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Vyvanse & Weight Loss: A Common Experience

Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) is a psychostimulant medication that was developed by the company Shire. It is primarily prescribed for the treatment of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and works well to improve cognitive function. In addition to treating ADHD, many doctors have used the drug to help individuals with excessive daytime sleepiness and binge eating disorders.

Some would say that in terms of popularity, this drug is beginning to eclipse that of Adderall (as anĀ ADHD medication) within the medical community. The fact that it is a relatively new medication and a “prodrug” means that many doctors consider it safer, with less potential for abuse. The way Vyvanse works is by entering your body as an “inactive” chemical (dextroamphetamine) with an attached molecule of lysine.

When ingested, the lysine molecule is removed by the small intestine and the “d-amphetamine” becomes activated and you feel the stimulant effects of the drug. Many users of Vyvanse regard it as being very effective and having a smoother absorption than other psychostimulant medications. Although most people take the drug to manage their ADHD, others take it off-label for nootropic benefit, or with an ulterior motive to lose weight.

Vyvanse and Weight Loss

An effect that many people notice from Vyvanse is that after using the drug consistently, they start to lose weight. It is well known that dextroamphetamine is capable of suppressing appetite, increasing energy levels, and speeding up the metabolism. When the CNS (central nervous system) becomes stimulated from Vyvanse, a surge of the neurotransmitter dopamine is released.

It is believed that the increase in dopamine is responsible for making people feel “satiated” without having eaten. The appetite suppression when compounded with a quicker metabolism is a quick recipe for weight loss. As of February 2015, this drug was actually approved by the FDA for the treatment of binge-eating disorder. Although it can help control certain eating disorders, using Vyvanse solely for the purpose of weight loss is generally an unhealthy long-term strategy.

How Vyvanse Causes Weight Loss

There are many ways by which Vyvanse is capable of causing weight loss. For most people it increases metabolism, reduces appetite, and increases motivation. This generally leads to weight loss, especially over a relatively short-term (e.g. months).

  • Appetite suppression: Most people that have taken Vyvanse are aware of the fact that it can eliminate your appetite. Some people may have to force themselves to eat while on this drug because they simply don’t get the urge to eat. This is a common problem, especially among individuals taking high doses.
  • Cognitive improvement: It is proven that people get a cognitive boost from taking this drug. It improves clarity of thinking, memory functions, and in some circles is considered a nootropic. While most people are happy with their cognitive improvement at work and school, improving cognition in general helps people become more aware of the food that they’re consuming. This leads some people to make healthier food choices and eat healthier diets.
  • Dopamine boost: When dopamine levels increase, you become more motivated, more self-aware, and feel satisfied without having eaten. Those with low levels of dopamine tend to be more susceptible to obesity than those with higher levels. This is because when levels remain low, you feel less satisfied and have more urge to seek out food.
  • Fight-or-Flight response: The sympathetic nervous system becomes activated when taking Vyvanse, which leads to a “fight-or-flight” (stress) response. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system causes the body to burn excess energy stores (e.g. glycogen stores and fat cells), resulting in weight loss. Your sympathetic nervous system plays a pivotal role in metabolic regulation, which may also help you lose weight.
  • Increased energy: Since this is a psychostimulant, it increases both mental and physical energy. This means that you may feel like moving around more than usual and/or getting exercise. When you have an increase in overall energy, you’re more likely to go to the gym, go for a walk, or lift weights compared to if you feel fatigued.
  • Motivation increase: As this drug increases cortical arousal and dopamine levels, you’re motivation to complete tasks also increases. With heightened motivation, you may be more inclined to eat a healthier diet, work out more often at the gym, or set some type of health and fitness goal.
  • Physical activity: Those that have increased energy levels are more likely to engage in some sort of physical activity. If you start working out or notice that you like moving around more now that you’re on Vyvanse, it’s a result of the increased energy. The physical activity that you’re getting on the drug will further enhance weight loss by keeping your metabolism high and burning calories.
  • Self-control: This drug improves mental performance and could indirectly improve your health as a result of self-control. Those that have ADHD tend to lack some self-control – when dopamine levels increase, self-control and awareness increase. This may mean that you now are able to resist eating a chocolate cake, whereas before taking the drug, you may have been unable to resist the impulsive urge.
  • Speeds up metabolism: The stimulating nature of this drug ultimately leads to a quicker metabolism. A quicker metabolism will lead you to burn more calories while resting, with less overall exercise. This means that even if you maintained the same diet you were eating pre-Vyvanse as during your treatment, you’re going to lose some weight.
  • Side effects: Although unwanted side effects are relatively uncommon on Vyvanse, they can induce additional weight loss. Examples of side effects that may promote weight loss include: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. If you have diarrhea and/or vomit when you take this drug, you’re going to lose weight. If you are nauseous, you’re going to be less likely to eat.

Note: It is believed that many of these factors are reason as to why people lose weight while taking Vyvanse. It is important to understand that for some people, specific factors may play a more prominent role in influencing weight loss compared to others. For example, one person may experience more of an energy increase to workout, whereas another person may not have a lot more energy, but may have less of an appetite.

Dangers of using Vyvanse to lose weight…

Over the long-term, using Vyvanse specifically for the purpose of weight loss should not be considered healthy. It is not medically approved for weight loss and using it specifically for this purpose could lead to abuse, addiction, dependence, and ultimately the rebound effect of severe weight gain upon discontinuation.

