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Genetics Predict Suicide Risk in U.S. Army Soldiers (2024 Polygenic Analysis)

Suicide remains a leading cause of death worldwide, with its prevention a top priority for both public health initiatives and individual care strategies.

Recent research in the US Army offers new insights into the genetic underpinnings of suicide attempts, suggesting that polygenic risk scores (PRS) could become a valuable tool in identifying individuals at risk.


  1. Polygenic risk scores for suicide attempts (SA-PRS) have been shown to predict the likelihood of lifetime suicide attempts among US Army soldiers, independent of parental history of suicide attempts or major depressive disorder (MDD).
  2. The association between SA-PRS and suicide attempts suggests that genetics play a significant role in the risk for suicide, alongside known environmental and psychological factors.
  3. Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), although epidemiologically related to suicide attempts, does not share the same genetic risk profile as indicated by the lack of association with SA-PRS.
  4. While promising, the current predictive power of SA-PRS for clinical use is limited, highlighting the need for further research to enhance the accuracy and applicability of genetic risk scores in suicide prevention.

Source: Journal of Affective Disorders (2024)

Genetic Variants & Suicide Risk (Basics)

The study in discussion did not pinpoint specific genes as markers for increased suicide attempt risk, focusing rather on the broader implications of polygenic risk scores (PRS).

Nonetheless, a body of research outside this study illuminates the role of specific genetic variants in predisposing individuals to suicidal behaviors and tendencies.

1. Serotonin Genes

The connection between serotonin, a critical neurotransmitter for mood regulation, and suicidal behavior is well-documented.

Variations in the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) have been associated with impulsivity and a heightened risk of suicide, underscoring the neurotransmitter’s pivotal role in emotional regulation and stress response.

2. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

This gene plays a vital role in neuron development and survival, contributing to the brain’s adaptability and resilience to stress.

Variations in BDNF have been linked with an increased susceptibility to suicidal behaviors, highlighting its importance in maintaining mental health and stability.

3. Tryptophan Hydroxylase (TPH)

The TPH1 and TPH2 genes are essential for serotonin synthesis, directly impacting the neurotransmitter’s availability in the brain.

Variants within these genes have been implicated in suicidal behavior, suggesting that alterations in serotonin production or function can significantly influence suicide risk.

4. CRHR1

The gene encoding for the corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 is involved in the body’s stress response.

Associations between CRHR1 and suicide risk suggest a genetic basis for the stress-diathesis theory, which posits that a predisposition to stress-related psychological disorders can increase the likelihood of suicidal behavior.

Findings: Genetics & Suicide Risk in US Army Soldiers (2024)

The study’s exploration into the genetic underpinnings of suicide risk among US Army soldiers through the lens of polygenic risk scores (PRS) yielded several major findings.

1. Link Between SA-PRS & Lifetime Suicide Attempts

The study robustly demonstrated that soldiers with higher polygenic risk scores for suicide attempts (SA-PRS) were significantly more likely to have reported a history of suicide attempts.

This association persisted even after accounting for traditional risk factors, such as parental history of major depressive disorder (MDD) and parental suicide attempts.

  • Implications: This finding underscores the genetic component of suicide risk, suggesting that SA-PRS can serve as a valuable tool in identifying individuals at heightened risk. For military settings, where the stakes are particularly high, such predictive capability could inform targeted interventions and support systems, potentially saving lives.
  • Nuances: The study highlighted the importance of considering genetic predispositions alongside environmental and personal history factors. The persistence of the SA-PRS association across multiple cohorts strengthens the evidence for a genetic contribution to suicide risk.

2. No Significant Association Between SA-PRS & NSSI

Contrary to the association with suicide attempts, the study found no significant link between SA-PRS and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI).

This indicates a genetic distinction between the predispositions for suicide attempts and NSSI behaviors.

  • Implications: The differentiation between genetic predispositions for SA and NSSI could lead to more tailored approaches in mental health interventions. Understanding that these behaviors may arise from distinct genetic backgrounds allows clinicians and researchers to develop more nuanced prevention and treatment strategies.
  • Nuances: This finding challenges the notion that suicidal behaviors and NSSI are on a continuum of self-harm behaviors with common underlying causes. Instead, it suggests that while they may share some risk factors, their genetic foundations differ, necessitating distinct approaches in care and intervention.

Genetic Insights into Suicide Risk Among US Army Soldiers (2024)

Murray B Stein et al. leveraged polygenic risk scores (PRS), the research aimed to uncover the extent to which genetic factors contribute to the risk of suicide, independent of known environmental and familial influences.

A secondary aim was to explore the association between SA-PRS and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), to determine if these behaviors shared a common genetic basis.


