Saphris (Asenapine) is a drug that was approved by the FDA in 2007 for the treatment of schizophrenia and the manic phases of bipolar disorder. It functions by acting primarily on 5-HT2A serotonergic receptors and D2 dopaminergic receptors as an antagonist. It also elicits effects on a variety of other serotonergic receptors (5HT2B, 5HT2C, 5HT6, 5HT7), dopaminergic receptors (D3 and D4), and noradrenergic receptors (Alpha-1A and Alpha-2).
Its action on 5-HT2A and D2 receptors is thought to improve various positive symptoms of schizophrenia, while its action on noradrenergic receptors is thought to minimize both negative symptoms and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. The complex pharmacological effects of Saphris have been promoted as essentially targeting all potential problematic symptoms of schizophrenia. Despite its marketing as a utopian new-age atypical antipsychotic, not everyone who uses it will find it effective for management of symptoms.
In fact, certain individuals may find that Saphris makes them feel worse or triggers unwanted side effects (e.g. extrapyramidal symptoms). Others may find that Saphris is effective for a short-duration, but that its efficacy dwindles over the long-term. Should you find Saphris to be ineffective and/or problematic, your doctor may encourage you to discontinue. Discontinuation often leads to an array of (potentially debilitating) withdrawal symptoms.
Factors that influence Saphris withdrawal
There are many factors that may influence the severity and number of withdrawal symptoms that you experience. In addition, many of these factors may dictate how long your withdrawal symptoms last following complete cessation of Saphris. These factors include: the time span over which you’ve taken Saphris, your dosage, how quickly you tapered, and other individual factors (e.g. daily habits, other medications, etc.).
Time Span
Typically, the longer you’ve taken Saphris, the more debilitating the withdrawal symptoms. Over a short-term, your neurophysiology isn’t fully adapted to the influence of Saphris, making it easier to discontinue without as severe of discontinuation repercussions. However, over a long-term, the drug alters your brain functioning (neurochemistry) and alters various physiological biomarkers.
Those who have been taking Saphris since its initial inception in 2007 are likely going to have a much tougher time discontinuing than individuals who have only taken it for a short-term (e.g. months). In addition, many people build up a tolerance to the effects of the drug over a long-term, leading their psychiatrist to increase the dosage, giving Saphris more control over your neurophysiology. Those who have been taking it for a longer-term usually face more substantial neurophysiological backlash when they attempt to quit.
Dosage (5 mg to 10 mg)
The standard dosage for Saphris is 5 mg or 10 mg administered sublingually twice per day. This means that most people are taking either 10 mg total per day or 20 mg total per day. In general, those who are on high doses of the drug are going to have a tougher time discontinuing than those taking lower doses or the minimal effective dose. It should be noted that some of the dose-related impact on withdrawal may be associated with your bodyweight and size.
For example, if you are a small statured person that is a light weight and short, yet you’re taking 20 mg per day, the drug may be of greater potency for you than someone who is twice the size of you taking the same dose. The greater the dosage you’ve been taking, the more your neurophysiology will have adapted to accommodate the drug. Individuals taking supratherapeutic doses (e.g. exceeding 20 mg) will likely have the most difficult time discontinuing – especially if they are small-statured.
Cold turkey vs. Tapering
The speed by which you taper down your Saphris may also have a significant impact on your withdrawal symptoms. Those who go “cold turkey” are likely to have more debilitating, longer-lasting symptoms than those who conduct a gradual taper. When you quit cold turkey, especially after a long-term of daily usage, your body doesn’t know how to react.
It may expect the drug, and without it, your entire nervous system doesn’t know how to react. Cold turkey discontinuation may serve as a shock to your CNS, causing a more protracted withdrawal than had you tapered. As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to taper at a rate of 10% per month for any psychiatric medication; this can be adjusted based on whether you think it’s too fast or too slow.
Conducting a gradual taper off of Saphris allows your nervous system to gradually recalibrate itself. Think of tapering as slowly guiding your nervous system in the right direction, and think of cold turkey as expecting it to adapt without any guidance. Most professionals acknowledge that cold turkey discontinuation is often significantly more debilitating.
