exact genes that might be implicated in withdrawal aren’t known, gene influences warrant consideration.
Preexisting medical conditions (other than neuropsychiatric diagnoses) might also affect withdrawal. Certain medical conditions may be aggravated by changes in CNS activation throughout withdrawal – causing more difficult symptoms. On the other hand, if you don’t have any medical conditions (besides a neuropsychiatric condition), withdrawal may be more manageable.
How long does Rexulti withdrawal last? (Duration & Timeline)
It is generally known that the duration of withdrawal from an antipsychotic medication will be subject to marked interindividual variability. In other words, there’s not a specific or highly-accurate timeline that can be provided to explain how long Rexulti withdrawal is going to last.
For some individuals, withdrawal from Rexulti may be relatively short – lasting no more than 2-4 weeks following discontinuation. In most cases, very short withdrawals are explained by a combination of: low-dose use, gradual discontinuation, short-term use, and/or transitions to similar-acting neuropsychiatric medications (e.g. a different atypical antipsychotic).
For others, withdrawal from Rexulti may be long-lasting with protracted discontinuation symptoms that persist for months after the date of cessation. Long-term withdrawals are usually explained by a combination of: high-dose use, rapid discontinuation, long-term use, and/or zero additional neuropsychiatric medications being administered.
Assuming you want to recover from Rexulti withdrawal as efficiently or rapidly as possible, it is recommended to communicate regularly with a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist will be able to give helpful suggestions and/or prescribe medications that aid in recovery from Rexulti withdrawal.
If you work with a psychiatrist throughout withdrawal, symptoms should be significantly reduced (possibly even gone) within 3 months of your cessation date. To track your recovery and symptoms of withdrawal, you may find it beneficial to maintain a daily journal; journaling should help you gauge recovery progress.
How to minimize the severity of Rexulti withdrawal symptoms
Assuming your goal is to minimize personal suffering and decrease odds of adverse reactions during Rexulti discontinuation, it is recommended to follow the suggestions listed below. Tactics for minimizing Rexulti withdrawal severity include: receiving guidance from a psychiatrist; slowly tapering off of Rexulti (or transitioning to another medication); using substances that your psychiatrist recommends during treatment; seeking professional psychological support; and living a healthy lifestyle.
- Guidance from a psychiatrist: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with expertise in treating psychiatric disorders – and an in-depth understanding of medications like Rexulti. Receiving guidance from a psychiatrist in withdrawal is critical if you want to minimize withdrawal severity – plus avoid a relapse or rebound of your preexisting neuropsychiatric condition (e.g. depression).
- Rexulti taper or transition: To avoid the harshest withdrawal symptoms and minimize odds of an adverse reaction during withdrawal, it is recommended to gradually taper off of Rexulti – rather than quit cold turkey. A psychiatrist should be able to recommend a tapering protocol or rate. Some sources recommend tapering very slowly (e.g. at a rate of 10% per month) if you’re transitioning from Rexulti to no medication. Transitioning from Rexulti to a similarly-acting medication may also help reduce withdrawal symptoms.
- Use substances that psychiatrist suggests: After quitting Rexulti, it is recommended to use any substances that your psychiatrist suggests. Substances that your psychiatrist suggests may include: prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and possibly even supplements. These substances should help prevent symptom relapse and decrease withdrawal severity.
- Therapy with a psychologist: Coping with discontinuation symptoms after quitting Rexulti can be challenging and stressful. For this reason, it is recommended that you seek therapy from a licensed psychologist. A psychologist may be able to teach you some mental coping strategies that may prove beneficial in withdrawal.
- Healthy lifestyle: Living a healthy lifestyle – or as healthy as possible – is strongly recommended after quitting Rexulti. Unhealthy habits may interfere with your recovery efforts and could even exacerbate certain withdrawal symptoms. Managing stress, exercising regularly, socializing with others, eating a nutrient-dense diet – are all things that can support recovery from withdrawal symptoms.
Best supplements for managing Rexulti withdrawal symptoms
Listed below are select supplements that a subset of individuals may find beneficial after discontinuing Rexulti. Supplementation following discontinuation could reduce the intensities of certain symptoms and/or expedite recovery speed.
Nonetheless, it is important to know that not everyone will respond well to supplementation in withdrawal. Before you consider trying any supplement to alleviate Rexulti discontinuation symptoms, speak with a medical doctor and confirm that the supplement is safe for you
Affiliate link disclosure: The supplements listed above contain affiliate links which help earn money. If you want to support the site, buying products through affiliate links is appreciated. I did my best to select products that I thought were reasonably priced and potentially helpful while discontinuing Rexulti.
- Magnesium citrate: Magnesium citrate is a supplement that typically helps relax the body and decreases sympathetic nervous system function. If you’re feeling particularly stressed or anxious while quitting Rexulti, consider using magnesium citrate to counteract the anxiety.
- Glutathione: Glutathione is a supplement that helps the body excrete toxins (or detoxify itself) following discontinuation of medications. Furthermore, evidence suggests that glutathione supports brain health and counteracts oxidative stress – making it a great supplement choice for many undergoing withdrawals.
