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Meth Withdrawal Symptoms + Timeline

Methamphetamine, commonly referred to as “Meth,” is a potent psychostimulant of both the amphetamine and phenethylamine classes that is used to treat both ADHD and obesity. This stimulant is also used on a recreational basis in the form of Crystal Meth or “crystallized” form.   Many people use it simply to achieve a high, party, and/or to boost sexual performance. It is considered a Schedule II controlled substance in the United States – meaning it has a high potential for both abuse and dependence.

There are a variety of people that take meth – for various types of purposes. Some people take it to get high, others take it to treat their ADHD or reduce their obesity. The major problem associated with methamphetamine usage is that it can damage dopamine and serotonin neurons in the central nervous system. In general terms, this means that it can kill brain cells and possibly lead to brain damage over the long term.

For this reason, many people that take it end up going through with a withdrawal process. Since it is a potent stimulant, the withdrawal process may be difficult – especially if you have used the drug for an extended period of time. While on the drug you may have experienced a boosted mood, increases in energy levels, and improved focus – you feel great. However this is a drug-induced state that isn’t sustainable for the long term. When coming off the drug, you may feel the polar opposite – very depressed, fatigued, and unfocused.

Factors that may influence Meth withdrawal include

There are many factors that play a role in determining how easily you are able to stop using meth. These include things like: time you’ve taken meth, the amount you’ve taken, whether you are dependent upon the drug for everyday functioning, and how gradually you taper from the drug. Most people have a pretty difficult time coming off of meth because they get addicted to the experience of taking it.

1. Time Span

How long were you taking Meth? If you have used this substance for an extended period of time, this could have an impact on withdrawal. Any drug that is used over the long term becomes a way for us to cope with our environment and reality. The longer you are on this particular drug, the lazier your brain becomes because it is constantly getting fed a stimulant.

If you were only on Meth for the short term, you should have an easier time withdrawing. People that have used Meth daily for years are going to have a significantly more difficult time withdrawing.

2. Dosage (Tolerance)

Typically the higher dosage you are taking of methamphetamine, the greater tolerance you will develop. People become tolerant to lower doses of this drug pretty quickly, and thus continuously have to increase the dosage. It should be easier to come off of the drug if you weren’t on a super high dose. Generally the more tolerant you become to this particular substance, the greater the difficulty you are going to have with the withdrawal process.

3. Personal factors

Your individual physiology as well as environment are going to play a huge role in determining how difficult the withdrawal process is. If you go to a rehab clinic, you are going to have all the support you need and aren’t going to have any major triggers around that could lead to relapse.

Some people have an easier time coming off of various substances like meth than others – it all depends on the person. Someone with an addictive personality may demonstrate significant difficulty coming off of meth, whereas another person may be able to quit with relatively little hardship.

4. Cold turkey vs. tapering

In most cases, people that quit this particular drug do so by stopping “cold turkey.” In other words, they quit from whatever dose they were currently taking and never look back. Obviously it is probably more favorable to taper off of any substance like methamphetamine, so if you can afford to take the time to gradually taper yourself off, it will probably be easier.

With that said, some people cannot handle the “tapering” method because it becomes too tempting to use more of the drug during the process – many people cannot control themselves. If you don’t think you can handle a “taper” down from your high dose, make sure you are braced to really feel the effects of quitting cold turkey.

5. Dependency

Among individuals that were using methamphetamine to help treat a condition such as ADHD, they should know that there are safer options available. Standard “amphetamines” aren’t associated with the long term detrimental effects of methamphetamine. Additionally, there is a high potential for both abuse and addiction with this particular drug.

If you have become dependent on this drug for daily functioning and have developed a high tolerance, the withdrawal process may be more difficult. Although there are some individuals that have used this drug and successfully stopped without becoming addicted, the effects are so potent that many become dependent on the Meth.

Meth Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities

Below are a list of possible symptoms that you may experience when you first stop using Meth.  It is important to recognize that you may not experience all of the symptoms listed below.  These are just a collective of what you could possibly experience.  Most individuals that withdraw from this drug experience stages of: low energy, cravings, and depression.