Individual variation
Individual variation is perhaps the most important factor of withdrawal. Two people could take Saphris for the same duration and at the same dosage, yet one may recover significantly quicker than the other and/or have less debilitating withdrawals. Individual variation can include things like: other medications you’re taking, genetics, social support, baseline neurophysiology, and daily habits.
Someone who is taking another psychiatric medication and/or quickly transitions to another drug may not notice many withdrawal symptoms due to the fact that the new medication may serve as a buffer. In addition, someone taking certain supplements may find that the supplements alleviate various symptoms. Furthermore, some of the discontinuation effects can be chalked up to specific genetics and baseline neurophysiological functioning.
Daily habits such as how much sleep you get per night, your stress level, dietary intake, exercise, and whether you keep yourself busy can all play a role in withdrawal. Someone who engages in stress management (e.g. meditation), gets some daily exercise, works during the day, and gets enough sleep will likely have an easier time with Saphris withdrawal compared to someone who makes no effort to optimize their daily habits.
Saphris Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities
Although Saphris may be a newer medication (approved in 2007), it is important to avoid assuming that newer equates to an easier withdrawal. Discontinuation from Saphris may trigger withdrawal symptoms as severe as any antipsychotic on the market. Below is a list of symptoms that you may experience during Saphris withdrawal.
- Agitation: Many people become severely agitated when they discontinue Saphris. This agitation is often characterized by an internal sense of nervousness or anxiety, and may lead to restlessness. It is unclear as to why this symptom emerges, but may be due to fluctuations in neurotransmission of serotonin and/or dopamine.
- Anger: If you feel as if you’re ready to rage or have uncontrollable bouts of anger, it’s likely a result of withdrawal. Anger is a common symptom that emerges upon discontinuation of many antipsychotics. This is due to the fact that your brain isn’t able to effectively modulate various neurotransmitters like serotonin.
- Anxiety: Another very common withdrawal symptom that may emerge is that of anxiety. For some people, the anxiety experienced during Saphris withdrawal may be the most severe they’ve ever experienced in their entire life. It is important to know that this symptom will gradually improve over time, assuming you proactively take steps to minimize it. Some people may become so overwhelmed by withdrawal anxiety that they experience panic attacks and/or constant sensations of fight-or-flight.
- Brain fog: Certain individuals may find that when they stop taking Saphris, they are unable to think clearly. It’s almost as if their brain is full of fog and their prefrontal cortex is no longer working properly. If you’re experiencing brain fog, it is important to know that it should improve with time. Since your brain is no longer getting the noradrenergic effects of Saphris to enhance certain aspects of cognition, it may take awhile to recover back to a baseline.
- Cognitive impairment: In many cases, cognitive function becomes impaired when a person stops taking Saphris. Impaired cognitive function is often due to the fact that the brain is no longer receiving an artificial modulation of select neurotransmitters via a pharmaceutical pill. The brain and nervous system are attempting to recalibrate homeostatic functioning, but neurotransmission is still in disarray – causing cognitive deficits.
- Concentration problems: Many people report that they have a difficult time concentrating at school and/or on the job as a result of Saphris discontinuation. The concentration difficulties may be similar to those experienced by individuals with ADHD (or even worse). It may take awhile before concentration returns back to normal, so do your best to function and realize that it should improve over the long-term.
- Confusion: A combination of concentration problems, cognitive impairment, and severe brain fog all may be so severe, that a person ends up confused. This confusion may result in memory deficits and difficulty functioning in everyday life. Assuming you didn’t experience overwhelming confusion prior to the medication usage, it should subside in time.
- Depersonalization: A relatively common symptom to experience when you stop taking Saphris is depersonalization or feeling as if you are no longer connected to your body – you may feel as if you are observing yourself from a third person. Depersonalization can be highly unpleasant and is generally caused by neurotransmitter imbalances, but can also be exacerbated by anxiety. It is highly unpleasant, but tends to improve gradually as your brain learns to function without the drug.
- Depression: As a result of the numerous neurotransmitters impacted by Saphris, it is no wonder that some people experience severe depression when they discontinue. Even among people that weren’t depressed prior to using this drug, depression could be a byproduct of withdrawal. It is important to realize that withdrawal-induced depression should gradually subside in time.
