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Tramadol (Ultram) Withdrawal Symptoms + Duration

Tramadol (Ultram) is an atypical opioid drug that is primarily utilized to help people manage moderate or severe pain. It is considered an “atypical” opioid due to the fact that it also prevents the reuptake of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. It also has a very minor effect as a mu-opioid receptor agonist. This is a drug that works very well to help individuals ongoing moderate pain.

For chronic severe pain this drug is less effective than morphine, but in cases of moderate pain, it is considered equally effective. Individuals who take Tramadol will likely notice that it provides significant relief from pain sensations within an hour of ingestion. The drug itself doesn’t really have a purpose other than to provide people with relief from pain. It is used by people struggling with pain associated with fibromyalgia if that pain becomes severe enough to warrant an opioid.

When compared to morphine, the dosing of Tramadol is approximately 10% of the potency, therefore it also works well to help manage acute opioid withdrawal symptoms. There are people who use this drug recreationally to “get high,” but most people who use it are doing so because it helps with pain management. It is currently being investigated as to whether it helps treat depression, diabetic neuropathy, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and premature ejaculation.

Factors that influence Tramadol withdrawal

There are many factors that play a role in determining the severity of opiate withdrawal symptoms. Things that will influence the intensity of your withdrawal include: time span over which you took the drug, your dosage, whether you have become dependent on the drug, how quickly you taper, as well as other individual factors.

1. Time Span

How long were you on Tramadol? If you were on this drug daily for many years and are looking to quit, you are likely going to have much more severe withdrawal symptoms compared to someone who took this drug for a couple months and/or shorter duration. Additionally if you took the drug “off and on” as opposed to every day, you should have an easier time with the withdrawal because you have given your body “breaks” from being under the influence of the drug. In general, the longer the span of time over which you took this drug, the tougher the withdrawal process.

2. Dosage (50 mg to 100 mg)

What dosage did you take? If you were on a high dosage, the process of withdrawing takes much longer than someone on a lower dose. Higher doses taken over an extended period of time result in your body building up a greater tolerance to the drug. The recommended daily dose of Tramadol is between 50 mg and 100 mg.

However, many people end up building up tolerance to the 100 mg and/or require a greater dose to treat their pain. The maximum recommended daily dose is 400 mg, however some people end up taking more with doctor supervision. There have been reported cases of people taking between 1000 mg and 2000 mg as a result of long term use and tolerance.

3. Tolerance / Dependency / Addiction

People that have been taking Tramadol for an extended period of time may develop tolerance to the drug. When tolerance develops, people usually increase the amount of the drug that they take so that they receive the same relief for pain management. Some people end up developing a major tolerance and actually become dependent on the drug for functioning.

Those who become dependent may have a very difficult time withdrawing from the drug or even decreasing the dosage. The fact that this drug does provide pain relief and individuals can develop a tolerance, it is possible to become addicted to Tramadol. Fortunately the addiction potential of Tramadol is significantly less than that of other opioids.

4. Cold turkey vs. Tapering

How did you quit taking Tramadol? Did you come off of the drug “cold turkey” or did you conduct a gradual taper? In most cases, it is highly recommended to taper off of any opiate due to the fact that cold turkey withdrawal can be dangerous. Many people have had success quitting cold turkey, but the symptoms may be significantly more severe than if a gradual taper is conducted.

Most people that have experienced Tramadol withdrawal “cold turkey” advise to conduct a taper. The rule of thumb that many users live by is that the tapering period should last 1/4 the total duration of the time you took the drug. So if you took the drug for 4 years, your tapering period should last one full year. You should also work with a professional to determine the increments by which you decrease your dosing.

5. Individual Factors

It is also important to understand that since everyone is unique, individual factors can influence withdrawal time and severity of symptoms. Certain people barely experience any sort of withdrawal when they come off of Tramadol, while others may experience very difficult symptoms that persist for weeks following their last dose.

Individual factors include things like: physiology, environment, social support, whether you are taking other drugs and/or supplements, etc. Keep in mind that some people are also more sensitive and/or aware to the physical and mental sensations that they experience during withdrawal.

Tramadol Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities

Below is a list of possible symptoms that you may experience when you discontinue Tramadol. Understand that not everyone will experience every last symptom on the list. You may experience one or two symptoms or an array of them. Realize that your withdrawal symptoms will be unique to you and may not necessarily echo what others experience.

  • Abdominal cramps: One of the most common symptoms associated with Tramadol withdrawal is abdominal cramping. If you feel abdominal pain and as if you have an eternal stomach ache, it is just your body reacting to no longer receiving the drug.
  • Anxiety: Most opioid drugs tend to help people stay calm and reduce anxiety. This drug can further reduce anxiety with its affect on serotonin levels. When a person withdraws, the individual is no longer getting the endorphin stimulation from the drug and the same effect on serotonin levels. The withdrawal can make people feel significantly more anxious than before they started the drug.
  • Brain zaps: When withdrawing from higher doses and/or when withdrawing “cold turkey” many people experience electrical-shock sensations throughout their brain. These are most commonly experienced during antidepressant withdrawal. Since Tramadol affects serotonin, it is thought that serotonin levels readjusting leads to “zapping” sensations.
  • Cravings: Some people have a very difficult time quitting this particular drug. Although it is less addicting than other opiates, many people still end up having cravings during their withdrawal. As time continues to pass and you stay sober, these cravings tend to gradually subside.
  • Dilated pupils: Opiates tend to result in pupil constriction. When you come off of these drugs, your pupils will likely dilate and look pretty huge. This is merely something that you may notice when you look in the mirror.
  • Depression: Since Tramadol affects the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine, it may lead some people to feel happier. It is being investigated as an antidepressant and many people find that it works great at alleviating depression. When quitting this drug, not only are endorphin levels low, but serotonin and norepinephrine levels may also be low – leading people to feel depressed.
  • Diarrhea: It is well known that taking opioid drugs can lead to significant constipation. When you quit taking the drug and your bowel functioning changes, most people first experience diarrhea. This may be somewhat difficult to deal with and especially uncomfortable. The best way to manage this is by taking some over-the-counter Imodium.
  • Dizziness: Among the most common of all withdrawal symptoms is that of feeling dizzy. Some people report feeling so dizzy that they cannot do any sort of physical activity. If you feel especially dizzy at times, make sure that you take the time to get proper rest. Understand that this is a reaction you are having to the withdrawal.
  • Fatigue: Many people feel intense fatigue when they quit this drug. It may be difficult to get out of bed in the morning and/or do much of anything. Your energy levels should gradually pick back up within a few weeks.
  • Goose bumps: Another common thing to experience is “goose bumps” across your entire body. These are little bumps and tingling sensations that may be powerful during the initial couple weeks of withdrawal.
  • Headaches: Some people report having very painful headaches during withdrawal. If you are experiencing intense headaches, consider some sort of headache relief. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water, getting adequate sleep, and relaxing your facial muscles.
  • Insomnia: Although you may feel excessively tired at some points during withdrawal, you may also struggle with insomnia. This can be a result of increases in anxiety and stress, but may also be due to the fact that your neurotransmitters are out of balance.
  • Mood swings: During withdrawal your moods may be difficult to control. You may feel somewhat normal one minute, then super depressed the next.
  • Muscle cramps: As mentioned earlier, it is very common to experience abdominal cramping. However, some people experience cramps throughout all of their muscles. If you find yourself cramping up easily, just know that its normal.
  • Nausea: The nausea can be overwhelming at times when you initially quit the drug. It may lead you to vomit, but in most cases it will just be very uncomfortable. Try to weather the storm and realize that this will improve.
  • Pain: If you were being treated for pain, you may notice that the pain reemerges when you stop taking Tramadol.  This pain may be more severe than before you went on the drug.  It should eventually improve as a result of your body building up its natural endorphin levels.  With that said, be sure to work with a doctor to treat your pain if it is unbearable.
  • Panic attacks: If you experience intense anxiety during withdrawal, this could lead to a panic attack. It is the adjustment in neurotransmitter levels that can take some time and make people prone to panic. To decrease feelings of panic, take the time to consciously relax when you feel stressed.
  • Restlessness: You may notice that you feel increasingly restless in the weeks following your last dose. If you feel especially restless, try to do something productive like clean up around the house or go for a walk.
  • Sleep problems: You may notice that your sleep changes significantly compared to when you took the drug. It may be difficult to stay relaxed and fall asleep or you may notice yourself sleeping too much. Most people end up sleeping heavily at times during withdrawal and at other times notice that they cannot fall asleep at all due to insomnia.
  • Suicidal thoughts: During withdrawal it is very common to feel intense depression – especially in the first few weeks following your last dose. In some cases this leads people to experiencing suicidal thinking, which can be difficult to deal with. Take the time to realize that this is simply a result of withdrawal and things will improve as you heal. If you are unable to realize that these thoughts are merely a phase of withdrawal, be sure to seek professional help from a therapist.
  • Sweating: If you sweat profusely during withdrawal, just know that you are not alone. Many people end up experiencing intense sweating throughout the day and during their sleep at night. If you feel like a walking puddle, just know that it’s a symptom of withdrawal that will improve in time.
  • Tremors: Many people report that they shake uncontrollably when they initially quit this drug.  These tremors may be more severe if you quit cold turkey from a substantial dosage, but they can occur even if you taper properly.
  • Vomiting: In some cases people actually experience flu-like symptoms and get sick. This may lead a person to vomit within days after taking their last dose. Typically vomiting won’t last more than several days after discontinuation.