  • Abuse: Once people realize how this drug makes them feel and look (in regards to weight loss), they may resort to abusing it. This may involve taking higher than medically recommended doses with ulterior motives such as to lose weight or experience pleasure. Abusing the drug can have detrimental effects, especially when done over a long-term.
  • Addiction: Despite the fact that the drug may be less addictive than Adderall (amphetamine mixed salts), some people actually report the contrary; that Vyvanse is more addictive. It is considered a “Schedule II” controlled substance for a reason – taking it can lead to addiction. People can become easily attached to the pro-cognitive benefit as well as weight loss that they experience.
  • Dependence: Some individuals take Vyvanse for a prolonged period of time and/or at high doses and experience dependence. In other words, they may be unable to function without the drug. They may come to rely on the drug to produce results in all facets of life including: relationships, school/work, and physical fitness.
  • Diminishing returns: If you’ve been taking this drug for a long period of time, you may notice that weight loss slows, or in some cases, you can weight. This is due to the fact that you’ll experience diminishing returns from the drug with prolonged usage. When your physiology becomes tolerant to the drug, its effects are lessened.
  • Dopamine depletion: Some have argued that dopamine stores in the brain become depleted with consistent, long-term usage of psychostimulants. This is often evidenced by the fact that during withdrawal periods, people often “crash” and experience dysphoria and low energy. Low levels of dopamine and/or depleted levels may lead to weight gain and overeating.
  • Illegal: It is considered illegal to take this medication specifically for weight loss. While the FDA has approved it to help manage binge eating disorder, it has not been approved for weight management among those with obesity. If you are taking this drug, it is important follow your doctor’s instruction.
  • Muscle loss: For many people, metabolism can speed to such a point that they experience muscle loss. This means if you aren’t eating enough food and end up losing weight on Vyvanse, some of that weight may have been from your muscles. While you may not care how you lose the weight, this isn’t considered healthy.
  • Side effects: For some people the side effects of the drug can become difficult to deal with on a regular basis. These effects can include: headaches, an increase in blood pressure, insomnia, and other sleep disruptions. While the side effects are generally tolerable, some people still experience difficulty in dealing with them.
  • Tolerance: Even though it can take awhile to develop tolerance to varying doses of this drug, once you become tolerant to its effects, the weight loss may subside. This could lead you to remain “weight neutral” and/or even gain some weight. If you are constantly increasing the dose to help offset the development of tolerance, you will eventually hit the maximum recommended dose – to which you will eventually build tolerance. The more tolerance you develop, the more difficult it will be to lose weight.
  • Unrealistic body: The body that you get as a result of taking Vyvanse can be a confidence boost while taking the drug, but when you stop taking it, you may be unable to attain this body. This is because Vyvanse contributes significantly to weight loss and may help you surpass your genetic limits. It can be highly depressing and discouraging to someone if they are constantly comparing their appearance to their figure as a result of the drug.
  • Withdrawal: Going through Vyvanse withdrawal can be an incredibly difficult experience for some people. The withdrawal period is characterized by weight gain, anxiety, mood swings, metabolic slowing, and low-dopamine induced depression. Most people end up gaining back most of the weight that they lost once they stop using Vyvanse.
    • Rebound effect: It is also important to note that a “rebound effect” is commonly experienced until homeostatic functioning has been reset within the physiology. In other words, since you had become used to the effects of the drug, your body must readapt to functioning without it. During this period, you may end up gaining significantly more weight than you lost throughout your treatment; which can be problematic. Additionally, you may get depressed at the fact that you are now unable to maintain the “idealized body” that you once achieved.

Factors that influence weight loss on Vyvanse

There are several factors that play a key role in determining the degree of weight loss you experience while taking this drug. These factors include: your dosage, how frequently you take Vyvanse, how long you’ve been taking it, other lifestyle habits, genetics, and whether you are on other medications.

1. Dosage

The amount of the drug that you take regularly can influence how much weight that you lose. The greater the dosage, the greater the overall effect of the drug. If you aren’t keen on experiencing weight loss, you should attempt to take the “minimal effective dose.” For those that don’t care if they lose weight, taking a higher dose may give them more energy and further speed metabolism.

Specifically the ratio of your dosage to your current BMI may be a more accurate for determining the degree to which you experience weight loss. Take a short, small-statured person and compare them with a big-boned, tall person, the bigger person is likely going to require more of the drug to feel the effects. Therefore higher doses for a smaller individual may lead to amplified weight loss.

2. Frequency

How often do you take Vyvanse? Most people that are prescribed this drug take it every single day to cope with ADHD. That said, there are some individuals that limit their usage to times when they need to really focus such as: at work and/or for school-related functions. Those that take Vyvanse on an “as-needed” or infrequent basis are less likely to experience profound weight loss than those who take it on a daily basis.

3. Time Span / Tolerance

The time span over which you’ve taken Vyvanse can play a role in determining how much weight you’ve lost. Those that take this drug for a moderate term (i.e. a year or two) may notice substantial weight loss. Others notice more substantial weight loss in the early phases of treatment. Once you develop a tolerance to your current dose, chances are that weight loss will start to slow (or stop).

If you don’t become tolerant to your current dose, the weight loss will likely continue until you reach the point of tolerance. Some people take the drug for years, but eventually they’ll hit a brick wall: they develop tolerance to the highest recommended dose. In this case, they may start to gain back some weight, and if they discontinue, they’ll rapidly pack on poundage.

So for those that have used the drug for an extended period, it will result in diminishing returns in regards to weight and cognitive enhancement. Tolerance to the highest doses generally takes years of consistent usage, but can occur quicker in the event that a person is abusing the drug.

4. Lifestyle / habits

Your individual lifestyle and daily habits play a big role in determining whether you’re going to lose weight while medicated. If you are pounding unhealthy foods and eating in a caloric surplus consistently, you may not lose much weight.

People that are already within a healthy weight range who eat clean diets and get plenty of exercise are more likely to experience weight loss while taking this drug. Individual sleep patterns, hormones, physiological factors and other supplements may also influence the amount of weight lost while on Vyvanse.

5. Genetics

There is an array of evidence suggesting that genetic variation is responsible for determining individual reactions to drugs. Newer tests such as “GeneSight” analyze your genetic code to determine how effective and tolerable certain psychotropic drugs will be on an individual basis. Although Vyvanse is likely to trigger some weight loss in most people, the degree of weight loss experienced may be based on unique genetic factors.

6. Other drugs

If you take other medications and/or other drugs (i.e. alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, etc.) – this may have an impact on the amount of weight loss you experience on Vyvanse. Certain drugs may be synergistic in promoting weight loss, whereas other substances may offset the weight loss effects of Vyvanse. Examples of drugs that would work with Vyvanse to promote weight loss include stimulatory medications like Wellbutrin, nicotine products, etc.

Examples of drugs that may offset weight loss from Vyvanse include: antipsychotics and various SSRI antidepressants. These drugs are known to slow the metabolism and decrease overall energy. Taking them with Vyvanse may result in you remaining “weight neutral” and/or experiencing less weight loss than you would’ve had you solely been on Vyvanse.