- Diarrhea: An adverse reaction that some people experience when they withdraw from Saphris is diarrhea. If you are unable to hold down any food and have incessant “disaster pants” – you may want to consider taking some over-the-counter Imodium or working with your doctor. Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal distress should correct themselves over time.
- Dizziness: Those that quit cold turkey or conduct fast tapers are likely to feel dizzy. You may experience extreme dizziness, almost similar to that which you’d experience when drinking too much alcohol or getting off of an amusement park ride. The dizziness may make you second guess your ability to drive a vehicle and/or heavy machinery.
- Fatigue: If you notice that you’ve become lethargic, drowsy, and that your energy level has plummeted after quitting Saphris, you are not alone. Many people feel extremely fatigued during withdrawal. In part, the fatigue is due to imbalances in neurotransmitters as the brain is readjusting itself, but also related to the taxing physiological consequences of withdrawal.
- Fever: Some users of Saphris notice that when they quit taking it, they develop a low grade fever and feel chilled. High fevers haven’t been reported and are less likely. Low grade fevers are most likely to occur among individuals who taper too quickly and/or decide to quit cold turkey. Fevers are thought to be triggered as a result of the physiology still expecting the drug, but no longer getting it.
- Flu-like symptoms: Many people describe their withdrawal from Saphris as being akin to influenza. This is due to the fact that they may have a headache, fever, dizziness, nausea, and may end up vomiting. They may also sweat profusely and experience body aches – all of which are similar to the flu.
- Headaches: A very common withdrawal symptom is that of headaches. Headaches may be mild or severe (such as migraines). If you experience headaches, make sure that you’re staying properly hydrated, minimizing stress, eating enough, and getting plenty of rest. In most cases, headaches should lessen in severity within a few weeks.
- Insomnia: If you can’t fall asleep at night, or stay asleep at night after you’ve discontinued Saphris, you are not alone. Insomnia is considered one of the most commonly experienced withdrawal symptoms. You may be able to ameliorate insomnia with the usage of certain supplements, stress reduction techniques, and daily exercise.
- Irritability: Some people become increasingly irritable when they discontinue antipsychotics like Saphris. If you notice an increase in irritability in the early stages of withdrawal, understand that it should gradually improve over time. Getting plenty of exercise, eating healthy, and reducing stress (e.g. via meditation) may significantly attenuate irritability stemming from withdrawal.
- Mood swings: A person may experience non-bipolar mood swings following discontinuation. In other words, their mood may be subject to constant, seemingly uncontrollable fluctuation. If you notice that you feel anxious one minute, then depressed the next, then hopeful – you’re probably experiencing the wrath of withdrawal-induced mood swings. Realize that mood should be less subject to fluctuation the longer you’ve been off the medication.
- Muscle aches: Another physical response associated with discontinuation is that of muscle aches. You may notice that your joints are sore, your muscles are stiff, and that you cramp up easily. Some people may feel as if they are achy in random places throughout the body as well.
- Nausea: It is common for people to become nauseous when they first quit Saphris. Nausea is a very common discontinuation effect, and tends to subside within a couple weeks. Should you experience severe nausea, it could lead to vomiting. Certain individuals may want to conduct a more gradual taper if the nausea is too debilitating.
- Palpitations: Sometimes it may feel as if your heart is beating especially loudly, irregularly, and/or rapidly. These are considered a physiological response to discontinuation, but may be exacerbated by anxiety and the fight-or-flight response. Should you notice palpitations, try not to panic and instead focus on engaging in relaxation.
- Restlessness: Some people may feel excessively restless when they stop taking this antipsychotic. The restlessness may be triggered by agitation, inner emotional turmoil, and increases in anxiety. If you feel restless, you may want to get up and go for a long walk or attempt to ameliorate it by using a relaxation technique.
- Sleep problems: It may be difficult to get a full night’s sleep when you quit Saphris. This is due to the fact withdrawal can cause heightened anxiety, racing thoughts, and insomnia. Your circadian rhythm may be out of whack, and your neurotransmitter levels are imbalanced. It takes time for the sleep cycle to correct itself after you’ve discontinued a potent psychiatric drug. Do your best to get sufficient sleep each night.