Note: Most evidence points to the fact that people experience seizures while on this drug. Although many people are curious about whether withdrawal can cause seizures, it should be noted that this is a pretty unlikely experience during withdrawal.  It should also be noted that in rare cases, people can hallucinate during the withdrawal process as well.

Tramadol Withdrawal Duration: How long will it last?

Most individuals report that the bulk of their withdrawal from Tramadol lasts anywhere from 10 days to a few weeks. However, it is important to understand that many people also experience what is known as post acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). These “post-acute” symptoms occur long after the drug is out of the body and most of these effects are a result of the body trying to reset itself back to homeostatic functioning.

Understand that what you experience during withdrawal will be largely influenced by the factors listed above including: time span, dosage, dependency, individual physiology, as well as how quickly you tapered. If you do not conduct a gradual taper, you may experience very severe withdrawal symptoms compared to someone who tapered slowly over a long period of time. It is important to understand that Tramadol stays in your system for less than 2 days after stopping (on average), and most people feel better several weeks after cessation.

If your withdrawal symptoms are too severe to cope with, you may want to work with a professional. You may want to take the time to visit a therapist who specializes in drug withdrawal and/or consider consulting a doctor. A doctor may be able to prescribe a drug like Clonidine to help take the edge off and reduce your anxiety, insomnia, and unnecessary stress that you may be experiencing. During withdrawal, do your best to get plenty of rest, get proper vitamins and nutrients, eat a healthy diet, and consider some very light exercise (e.g. walking).

Tramadol affects opioid receptors that manage pain as well as neurotransmitters that affect mood. Some people swear that this is the toughest drug that they have ever withdrawn from. If you have successfully withdrawn from Tramadol or are in the process of withdrawing, feel free to share your experience in the comments section below.

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171 thoughts on “Tramadol (Ultram) Withdrawal Symptoms + Duration”

  1. I’ll share my story: Started on 50mg of Tramadol in May for a Sports Hernia, then increased to 100mg in July because 50 wasn’t enough anymore. I suffer from anxiety/depression and it really made me feel very good and anxiety free. I got surgery for my hernia in Munich at the end of July. Doctors there told me that Tramadol is a terrible drug and that I should stop it immediately.

    I tried to go cold Turkey and it withdrawal symptoms were pretty terrible. Cold sweats, nausea, insomnia, etc. So I decided to immediately go to 50mg again for the time being. From August to one week ago I was taking 50 mg of Tramadol and I hated it. It wasn’t enough to give me a high yet it made me sleepy all day. I kept taking Tramadol until exactly one week ago. Knowing that I had to quit this ASAP and wanting to avoid as much pain as possible I decided to buy really good medical weed and smoke a lot during my withdrawal phase.

    I have to say it made my nausea completely go away, and even though I still couldn’t sleep much, I would smoke and be mentally ok. The first 3-5 days I was just a zombie, with no brain power and no energy. I couldn’t sleep much and had some crazy dreams. I went to the gym everyday and it made me feel so much better. Well now its been a week and I got my first real 8 hours of sleep.

    I feel much better, my mind is back, as well as my energy. During the withdrawal phase I did feel a bit depressed the first 3-5 days without taking it but then it went away. So don’t give up, the best time to quit is NOW. This drug numbed my mind and my emotions, yet is very addictive. Stay away from it if you can.

  2. I have been on Tramadol 150mg for over 14 years now, am 44, had a car accident when I was 30, “P” Plater went thru a red light and cleaned me up, broke my back, was on physio for couple years, couldn’t walk for months, and doctor put me on these for pain relief. Over the years I have put up with restless legs, more so the last few years, and recently Doctor suggested to up the dosage, and I just thought to myself I want to get off the tramadol, not increase the dosage!!!!!

    I have been physically riding my bike 10kms every two days for the last two months and feel a lot better, so physically I am getting fitter, only 10kg overweight, as my goal was to go cold turkey while my kids were on school holidays, so if I had restless nights it would work out ok. Anyway I have been cold turkey now for 48 hours, and basically I have diarrhea, and a temp of 38, have a cough as well. I don’t know if it’s coincidence or not, that I picked up the flu the day I decided to go cold turkey or not!

    And the biggest issue for me has been restless legs and cramps, sleeping has been pretty bad as well, because of the aches and pains in my legs. Even when on tramadol I found it helped with the aching, but when I get the severe pain where I cant even get up or walk a few meters without my back grabbing me in excruciating pain, it did nothing. I have learned to live with my injury over the years, know what I can and can’t do without repercussions.

    Anyway I hope to overcome this horrible drug, and manage my pain through exercise and looking after myself, not becoming dependent on a drug.

  3. I also took tramadol for years and years for shoulder pain. It was a great drug which worked so very well especially for bone pain. I begun on 50 mg and then went to 100 mg SR once daily. I stayed on that amount for about ten years. It enhanced my mood, gave me more energy and took away all my pain. I tried 200 mg once when my Dr inadvertently gave me a script for 200 mg SR but I hated it and refused to take them!

    Eventually though, after reading much information, I decided to give it up and try to be as healthy as I could without the band-aid fix I had come to rely on. I asked my Dr to put my dose down to 50 mg and expected to get 50mg slow release. This is not what I got and I decided to be content with the 50mg fast release. I held out my dose until I felt I was beginning withdrawal symptoms and continued to take one per day for many months.