  • Anhedonia: A person coming off of methamphetamine may experience anhedonia or the inability to feel or experience pleasure. This is related to the fact that their consistent meth use has depleted their brain’s natural stores of dopamine. In order for the person to experience pleasure in the future, they need to give their brain an extended period of time to naturally replenish the dopamine.  This is similar to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
  • Aggression: A person may become very aggressive now that they don’t have their methamphetamine to help them keep their cool. This is a drug that acts on dopamine which does have a stimulating effect, but can also help people utilize self control.
  • Anger: The individual coming down from meth may experience significant anger. This is due to the fact that their cognition has slowed and they cannot think as quickly. This may be frustrating and little things may make the individual angry or even “rage.”
  • Anxiety: It is common for people to feel increasingly anxious when they stop using methamphetamine. If they have used the drug for a long term, many of their neurotransmitter stores have been depleted – which is thought to lead to anxiety. Additionally the individual may be anxious about the fact that they cannot maintain the same euphoric “high” that they did while on the drug.
  • Appetite changes: When using meth people tend to experience a decreased appetite. When the person finally comes off of it, they experience the exact opposite – an increased appetite. The increase in appetite may be significant due to the fact that they are able to “sense” when their body is hungry.
  • Concentration problems: Since Meth works well for addressing ADHD symptoms by increasing arousal and brain activity, a person will experience the opposite when they withdraw. It may be extremely difficult to focus on various tasks and get work done during the withdrawal process. Your focus should return over a period of time as your neurotransmitters are restored.
  • Cravings: You may have intense cravings to use meth again during the withdrawal process. These are usually most intense following the initial “crash” stage. These may be experienced for months after you have discontinued the drug, but will get easier with time. Do your best to avoid triggers and keep yourself as busy as possible to avoid temptation.
  • Delusions: Some people experience delusions or think that people are out to get them. Delusions are false beliefs that aren’t based in reality. These may persist for a couple weeks, but will eventually subside as you sober up.
  • Depression: Individuals coming off of Meth tend to experience severe depression. This is a result of the brain’s inability to experience pleasure as a result of depletion. As your brain builds up stores of dopamine and serotonin again, your mood should improve. Recovering from meth-induced depression can take years – so don’t expect to feel better overnight.
  • Dizziness: Some people report feelings of dizziness during their withdrawal. This is a pretty general symptom, but one that many people experience.
  • Fatigue: While you are on methamphetamine, your body and brain become highly stimulated and aroused. When you stop taking them, you may become excessively fatigued and tired. This may be discouraging, but don’t let it get the best of you. Recognize that it is merely withdrawal and that your energy will be restored.
  • Fever: You may experience changes in body temperature and possibly a fever during your withdrawal.  Some people report feelings of “chills” in combination with a fever.  This should not last for an extended period of time once the drugs have stopped.
  • Headaches: Some people end up having to deal with headaches when they come off of Meth. The best way to combat these headaches is to make sure you are staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, and consider over-the-counter headache relief.
  • Irritability: If you feel irritable when you quit using this drug, you are not alone. Most people will feel very grouchy and uncomfortable when they stop using.
  • Lethargy: It may be a huge effort for you to complete basic tasks such as getting out of bed, showering, and eating. This is because you feel so lethargic, weak, and as though you are constantly tired.
  • Low energy: It is common to have extremely low energy when you first stop using the drug. You may be in a low energy state of functioning for an extended period of time, but your energy levels will eventually return to normal.
  • Muscle weakness: As a result of having no energy, some people feel very weak. During their time spent using Meth, they may not notice the fact that they may have lost some muscle strength and eaten poorly. Initially the weakness may be pretty significant, but as your diet improves and time passes, strength will return.
  • Paranoia: During the first couple weeks of Meth withdrawal, you may exhibit signs of paranoia. In other words, you may become suspicious of others and very paranoid that people are watching you or are out to get you. If you are able to take a step back and recognize what’s going on in your head, it will be easier to cope with.
  • Psychosis: Withdrawing from any stimulant can end up leading to symptoms of psychosis. Typically when a person experiences psychosis as a result of meth withdrawal, it consists of hallucinations and delusions. The person may hear voices and see things that aren’t based in reality. Additionally they may experience delusions or false beliefs that others are out to get them. These are similar to the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Unlike schizophrenia, these symptoms subside as the individual continues through withdrawal.
  • Sleepiness: This is an extremely common symptom to experience during the initial “crash” phase, but may last significantly longer than you would expect. Consistent Meth use can zap anyone of energy long after they stop using the drug. You may sleep for days on end and feel sleepy for weeks – it is difficult to deal with, but it’s your body’s natural way of healing itself.
  • Suicidal thinking: It is extremely common to feel suicidal when coming off of Meth. Your drug use may have used up most of the “feel good” neurotransmitters in your brain. This may cause you to feel like dying. It is important that if you feel especially down, make sure you seek some sort of psychological help. This suicidal thinking will eventually pass.
  • Sweating: You may notice that your body is sweating excessively throughout the day.  You may also notice that you have major “night sweats” while you sleep.  You may wake up in a pool of sweat – this is common during withdrawal.
  • Weight gain: Most people lose a lot of weight when they use Meth, but when they stop, they get their appetites back and their metabolism slows. This causes people to eat more and pack back on the weight that they initially lost. You may experience pretty significant weight gain if you lost a lot while on this drug.

Meth Withdrawal Timeline: How long does it last?