  • The study employed a cohort design, analyzing genetic data from two non-overlapping groups of soldiers of European ancestry.
  • Utilizing summary statistics from the largest available genome-wide association study (GWAS) on suicide attempts, the researchers generated SA-PRS for each participant.
  • These scores were then evaluated in multivariable models that included additional risk factors, such as parental history of MDD and suicide attempts.
  • The analysis focused on assessing the association between SA-PRS and reported lifetime suicide attempts, as well as NSSI.


  • The study’s findings revealed a significant association between SA-PRS and lifetime suicide attempts in soldiers, even after adjusting for parental history of MDD and suicide attempts.
  • Specifically, soldiers with higher SA-PRS were more likely to have a history of suicide attempts.
  • This association was consistent across both cohorts examined, underscoring the potential of SA-PRS as a predictor of suicide risk.
  • However, the study did not find a significant association between SA-PRS and NSSI, suggesting a genetic distinction between these two forms of self-harm.


  • Effect Size: The predictive power of SA-PRS, while statistically significant, was relatively small, limiting its immediate clinical utility.
  • Diversity: The study was restricted to soldiers of European ancestry, raising questions about the applicability of the findings to more diverse populations.
  • Accuracy: The reliance on self-reported data for parental history of MDD and suicide attempts could have introduced bias, potentially affecting the study’s conclusions.
  • Genetic Complexity: The study’s focus on common genetic variants (polygenic scores) means it may not capture the full genetic complexity of suicide risk, including the potential role of rare variants.

What are the potential applications of these findings?

The groundbreaking findings from the study on the genetic underpinnings of suicide risk among US Army soldiers, particularly through the lens of polygenic risk scores (PRS), have the potential to revolutionize approaches to mental health care, suicide prevention, and treatment strategies.

These insights open the door to a range of applications, from early identification of individuals at risk to innovative therapeutic interventions.

  1. Risk Assessment Tools: Incorporating SA-PRS into risk assessment tools could enable healthcare providers and military psychologists to identify individuals at elevated risk for suicide more effectively. By integrating genetic risk factors with traditional assessment methods, it becomes possible to develop a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of an individual’s risk profile.
  2. Preventive Measures: For those identified as high-risk based on their genetic profile, tailored preventive measures can be implemented. This could include enhanced monitoring, regular mental health check-ups, and proactive stress management strategies. In military settings, this approach could inform assignment decisions, ensuring that individuals at higher genetic risk are provided with additional support during high-stress periods or deployments.
  3. Tailored Therapeutic Approaches: Understanding the genetic factors that contribute to suicide risk allows for more personalized mental health care. Treatments can be tailored to address specific genetic vulnerabilities, enhancing the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. For example, individuals with genetic variants associated with serotonin regulation might benefit more from certain types of antidepressants or psychotherapy aimed at improving stress resilience.
  4. Resilience Training Programs: Insights from genetic findings can inform the development of targeted resilience training programs. By focusing on enhancing coping mechanisms and stress resilience, especially for those genetically predisposed to higher suicide risk, it’s possible to mitigate some of the impacts of these genetic factors.
  5. Lifestyle Interventions: Lifestyle changes and interventions, such as regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and dietary adjustments, can also be tailored based on genetic insights. These interventions can help in mitigating the impact of genetic risk factors on mental health.
  6. CRISPR-Cas9 & Gene Therapy: While still in its early stages, the prospect of using gene-editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 to modify genes associated with increased suicide risk is a futuristic but potentially transformative application. By carefully targeting and modifying these genetic variants, it might be possible to reduce the inherent risk of suicide.
  7. Neurobiological Research: The identification of specific genes associated with suicide risk can drive neurobiological research, leading to the development of novel pharmaceuticals that target these genetic pathways. This could result in more effective medications with fewer side effects for those at risk of suicide.
  8. Public Awareness & Education: Educating the public and healthcare professionals about the role of genetics in mental health and suicide risk is crucial. This can help in destigmatizing mental health issues and encouraging a more proactive approach to mental health care.

Takeaways: Genetics & Suicide Risk in Soldiers

The study on the genetic underpinnings of suicide risk among US Army soldiers, particularly through polygenic risk scores (PRS), marks a significant advancement in our understanding of the complex interplay between genetics and suicide risk.

By demonstrating a significant association between SA-PRS and lifetime suicide attempts, independent of traditional risk factors, the research highlights the potential for genetic insights to enhance early identification and intervention strategies for those at risk.

Although the study faced limitations such as small effect sizes and a focus on a specific demographic, it lays the groundwork for future research aimed at broadening our understanding across more diverse populations.

The findings underscore the necessity of integrating genetic risk factors with conventional assessment methods to develop comprehensive and personalized approaches to suicide prevention.

As we move forward, the ethical implications of utilizing genetic information in mental health care and suicide prevention will require careful consideration and robust frameworks.

Ultimately, this study opens new avenues for research and potential clinical applications, offering hope for more effective, targeted interventions to reduce suicide risk among vulnerable populations.


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