How much weight will you lose from Vyvanse?

There’s no telling exactly how much weight you’re going to lose from Vyvanse. Assuming you aren’t on any other medications and are taking a moderate to high dose of Vyvanse, you’ll likely lose some weight. Most people report losing anywhere from 5 lbs. to 10 lbs. within the first few months of treatment, while others have reported more extreme weight loss exceeding 50 lbs.

A lot of the weight loss will be based on individual factors such as whether you exercise, the foods you eat, etc. Understand that the goal of taking this medication is not to lose weight, and also keep in mind that some people actually hate the weight loss associated with this drug. If you are getting too thin while on Vyvanse, your doctor may start to think twice about refilling your prescription.

Does everyone lose weight from Vyvanse?

It is impossible to make the claim that everyone will lose weight from Vyvanse. However, you’d be hard-pressed to find a consistent user that hadn’t lost a few pounds within their first 6 months of treatment. This is because the drug speeds up the metabolism, minimizes appetite (and cravings), gives you more energy, and may make you more aware of your food choices. Therefore nearly everyone ends up losing some weight throughout their treatment. Whether the amount of weight loss is considered “significant” is up for individual interpretation.

Comparing therapeutic effects vs. unwanted weight loss

Among those that are already skinny, extra weight loss may be unwanted and highly problematic. Therefore, you may want to take the time to compare the therapeutic benefit associated with taking the drug to the amount of weight that you lose (as well as other side effects).

If you are losing a ridiculous amount of weight from taking the drug and hate it, you may want to talk to your doctor about pursuing other options. Always take the time to assess how well the drug is treating the condition for which it was prescribed and compare the benefit you’re getting with the drawbacks (e.g. unwanted weight loss).

Did you lose weight while taking Vyvanse?

If you have experience taking Vyvanse, feel free to share whether you experienced weight change in the comments section below. Discuss how much weight you ended up losing, the amount of Vyvanse you take, how long you’ve been on the drug, as well as other factors that you believe may have contributed to the weight loss.

Also mention whether you are taking other medications that may be influencing your weight. By sharing your experience, you may be helping someone who is currently in your same situation. Consider mentioning whether you specifically took this drug to lose weight and whether you were pleasantly surprised vs. upset with the weight that you lost.

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41 thoughts on “Vyvanse & Weight Loss: A Common Experience”

  1. Interesting article. I’m in a similar boat right now. I have been in the borderline between Overweight and Obese by BMI for the last 5 years and started taking 20-30 mlg doses of Vyvanse on weekdays 1.5 years ago. I recently started, independently of my medication, to try losing weight and make more time for the gym.

    Once I started losing weight at what I felt was a rapid rate (12.5 lbs in a month), I came to ask why it was so easy this time. I defined easy as eating without being excessively hungry and going to the gym no more than three time a week. I identified a few things:

    1. I made a goal with a real reward. I am a habitual project man, so I negotiated a free project separate from my normal project budget if I hit my target. My healthy BMI is still lower than my target, and I started at about 45 lbs about from the upper limit of a healthy BMI.

    2. I eat low-carb. I’m eating four eggs and two pieces of bacon for breakfast, a large salad with grilled chicken, vinaigrette, and lots of black olives (a favorite) for lunch. And then I have “a sensible dinner” where I eat meat and veggies, skipping rice and breads. If I’m off Vyvanse for 24 hours, I might have a craft beer, but I think about all the carbs I eat and try to save the easily metabolized carbs for beer. Since I’m on Vyvanse usually during the work week, the beer comes only on the weekends. I’m getting a pretty good calorie deficit most days.

    3. I’m going to the gym. This is where, according to the article, I really should spend some more time. And smarter time, too. I’ve been largely sitting on an elliptical machine and going for 30-45 minutes three time a week during the lunch hour. I’ve started transitioning to running on a treadmill. Once I reach my target weight and enough of the fat has come off, I’m going to focus on strength training so I can build up enough muscle to prepare for any rebound or tolerance effects.

    I’m planning on settling at my target for the long term and trying to build up muscle. I’m hoping I can do this to help my body get used to that new target. If I can hold steady for a year, I’ll push on for my target BMI weight.

    I should note I am taking Vyvanse as part of a ADHD treatment plan, as genuinely diagnosed by my GP and an independent psychologist, restarting a medication regimen I had from my childhood. In short, I have no ulterior motive in my diagnosis.

    I’m just using the pharmacological situation to my advantage, and trying to do so as smartly as possible. As a veteran of Ritalin and Concerta, I appreciate the smoother experience and the lack of vibrating nerves I felt before.

  2. Hi everyone. So I was diagnosed late with ADD but I always knew there was something wrong long before my diagnosis. I’m pretty upset because as I read these comments I see that I have been totally correct in believing I must stay on SOME kind of stimulant forever or be FAT AND have NO CONCENTRATION. NO THANKS.

    Anyway just as upsetting is the fact that I began Vyvanse about 5 years ago and like most everyone here lost an exorbitant amount of weight but looked and also Felt the best I ever have. Vyvanse 70 mg’s per day for about 4 years really was a Godsend for me. But as is true with most any drug my body really became tolerant.

    To the point of me thinking it wasn’t working at all anymore. So I switched to Mydayis. Basically a very new drug which is simply a VERY long acting Adderrall. I mean 16 hours long. Really. BUT for me I never did well on adderall anyway. Actually GAINED weight and lost concentration on it. Crazy right?

    So Now I’m back on Vyvanse maximum dose. But still am tolerant to its weight loss side effects. I have read many times that Vyvanse is supposedly going to be approved for a higher maximum dosage. I CERTAINLY HOPE SO! Before my diagnosis I struggled with severe depression my entire life.

    Suicidal thoughts and all. This drug has literally saved my life. Once made me the best me I can be both mentally and physically. My doctor won’t prescribe more than the maximum recommended dosage, but I have read many doctors do prescribe upwards of 140 mgs per day. WHERE ARE THESE DOCTORS?
    It doesn’t help that I have no insurance. It’s very expensive.

    I have recently started working out for the first time in my life. No change yet. And it’s absolutely true that just because you may feel Vyvanse has stopped working that it definitely has not! While weight loss may stop – or you may begin to gain after your body becomes accustomed to the drug – it does still work to some degree.