There is no set time-frame for the withdrawal process – it varies depending on the person. In general though, there are two major phases that a person goes through after they stop using meth. The first stage is the most intense and usually lasts about a day or two after you last used meth. The second stage is less intense, but lasts for an extended period of time. In some cases, people experience PAWS (Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) which involves experiencing symptoms for a longer period of time than expected.

Phase One: “Crash” (First Few Days)

During this initial “crash” phase you may experience significant reductions in energy and ability to function. You may not crave Meth at all during this phase, but you may sleep excessively and eat a lot of food. This phase is characterized by extremely low energy, depression, and slowed cognition. It will be difficult to deal with the excessive exhaustion that you are experiencing.  When you stop using, meth stays in your system for nearly 3 days – which is when the “crash” may become most noticeable.

Phase Two: “Craving” (Up to 10 Weeks)

When people have gotten through the initial “crash” from first stopping Meth, they will then enter what is known as the “craving” phase. This involves having increased cravings to use Meth again. This is perhaps the most difficult phase to get through because people know that their functioning was enhanced with the drug. Due to the euphoria and reward system getting constantly stimulated by the drug, the person has a really difficult time staying clean. People typically have their most intense cravings for up to 10 weeks following the day that they quit.

Phase Three: “Extinction” (Up to 30 Weeks)

Following the phase of intense “cravings” people eventually enter what is known as an “extinction” period. During this particular phase, people may experience some cravings to use methamphetamine, but they are sporadic. In other words, the person may go a few days without any sort of craving and then experience a craving at random. The best way to set yourself up for success during this phase is to hang around with individuals that maintain a clean lifestyle, are supportive, and will not trigger usage. Generally the more time that passes, the easier it should be for you to stay clean.

During Meth withdrawal: Stay as healthy as possible.

During the withdrawal process, it is important to make sure that you are doing everything you can to increase your success and general well-being. You may want to work with a therapist or counselor to address the painful emotions that come up during withdrawal. Additionally, you may want to even consider working with a psychiatrist in case you need a medication to help minimize some of the withdrawal symptoms.

Take time to get yourself outside, exercise, stay as productive as you can throughout the day, and stay as social as possible. All of these activities are thought to help increase your body’s natural ability to heal and increase levels of various neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine). Make sure you are eating as healthy as you can, try to get adequate sleep, and take things one day at a time.

The withdrawal process may seem like a marathon, but do what you can to focus on the present moment and realize that you will eventually get better. Many people have gone through complete withdrawal and returned to their normal functioning. It can take up to 2 years before a meth user’s brain to restore the depleted dopamine levels. You got yourself in a bad situation by using this drug, and you can certainly put your energy towards staying clean.

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132 thoughts on “Meth Withdrawal Symptoms + Timeline”

  1. I have been smoking for about 3 weeks maybe a month I am finding it hard to come off all ready. I tried the other day. Quit for 3 days I had crazy outburst of anger. I could not control it what so ever so I bought another bag. Any words of encouragement, or any thing that might help me quit. I am really surprised at how quickly I became this way. Used maybe half a G to a hole G a day for such a short period of time. I don’t get it. I smoked it. I am trying to taper down now but don’t know exactly how much I should be going for to make it easier. Please Help.

    • Hey Frank, First keep in mind that you are not alone on this new chapter of your life. It might be the worse one you’ve ever faced with. But take hold of your self and be strong enough to turn away from the poison that will devour you and everything around you if you don’t act NOW. STAY busy it’s key, go running, the gym, pick a new hobby. Don’t be around people that use it, don’t think about it. And most importantly get on your knees and ask God to help you through this. Worse come to worse seek professional help!

  2. I wrote this letter to Meth, Pass it down!


    How can I forget you if you arrived so profoundly. In the odysseys of life, one imprints in those who put their trust in you, many brave have fallen prisoners of your chains, many have left defeated because of your poison. Truly, there is nothing that you can offer but a miserable life full of pain and unconformities.

    You penetrate even the most spiritual souls of those who for a little carelessness, their life and their dreams may be lost without measure and without compassion. There is no doubt that your origins are from the depths of hell. During the nights I can see your shadow wander through the room trying to intimidate me.

    I can hear your voice clearly telling me an awful lot of lies. I know that you seek my total destruction, I know that I’m on the spotlight and hell wants my soul. I stumbled in your trap indeed and I have fallen prisoner of your lies!

    Time passes by quickly and only one truth approaches, your total annihilation for all the pain that you have caused, the lives that you destroy and the families that you’ve separated. Your sentence is already written, forever you are the damned daughter of Satan.

    By Guillermo G.

  3. I feel like I’m going crazy! I’ve tried so many times to quit and even stopped shooting up for over a year, but when my boyfriend and I broke up for the fourth time and most recently, I got kicked out because I used with my ex-husband behind his back at a visit I went right back to smoking it every single day for weeks. For the duration of the time I was away from my boyfriend, I was in a situation that was very stressful and frustrating.