    When my body adjusted to this amount i went to the health food store and bought gel caps and began to break the capsule of tramadol powder into two (sure makes it last longer lol). I continued in this dose for few more months and then proceeded to break that dose again into two. It was the only way I could curb the restless legs, headaches, cough and other side effects I had.

    It ended up being quite easy continuing along this way until I began to forget to take one and then because I felt OK began missing every other day. Then began missing every two days until soon not taking any. I suggest this is the only way to do it and, it wasn’t too bad at all.

    So depending on your dose, cut down, little by little, take your time, tell someone you are doing it because it helps for someone to know you have been addicted – they understand the cough etc and can be very helpful in getting you to the end. And by the way, the shoulder pain did come back and I needed a shot in the bursa, but I will never take tramadol again for as long as I live.

  4. I just want to thank everyone for their account of withdrawal from Tramadol. I had injured my back and was on Norco for a year before they figured out what was wrong with my back and I had a fusion done from L3-L5. When I came home from the hospital, I was on morphine and Percocet. After about a month, was just taking Percocet.

    By month 3, was told by my surgeon I should be weaned off by now, but I was still having so much back pain, I couldn’t do it. After 3 months, it then became the responsibility of my primary MD to write for my Rx, which he happily did. Over the next month or so, I was having multiple other problems, such as stomach cramping or pain sporadically throughout the day, extreme lethargy at times, continued back pain, but was also starting to really hurt in several other joints.

    All of this was going on and I was still taking approximately the same dose of Percocet. I feel stupid now, because it took me a while to figure out it was the Percocet doing it to me. Once I figured it out, I said screw this, I’m just going to quit! Wow! I had no idea! So I emailed my doctor and told him I wanted off the Percocet and wanted to go back to the Norco like I was before the surgery and I had read on another forum, someone said taking Tramadol helps with withdrawal from Oxy/ or Hydrocodone, so I asked for that too.

    Well, that was on a Thursday that I took my last Percocet, and I went through 3 days of Hell, not even being able to get out of bed. On the 4th day, I think the worst of the symptoms were behind me, other than such extreme exhaustion, I could hardly stand it. On that 4th day, I took a Norco, and within 30 minutes, I could feel that veil of overwhelming exhaustion lift like magic.

    My original plan was to take Tramadol OTC and take the Norco for breakthrough pain. (I had always thought that Tramadol was not physically addictive like other opiates.) My doctor agreed and gave me said scripts. At first, everything was fine, but then slowly started noticing that I was hurting in multiple joints again. For example, I woke up one morning, and my shoulder hurt so bad, I couldn’t lift my arm. I had never injured my shoulder before, but the pain was excruciating.

    I admit, I’m a little slow sometimes, or just didn’t want to see it, but finally admitted, it had to be the Norco. So, decided to get off that and see how I do. Went through another 3-4 days of Hell and now left with utter exhaustion. I had put in for a refill of the Tramadol, which I should be getting any day in the mail, but after reading of everyone’s experience, I won’t be getting on that merry-go-round!

    For the record, it’s crazy, but now that I have all of that out of my system for the most part, not only does my shoulder not hurt, but neither does my back (so far)! It’s like the drugs were actually making me hurt so I would take more of them. Pretty awful sh-t!

  5. I was told this was safe… I’m on Day 5 of Tramadol withdrawal. I’ve never experienced something like this, it is pure torture… The Oxycontin and Valium withdrawal were nothing compared to Tramadol withdrawal… I had no idea.

  6. I was on 300mg tramadol for 6+ years. I quit cold turkey 3 days ago. Has sweats, stomach pain while on it. So what’s happening is not new. I have RSD so there is pain 24/7 just the level shifting throughout day and night. The first 24 were rough. Cried as cried a real pity party. No energy. My hands ached and ached!

    I contacted a close group of friends to support. A Doc friend wanted me to taper over 6 weeks. My body just didn’t want it anymore. 3rd day – woke up more my younger happy self looking forward to the day. Stomach feels awful. Bolted and achy to Sick to stomach. Again that part is not new. Head hurts a little bit. Using a reflexology palm pinch.

    Is there a time when my poor body will be over this stomach pain? Using ginger chews for many years. There is some bloating. I’m 59 with nerve pain from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD).

  7. After 7 years of using Tramadol for a torn hamstring and degenerative hip condition, I knew the time was now to stop taking it. Daily dose of 50mg had become 75mg 2 x day often chased with beer to enhance the effect. While afraid of withdrawal, it’s time to be free from the dependency on Tramadol… It’s not my best friend although internal lies wanted me to believe it was actually helping me get through the day.

    No more blunting of reality, feelings or the truth which was that I was abusing the med. Yes, I still have pain and my body wants me to think it is unmanageable but this is simply the lure of addiction. This is day 3 without Tramadol – I’m feeling okay yet aware that my emotional state is more sensitive and crying spells are cleansing not setbacks.

    I’m firm in moving forward with faith and confidence that by this time next week, each day will be clearer because my thinking will be clearer. I cannot blame my PCP for prescribing and refilling all these years – I knew I enjoyed taking Tramadol for more reasons than originally presented to Doctor. Prayer, more prayer and admitting my problem to a trusted friend has made all the difference in breaking free.

    Please take heart and fear not – you can be free from Tramadol. O Yes – I am a Child of God for 30 years and strive to follow Jesus. Tramadol had become an idol. I’m 63 now & FREE!

  8. I am now on day 9 I felt like I have the stomach flu, no sleep, and stomach pain. Went to the doctor she gave me Trazodone for sleep and that helped a lot I can now sleep for 7 hours. To others out there, it will get better. Will never take a pain killer again I have learned my lesson.

  9. I took Tramadol for ten years (first prescribed for broken ankle) and am on third week of no Tramadol/ No Opiates. For six of the ten years I took 300-600 mg daily, then cut down to 150mg daily about 3 years ago, and started titrating towards total withdrawal about a year ago. The last six weeks of only 10 -15 mg were helped by the making Tramadol water previously mentioned.

    It’s been an extremely uncomfortable, lonely, long and sad journey as I told no one except my therapist. The discomfort has its ups & downs… Still sweat profusely and become dizzy when exerting myself at all; getting enough sleep is a daily struggle; my short term memory and ability to focus are non-existent… and, worst of all, I have become a hermit with my ugly little secret.

    Right now, all I can do is be clean & healthy as possible and know that my body will heal… I won’t be the person I was before Tramadol, but I won’t be an opiate addict either. I was stupid to trash my body, mind & soul like I did, but I have worked hard to make amends. My body, mind & soul have forgiven me… And yours will too.

  10. Worst withdrawals ever. I tapered off to half a 50mg pill a day to none and I’m 4 or 5 days off. I can’t sleep because I feel like my back is trying to crawl away. I can’t get comfortable. I’m overly emotional. I will never ever use this medication again. Although it’s good to know this isn’t all in my head. I’ve tried for years to get off and most Drs have told me it’s not addictive. That made me feel crazy. At least now they are being honest about it.

  11. That was a relief to read the symptoms!!! I thought it was just me but seems it’s the tramadol. I’ve only been on tramadol for 3 weeks 2 days post op for my rotator cuff repair! Originally two in the morning and two at night (50mg each tab) for about 10 days, then one in the morning and one at night, then I tried one at night only and that was a joke (too soon) so moved back to two at night to sleep which worked well as the pain was manageable during the day and I was sleeping well!