    I can only imagine the misery of completely stopping all ADD medicine. I know this from trying that new Mydayis stuff. Just didn’t help any at all. I was completely useless the month I was on it. And I did take an equivalent dose. So HELP. PLEASE. What does one do at this point? It’s extremely scary to know that one day you will not be able to keep up with your own body’s tolerance and therefore have to keep upping your dosage.

    But equally disturbing is the fact that when one begins such a medication that most are ill advised on just how much one will likely lose as well as the fact that most doctors are not going to tell any patient that it is temporary. And not just the weight loss if you have that issue, but most importantly that your ADD or ADHD symptoms will slowly creep back into your daily life making some of us absolutely miserable.

    I’m thinking of trying to help the Vyvanse with Intuiv or something like that. I’m saying even if I knew of a doctor that would prescribe a higher dose off label how long will that dosage last until it needs to be adjusted up again. The other day I literally could not remember if I had taken my one pill. So I thought took another. That’s 140 mgs.

    I felt like I did the first time I was prescribed Vyvanse. Because I had taken the pill but just didn’t remember taking it that morning. I felt NORMAL Again! It was not like I felt high or anything. Just normal. I’m very upset because I know I can be so much more of benefit regarding my job and just for my own mental well being.

    I just have no idea where to go from here. Do I double dose every other day? To be productive and feeling well and normal half the time or do I keep on taking the 70 mg’ S per day and Feel only partially normal every day. I’m out of ideas. Any suggestions are welcomed.

    By the way: If you are considering taking this or any ADD or ADHD drug – please do your research and please realize that the honeymoon period (albeit a good amount of time) will end.

    I cannot see any use in using this drug or any other drug that’s meant for any serious condition to be used solely for the purpose of losing weight. Even if one is obese. Because the side effect of weight loss is absolutely temporary.

  3. I am a 22 year old who has suffered with ADHD symptoms for my whole life but only got diagnosed in December 2017 and was recently put on vyvanse. My dose was increased over a period of time and now I am on 60mg, which I think is the right one for me! The drug has dramatically improved my academic work.

    I am doing a degree in medical research and the improvement has been huge. A couple of things those around me experienced commented on was that I became quieter and I can only attribute that to the fact that my focus increased (cause I scored quite highly for hyperactivity). I have lost a bit of weight, and the drug definitely affects my appetite.

    I don’t feel like eating for most of day and force-feeding myself just ends up making me feel really nauseous. I also get bouts of bad upper abdominal pain and dry mouth. By the evening it’s better and I can have something without feeling nauseous. I have found like some amount of activity e.g. running or going for a walk seems to sort of stimulate my appetite a bit which might be helpful for others maybe.

  4. I have had severe ADHD all of my life. I was diagnosed when I was 3 and started on medicine. I started Vyvanse in around 2007 and after a short amount of time I was at the highest dose. Best medicine I have taken. Adderall gave me rages, Daytrona did not absorb, Ritalin does not work well.

    I was in Honors college, the president of my honors society, volunteered in numerous activities, was the awarded best researcher in my team policy debate team, 4.0 GPA… I could function to the best of my abilities. I was on Vyvanse until around 2016 when my insurance said it would no longer pay for it.

    I had started to gain a little weight in the last year or two of taking it (Around 15 lbs, but I also started eating a bit worse after my wedding). I was 5’4″ and around 135lbs when I was switched to a much lower does of Ritalin due to insurance. My concentration went away, I was tired all the time, struggling with depression and mood swings, and really do not feel like my self.

    I graduated college a few months after the medicine switch, and my grades suffered a bit. The worst thing was my concentration and struggling with depression and the mood swings. The second worst part of the switch was that I went from being 135lbs to being a 5’4″, 195lbs 24 year old female in 1.5 years.

    New jobs, moves, and high medical costs (husband had surgery) made it difficult to go to the gym or eat very well. You can probably imagine what that weight gain did for my self esteem. I started my new job as a technical editor/writer in September 2017. It is my career starter position with a company I love so they can get me into management.

    My job is a lot of taking notes in meetings, formatting thousand page chart documents, etc. I can’t focus. I get distracted all the time, I make common mistakes all of the time, I lose track of what is being said in the meetings incredibly easily… I cant concentrate hardly at all even though I was on 40 mg of Ritalin. I could not stand it anymore.

    We finally are getting settled into our well paying jobs and in the new area and yesterday a new doctor decided to put me back on Vyvanse. I already feel like it is better. I am starting on a low dose but he will probably boost it for me. I am so hopeful. It has been such a struggle with my work, and weight. I am hopefully that with the Vyvanse and going to the gym /eating better I will be able to get down to a good 150 or 130lbs. Wish me luck!

  5. Hi! Iā€™m an 18 year old female. I currently weigh 185lbs at 5ft 4in tall. Iā€™ve been taking 70mg vyvanse (the highest dose my doctor said was available) every day for about 5 months. When I was prescribed vyvanse, I weighed about 170lbs. As you can conclude I seem to have gained weight.

    It seems impossible given I am young, I donā€™t eat a whole lot, I exercise to a degree, and I take the highest dose. Well… for me, the only thing vyvanse does to me is help with my ADHD by keeping me alert, focused, and helps me succeed in my school work. It also helps me boost my confidence.

    It doesnā€™t, however, help with my low self esteem. I still feel bad about the way I look etc etc. it also has helped me in the aspects of paying attention to detail in the things Iā€™m doing and honestly, a little bit OCD. It has helped curve my appetite away from fast food and sugary foods, but not completely.

    I do make better choices in the foods I eat and I am more aware of the foods around me, but weight loss? Thatā€™s a definite NOPE!! You see, my genetic make up consists of a low metabolism, resulting in weight gain. Itā€™s so unbelievably easy for me to gain weight itā€™s a bit ridiculous. And trying to lose weight? HAHAHA!!

    Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s possible! But the amount of extra work I have to do to get even the slightest results is so frustrating and exhausting. Even while taking vyvanse! So, in conclusion, vyvanse may work for most people in terms of losing weight, but for people like me, unfortunately, it does not. I wish it did though! It would be such a blessing!

  6. I’ve been prescribed Vyvanse about 5 and a half years ago for ADD. It’s now been a Year and a half since I came off it. My experience of that drug was the “Honey Moon” phase at first. I was 31 when I started taking it. I lost a big amount of weight in a matter of weeks.