- Suicidal thoughts: Should you experience an increase in suicidal thoughts or feel as if you want to die, seek immediate professional help. Understand that many people become increasingly suicidal when discontinuing this medication due to the fact that their neurotransmission is now more imbalanced than in the past. Assuming you were not suicidal prior to starting the medication, suicidal thoughts caused by withdrawal should subside but may be highly unpleasant and difficult to bear.
- Sweating: You may wake up in the middle of the night covered in a puddle of sweat. In addition, you may find that your body is sweating profusely throughout the day. Sweating is a very common reaction to Saphris discontinuation, especially if you quit cold turkey. It may be a natural detoxification mechanism by the body, but may also be a physical withdrawal symptom associated with physiological dependence on the drug.
- Tremors: It is possible to experience tremors and body shakes while taking Saphris, but you may also experience them when you discontinue. If you notice that your body shakes uncontrollably and you cannot control your limbs, realize that it’s a natural physiological response to no longer receiving the drug. Tremors are more likely to occur among individuals that titrate downwards too quickly.
- Vomiting: Some people feel so sick when they quit Saphris that they end up vomiting. The vomiting is usually preceded by nausea, and tends to only occur in extreme cases of withdrawal. Those who quit the drug cold turkey from high doses may be more likely to vomit. Should you experience vomiting, it shouldn’t be long-lasting.
- Weight changes: For some people, Saphris causes weight gain (a modest amount). When discontinuing the drug, most people will end up losing the weight that they gained. If you lost weight while taking Saphris, you may end up gaining weight. Understand that weight fluctuations upon discontinuation may be directly related to your appetite and activity level.
Note: Understand that the number and severity of symptoms you experience is subject to significant individual variation.
How long do Saphris withdrawal symptoms last?
Everyone wants to know how long Saphris withdrawal symptoms will last. It is important to realize that there is no specific exact universal withdrawal timeline that can be followed by everyone. For one person, noticeable symptomatic improvement may be experienced within several weeks of their last dosage.
For another individual, withdrawal symptoms may last for months after discontinuation. As was mentioned above, the length of withdrawal is often dictated by various factors including: duration of usage, dosage, tapering speed, genetics, and lifestyle choices. Should withdrawal prove to be protracted, working with your doctor and a psychotherapist may provide significant benefit.
As a general rule of thumb for long-term users, expect Saphris withdrawal symptoms to persist for at least 90 days. Three months time may sound harsh, but consider all the neurophysiological changes that you’ve endured from consistent (daily) administration of a drug over a long-period of time. For some people, most of the withdrawal symptoms will be cleared up within several months, while for others they may last much longer.
It is important to focus on things that you can personally do to expedite your recovery. While you may not be able to modify your genetics, you can make sure you’re eating healthy, getting proper sleep, working with a psychotherapist, minimizing stress, and taking any other supplements (or drugs) that provide significant benefit. A tool I’ve found invaluably helpful is keeping a daily journal – this allows you to easily track improvement over time.
Understand that withdrawal is not easy for most people and that you shouldn’t expect improvement overnight. Take things one day at a time, or even one hour at a time – focusing on something you can do right now (in the present moment) to improve your situation. As days continue to pass, your symptoms should gradually subside.
Have you experienced Saphris withdrawal?
If you’ve been through Saphris withdrawal (or are currently withdrawing), feel free to share your experience in the comments section below. Discuss how long you had been taking Saphris, the dosage you were taking, as well as your most debilitating withdrawal symptoms. Mention how long your withdrawal symptoms lasted and whether you’ve found anything helpful for mitigating certain symptoms.
I’ve been taking Saphris 10mg for 5 years and couple of moths ago I’ve been lowering the dose from 10 to 5 then 2.5 at night. Is been a week without any at all. I went through nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The nausea is better now cause I’m taking omeprazole and diarrhea was one time only.
Also had stomach discomfort and bloated. I can’t sleep, maybe 2 to 4 hours if I’m lucky with the melatonin help. But I’m also experiencing pain in my joints and bones, hopefully is caused by the withdrawal not arthritis or any other disease. I would like to say that smoking weed is probably helping with the joint pain and could be helping me to not be anxious.