    Then for the last week back to just one at night….so I guess without realising I have been tapering off this drug in terms of timing of the doses.
    Even though I have been on low doses, on day 2 of no tramadol I still feel the withdrawals!!! So if you are starting to take this drug just monitor your use! I’ve done my research and am going to start taking:
    -Magnesium at night
    -High dose Vitamin C – increase my normal dose
    -Increase my Multi Vitamin with calcium, B vitamins, zinc
    -More green smoothies with green leafy veggies, and bananas/frozen berries
    -Drink way more water

    …because after bursting into tears for no reason this morning, sweating up a storm the first night, feeling hot when everyone else is freezing but having goose bumps, having nausea, like feeling hungry all the time but it’s withdrawal cause when I eat I feel ill, taking paracetamol for my pain instead, and literally my brain telling me I’m in pain just after 6 hours but then 30 minutes later I’m fine (paracetamol dose on my packet says two every 6 hours) this is ridiculous!!!!!

    I suggest if you are struggling with your withdrawals, have tapered your dose and are nearly going to go for the packet to make things easy…
    -Take a few deep breaths
    -Have a glass of water
    -Get out of your head – there is nothing wrong will you, you will be okay, withdrawal is part of the process
    -Stay positive, think of something you can go do or take your mind off what’s going on

    The mornings are hard to get going but set a time you have to be somewhere or ready for something (if you are not in serious pain), and it sounds weird but talk to yourself like someone else would…like if someone else saw you panicking and crying they would say ‘what’s going on are you ok?’ And then to yourself you can say ‘I’m withdrawing on tramadol, I feel like crap, I’m ok I will be ok!’

    Kinda reassure yourself and get out of your head! Mind over matter on this one I’ve worked out. =)

  12. What if you’re on an extended release form that you can’t cut the tablet? How can you taper? I’d like to go slow to lessen the chance of w/d symptoms. I’ve asked 2 doctors who are treating my back pain. One told me 2 days to withdraw and the other 2 weeks with no advice on a taper. I take 200 ER for 8 years and fear I need slow gradual reduction.

  13. I have been on tramadol for 22 years for fibromyalgia and OA symptoms. It doesn’t take away the pain completely from either problem, but it does make it bearable. It also clears the brain fog associated with fibromyalgia, at least for me. It makes me feel, mentally, the way I felt before the fibromyalgia, which started after a car accident).

    My doctor messed my prescription up a while back, and I was out of tramadol for a day, after only having 100 mg each day of the previous two days. I was miserable – couldn’t think, was in pain and I had restless everything (like restless legs, only over the entire body). I couldn’t sleep, I was sweating and just generally wanted to crawl out of my skin.

    I was intensely depressed, just for that one day, until the doctor realized his error and contacted the pharmacy. It was then I decided to get off these darned things. I had been taking 2, 50mg tablets 2-3 times daily as I needed. I am now taking 1.5 tablets in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. If I still need two later, I will take them, but that never was often, and is less often now.

    In 4 months, I will take 1.5 tablets for the morning and 1.5 tablets in the afternoon. I will do this, switching between lowering the morning for 4 months, then afternoon for 4 months, until I’m off these things. Today is the first day since I started the lower dosage, two weeks ago, that I haven’t had muscle burn and weakness when I awoke in the morning.

    I’m going so slowly because I’ve been on them forever, and I never want to go through what I went through before without them. Also, Uncle Stick His Nose In Everyone’s Business has decided we people in pain shouldn’t be on certain medications for the long term, without giving doctors any guide as to how else to treat the pain. Smart! Not.

    If I do better than I think I will, I may move up the dosage-lowering times. For now, I’m just happy to be able to function on a lower dose. My prayers are with everyone in pain and those who are trying to quit their meds and going through withdrawal. For the rest, I pray your doctors aren’t scared by the government, and keep prescribing what you need.

  14. I’m now into my 48 hours of being Tramadol Free. I toggled between Hydrocodone and Tramadol for the past 4 years. Tramadol was my gateway drug to the world of opiate addictions. I’m currently Red Flagged, ran out of Tramadol with a refill in 2 weeks… I don’t want to fill it but I fear I will. I hope I can get out of this tramadol withdrawal funk before then.

    I’m your typical mother of two, wonderfully loving husband who is blind to this. I lost my job for stealing meds from a co-worker, that’s how bad this got. A month later I had hip surgery that was planned and needed. I was high for a couple of months, bed ridden but planned a getaway. I moved my family a few hours away from the town that took me down.

    Mostly because I was humiliated with what I had become. During the recourse of moving, I knew that I would eventually lose my access to the drugs. I have lost it all but as a mom, I have to keep prevailing, faking it for my family. They will love me no matter what but I can’t let them suffer with my inability to parent right now.

    And wouldn’t you know, I worked really hard to find a good job, I shined in those interviews thanks to the power of Tram and Charm. I got the job. I start in a week, I have no more meds. They won’t recognize the gal they hired and I am freaking out that I suck as a Mom. Although it’s day two, I have managed to do all the laundry and help my husband clean the house.

    Kids are brushed, bathed and fed…I don’t know how I keep going. But what I do know is that I have read pages of posts from people just like me. And this alone as given me hope. The truth of your words has also scared me, its day 2… I now know I’m not out of the woods although I assumed day one was the worst.

    I can’t wait for night to fall when my responsibilities shift, but when the dark comes, I do not sleep… my thoughts keep me scared, worried, disappointed in me and what I have become. And all I wanted was to know why my hip hurt so badly… 4 years later, hip pain is easier to work around than tramadol withdrawals. Thank you for your words. They make me cry, scream, feel sad, happy and hopeful… your words are fixing me.

    That’s huge, take that in for a moment as I have and know that we can and we will be free, someday soon.

  15. I decided to turn to the Internet when I noticed the first onset of withdrawals. I have been on Tramadol 200mg for 5+ years through CA Workman’s Comp. My insurance co., not my doctor, stopped approving my prescription with no forewarning or explanation. I was left to fend for myself, not knowing what to expect. I am writing this in the wee hours because I am unable to sleep and I feel like crap (thank you CA Work Comp). I would have appreciated some kind of help with this.

  16. Trying to taper, Down from 8 tramadol a day to 5 a day. Tomorrow I begin 4 a day for three days, then 3 and one half for 2 days, 3 for three days, and so forth. I don’t know what it is about Tramadol but it has worked like an anti-depressant for me. I have never felt “high” on it or anything, just an absence of pain; physical and mental.

    Still, I don’t like being dependent on it. I’m in my fifties but many years ago, in my early 20’s, I was hooked on Dilaudid. I remember clearly that withdrawal and that memory has me pretty scared about this withdrawal, even though I am tapering on my own. It’s a relatively quick taper because it takes a tremendous amount of self-control and I just want to get it over with.

    I have another 10 to 15 days of tapering and then its really show time. Just want to be off it. Thanks to everyone for all your stories, experiences and advice. I have been taking notes and developing a withdrawal and post withdrawal treatment plan. Thank you all so much.

  17. I have been taking tramadol for about 2-3 months and I decided to go cold turkey one day. Flushed my pills down the toilet and prepared for the worst. However, I didn’t know what I was in for. Worst experience of my life and currently still going through it.

    I am on day 6 so it’s not as bad. The pain, anxiety and insomnia are the worst and are always present. There were times where I thought of killing myself but with a little faith and will I managed to make it through the worst. I wish all of you experiencing any type of withdrawal the best. My heart goes out to all of you and know that it can be done.

    I consider myself to be a very weak willed person so if I can do it I know that anyone can. Supports systems are good as well and make sure that if you are deciding to quit, you choose a place and people that can understand. God bless.