- Krill oil: The omega-3 fatty acids in krill oil may help correct neurochemical imbalances and neuroinflammation following Rexulti cessation. Additionally, evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may be therapeutic in the management of schizophrenia and depression.
- Low-dose melatonin: If you experience severe insomnia after discontinuing Rexulti, you might want to use low-dose melatonin as a sleep aid. Low-dose melatonin is generally regarded as being more effective than higher dose melatonin for sleep enhancement, and unlike high doses, won’t lead to tolerance.
- Multivitamin: If you have a poor diet that’s lacking in vitamins, vitamin deficiencies might exacerbate withdrawal symptoms. To avoid a vitamin deficiency in withdrawal, you may want to take a multivitamin.
- Probiotic: It is thought that antipsychotic medications might negatively impact populations of healthy gut bacteria. To repopulate healthy gut bacteria while quitting Rexulti, consider taking a probiotic.
- Epsom salts: Epsom salts are believed to help reduce joint pain, muscle pain, cramping, inflammation, and other body aches – when added to a warm bath. If you feel achy while quitting Rexulti, you could experiment with Epsom salts.
- B complex: Using a vitamin B complex following Rexulti discontinuation might help reduce certain symptoms such as agitation, anxiety, restlessness, and/or insomnia.
- Electrolyte formula: It is unclear as to how withdrawal from Rexulti and other psychiatric medications affect electrolyte levels. Because electrolytes might become imbalanced during withdrawal, consider using a quality electrolyte formula to maintain balance.
- Curcumin: There’s preliminary evidence suggesting that curcumin may help treat neurologic conditions, reduce inflammation, and enhance brain function. If you have high systemic inflammation following Rexulti discontinuation, curcumin may be a useful supplement to use.
Note: Never administer multiple substances together without first having a medical doctor rule out interactions.
Have you experienced Rexulti withdrawal symptoms?
In the event that you are a former Rexulti user and have undergone withdrawal, share a comment discussing your experience. Leaving a comment discussing what you experienced after quitting Rexulti might be extremely helpful to another person reading this article who’s dealing with an agonizing or long-lasting withdrawal.
So that others are able to get an accurate understanding of your situation, provide some details in your comment like: how long you used Rexulti (before quitting); the dose of Rexulti you used in treatment; and the speed of your withdrawal (e.g. 10% taper, cold turkey, etc.). Be sure to also mention whether you transitioned from Rexulti to another medication and/or are using substances (medications, supplements, etc.) to alleviate discontinuation symptoms.
Moreover, note the specific symptoms that you developed following Rexulti cessation – and the severities of those symptoms. Were there any strategies you used to cope with and/or reduce the intensities of Rexulti withdrawal symptoms? For those that have completed Rexulti withdrawal – how long did it take to fully recover?
Only about 6 months. 2s. Went cold turkey 4 days ago. Kinda knew what to expect. Took CBD tinctures, Xanax .5 and began equanimity mediation. All which takes the rough edge off. Not bad compared to others here; so far. Hope this is helpful to someone
I was on 0.5mg Rexulti for 3 days. Yes, 3 days. The first day was wonderful, I got restful sleep without nightmares, my depression was still hanging around but tolerable, my anxiety was GONE. I thought this was a miracle. Day 2 – I got 5hrs sleep and the nightmares started back up. Felt the familiar antipsychotic zombie-mode but my anxiety was still gone. Day 3 – 40 minutes sleep multiple nightmares. Anger/irritability, after my Vyvanse, Qelbree, and Wellbutrin wore off at 6pm the depression was overwhelming, I just laid in bed crying. Full stop recommended by my psych. I’m on day 3 of withdrawal- insomnia hardcore, rage, doing anything possible to shove my supports/loved ones away, panic to downright terror at night. I didn’t have an appetite on it, I still don’t- I’ve lost 5lbs this last week. Emotional rollercoaster- I just want it to stop…
I have only been on 1 mg for 2 weeks and my memory was going and just stopped paying attention to what I was doing. Almost like blacking out. I haven’t taken it in 2 days but don’t feel better at all.
I am hoping my ability to remember things will come back. My legs were really weak as well. I hate this drug even though I wasn’t depressed.
I have been on Rexulti 2mg for about 2 yrs. I decided to stop because of weight gain and the danger of long-term side effects. I am having anxiety, loss of appetite, thermoregulation issues, some insomnia, tremors, emotional ups and downs, crying jags, cognitive issues, and a loss of the feeling of well-being. It’s been about 2 weeks, my symptoms have not been severe but I’m ready for this to be over.
Amber, how are you doing now, all these years later? When did the withdrawal symptoms stop?
I have been taking Rexulti for over one year taking 1mg daily. My doctor told me to quit taking it last Thursday. I have been having hot flashes, sweats, and had diarrhea and stomach cramps yesterday. I have felt like I have a fever for several days. I am nauseated. My doctor didn’t say anything about going off it slowly or that I would have withdrawal symptoms. I have more than half of the ones you listed.