I know that supposedly marijuana is bad for people with mental illness and could cause psychosis, but I’ve been feeling great for now, had a little episode but nothing scary and now I have my thoughts controlled. Hopefully I don’t have any manic episode because I’m feeling much better mentally now. Thanks. God bless you all.
I was taking 5mg of Saphris every evening for almost 12 months. It was helpful to stop symptoms of bipolar 2, a rapid cycling mood disorder. I never liked how it made me feel, especially as I was so drowsy the next morning after taking it the night before.
I slowly tapered off Saphris by cutting the wafers up. I did this over 5 weeks. My initial withdrawal symptoms were depression (that lasted only a few hrs at a time), irritability and some anger. A day or so after taking my last dose, whoa… I had anxiety worse than anything I’ve ever experienced.
It lasted day and night, for six weeks. I fluctuated between anxiety and depression symptoms, with mood changes, depression, nightmares, night sweats, itchy/tingling all over, insomnia to name just a few. I found taking Ashwagandha (a readily available herb) very very helpful for reducing anxiety.
Temazepam for helping me get some sleep. Initially I would wake for the day (having only slept for three or four hours) at 4am. Ten days later, I started to wake at 5am. I did that for about two weeks, and then I was able to get back to sleep after waking… allowing me to finally sleep til my kids wake me at 7.
I’m now into my 7th week off Saphris. I’ve got light anxiety, sometimes my mood dips into a slightly low mood. I’m having the odd night sweat, but otherwise my sleep is almost normal. Thank goodness!!
It helped to keep a calendar with a record of my progress, as there are days where staying strong is just too hard. It helps to see on paper that you are progressing! Good luck if you are in the thick of Saphris withdrawal, you can do it – stay strong!
I started taking Saphris in July 2018 at 2.5 mg twice a day. Then in October increased to 5mg twice a day. I’m bipolar and have anxiety issues, soon as I increased I had feelings of well being and calmness come over me. I gradually began gaining weight and so far have gained 25lbs.
My doctor started me on Topamax to help curb my appetite. I’ve been on that for 2 months (never really helped). So now I decided to go off cold turkey because I just don’t want to continue gaining weight. Saphris gave me a huge appetite since I started, and I’m also diabetic which now taking more meds because of my much higher glucose levels.
I can’t go on with the weight gain no matter how good it makes me feel. Been off it for only 3 days and feeling like a zombie and withdrawn. I’m glad I found this website of information to know more or less what I’m in for. Wished I never started Saphris.
I am in the same boat. This has helped my mood but the weight gain is out of control. I’m taking 15 mg day and going to taper myself to get off. I can’t gain any more weight.
I took 5-10mg of Saphris once daily for just over a year. One beneficial side-effect of the Saphris was that it knocked me out, helping with my insomnia. However, a few weeks ago I started getting really bad akathisia and my doctor suspected it was the Saphris.
Lo and behold, the moment I stopped it the akathisia went away. However, I’ve been cold turkey now for 5 days now and I’m feeling so much nausea, intense fatigue. I don’t think I could bear even a hit of akathisia, I’m so glad that it’s gone.
I was on 10mg Saphris for just over a year and my doctor told me to half a tablet for 4 days and then stop. OMG! I have gone to the ER once where they gave me ativan to calm me down because the restlessness was so bad I was constantly shaking my entire body! I am about to go back because now the extreme vertigo has kicked in as well!
My doctor won’t call me back and give me something else or any advice! Benadryl makes my restlessness worse and I have tried everything over the counter and even trying to eat better and drink water to flush my system, but nothing is working! I am going insane! Do NOT ever take Saphris! Especially don’t stop that quickly!
I was on Saphris for over three years and it made my saliva production go into overtime. So much so I was swallowing all the time and at one point it physically hurt my throat. It has made me throw up regularly, gradually getting worse the past recent months. Once I found out that it was the saphris causing the puking, I got off of it.