    • Thank you Joe for your story. I have been taking 50mg tramadol about 4 to 6 and occasionally 8 pills a day for hand surgery. I have been on them for about 2 months. I don’t want to take them any more and it has been just awful. The first day was just awful, crying all day, very needy and depressed and dizziness, cold sweats, cant sleep, soaking my bed with sweat at night.

      The second day I have no appetite feeling horrible so I went and got a professional massage to get toxins out of my system, still depressed, made myself walk for a mile, total exhaustion, mental state just horrible, keep reading the 91st psalm. I slept the second night but had weird dreams, This is my third day and still exhausted, no appetite, having to force myself to eat.

      I am told that 7 to 10 days should do the trick. I have lots of people praying for me. I will be 70 years old this august and this is the worst thing I have ever been on! I just so appreciate your comments and pray that anyone taking this horrible drug gets off of it really fast.

  18. I had been prescribed Tramadol for knee pain due to arthritis. Had no idea it was addictive. Bad thing was I kicked it once before. I have no idea why I started it again. Should have known better. But I am on withdrawal for the second time. This website has been so helpful, it’s not all my imagination!

    I’ve had most of the withdrawal symptoms, restless legs, insomnia, bad stomach, depression, you name it. I am on day 5 and just starting to feel a little better. I can honestly say I will never take this stuff again! Prayer helps, hang in there people, it does get better!

  19. Upon taking Tramadol daily for over 10 years for back pain I had to cold-turkey 3 days ago. I am now taking Oxycodone as my back problem has escalated requiring upcoming surgery. You can’t take both drugs at the same time. Quitting Tramadol and subsequent withdrawals is the most difficult experience of my life. In addition to the common withdrawal symptoms I am experiencing severe breathing symptoms making sleep impossible.

    Nose sprays don’t help. The sweats and chills are constant plus the feeling of being caged-in. The brain zaps are brutal and constant causing dizziness. The flu symptoms especially nasal congestion are persistent. I empathize with anyone in my shoes. Tramadol is like a bad relationship. When you try to break off it comes back and bites you in the ass.

  20. I decided to get off Tramadol and Ativan at the same time. I am sick of being ruled by medications that did not help anyway. I went cold turkey on both. The doctor put me on Paxil. I took it for 10 days and it made me anxious within a half hr of taking it. So I stopped it as well. I had a very severe panic attack level 10 and a few lesser ones.

    I felt great 2 days after stopping Paxil and bam, panic and anxiety. It comes and goes. She gave me Xanax to take during a panic attack. It works after 15-20 min and I am fine. But this is getting to me. I have been off Tramadol and Ativan for 3 wks and 3 days. I still am getting the goose bumps. Not all the time but every day still. I am anxious and try very hard to get it under control.

    I am aware of every twitch and pain in my body. It makes you nuts. I hope this ends soon. I am trying to go with natural supplements for my anxiety. I was good for almost 3 yrs and bam it hit me when I made appts for the doctor. It is a flight or fright response to medical issues and it produces so many symptoms. I do not know what is real and what isn’t anymore.

    I did have some derealization issues as well. My hearing was off and eyesight the first week. I was only taking one 50mg Tramadol in the AM. And 1 mg of Ativan in the am and PM. I was on Tramadol for 6 mo. and Ativan for 4 yrs.

  21. I didn’t even realize I had still been taking tramadol 50mg for about three months until I was refilling my meds one day and realized it was still in my drawer. I stopped immediately because I didn’t have enough to “taper” off as I would have liked to do. I now realize I must have been addicted to it and not known.

    I don’t usually take pain meds but my arthritic knee had been bothering me and the doctor prescribed the tramadol. I now am having terrible insomnia, headaches, multiple urinations during the night and severe leg and arm spasms. I can nap during the day but for some reason cannot sleep at night. My naps are only half hour here and there but at least I can function.

    I am diabetic and am going to tell my doctor to never give me this med again cause even though it helped, I don’t like the “withdrawal” effects, OR he could’ve explained how to taper off of them. I am SO GLAD I found this article to explain a lot of what I was going through because it was really making me nervous.

  22. I have been taking Ultram for 4 months. 200mg/daily. I started to reduce dose 50mg each two days. Then stopped. First day without Ultram: Medium Anxiety and Diarrhea. Second: Some muscle pain and hard morning. Third: Brain zaps. Fourth: Almost nothing. Conclusion: Ultram withdrawal is not so hard for everybody. Each body reaction is different. Don’t panic, maybe yours is easy too.

  23. I was prescribed Tramadol, 200 mg daily, for two years, (2009 – 2011) during my first stint with the drug. However, I grew concerned about addiction issues, so one day, I just dumped what I had on hand in the toilet, flushed and quit… Simple, right…? Nope! I was not prepared for the withdrawals, thought I was sick or something!

    I finally figured it out… what was going on with me, and gutted through it… As I recall, that first time I quit, the physical withdrawals lasted about 5 days, were actually pretty minor, insomnia, restless legs, sweating, low energy, and at the end of it, I felt pretty good… no lingering issues that I could tell. My second go around with Tramadol…

    My PCP attempted to treat my nerve pain, resulting from some pretty bad back injuries, knee injuries and multiple surgeries, using alternative methods, other than narcotics. Yes Tramadol is a narcotic. However, after trying what seemed like a thousand different treatments, therapy and non-narcotic meds, with zero relief, my PCP basically advised me, that it was his professional opinion, that I should resume taking Tramadol.

    See, Tramadol, insofar as treating my pain, was a wonder drug… I could actually have a moderately pain free life. So, without further ado. Addiction… I re-started taking Tramadol at the end of 2011. Originally I was prescribed the same dose as I’d initially been prescribed, 200 mg daily. But, I noted that as the years passed, 200 mg basically stopped providing relief.

    So, my PCP upped my daily dose to 400 mg daily, and that seemed to do the trick. But, as the years continued to pass, I found that I needed more and more Tramadol in order to obtain pain relief. But I still retained some control, and, mostly, kept my Tramadol intake somewhat under control. Although, there were bad days, when I’d take as much as 800 mg, thankfully, I didn’t let myself get pulled down that path too far, and I always got myself back on track, insofar as 400 mg of Tramadol daily can be considered, “on track”…

    Anyway, there were times when I’d run short of pills, but never completely out of pills, as my PCP understood my situation and worked with me, in getting occasional early re-fills. As time and my addiction progressed, I began to note changes in myself. Things like… well… I felt like I was less intelligent, like I had less intellectual/psychological agility and resiliency. I found myself making occasional mistakes at work, that I’d never made before.

    I also found myself withdrawing from life and people in general. My wife, of 25 years, with whom I’d shared 3 wonderful children, (All grown now) and had established a home and life with, left me… I blame her leaving, at least partially, on the effects Tramadol had on me, and to an extent, my changed personality. I’d become lazy, disengaged, and disinterested, in pretty much everything. She finally had enough. (There were many issues coming between my wife and I.

    I cannot blame it all on Tramadol, but I really wish I could.) At the risk of providing evidence against myself; I just felt stupid-er… I also began to experience other health conditions, like high blood pressure, that I’d never had prior. I continued to take Tramadol from the end of 2011 until February 6, 2016 at 1900 hours… Today is February 13, 2016. On February 6, 2016, I decided that I valued my health, wellbeing, and life, more than I valued Tramadol.