    I became almost skeletal and was actually excited with how my body looked and got a lot of compliments from guys with my 00 size! (which in retrospect is kind of disturbing) I almost couldn’t eat since I had no feeling of hunger. The stimulant effect of this drug made me search for even more stimulants (coffee and cigarettes) and I was exercising a lot to calm my hyper energy.

    The 4th year being on this was just awful. Tolerance had already started. Huge mood swings, felt like my nervous system was raw. I felt hyper-stimulated but incapable of focusing or thinking. Anxiety was over the top. Couldn’t handle crowds (would get panic attack).

    I would get the afternoon crash of overeating and not wanting to socialize or talk to anyone. I was already gaining weight by that point. Now that I’ve been off of it for over a year I can say I found myself back in a good way mentally. It’s been very hard the withdrawal period feeling half crazy coming off of it and yes I gained a lot of weight and I’m now heavier than before starting it.

    Facing judgment and criticism from others has been challenging but I will not trade my mental health for this drug. My father told me he felt like he got his daughter back since my personality was so altered on this. There is a lot of ADD diagnosis these days but I’m not sure that most of them should be on these serious drugs. Very unfortunate…

  7. I started Vyvanse 2 years ago for ADD, but also because my doctor thought it would help with my binge eating at night. I was 28 when I started, 5’5″, 220 pounds. I am now 30 and down to 156 lbs. I can definitely say it not only curbs any craving to binge, but actually has made me grossed out by food. I often have to remind myself to eat or force myself to eat something even if I’ve gone all day without eating.

    While the weight loss has been wonderful, I am afraid that I have developed another unhealthy attitude towards food. I will sometimes feel intense hunger pains yet still feel repulsed by food. As I type this at 8:44 pm I have yet to eat anything since my cereal at 7am. I always eat breakfast before I take my dose (50mg) to make sure I at least eat something every day, but the thought of ever having to go off of it terrifies me.

    It has improved my cognition and motivation so much. I’m seeing an oriental medicine doctor next week for a nutritional consultation to address any loss of vitamins, etc. Hopefully I can find a better balance.

  8. Started Vyvanse in June of 2016 for ADD. I weighed 143lbs at that time. I’m under 5ft tall (4ft 9) but was happy physically with my stature (BMI said otherwise). By October 2016 (4 months later) I had lost about 20lbs. By the end of Feb./beginning of March 2017 (8-9 months) I hit 100lbs even. A total of 43lbs. All bloodwork is leaps and bounds better. BMI chart is pleased. It was however a huge superficial adjustment. I find myself trying to get comfortable again in my own skin.

  9. You can’t get past the appetite suppression, which for me is strongest for 1-5 hours after taking it, so I make sure the meal or meals I do have are as nutritious and calorie dense as they can be (especially protein). The reason people gain weight after stopping vyvanse is pretty much the same reason people gain weight after crash dieting – your body was being starved so it’s going to go into ‘storage’ mode. If you can manage to eat quality food while taking the drug, that effect (and that of muscle loss) should be reduced.

    Just to add: Iā€™ve been on vyvanse for quite a while ā€“ initially, I just didnā€™t eat because I wasnā€™t hungry. The fake sense of satiety and energy makes you think youā€™re fine, but I had an incidence where I blacked out for a few seconds and that was a wake up call ā€“ I felt better immediately after eating. I realized how weak my body probably was in reality.

    Itā€™s important to remember that your body requires food even if your brain (on vyvanse) doesnā€™t. You might start to get colds more often and other signs of low immunity/nutritional deficiency. Vyvanse can also have a laxative/diuretic type effect so thatā€™s another thing to keep in mind.

  10. I started taking Vyvanse my freshman year of college & I already fluctuated before that from random bursts of working out & eating healthy, so at any given time I weighed between 170-190, I am 5’3″. After maybe 2 months I noticed significant weight loss as I was taking it everyday & my the end of my last semester as a freshman had lost 30+ lbs & was finally at a healthy weight.

    I stopped taking it that summer because I wasn’t in school & didn’t see the need, by the time my next semester rolled around I had gained all of the weight back, pushing 180 lbs. I was only on maybe 10-30 mg then & now I am at 60 mg & am beginning to lose weight again. For sure going to continue to be consistent & not skip doses anymore.

    Another thing; your doctor should be changing your dosage pretty frequently so as you don’t build up a tolerance, so if you have a qualified doctor, mine specializes in ADHD in adults, building a tolerance really shouldn’t be an issue.

  11. I have been on Vyvanse for a little over two years now and have lost about 20 pounds. I have always weighed at least 135 and I am quickly approaching 115. I am never hungry and I have to force myself to eat and set reminders during the day to snack. Vyvanse have helped me so much but I am not thrilled with how much weight I have lost. I am hoping it will stabilize soon. Vyvanse have reduced my anxiety significantly which I was not expecting when I started them.

  12. I must be the only person who has not lost any significant weight on Vyvanse. I have transitioned to 70 mg/day over 6 months. Total weight loss is 5 pounds! I do take this for Adult ADD but was also looking forward to the weight loss side effect. I am 48, 5’8″, post menopause and 205 lbs. To be at a healthy weight I need to lose 55 pounds. This is depressing…

  13. I am a 18 year old 5 foot 6 female. When I went to the Doctors office I weighed 136.2 lbs. 4 days after taking 30mg of Vyvanse I weighted 133.3 lbs and now a week and a half later I weigh 132.0 lbs. I can say that while taking Vyvanse I have NO appetite at all. My stomach will growl but I can’t physically put food in my mouth because nothing is appealing and I don’t feel hungry and have to force myself to eat.

  14. I take Vyvanse for Adult ADHD. My doctor has me on 50mg. I have lost a lot of weight. I had no idea what would happen. None of my clothes fit and I look almost sick. I asked my doctor if I should try something else and he said if it’s working not to mess up a good thing. I am very frustrated! I don’t like Adderall. Vyvanse is smoother, but going from a 34 waist to a 29 at 43 years old is not good. Friends and family are worried.

  15. I’m 39yrs old and I just started taking Vyvanse 2 months ago. I started off weighing 145 now I weigh 132. I’m really not happy although it not a huge loss I can tell the difference when I put on certain clothes. Started drinking Ensure Plus 2xs a day to add extra calories into my day.