I was on 10mg a day then tapered down to 5mg for about 2/3 weeks then half of that for just under a week. I was told to finish the saphris I had left (I’m trying Latuda now) but then part of my back tooth fell off and I cracked another tooth. Last May I had a wisdom tooth fall apart too. Saphris has made me throw up to the point where my teeth are falling apart.
After this realization I was so disgusted I stopped taking it all together. It had been almost a week since not taking it. The anxiety from the withdrawals are debilitating, I dread leaving the house. I am usually an optimistic person and lately have been feeling depressed and hopeless.
Other symptoms from withdrawal I have had is bouts of insomnia, fluctuation in body temperature, nausea, more puking, as well as constantly spitting because my saliva glands won’t stop making spit. All in all, I hate this drug and what it has done to me. If I had known then what I know now, I would have never taken it. Please, be careful with this drug.
I’ve been on Saphris 10mg twice a day since January 2016. Apparently I’ve built up a tolerance to it, as my hallucinations and paranoid thinking has returned. My doctor stopped my Saphris cold turkey as of last night. I began Trilafon last night for the first time. Last night I had: an extremely difficult time falling asleep and staying asleep all night; a severe headache, unlike any of my Migraines; muscle twitching that shook the bed all night until I had motion sickness; & really bad upset stomach with diarrhea. My doctor said yesterday I’d have a rough transition, but I never imagined it would be like this!!
I was diagnosed with bipolar one three years ago but just resumed psychiatric treatment after quitting the medicine and relapsing back into a severe and frenzied manic state. Checked myself into the hospital for the third time was prescribed lithium carbonate (groundbreaking wonder cure all high success rate drug from the 50’s) benztropine to counteract the adverse effects of Saphris. I stopped taking saphris 10mg cold turkey because it turned me into a zombie with severe cognitive impairment dulled senses and lessened alertness and I need that for continuing work, school and well, life!
In short, I was a zombie. I was only on saphris for two months but even thats enough to have withdrawal for me at least. Feeling fatigued, sore and still in kind of a fog. Lots of social anxiety and brief periods of restlessness that pop up occasionally. I’m miserable but it gets the toughest right before you finish climbing the mountain. I’ve been doing everything to help with it like natural holistic approach.
This includes dietary adjustments such as omega 3 fatty acids, ginseng, eggs, healthy meals less sugar paired with a workout regimen and staying sharp by studying and stimulating all areas of the brain. There is a downside. Im so scared to even get out of the house from the anxiety. Its not good. Fear is controlling my life and I used to be so free. I want to go back to the person i was. A bette more well rounded person that was happy.
I haven’t started any talk therapy (psychotherapy) but I have down some vibration therapy in the past with outdated left brain right brain vibrators in clenched in the fist where the therapist would say things to put in your head like rerouting your neural pathways and you could only nod or say yes or answer distantly because the stimulation distracting the region of the brain that deals with verbal skills and opens up another so the messages sink in and work.
It was weird. I don’t even know what she said. That really helped. Yeah, so just living a healthy lifestyle and taking it day by day or keeping occupied with a hobby or interest is a great way to deal with it. Maybe CBT is right for you or so other form of treatment. See a professional cause I’m not one. I hope I start feeling better so I can get back to living again. That’s it. This article really came in handy. Thanks.
I’ve been taking Saphris 5mg twice a day for over an month and I didn’t have time to pick up my meds before work so I will be without for three days. This drug is the first I’ve ever been prescribed. I feel wonderful with the drug but without it I cannot sleep. I should have picked up my meds and went to work late rather than try to work on no sleep.
I hope nobody pisses me off. I’m nauseous edgy not happy and I just want to go far far away from people. I definitely don’t want to wait tables. I just got this job and was proud of myself and just like that I now just wanna quit. Oh yeah my feet are in a weird kinda pain kid of numbing…my fingers too. I would love to sleep it off but can’t. And God bless my screaming kids. #justgottadealwithit
I took Saphris for about seven days. 5 milligrams twice a day. It was sedating and I also had LSD-like visuals at night. It was not nice. I am coming off of it now. I did not take any medications for at least a year before starting this a week ago. I do not use alcohol or drugs including marijuana. So this drug shocked my mind and body.