    I used that excuse to get so high that I didn’t care what people thought or even how they felt about me. Basically, I got told that I could come home and I took the opportunity to get away from dope, but unfortunately it meant leaving my child behind in a drug home… I feel like sh-t, a horrible mother, and a very selfish person for leaving her, but my heart said that coming home to my boyfriend and a life of sobriety away from my child was the safer option.

    Any ideas on how to get through the emotional trauma caused by leaving my daughter and now the agonizing and overwhelming withdrawals??? :'(

  4. I came across this article while searching for help in finally quitting my long-term meth use. I’ve quit for periods of time before but that was before I had my beautiful daughter who is now 7 years old. I started using again shortly after she was born for energy and like all of you, I became dependent on meth because I couldn’t function and be a mom to my daughter if I was in a coma on the couch.

    Now, 7 years later I am a daily user just to get out of bed, I’m functioning in a sense that I get up and go to work every morning, I get my daughter up and get her ready for school, I’m a single mom with no financial support from her dad but he is around for quality time with her. I’m failing her more each day I continue to use meth and let it control my daily responsibilities.

    All the actions and behaviors I promised myself and my little girl I would never do because I wanted so badly to do things completely opposite than that of my own mom who also lived with this addiction. I find myself repeating the same behaviors by putting my own need to score some meth to get up the next day before my kids homework, healthy mealtimes and decent bed time. I know I need to stop whatever I’m doing and focus my attention on her, no distractions.

    To live in the present with her while she is so young and I am her whole world which I love but I am throwing all of this precious time away even though I know I will never get this time back. Please someone help me, I’m so scared of quitting cold turkey. I don’t have the weeks it takes to sleep off this monkey on my back. I have to provide and be a parent to my child, albeit a crappy parent compared to the parent I know she deserves. What do I do?

  5. I’m 28 years old and I’ve been using meth since I was 15, It was always off and on until my mom passed 6 years ago, and since that day I’ve been a daily user. (My dad died when I was 11 of a heart attack, he was 50 and My mom passed when I was 23, she was 53. I know meth played a role in both cases since both my parents were also daily users. Functioning addicts).

    No one had ever been able to tell I was on drugs I thank good genes. But lately I’ve noticed my pores getting bigger And at the risk of sounding conceited, I really don’t know how to be ugly. I know It’s time to quit. I have tried to quit before but every time I did, I remember waking up in the morning and bursting into tears EVERY TIME, because either I had a dream about my parents or because Of the realization that they’re gone.

    Either way that’s the reason why I keep hitting the pipe. To block all that emotional pain. But I feel like my kids deserve a drug free mom. Something they have never had and I deserve to live pasted the age of 50. The only thing I’m scared Of is the emotions that are going to come crashing back. Any advice on what to do to ease the pain?

  6. I got so sick of tweekers that I pretty much grew out of it with No Problems after 16 years of slamming it! Guess I was just ready to live.

  7. I just turned 50 I been doing meth for about 16 I just smoke it. And I’m trying to break free from the pipe and it’s so f__ing hard. The lack of energy and done the depression is overwhelming. I get 2 to 3 days off the stuff and find myself glued to the bed with no desire or will to do “day to day” functions and find myself giving in.

    It would just take a couple hits and I spring off that bed ready to get things done. I look back before I got caught up. And it didn’t take a couple hits to get me going it was a natural thing. I want that back. The hardest part about this is admitting I’m a addict dependent on meth.

  8. So I am new to meth. My husband was a previous meth user before him and I got together, but he quit and was clean when we got together. He spoke to some friends of ours about how good it felt, and I honestly told him that I was curious, but I didn’t want to get hooked. So we tried it once with our friends which caused a bad experience.

    So a month later he ‘surprised’ me by getting more and next thing I know we were using it daily…however our supplier had dropped us so after a month of daily use we had to quit cold turkey. I am glad we quit, because he started becoming more and more angry as we continued to use it and I soon lost all motivation and have a hard time remembering anything.

    Unfortunately, now that we have been off it for about a week and a half, he is still very very angry…will I ever get the man I love back? How long will this take? Is there anything I can do to help him? We don’t have any insurance and I don’t work ATM so we don’t have any extra money. Please any advice?

  9. I used for the first time a couple weeks ago. One week later I got 3 grams and have been using all week. I sleep everyday and have been eating very well. I don’t want to do it again, but was wondering how bad the comedown would be for something like this. The first time it wasn’t bad. I just see everyone who has been doing it for a very long time experiences withdraw, not people who have had a week of use. Thanks!

  10. My brother introduced me to this drug one night after work. I had seen the drug before, and had seen people smoke it but never realized how fast I would give in to the peer pressure, much less, my brother being that peer. We don’t do it every single day, but we do but it occasionally and do it for days straight and usually quit cold turkey promising not to do it again.