    I also came to the realizations, that I fear the inevitable pain I will suffer without Tramadol, less than I fear, slow suicide with Tramadol. So, as before, I emptied my Tramadol bottle in the toilet, flushed, and with a fair amount of trepidation, stood by… This time around, the withdrawals were MUCH worse that my first experience! This time, I’ve experienced, every single possible withdrawal symptom listed above, with the exception of suicidal thoughts.

    It’s been pretty darn BAD! The worse part; is it’s been nearly seven days, since my last use, and I’m still suffering notable physical withdrawals, mild cramps, sneezing, runny nose, mild vertigo, and joint pain! However, I do seem to be coming out of it a little more each day now… Days 1 – 4, were flat ugly! As I expected, my back and nerve pain have returned, with a vengeance, but at least its honest, not the pain managed illusion that Tramadol provided.

    The silver lining, now that I’ve stopped taking Tramadol; there is less danger of turning into a drug induced retard!  I’ll learn to deal with the pain… To each of you, I wish you the absolute best in your journeys! Peace!

  24. I’ve been off tramadol now for 6 weeks. I was on 600/800 mg a day and did cold turkey. It was hell. I visited that place 3 times. Withdrawal symptoms are horrid and insomnia kicks in at the end. It lasted 12 days but the trick is to never give up. It is hell but worth it in the end. Good luck anyone cold turkeying. Do a video diary like I did. It does help. Good luck peeps.

  25. I have been on 100 mg of Tramadol four times a day for seven years. There was recently a series of miscommunications that led to me being forced into severe withdrawals. This is what they prescribed to me after choosing to stop taking narcotics after 15 yrs of treatment with the gamut of vicodin, percocet, oxycontin, methadone etc… I had no clue it would affect me like this. I found all the comments on here interesting. I have every single side effect listed and it will take me weeks to recuperate.

  26. I’m on day 7 of no Tramadol after having been tapering off, down to 1/2 tablet every eight hours (25mg) for a couple of months before that. Still not sleeping for very long, night sweats, flu-like symptoms, teeth hurt, body aches like flu, sneezing. Evil, evil drug. I was prescribed Tramadol for herniated discs originally about three years ago.

    The good thing is that my withdrawal symptoms are lessening, but they are not yet gone. I do have hope. What amazes me is that every single doctor and/or pharmacist that I have mentioned the awful addiction of this drug looks at me like I’m either making it up or some kind of weakling. Big lesson to be learned is to always, without fail, research every single drug that you put into your body before starting it, if at all possible.

    I do think that one day Tramadol will be recognized as the dangerous drug that it is. Good luck to everyone who is struggling. As I say, I am feeling some better now and there is hope for all of us.

  27. It’s been two weeks, and two days since my last dose. I only took it for about 6 weeks, about 4-5 50mg tablets at once at night. I stopped cold turkey the 5th of jan and today the 22nd I’m still having substantial stomach cramps. Is this a normal symptom of a lengthy withdrawal? Just a side note I’ve never taken this devil drug before this.

    • I’m sorry you are feeling so lousy. I understand. Not sure if this will help, but for your tummy try some sparkling water (no sugar) with ginger root slices infusing it. It helps me. Also, get a good probiotic greek yogurt or a good over the counter probiotic to get your stomach in order. If you have to, get some immodium to have on hand. Again, I can only speak for what is helping me with this specific symptom. I hope it helps you, too.

  28. I’m on day 3 with no tramadol. I ran out and decided not to ask my doctor for another refill. Detox from Tramadol a few times In my life so I know what to expect. Somehow I always seem to forget how bad the pain is. The worst for me is the muscle and joint aches. I can say this though after you hit about day 4 things will start getting better and easier.

    No matter how bad you wanna just take another tramadol don’t do it its like starting the process all over again. Do yourself this favor and get to at least 5 days then see if you can manage. It really does get bearable and easier from that day forward. You can start living your life again.

  29. I stopped taking about 800mg tramadol per day one week ago. I ran out by poorly timing a reorder on accident. I could have gotten in a quick visit to the doctor and refilled that way but I decided to just stop taking it instead. I was taking Tramadol for about six years for back pain that is moderate to severe. I quit cold turkey exactly seven days ago today. The first 48 hours was insane.

    Extreme pain everywhere. No possible way to get any healthy sleep, just occasional naps from extreme exhaustion. Constantly pacing my house because sitting still or lying down just causes more pain. The restlessness was as bad as you can possibly imagine. To get through the first 48 hours I took a decent amount of Loperamide (Imodium AD or Walgreen generic have it). Talk to YOUR doctor before taking it!

    Do not take it just because I mentioned it. Loperamide is sort of like an opiate that affects your stomach. It helps Tramadal withdraw similar to how methadone eases hardcore heroine withdraw. We’re all adults here I assume so I’m going to mention one of the more intimate possible uses of tramadol listed above: premature ejaculation. My Tramadol use DID have this effect for the years I took it. You can have sex for hours if you like on tramadol, easy peasy.

    Really you can stay “on the job” as long as you like with this medicine. That alone could up the abuse potential of tramadol I would think lol. Though it does numb you a bit, like wearing a bad condem. Climaxing can be difficult. When I stopped cold turkey… yikes. I’d forgotten how amazing sex is when tramadol is not numbing you and you feel everything like normal. My sex drive has been through the roof during withdraw and the sensitivity is crazy.

    It’s like being 18 years old again! My long term girlfriend has been… well she’s been great to me this week and having fun with how “easy” I am now ?. This was the ONLY perk of withdraw. I highly recommend you take advantage of it to get your mind off the withdraw symptoms. I was taking about 800-1200MG daily, which is higher than a person should take. One week in and I still get dizzy bouts and have very low energy and low concentration.

    I stopped taking loperamide on day three to avoid becoming physically dependent on it and having to keep taking it next (again, always ask YOUR doctor)! Hopefully by next week symptoms will be gone. Ironically my big dog got an injury a few days ago. I had my housekeeper take him to the vet… and they came back with a bottle of 20 x 50mg Tramadol pills that the vet prescribed for my dog LOL.

    Tempted by nasty withdraw symptoms I almost took a few but I managed to hold tight and keep my system 100% tramadol free. Things I took during the first three horrible days:

    Loperamide (Imodium AD or generic)
    NyQuil with Dextromethorphan.
    Advil (not while on NyQuil)
    Coca Cola (helped stomach upset and fatigue)
    Lots of water
    Lots of sex. It’s the only perk in this mess and I recommend it. It gets your endorphins going which is an awesome break from pain and the general blah feeling.

    Regular Coke has so much sugar in it that you would get sick drinking it. So it has an agent that calms your stomach. For some reason that stomach agent worked very well for calming my stomach during withdraw. Regular old Coke, easy peasy. Don’t guzzle two-liters of the stuff. I did an 8 ounce cup with ice at breakfast then one more at lunch. Coke is extremely unhealthy, so I just sipped a couple small cups for the first several days.

    This worked well for me but again you should take NOTHING without talking to your doctor. I am a software engineer with back pain… NOT A MEDICAL EXPERT. Hang in there a few days. Tough it out. Give em hell. It goes away.

  30. I have been on Tramadol for about 8 years. The doctor gave it to me for shoulder pain at the time. At the time it made me feel great and I had no pain. I tried to stop it about 15 times over the years. I was able to go about 4 days without and then I would go right back on because of the horrible withdrawls. I have spent thousands of dollars over the years buying the tramadol online.