I hospitalized myself only to be told there was nothing they could do or give me to help me feel better. I discontinued the saphris cold turkey because it caused sores to develop in my mouth. Nasty, painful sores that are still in my mouth.
I am missing work because I cannot sleep tonight. This is one of the worst experiences of my entire life. I would never recommend this so called medication to anyone. It is scary. I lost touch with reality coming off of this drug. It mind fucked me beyond explanation. F#ck the person who created this terrible drug.
I also experienced ugly withdrawal symptoms from Saphris (first insomnia, then nausea, then depression) – I can only say that the medication Lyrica helps a lot for the withdrawal symptoms. Give it a try.
I have been on 5 mg of Saphris for almost 6 years. I have gained 60 lbs. My worst side effect is the insomnia and constant saliva in my mouth. I have tried several times to wean myself off but the withdrawals end me up in the ER with severe anxiety. I want off this medication so bad but it’s so hard to get off of. I’m trying again to wean myself off. The last couple of days I’ve only taken 2.5 mg. It’s worth a shot I guess. I highly recommend to anyone needed to be medicated, don’t take Saphris.
I was on 10 mg for years. I’ve been off it for one month and still have insomnia, fatigue during the day and I could care less about eating. I also feel very weak. I’ve lost about 2 lbs per week. Anyone else having problems eating?
I’ve been on saphris for 5 years. My doctor always had samples to give me but now they stopped doing that and I quit pretty much cold turkey because saphris costs $500 WITH insurance, which I can’t afford.
I’m nauseous and am sweating – a lot – with cold chills. It’s only been 8 days since I stopped. I have slept only about 1 to 2 hours a night since then. I’m really concerned.
I was on saphris for 7 years. I stopped taking it because it costs $500 a month and that’s with insurance. I stopped taking the drug about 3 months ago cold turkey and have had awful side effects.
Sopping wet cold chills at night. Nausea to the point that I didn’t have an appetite. I’ve lost 23 pounds. I can’t sleep. I’m anxious. I’m restless. I’m exhausted. It’s been a horrible 3 months. I wonder how much longer I’ll experience withdrawals.
I’m on saphris (for bipolar) for a few months but don’t want to be because it is not helpful and I’m terrified about going off of it. My doctor is not a sympathetic one and doesn’t like what I have to say-because SHE’S the doctor! I’ve missed a dose and will be missing another tonight before I can get a refill at the drug store. I want to go cold turkey but am afraid.
I have been on Saphris for 3 years started out as 10mg twice a day.Felt over medicated so I went down to 5mg. I was only taking 5 mg once a day. Was tired of the way it was making me feel so I quit cold turkey. Terrible withdrawal stinging all over terrible anxiety. Took Benadryl for the stinging it helps and Vistiril for the anxiety. I’m in week 4 some days are better than others. I hate this stuff hopefully one day I’ll wake up and it will be all over!
I’ve taken Saphris since 2011, and stopped cold turkey a week ago. Luckily for me I have a super processing liver and the only withdrawal symptoms I have been experiencing are nausea, mild muscle cramps, and severe insomnia. At first I was taking Benadryl to try to sleep but that didn’t work so I took zzzquill and that knocked me out right away. I also gained 68 pounds when I started this medication so I’m still waiting to see if I lose all the weight, but I have noticed my appetite has decreased; so we will see.
I was on 10mg of Saphris (for bipolar disorder) for only a month and a half and it wasn’t working for me, so I was taken off of it. After about 2 days of stopping, I experienced SEVERE vertigo- dizziness, nausea, falling, and extreme vomiting. I was sent to the ER.
Then this happened again the next 2 days, followed by a 1-week hospital stay in which I experienced SEVERE dizziness – the room was spinning in all directions and I had double vision. Now I have to take this terrible drug again and VERY SLOWLY taper off of it, before trying another medication. DON’T EVER TAKE THIS MEDICATION!!
So how slowly did you have to taper off the saphris? I’m weaning down right down 1mg for a week then half for a week then a quarter a day for a week. How did it work for you?