  16. In 2013, I was between 125-130 lbs. I’m 5′ tall. May 2015 I was 148, and by August 2015 I had managed to make it down to 139. February 2016 I was 142 and by May 2016 I shot up to a whopping 157. I started Vyvanse 30mg one week ago (6/27/16), and as of today (6/3/16), I have lost 5 lbs and am at 152. Very excited! I take this for ADHD + binge eating disorder.

    So far so good! I was on Vyvanse briefly in high school, but hated the “zombie” effect. I’m now taking Intuniv and I’ve found that the two combined counteract the zombie-ness. I’m supposed to start 50mg on 6/7/16, so we’ll see what happens. So far I don’t see a difference in my body, but I see a difference on the scale, which is a nice confidence booster.

  17. Started taking Vyvanse & Intuniv last December. I was diagnosed with Adult ADHD after years of frustration, depression, anxiety and boredom with school content that I didn’t care about. Oh my, what clarity I have now! I can actually read an entire newspaper article and not be distracted by the ads nor the other articles on the front page as well. I remember to enter my ATM receipts in my checkbook! I have lost weight – but it was the weight I gained after being prescribed SSRI’s.

  18. I was recently dx with ADD, I am 47. I had been taking Ritalin for fibromyalgia and once testing confirmed my ADD my neurologist switched me to Vyvanse 10mg. I felt terrible cognitively and we upped to 20, 30 and now I will start 40mg next week. My neuro is concerned I may get negative side effects like palpitations etc. at this dose. My brain needs a stimulant to let me have a life. I’m concerned he won’t increase the dose again.

    I have not noticed a decrease in weight, but I had only a month of 10mg, a month of 20 and 2 weeks on 30 and start 40 soon. I am 5’5 and hang between 118-122. Maybe 40mg will induce weight loss. I would not want to go under 112 pounds as I start to look skeletal in my face. I take this med only for ADD but if I did have extra weight to lose, that would be a positive side effect.

    I am also a recent cancer survivor and have a medical marijuana license. Not only does it help my pain it combats my lack of appetite.

  19. I am a 29 year old and I have been on Vyvanse 70mg since September 2011 for adult ADD. I started at 276 and by October 2012 I was down to 151 pounds. I did however exercise regularly. I stopped taking it in December 2012 and by July 2013 I was back to 185. I had two children and got back up to 235 pounds by the end of 2014. I didn’t get back on Vyvanse until November 2015 and at that time I was at 207 pounds. Now I am back up to 60mg once per day and as of April 2016 I am at 161. I do NOT use this medication for weight loss but for ADD. The weight loss is simply a bonus.

  20. I have been on Vyvanse for about six weeks now for Inattentive ADHD. On week one, I began taking 20mg. I didn’t realize any positive or negative effects, so my dosage increased by 10mg. I didn’t notice any differences for a long time and because of that my doctor continued to increase my dosage by 10mg every week.

    I don’t believe that dosage has anything to do with BMI as I am 5 feet 4 inches, 17 years old, and before taking Vyvanse weighed 124 pounds. The maximum dosage that a doctor can prescribe is 60 mg and I am currently taking 50mg. I take Vyvanse daily. I have lost 14 pounds in a week and a half and now weigh 110 pounds. I have begun to weigh myself about twice a week and continue to see weight loss every time I weigh myself.

    In all honesty, I am happy with the weight loss. It has increased my confidence and I do feel healthier. Since being on Vyvanse I am never hungry and have to force myself to eat. In addition to this I no longer crave unhealthy food. I haven’t realized an increase in energy level, however, I do feel more motivated to be active and live a healthy lifestyle.

  21. I am using my sister’s 40 mg Vyvanse because she said she didn’t want it anymore, but I wanted to try it out since she said it keeps her full of energy, which I lack. This is just the third day being on it, and as for the topic of weight loss, I was shocked to see I went from 146 to 139 on the scale (7 pounds lost) in literally 3 days. There are enough pills to last exactly a month, so it will be interesting to see how much weight I lose during the next month on this pill.

    It was only on the first day that I noticed mood swings… I was super positive and felt like I could accomplish anything, and the next moment I would feel the total opposite, if not worse. That didn’t last long, and being on only the third day of taking the pill, that weird side effect doesn’t come up anymore. Obviously, like everyone else describes in the comments, I don’t get hungry whatsoever. Today, for example, I had two pieces of turkey bacon, a banana, and scrambled eggs.

    That’s it. This also is not because I am abusing the “not hungry” feeling to try to eat less food. What I’ve noticed is when I’m out with friends to grab a bight, I will literally take a bite out of something and then feel like I can’t eat, more like I am appalled to the idea of eating food. The pill won’t only suppress your hunger, but it will keep you from being actually able to eat most of the time, especially closer to the time you take the pill in that day.

    I’m definitely not saying it will make you feel sick or disgusted when you eat, but you simply just won’t want to, your appetite disappears. Now with more energy, it makes me want to do a lot of cardio, which is good because I love to run, but I lack the motivation or stamina to keep going. The pill keeps me upbeat and focused, and the energy might as well be put to use, because taking it without doing anything active makes me feel irritable and kind of amped, not in a good way.

    It’s a good idea to join a gym when you start taking it because the weight loss, if that is your purpose, will be impeccably rapid. With this much energy every day, I feel like I can run a marathon until the end of March.

    • Amber, you do realize that you just admitted to illegally taking a schedule II controlled substance. It is not your script and you are taking it for the sole purpose of weight loss, which is also not legal… Also when your sister received her Rx from her doctor she had to sign a statement acknowledging the consequences of giving that medication to another party. By allowing you to have her medication (a controlled substance) she is also breaking the law. Just thought you should know…

    • To lose 7 pounds in 3 days is not healthy at all and more than likely is not fat loss but rather loss of water and ultimately muscle mass. When we aren’t eating enough our bodies go into starvation mode and rather than burn fat it will store it. It then will feed off our muscles to get what it needs.

      Thus, you will end up being “skinny fat” or “skinny flab” with no muscle tone. One to two pounds per week is what is considered safe and healthy. Three pounds max. Having a good body image of ourselves is good but achieving it in an unhealthy way is not so good. It may not happen as fast as we like but remember slow and steady wins the race.