    The last 5 months my abdomen started to hurt real bad. I had all kinds of tests and they all came back fine. I have slowly weaned my self off and I am on day 8 of no tramadol. Have chest pains still,hard to breathe, stomach cramps,still sore all over. Has really messed up my digestive system. Stomach sticks out like I’m pregnant. When I eat I get sick. I threw out all my pills and will never touch that stuff again.

    I spent probably $10,000 buying online over the years because I did not want to keep asking my doctor. I feel more alive than in years. I feel what made me get off for the final time was because I was really afraid about what it was doing to my insides. I’m 54 years old. I know more than anyone how hard it is to get off the drug, but think about what it is doing to your body and hopefully that will see you through.

  31. I quit tramadol on Jan 2nd 2016. I was on roughly 450mg a day. Cold turkey was hell. I went there 3 times but crawled out the other side. I’m on day 6. Sleep patterns are non exist. I’m exhausted beyond belief. Still feel the tingling sensation down below which is the worst ever. Back at work in two days and seriously need sleep. Do not give up if you’re doing cold turkey. Pleaseeee. Yes it’s hell and the worst thing ever. You must stick to it no matter what. Do a video diary 2 or 3 times a day. It does help. Good luck people. I seriously mean it. It does get better.

  32. I have been on Tramadol for about 6 months leading up to hip replacement. It’s been 7 weeks now since the operation. At most I was taking 400 MG a day. I cut Tramadol off and used Dilaudid for 2 weeks or so. As that prescription wore out I went back on Tramadol. Now I’m trying to cut it off. So far I go off one day and feel fine. The next day I have flu-like symptoms (sneezing/body aches).

    That night I’ll have terrible RLS and stabbing pain. So I’ll take 100mg of Tramadol. Repeat process. Tonight I’m trying just 50 MG. I’ll see how that goes. I won’t go back to 100. If I can repeat the one day on/one day off at that level, then I’ll try cold turkey after 2 or three weeks. Going off Dilaudid was a cinch compared to this.

  33. Hi. I have been on tramadol since February but only started taking extra in June. I’m doing cold turkey and it’s hell. Its 02.05 and I’m still awake but the tingling down below is horrible. I have to beat this even though tempting to take one just to sleep I can’t and won’t. Never again will I be so stupid and put myself through this. I hope any one who reads this can beat the same problem and live hopefully as normal can be. Thanks for listening. Back to hell I go. Andy

  34. I wish I would’ve seen this article earlier. I’ve been taking Tramadol for PMR, about 300-400 mgs per day. I quit cold turkey about 4 days ago. I don’t have any of the gastro issues but I do have overall pain and severe sleeplessness, RLS, night sweats, runny nose, severe mood swings, aggressiveness, etc. The insomnia is the worst. I’m going to stay cold turkey and never take this demon drug again. My rheumatologist said this drug was safe. I need something for the PMR pain but I’m afraid to take anything now. Who knows how long these withdrawal symptoms are going to last…

    • Rainman, I too am on day 4 of cold turkey taking about 200-300 mg a day. This is my 2nd try at it. Maybe we could encourage one another through this nightmare, praying for you too. Greg.

  35. Dizziness and feeling like I was going to pass out made me take one, then everyday again to get things done for Christmas. 50 mg reg pills 1 X a day. There is no lower dose. How do you taper when you are already taking the lowest dose? Doc has no info, just says stop taking!!! 2 pharmacies have said it is safe to cut 50 mg, but website for tram says DO NOT CUT. EVEN THE REGULAR PILLS. Please advise how I can taper. Want to end this terrible med.

    • I have NO idea why they would say not to cut tramadol pills. It would affect the absorption rate a bit (it’d be quicker) but that is completely harmless for a bite of a 50mg tramadol pill.

      My first cold turkey experience with tramadol was me accidentally leaving my bottle in Vegas. It sent me to the ER at 3:00AM on day two. Two ER doctors were very nice to me about it because one of them had been through it. They suggested tapering and specially mentioned “biting” of pieces of the 50mg pills at the end of tapering.

  36. Today is December 26th and I’ve been clean since November 11th. My fatigue is brutal, still. My bowels are still in disarray and my sleep patterns are just back to normal. I was taking 350 mgs a day for four years and prior to I’ve been on two Oxy Merry go Rounds. Pretty much since my last back surgery in 2005 I’ve been taking opiates for pain. My doctor assured me that if taken for pain…no addiction. My original pain is now manageable now that the dam pain receptors have calmed down. I hate what tramadol has done to me!!

  37. I am so glad I found this site!!! I have been taking tramadol for over ten years. I have gotten it down to 50 2x a day. If I don’t take the second dose, I get horrible RLS, which is what made me think of possibility of addiction. I started researching and there it was. Thank you to everyone who commented, now I know I have a battle to go through but it is not on my head.

    I really want to get off the tramadol, I am an alcoholic and being tied to anything makes me uncomfortable. Also, the side effects of tramadol, for me, are not worth the pain relief any more. Dizziness, depression, fatigue and anxiety are things I can do without, I hope!

  38. I only took tramadol for 5 days for an aching tooth. Once it got better, I stopped taking them and am now seriously having withdrawals. Stopped 5 days ago and I swear I still feel like I’m going to die. Vomiting, diarrhea, aches all over and can’t sleep. I think I’ve taken a hundred baths just to feel a little better. I haven’t eaten since I stopped taking them, I’m too nauseous. I was told these pills are non-addictive and no worries of withdrawals like with vicodin or percocet. LIES! This drug is evil and anyone prescribed it should stop taking it immediately!

  39. Hi, I’ve been taking tramadol for months due to severe sciatic pain, I managed to reduce my dose to manageable, to cope with pain relief and trying to feel awake! I have had steroid injections now and have slowly come off my tramadol, under the direction of my doctor. 3 days ago, tramadol free, but have been having very, very hot feet when I go to bed at night. I have to get up and stand on the cold tiles in the kitchen until they cool down, usually 1/2 hour to 2 hrs, feel dog tired but can’t sleep as feet are so uncomfortable. Anyone else had this as a side effect of coming off tramadol Starting to come off Naproxen this weekend wish me luck! ?

  40. My husband was crashed by a 800kilo excavator bucket to his left foot. After 4 operations over the last 12 months they have now fused the foot hoping not to amputate. They tried morphine and such, but you have never seen anything like it with hallucinating… the only drug he could tolerate was Tramadol which he was on 100mg from the beginning, but over the past 2 months they have cut him down to 50mg and now he has been off them altogether for 4 days.

    He is hallucinating and very restless, trouble sleeping, but will sleep during the day on and off. I have seen my husband go from this strong fit man to a man at 64 years you would think is 85. I became very worried with this mental aspect he is presenting to me and was relieved to read the side effects and that he isn’t going mental. His D-day is Tuesday to see the specialist and I’m crossing everything and hoping to see my man come back to me.

  41. Hi I have been on tramadol for over 20yrs on the high dose 100 four times a day + my other tabs, but I wanted to come off of them so went to my docs. She was alright about it, so we are taking it slowly, but the withdrawal symptoms are freightening me a bit, as I’m already in a wheelchair, so can’t move around very much. I just hope I’m not too bad.

  42. Thank you for this article!! I was on Tramadol for about 10 years! I have Daily Chronic Migraine. I am in severe pain daily, Tramadol worked, so my doc stuck with it. In the middle of that 8 yrs my doc wanted me to take Morphine. I took it for 2 & 1/2 years. I took a high dose due to the pain. But it worked!! I was afraid to come off Morphine. I was able to come off of Morphine in 1 month, no problem.