I’m going through it now. It’s utter hell. I’m on week 5 dizziness, migraines and brain fog. I’ve been to emergency more times than I can count. What do I do? When does this end? :(
I took Saphris 10 mg daily for 2 months. I gained weight and had side effects. I stopped cold turkey. I felt extremely fatigued. I dwell on unpleasant thoughts. I can’t get to sleep at night. I have fever at times. For 7 days I did not do anything around the house. I feel like I have been through a wringer. I see Dr. tomorrow. Hoping to get some help.
Found this article as I cannot sleep. I have been taking 5 mg Saphris twice a day for only 3 weeks. I was taking Latuda before and experiencing tremors which I now understand the feeling is called. For 2 weeks after starting Saphris I had no tremors. The past 5 days my body has been in a constant fight or flight state.
I became so frustrated that I could not alleviate them that I became hysterical–2 knock down drag out fights with my husband insisting I had a disease. Had 3 contacts with psychiatrist office today because I couldn’t take it. I just started a new job so I can’t afford to be hospitalized. Finally the Dr himself called me and said he believes Saphris may be causing tremors and to discontinue using it. Now here I lie wide awake with tremors at 2am after only missing one dose.
This drug must be very powerful. I have BiPolar Mixed OCD and Anxiety Disorder and I have taken many medications in the past 30 years. This particular side effect or withdrawal is the worst I have dealt with. I found this article helpful and for the first time in 3 months this tremor feeling seems valid and not just one more thing that is in my head.
I have been on Saphris 5mg for 8 years. My Psychiatrist tried other drugs to get me off of it, but it was the only thing that worked. Other drugs made me agitated and unstable. So, I stuck with Saphris. About 2 months ago, I quit cold turkey. I took 1.5 mg of Xanax to help me sleep and I was self-medicating on alcohol at the time which helped (I do not recommend the alcohol as it is habit forming and not healthy).
I quit the alcohol and am not taking 1mg of Xanax about an hour before bed time to help me relax and sleep. At first, I only slept about 6 hours, but eventually started getting 8 or more hours of sleep consistently. I didn’t have the sleep hangover of Saphris any longer and felt more energetic.
My cognitive abilities were hindered and I am still having some minor short term memory problems, but it’s getting better. My liver enzymes are better and I have lost over 10 pounds so far. I am having digestive problems (constipation / diarrhea), so I’m probably going to have to go to the Primary Care Doc and get checked out.
I still keep a months supply of Saphris around in the event a stressful event causes relapse or difficulties. I am having to learn to manage stress better and use Xanax if I have panic issues. Good luck everyone!
My daughter was on saphris daily with 2.5 for two weeks then up to 5 MG for a week then she begin not being able to sleep so they bumped her back down for a two weeks at 2.5. Two days ago we chose to stop because she was experiencing extreme insomnia. Within the next couple of days if she can’t sleep were going to have to take her back to the hospital.
What that means for us is they will put her directly in a lock down psych unit for simply being on an antipsychotic. She’s not suicidal, nor a danger to herself or others. So we’re reluctant to take her because we don’t feel she needs impatient when she she just needs to sleep.
I have been on saphris for almost 4 years and taking 15mg once daily. I gained 50lbs. I reached 220lbs I’m 5’6 so I said no more. I tapered down but I have been off completely for two weeks. I have the chills and I get sweaty out of nowhere. I have had constant diarrhea, but I take Imodium and that helps that my body hurts and I get cramps in my muscles but the worst part is the headaches nothing works I mean nothing!
I have spent 2 weeks in my room with ice packs on my head I wasn’t sure that the headaches where from stopping the saphris until reading this today. I don’t know how much longer I can take of the headaches. But I have lost 7lbs in less than 2 weeks. Oh and the fog thing that is hard too… I can’t even cook a meal or follow directions. My doctor says there is no withdrawal symptoms from saphris. Grrr.
Jodie, So it’s January, how have you been doing without the saphris? Have withdrawal symptoms eased up? -Theresa
I have been on Saphris 5mg for three years. I stopped cold turkey at the instruction of my doctor. So far I haven’t slept for a week and feel like I’m going mad. I went to the dr and he gave me some Ativan to help me sleep. So far I have tried it for one night and it has helped a bit. Just wondering how long the insomnia will last for and how long I will have to take Ativan.