    Some way or another, either he does it again and it influences me or vice versa. It causes tension when we come down. I don’t get aggressive until my brother does. I never start the conflict, but I always end up in the middle of it. He constantly disowns responsibility for his actions and blames them on other people like me or my mom. Just today, we were both coming down. I went to my moms room grabbed a cigarette and informed my mom that she accidentally left her pack in my room and that I took a couple.

    She got a little attitude, but not enough to set me in a rage like it did my brother. And her attitude was proposed indirectly to my brother because I spoke to him in private about it. He then started yelling from our room calling our mom a stupid drunk and a b#tch. I told him to shut up and that she wasn’t saying it to him so it should contain very little concern regarding him. He ended up blurting suicidal thoughts, and punched several holes in the wall.

    If I could please get some tips, information, guide, anything to help me help him. I love him, he is my brother, but he needs to learn to grown up, be willing to accept his responsibilities, and to prioritize his priorities.

  11. I was injecting crystal meth about 4-5 times a week for about two months. I was doing it with a guy and it became sort of our routine to shoot up and then have sex for 5-7 hours at a time. I have recently stopped cold turkey, I am trying to stop all recreational drug use completely, although I have been smoking marijuana to help with the separation from meth use.

    I’m trying to keep a normal routine and continue to go to work and regain a sense of normalcy. I have recently discovered that I am a sex/love addict so meth unfortunately goes really well with this addiction. I find myself craving both and feel life is incredibly dull now and there doesn’t seem much worth living for because I don’t feel alive. Is there a way to overcome these feelings?

  12. Hi. I was a casual user for 10 years fully addicted. Daily use up to $500 a day for two years. My “benders” would last up to 7 weeks straight with huge amounts used. I’d do what I could to get on… my dealers were very generous to me… giving ice away like it was water then the meltdowns began so I went cold turkey… I’m 17 weeks and 3 days clean and the cravings are so bad.

    I’ve moved away far away to seclusion. I have no friends… only one who has been here from day one of my recovery and talk to. No one from my past but wonder how they are. When I hear a song I crave so bad, I feel sad and just want to use again. I get nightmares and I’m angry. I take antidepressants to sleep but also feel like I have nothing to look forward to.

    I just want to be normal again. I don’t know how much more I can take… Does anyone have any tips on how to keep going to be stronger or help to make this a little easier than it feels right now? Thanks for reading.

    • Find a local NA chapter. At the very least you know everyone there is clean and it gives you a routine to follow. Good luck I hope you beat it.

  13. My bf and I both used at one point and time and I have just recently quit after about 4 to 5 months of usage. I quit cold turkey and he’s slowly getting himself clean. Is it normal to be extremely exhausted after 5 to 7 days of not doing anything?

  14. A few years ago I explained a few things to my ex that he had done to me while on meth. It destroyed him, he fell to the ground crying and begging my forgiveness. I told him his life needed to change and that I thought the gospel and a specific church could help him. It’s now three years later and while his use has slowed dramatically it had not stopped completely.

    Well his mother passed away and left him $15,000 I told him to catch a bus to me and I was going to put him to work. A 2 day greyhound ride later he arrived. I have witnessed what I believe are both positive and negative paranoia and schizophrenic side effect during his withdrawal. He believes it is good trying him what he needs to do.

    He is going on 45 days sober after 20 years off not coming down. I have been calling him on his attitude, temper tantrums, etc. To his credit I am working him pretty hard. (8+ hours of cardio every day except Sunday). Tonight he told me that he no longer feels the spirit. (Spirit of the Lord, Jesus Christ and the holy ghost) and that that bothers him. He no longer shoots up out of bed still asleep asking “what, what am I supposed to do?” Which correlates to what he is saying.

    I don’t want to destroy his reality but I feel like I am supposed to challenge his belief system so he can see he was never feeling the spirit. That is was always a side effect of prolonged habitual use of meth. He says he only ever felt the spirit when he was high and going to church.

    I just don’t get how I’m supposed to help him keep staying sober when his delusions are this ingrained into him? I don’t know if this all makes sense. I’ll reply and answer any questions to paint a more clear picture of mud if anyone thinks they have input here.

    • You can’t help him… he’s the only one who can find his way. He is just looking for pity. The only way through addiction is giving it up to God. People are either delusional or not – it’s not from the meth. Just like bad behavior isn’t just from drugs. I know sober people who are delusional after 20 years of being sober… also sober people can still live in anger, hatred, and just plain pity. It’s not the dug. It’s the behavior that needs changing. He just may be like this forever. Send him to an AA meeting and have him start doing the 12 Steps. Let him go unless he asked for help.