    Doc & I agreed long-term Morphine wouldn’t be good. So, went back to Tramadol. A few years ago I was taking about 500-1000 mgs/day. I slowly drew back till I got 250-300 mgs/day this last 6 mos. About 3 wks ago I wouldn’t take it daily, the pain was horrible. When I have my Migraines, they put me in the hospital if I don’t have any pain meds. Tramadol just dulled the pain, but I wasn’t in the hospital.

    About 2 weeks ago I only allowed myself to take it a few times a week. Last week was hell! I couldn’t even fix a sandwich, I could barely muster strength to get shower or go to the bathroom. I felt dead & somewhat emotional, like a failure. I felt so out-of-control of my own brain/body. It’s bad enough to feel out of control of my pain & a failure for the Migraines taking over my life. Because of them I have missed many many things with my hubby, kiddos & family in the last 10 1/2 years!

    I could hardly shower/get dressed each day. I was in bed all the time. But I know I have to completely be finished with Tramadol. When my dad had to take it for a fall, he was a zombie for the month he took it. When he went off, his spark was back. I think Tramadol has added to my fatigue/brain fog/exhaustion/tireness, etc for the last 10 yrs. I am starting to feel alive again after 10 years! I can think straighter, I WANT to shower/get dressed & get through the day, even with the horrible head pain.

    Tramadol has been harder to come off of, please don’t become a TRAMADOL ZOMBIE. Find another way to muster through your pain, it’s worth it to get some of your life back. Take control of your own life.

  43. HELP!!! I’m 62 and was a slave to this drug for a few years a long time ago (had a seizure in 2004 and another in 2005 that finally got me to stop then). But I was in a hospital after 2005 seizure and that helped me cope and recover. Unfortunately, after major surgery in 2011, when the Percocet was gone I went online and was able to go back to my old friend (so I thought) Tramadol.

    I’ve been taking very high daily doses for over 3 years and when the last delivery of pills ran out (this past Sunday) that was it. I had none to take so I’m on day 4 of cold turkey and its hell. Anyone have any ideas of other supplements that will help me cope? Smoking a joint helps a bit but not much. Anyone know if Xanax would help? Or what would? Or do I just have to hang in there?

    (BTW I can’t share this info with anyone in my family so to them I’ve got a bad stomach flu for now but it drives me crazy dealing with the depression, stomach ache, total lack of appetite, etc.). I don’t blame anyone but myself for this pain I’m causing myself and I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

    • Diazepam helps with anxiety and relaxes the muscles… I am in the UK so not sure where you are or what meds are available to you. I would however strongly suggest you see your GP as you’ve been on it for so long they will have to help you. Hang in there tho as it will pass and just remember another day gone is another day closer to being free of all this withdrawal and pain meds. Good luck.

  44. JPR. I have been taking Tramadol for many years for back pain, fibromyalgia, and knee pain. I was also put on Norco/Vicodin. I was sent to pain management by my family doctor. He is now saying he is going to take me off the Tramadol. I have two months to wean down. One thing I have that I have not heard is, I yawn continually as the few I am taking wears off. My legs feel like they are being twisted off. I feel very tense and emotional. I’m so frustrated I could cry. I am so glad to hear others. This is like a support group. I wish I had never taken it.

    I was told it was non addicting and was a non narcotic as well. I’m exhausted and it takes everything to get up and move. I will say Ibuprofen and stretching helps the tingling and shocking feelings in my legs. Let’s just hope and pray we can continue to help each other mentally. The pain is bad enough but stopping the medicine on top of that pain is exasperating.

  45. I’ve been prescribed tramadol since 2007. I underwent several surgeries and took 400mg per day along with other stronger opiods. Eventually I tapered off the potent pain meds but continued to take Tramadol. Now nearly nine years later I’ve tapered my dose to 150mg per day. I couldn’t imagine complete discontinuation of it because I’ve taken it so long everyday that it’s like physiological now if that makes any sense.

  46. This forum is extremely informative and helpful. I am facing night #3 with no sleep. I was taking 100-150 mg per day for 60 days for a Fibromyalgia flare. The pain stopped so I stopped cold turkey. Not smart. I am seeing a new doctor who warned me to NEVER take this medication again. I have all of your described symptoms. Keep up the good fight is all I can say and seek professional help if you can’t do it along! Best Wishes.

  47. I was addicted to I.R. oxycontin and let me tell you guys, it was absolute Hell. A month in rehab and months of other crap. Anyways, needless to say, you guys can do this. You’ve accepted the fact that this pill had control over your life and that you no longer need it. That’s all the power you need. What’s a little time suffering compared to the rest of your life without tramadol? Totally worth it. I wish you all luck. I’ve been through W/D’s, so if I can do it, so can you!

  48. I had taken Tramadol after having my wisdom teeth out years ago, but did not want to stop taking them as I felt more energetic and motivated whilst on them. I was not able to get another prescription so have been buying them online on and off for years. This time, I had taken them everyday for 18 months but had to keep increasing my dose just to function normally. Last week I ran out and my new order did not arrive in time.

    The first three nights I was unable to sleep with shocks in my legs and arms, headaches so even though I felt exhausted I was unable to sleep. The days were terrible too, sneezing and too weak to do anything. Then the pills arrived but I felt like I had already been through hell and was determined never to feel like this again. I wanted to be ‘clean’ for my own sake and that of my family.

    I opened the package and poured them into the outside bin so I could not be tempted to get them back out! It has been 7 days now and last night was the first time I actually slept well. I still feel exhausted during the day but I am hopeful this with pass? It is so hard coping with my full time job and family (no one knew about it) but as a wife and mother you just have to keep going. (I told my husband I had flu for the first 4 days).

    I have to say, it was the hardest thing I have ever done but feel so relieved that I no longer depend on them. I have suffered from depression most of my life too so if I can do it, I think anyone can, you just have to talk yourself through it and don’t give in to the poison.

  49. I feel bad for everyone on here but glad to know this is not just me. I did a dumb thing and I had been on and off hydrocodone for tooth problem and then got addicted. I tried to get off them and couldn’t so when I had no more I went to Tramadol because I had them. Now I only have a couple of them and have only been taking 1 a day and feel horrible but I know that all my pains are probably not real and just the symptoms from the withdrawal.

    I can’t stop to rest this off because I work and have no time left and then go home to run my daughter around as a single mom. I am so exhausted but can’t sleep and the RLS in my arms is horrific and unbearable at night. I hope this ends soon!! Good Luck Everyone.

  50. I ruptured two discs in my back and was put on Tramadol, Celebrex, Flexeril, Percocet and Medrol Dosepaks until they could perform surgery three months later. After surgery I was kept on everything but the Medrol Dosepaks. Then, within a few weeks after the surgery, I was able to wean myself off of the Flexeril and Percocet.

    Since then, for about a year now, I have been taking the Tramadol, 50 mg, and Celebrex, 200 mg for lingering pain. I had no side effects from either drug. I considered the Tramadol a real lifesaver. It’s the only thing that controls my pain. Recently I’ve cut way back on the Celebrex because I worry about it’s safety. (I can’t take any other NSAID.) I’ve had no problems doing that.

    But because I don’t like the idea of taking a drug indefinitely, I am now trying to stop the Tramadol. But I feel terrible! I know Tramadol has an SSRI effect, so I expected to feel a little blue. I can manage that. But I also have stomach cramps, diarrhea, chills/goosebumps and a general overall sick feeling. After reading the comments here I believe cold turkey was not the best way for me to do this. So, I will try weaning myself off Tramadol instead.


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