  22. I take Vyvanse for ADHD. I was diagnosed in May, tested in June, began medication regimen in July. I took 30 mgs a day for 3 months. I was prescribed medication and CBT. I had these awful crying spells and felt really overwhelmed by work-related harassment. I lost 45 pounds in this timeframe. Work has changed, but I don’t react the same way even when it is high stress. Prior to the diagnosis, I made a lifestyle change to eat healthier and exercise.

    I was losing weight slowly (10 pounds prior to Vyvanse). After 3 months, my doctor switched me to Ritalin XR. I don’t really care for it, but I guess it’s okay. I have lost a total of 62 pounds this year. I think the diagnosis and the therapy and the medication have helped me to not feel like an innate failure; growing up I knew something was wrong and did everything to hide it. I feel less alone.

  23. I starting taking Vyvanse over the summer and it has a drastic effect on me. I weighed just below 150 (height: 5 foot 7) and then dropped in like 3 months to 115.

  24. After my doctor and I realized that I had a moderate to severe ADD issue, along with moderate anxiety, I started taking Vyvanse, along with an anti-anxiety drug, after the Vyvanse itself caused an increase in sensitivity to anxiety. I exercise regularly, and attempt to not eat what’s not necessary. I was already losing weight, just very slowly.

    I immediately noticed that during the day, I had no appetite, and would only become hungry when the drug wore off. I have a slow metabolism, so the drug usually lasts 11-12 hours a day. I find I am unable to eat lunch, and have a small late dinner, and an early breakfast shortly after taking it. Even though that I do a decent amount of weight-lifting, just in the 2 weeks of taking it, I have lost around 20 pounds, and am continuing to do so at that rate.

    I have managed to build muscle, bringing me to a net loss of 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I need the Vyvanse though, to help me pay attention in school.

  25. First, feel free to reach out to me via social media. My IG: K015h1k. I’m an aspiring doctor and a fitness enthusiast. One thing I do is macro coach (telling ppl how many grams of carbs/fats/protein they should consume to achieve their desired body weather that be to be bigger, leaner, etc). I recommend a fat loss product to some of my clients who want to get lean. Not for the fat loss itself, but bc it helps keep the edge off, curb appetite, and boosts energy/motivation as most fat burners contain stimulants that provide these effects to counter the negative effects of dieting on lower calories.

    Anyways. I personally don’t use a fat loss product, but instead use vyvanse for studying purposes. I can attest to all of the claims in this article. Taking vyvanse alone may cause you to lose weight (muscle and/or fat). However, you want to lose fat, not weight. With a healthy diet high in protein as well as a weight resistance training program, one who takes vyvanse can really achieve an impressive physique. Prior to taking vyvanse, I had to do 30 mins of cardio post weight lifting to rev up my metabolism enough to lose a little bit of body fat daily. With vyvanse however, I lose even more fat daily w/o having to spend the extra time doing cardio.

    • My doctor has suggested that I try Vyvanse 20mg due to my binge eating since I started peri menopause. I’ve doing some reading on it & it seems that you need to stay on if you want to keep the weight off. It also can become very addictive, not sure what I should about starting this pill.

    • As an aspiring Doctor, saying you have to be on a drug in order to have a good body is completely disturbing. It’s due to fitness enthusiasts like you that people have eating disorders and are expected to have perfect bodies.

      • Are you serious? Vyvanse has been cleared for use in treatment of binge eating. Developing binge eating disorder as part of perimenopausal symptoms is a perfectly valid reason to seek treatment. If you’re seriously aspiring to be a doctor, I’d recommend reevaluating your view on patients.

  26. I took vyvanse from 3rd grade until 8th grade and I was very skinny, barely over 100 lbs in 8th grade. Then I stopped taking it because it gave me very bad mood swings. I am now starting it again along with my current medication, Wellbutrin, and on the first day of taking the medication I lost 3 pounds. I had an abundance of energy and zero hunger.

  27. I didn’t get on any medication until I was in therapy for about two years, during my freshman and sophomore years of high school, but then my symptoms became really clear to both my therapist and my parents and they sent me to a psychiatrist for the first time (I think I was hiding a lot so I didn’t really get diagnosed or treated specifically for anxiety and depression until then). I got on sertraline (brand name version is zoloft) which made me gain a lot of weight while doing nothing to reduce my anxiety attacks and suicidal thoughts.

    I was on that for about six months and then they added wellbutrin and then like two months later we switched to wellbutrin and cymbalta. At this point my weight gain plateaued but I’d still gained a lot of weight (40+ lbs) while on sertraline. This past spring I had a really bad anxiety attack, and then had to be taken out of school because I was unable to get out of bed/very truant. I was then prescribed vyvanse off-label by my doctor to help me restore my energy and was gradually put on the highest dosage.

    My old therapist also retired at this point so I started with a new one who is a cognitive behavioral therapist instead of a family psychologist. Personally, I think it really really helped. Being able to get out of bed and have the attention span to read made a big difference. I’ve noticed over the past six months I’ve been on it that my suicidal thoughts have really gone away and my bad days aren’t as frequent.

    I did lose a lot of weight, pretty much all of the 40 lbs I gained before, but I think it was partly because I had less of an appetite and partly because at the beginning I was still not taking care of myself, so I wasn’t even watching my eating. I think mild binge eating was also a problem for me, as a result of being depressed, so it has been effective in that area. I’m just really frightened for the future because I don’t know what will happen when I get off it or when I become tolerant to it.

    My parents and therapist have made sure I don’t become unhealthy, but I’m worried I won’t have access to a consistent therapist in college. One thing I will say is that I don’t really feel like I have an exceptional amount of energy. Now I just feel like I’m behaving like my friends without mental illnesses, so I definitely think that this isn’t a miracle pill and in order to maintain some stability in the future I will need to continue CBT so I can motivate myself without a psychostimulant.

  28. I started taking Vyvanse in 2009 because I was diagnosed with ADD without the hyperactivity. I also was taking Lamictal which is a mood stabilizer at that time. I had no idea that the drug would allow me to lose weight. I lost 50 pounds while on the medicine. Then, in 2011, my Psychiatrist left his practice and sent me to another Psychiatrist who refused to prescribe me Vyvanse.