  15. Hi, my name is Kiki. I was using for about 3 years with an ex, didn’t actually know what it was for first 1-2 (naive, by the time I did know, I didn’t care, my choice). Now I’m hitting about 1 year clean from that/just a little over one year and will be 7 months clean in about 2 weeks from everything (had a drink in July), but now something weird is happening. It feels like I’m going through one of the worst withdrawals I’ve ever had…

    I’m 23, and I had chest pains a while back from this, saw a doctor and that’s fine now but I was a very heavy user, usually using alcohol and bud at same time too but this feels like I’m back on it and just came off again… I haven’t done anything, have been stressed/going through some other things but I still didn’t think it would be this bad… It feels like I did the most I could without OD-ing (which was a lot back then), drank half a bottle of liquor, smoked other stuff and now am the next morning going cold turkey from it.

    I’ve got therapists and groups I can go to here and am still talking to them but I just don’t understand what’s happening this time… I haven’t slipped up at all, there was a photo or two that came up from when I used to use with a partner n then he somewhat stopped talking to me so idk if it was just that triggering me or if there’s a moment that comes later when things are still getting out of system from using so long or what is happening…

    I’ve got ppl I can talk to too but I’m the only one who’s done this specific drug of my friends that’s in recovery and when I did use, even some dealer’s were kind of freaked out by how much I could take -.-. I don’t know if maybe that’s why or if there’s just a delayed comeback or if it’s BC my medication just got changed but if anyone has any ideas, that would be great. I got put on a sleeping medicine too briefly and am already off of it and Doctor said it wouldn’t cause this but did start right after (like 1 day or 2) that and other things happening so just trying to figure it out.

    I figured it could be triggers around me right now too (everyone talking about BB or thinking its cool -.-) even teacher makes jokes bc he doesn’t know but just, gah.. Yea, but if there is something that’s supposed to come out or does come out again at about 1 year, can somebody let me know please? Because this is just really confusing now at this point. I don’t want to go back, I know y I can’t go back and I already significantly messed my health up just bc of the things I did that time I was using too… -.- now I’m just not sure what’s happening.

    People I knew from that time also called too, not seeing/talking to them either but it had a been a while since that had happened too… So yea, sorry for the long rant people but honestly, not sure who can talk to about it at this point bc main person who I knew who did this, actually has less time than me now and while they’re doing good, we don’t rly talk anymore/he can’t help cuz he’s busy too and trying to recover in his own life as well (which is good).

    Any advice you guys can give though? I do have the option to go back to an inpatient center I went to before again in a few months and am thinking about it but if I just knew what was going on too, that would help. Thanks for any advice you guys can give and hope things are going well for rest of you guys too. Aside from this moment things have been much better since I quit too, so stay strong! You can do it :}. :}.

    • Look I feel ya bud. I’m in the gram slam club too. I’ve done grams back to back and burnt every nerve in my body during the process. I was a non stop user from 15-21 years old. I’m 27 now and I relapse about once a year. My longest sober streak is about 2 years.

      If I may ask did you ever miss a large quantity on the underside of a rolling vein? Also did you make such thick Jello that you had to run your tool under hot water just to be able to push the plunger? I have been working on an old miss for about 8 months now. When I spend a long period of time in the hot tub with my arm under water I get a rush. And then a bruise that looks like a miss but I haven’t used in 8 months.

      I’m not able to explain it but I can relate. I also seriously messed up my health. My old habits now cost me upwards of $5,000 a month just to keep me alive. I do have two suggestions. Alpha lipoic acid is an OTC supplement. Your first week take 100mg with breakfast and dinner. 200mg breakfast and dinner week 2. 300 week 3 and so on up until week 6. Week 6 drop down to 400 and work your way back down to zero.

      Alpha lipoic acid helps repair the damage meth does to the body and mind. Next suggestion is get your hands on something called carnivora. It’s a medicine made from the Venus fly trap that attacks all foreign bodies. It’s kinda similar to probiotics but on a completely different. Just take care of your core, the rest will work itself out.

  16. It’s coming up on 21 months clean and I’m grateful to be away from meth. But I’m having a problem with my brain completely shutting down on me at weird times. Almost like I get stuck mid sentences. Does anyone know what would cause this?

    • Yes, too much meth will cause it. Just because you have quit does not mean it is fully out of your system, meth leaves permanent side effects, motor skills, and difficulty concentrating are two of the main ones.

  17. I have been struggling with meth for years now. Every time I try to stay clean I always end up back using. I hate that this damn drug has its claws in me. I constantly think that I am going to die because of my addiction. I’m crying all the time. Rehab won’t work. I have tried so many times. Any advice? I don’t want to live like this and I’m at the end of the road I feel.

  18. My fiancee and I have been together 6 & 1/2 years. I found out two days ago he has been doing meth for two months now. We have two children. I’ve been through this before with him on pills and alcohol abuse. Now this. I have no idea what to do. It has broke my heart and scared the carp out of me.

    Today is day 4 since he smoked it last. He still won’t communicate with me. All he is doing is eating and sleeping. It’s like he thinks this can be brushed under the rug. He has sores all over his hands, arms, and head. I don’t know what to do. Leave him?

    • If he does not wish to change and stop the dope, then yes, leave him, because that only means he has no respect for himself or you. Others may disagree with me, I tell it how it is, I am very biased when it comes to people who throw their life away on drugs, and other people’s life along with theirs, it is pettiness point blank!!!!

  19. I have smoked meth everyday for close to 20 years. I quit 18 days ago and it is hard… I think about it everyday. The only thing I can say no one will ever quit unless you’re quitting for yourself. No one can ever tell anyone to quit. You just have to be ready. I have little support and I’m just getting through one day at a time. I figure why let meth control me? It’s time to take back my life. Well, not that I have ever really known a life that didn’t have meth in it… I’m only 35 so that’s my story. I’m hopefully never looking back. Good luck to everyone. I know we are all strong enough to just do it. Best of luck, I know I will need it.

  20. Mike, everything you just said were like you took the words out of my head and spoke them for me. I am in the exact same situation, except my husband and I finally both have come to the realization that we do need to stop, and now. You know what did it for us, when our kids saw us fighting in the days of “coming down” because we had none available. I saw the fear and hurt in their little eyes and I realized that the whole time that we thought we were controlling the drug, the drug indeed was controlling our lives.

    Maybe right now you can still manage and portray that you don’t have this addiction, but how long is that going to last? You don’t want to wake up one day and realize that you lost it all for nothing. I hope this helps some, and you choose what’s best for your family. Wish you the best to you and yours!

  21. So here my deal… I need some advice or insight. I introduced my boyfriend to meth the first occasional times we did it were amazing. Of course. Later on down the line his use became more frequent which led to major fights arguments and break ups. These negative things only lead to more negative things such as paranoia, hearing voices particularly mine seeing things and much more.

    My main problem is that he hears things such as me being with another man having sex behind his house which would never happen I love him so much he was an incredible person that I ruined by introducing this drug into his life. So now a year and half later he is still using on a constant basis and we are still going through the same fights such as me being a cheating whore. So here’s my questions with the brief run down.

    Does he actually believe this is going on? Could this be his own guilt? Once he gets sober will he realize that It was a delusion? Does him having ADHD cause this? Why is he assuming this? Is the best thing to do is leave him? Can I help him?

  22. I am 19 and I have used meth. I am now 54 days clean but my cravings are really bad when I do crave. I’ll go a few days not thinking about it then bam it hits me all at once. I wish I could get rid of the cravings, but if I do meth again I’m going to be taking that risk of losing my fiancee again and I don’t want that. But I really want the craving to go away.

  23. I have used Crystal Meth off and on for about six months. I will use for a week and then quit cold and be off it for a month or two. I am curious about if I am just different than what other people are because my two biggest symptoms that I struggle with I have yet to see anyone else say. The first is my muscles tightening painfully. Its not a twitch but a slow steady thing.

    I also am severely exhausted but this time I cannot sleep. I have not touched it two days. I still can’t sleep and I am having a harder time keeping a grip on whats real. I have only ever shot it. I never smoke it eat it or anything else. But this is the first time that I feeling this way. The best way I can describe it is its like having a more drawn out painful withdrawal but I can’t get my brain to slow down let me rest as if I just did a big shot a few minutes ago instead of almost three days ago. I want to be done for good now.

    But the temptation to ease the pain for a little bit is what’s scaring me. Its why I never quit in increments before. I know I wouldnt be able to stop giving in to the pain once I let myself give in once. I’m sorry if this is too long. Its a very big concern for me. The high is not worth this. Sorry racing thoughts still haven’t stopped. I need help but can’t go to a clinic or let anyone know I did this. I have way too much to lose. I am done I just wanted advice to get me through the strange new type of withdrawal this is for me.

    • Force yourself to eat if you can’t eat drink chocolate milk or find some way to ingest lots of protein real fast, grilled cheese milk and tomato soup is a perfect meal to induce sleep often used in childcare to trick kids into “nap time” Go for a long jog, then read a book.

      The digestive tract can take up 200% of the bodies available energy to process food. Physical exhaustion alone is not all ways enough to knock yourself out. So challenge your mind after physical exhaustion with a challenging book or other mental activity.

      Attack your comedown from 3 angles. It has always worked for me. Sometimes I have to lay still eyes closed in 64° for a while before I actually enter REM, but I get there.

  24. I have used Crystal Meth off and on for about six months. I will use for a week and then quit cold and be off it for a month or two. I am curious about if I am just different than what other people are because my two biggest symptoms that I struggle with I have yet to see anyone else say. The first is my muscles tightening painfully. Its not a twitch but a slow steady thing. I also am severely exhausted but this time I cannot sleep. I have not touched it two days. I still can’t sleep.