    He told me that the reason I couldn’t focus was because I was depressed so he placed me on an anti-depressant. While off the Vyvanse, I gained the 50 lbs back plus more. A couple of years later, he changed my antidepressant medication to Wellbutrin 300 mg which I am currently taking. My Psychiatrist office billed the insurance with the wrong code so they wanted me to pay for what the insurance was supposed to pay and I refused.

    I talked to the insurance and they said the clinic’s billing codes were wrong which is why they didn’t pay for the visit. They said I was not liable to pay it. As a result, I was banned from returning to the Psychiatrist until I payed up. So, I had my Primary doctor to continue my Wellbutrin scripts. In the next year, my job performance decreased. I was getting low evaluations and I knew it was because of my inability to concentrate.

    I So I asked my Primary Care Physician to put me back on Vyvanse in which he did. He started me out on 20 mg for ten days then 30 mg for then days then I will be taking 70 mg. I lost 8 pounds in five days on just 20 mg. Just think how much I’m going to lose as I titrate up to the maximum dosage. Vyvanse also clears up my acne and makes my nails grow. I believe that because I am taking Wellbutrin with the Vyvanse now, it is triggering even more weight loss.

    I’m also working out a the gym now as well and I’m seeing an even faster weight loss. I must warn people not to self medicate. DO NOT up the dosage on your own. I did that when I was on it years back and it almost caused sudden death because my heart was rapidly beating out of control. Please take the medicine as prescribed and you will be fine. Vyvanse is a good drug for what it is prescribed for. I don’t know what the FDA is waiting on, Vyvanse should definitely be approved as a weight loss drug for obese people.

  29. I am 27 now and was diagnosed with ADHD and depression when I was 24. Before taking an ADHD med I was on anti-depressants for about 4 months, at the time I was 170 lbs. and dropped down to 154 lbs. I was prescribed Vyvanse at 154 lbs and within 3 months my weight dropped as low as 126 lbs, which is extremely low for my body type on top of having major constipation- not desired at ALL. (That’s 44 lbs. in 6 months) I started drinking smoothies with a powder that added the servings per day of fruit and veg’s that your body needs plus having at least a granola bar during the day on top of taking 2000mg of vitamin D/day. (prescribed by my Dr.)

    This helped over all with the unwanted side effects. I gained a little weight and plateaued at 143 lbs, which I am happy with. The point is, you have to find a system that works for you because even though losing weight is nice, essentially you are relying on the med to give you energy instead of the energy we get from food. Not good. I am by no means a professional, but there are options to help you find the right system AND curb some of the negative side effects.

  30. I started taking it 4 months ago started at about 270. Now I’m around 220lbs although I do have a new job that is very physical. It seems to suppress my hunger also.

  31. How did you lose the weight? I’m on 70mg of Vyvanse, started at 120 then 90 because I was extremely overweight from an antidepressant I was on. It was actually very unhealthy for me to be at that weight, so I went on a high dose for 8 months or so, worked out hard, I didn’t have much of an appetite, BUT I did eat, and ate well. My HR of course was always high, blood pressure was fine, but the HR side effects and sweating etc turned me into a total hypochondriac. I would love to come off, but I am absolutely TERRIFIED of gaining weight.

    Moreso because amphetamines speed up your metabolism. The cravings I can control, and I’ll stick to my 6-day a week workouts. I lowered from 90 to 70 and stopped working out entirely and gained around 8 pounds. Should I reduce slowly and monitor my weight? I’m so deeply upset about this. If I gain the 50+ pounds that I lost, I will become even more depressed, unsocial, not confident and will be totally turned off and embarrassed to be intimate with my husband, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  32. I have taken ADD meds for as long as I remember. I started about 7 or 8 and took them everyday till I graduated high school at 18. The main 2 meds being strattera and vyvanse. I am currently on vyvanse and took it 4 or 5 years maybe a little longer. I am 5′ 5″ and weighed 105 lbs when I graduated high-school. I have always been under weight because of how long I have been on vyvanse.

    I stopped taking it for almost 4 years and gained over 50 lbs in the 4 years that I was off it. Needless to say vyvanse or almost every ADD script will suppress appetite (that I have experienced). I strongly advise against taking it for that purpose like the blogger said. Taking it can make you dependent on the drug and there are also negative side effects. People get moody or even somewhat emotionless.

    Most people don’t sleep well and for a long time which is something I have experienced.I could never enjoy food because I couldnt eat enough without my body not wanting the food. I also knew someone that had suicidal thoughts. Positive of taking vyvanse is that it lasts longer than others. Expect it to be in effect for 10 to 12 hours. If you take it too late you will be restless and wont feel like you slept at all.


    • Hey I had taken vyvanse for a while until at the end of middle school. I’ve always been skinny as a stick even before vyvanse. As soon as I stopped taking it I gained soooo much weight. I was like 130 pounds at the end of 7th and then at the beginning of 8th (after I stopped taking it). I had gained probably 20 or 30 pounds.

      And from then on I’ve been gaining weight, I’m around 240 pounds right now, and just started my senior year of high school. The only explanation I can think of is that it damaged my metabolism by jacking it sky high from not having much of a appetite. And after I stopped taking it, my body went into a low metabolism state.

  33. I’m 24, and used to drink heavily do not any more at all due to start in this drug. I have lost 8 lbs and was up to 120. Now I am 112 lbs. I’m excited I will be down to my comfort weight. I also walk every where and do feel the need to exercise, and I have the energy for it. I love this, it doesn’t keep me up, and I crash at the end of the day by being so tired.

  34. I too stopped taking vyvanse weighing 146 lbs and am ballooning up to 182 lbs, I am now back on vyvanse I hope that it will reverse this effect BC it’s making me even more depressed. I initially was on Focalin but it made me angry, short, and irritable. We will see!

  35. I have taken stimulants since the second grade, and have been on vyvanse for the past 5 years oral. I am now 18 so the weight loss was not apparent until I stopped taking it at 16 for about a year, I am 5’3 and my weight prior to stopping was around 115 lbs. I was always very athletic and muscular, and participated in multiple sports. After stopping for a year I gained a significant amount of weight maxing at 160. I have just recently started taking vyvanse and currently have lost 20 pounds but I tend to be irregular with taking it.


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