  25. I’ve been clean since June 2015 after using for about 6 years. I started smoking it when I was 19 and am now 27. I quit cold turkey and have found the effects of quitting not that bad. Except I don’t have a sex drive!!!! I’m in a fairly new relationship since march 2015. I’m attracted to my boyfriend but I don’t want sex. It’s frustrating for me and him. Can anyone give me advice on this?

    • I am just starting to have sex again after almost 10 months. Here’s the problem in my opinion. When you’re doing the dope you perform like a porn star, without it, it’s back to normal. I always compare it to riding a Harley, then one day it’s gone and it’s been replaced with a bicycle. Solution: You have to realize it will never be the same when you’re sober & clean. Sorry, but I’m not going to lie, that won’t help.

      Be patient and Don’t Force It!! I am very pleased to report, however, that when we did start having sex again, it was actually better without meth. No, it wasn’t hour+ long marathons but it was so satisfying to be able to achieve orgasm without porn & toys (which is what sex had become). Get reacquainted with what sex means now that crystal is no longer in the picture. It’s a big adjustment.

      Yes, it does take time and my advice is definitely not to force it. It will come back and it really can be better than before. One last thing, lust & porn have to be replaced with love, kind words & kind actions. Before you could have fantastic sex with anyone that was hot, now it has to be with someone you love, or it simply won’t work.

  26. I lost the reality of life from using meth. Recently I was up with meth nearly three weeks! The last two days of being awake my EYES were bloodshot red and I finally closed my eyes at 7 PM woke up at midnight with literally black visions. You know when you wake up you want to rub the “sleep” out of your eyes? Well that sleep literally covered both eyes as if I was removing rocks off my eyes, I thought omg I’m blind.

    My kidneys weren’t acting right, my sides of my body ached, my left leg gave out on me, I threw up blood, my sugar went from normal to 1000, I went from being a healthy 210lb guy at 6’2″ to being an unhealthy guy at a weight of 165…I looked like a friggin weirdo. I lost good friends, lost my job, lost the love of my life…all for what?

    That white stuff that makes you hot and horny for hours. That stuff that killed my brain cells, that stuff that made me even worse on my health…you can’t go back in the past, the damage is done…all I can do now is repair the now and prepare for the future.

    • It is very interesting reading all these stories, many heartbreaking. I never thought i would post anything on a website about my issues because it then becomes so real. 12 years and 8 months since I was introduced. I have had long periods of zero usage but the last 12 months have escalated. I smoke. The amounts may be small or large depending on your definition. 14 days without in the last month. I sleep every night, thought not always well and always assisted.

      A crash is at worst 4 or 5 days then I am fine mood and energy wise but the impulses come back eventually. I am in a good job, well paid, exercise regularly, socialize though not as much and would be considered handsome by most. I have behaved appallingly towards many people and am ashamed of it. I have a wonderful partner – who does not use. I work hard to protect him but its a struggle. I need to believe I can do this. A friend who had been using for less than a year scared me last time I saw him.

      His eyes had lost their life and he looked hollow. He lived a luxurious lifestyle. He is now unemployed sleeping at a friends place and on heavy benzodiazepines. It never gets better no matter how much you think you’re managing. If you continue, it never (never) ends well. Stopping is the only answer. I hope I can and I wish all of you sincerest wishes and strength.

  27. My husband and I are absolutely amazing together except for one thing meth. 5 years we were engaged to be married a wonderful life, but every 2 weeks he would disappear for the night not answer his phone and completely cut everyone out.. I found him in many hotels watching porn by himself. We split for 2 years he met someone new younger cutie… But the behavior never changed.

    Every 3 months he would come back into my life we would back together then he would disappear and tornado would erupt. But not jealously is involved. I get mad hold a grudge and the fighting continues for 4 days. We finally decided to get married and thought fight for us. He stayed clean for over a month was the most handsome man and my best friend was back, yesterday he slipped and I caught him. He was full of sweat and wasn’t himself.

    I left for work when I got home the Astro glide bottle was almost empty when it was full before. I crawled into bed and I told my husband I hate that drug, it turns him into this person who’s cruel and mean. I cry because I take it all like I’m doing something wrong and I know I’m not. He is a low intensity user does it once a month or so but the after effects last for weeks.

    So now I have my husband who is so distant that I’m begging for him to tell me he loves me. He says babe I’m brain dead I need this sh*t out of my system to be normal. What does a wonderful wife who loves her husband and best friend do?

    • I’m going to make this short & sweet since we went through this. I was with a 6 ft. blonde beauty from Alabama. I gave her 2 chances, when she chose meth over me on the 3rd strike it was over. I hate to say that, a marriage is a sacred thing that should last forever, but when you mix meth into the recipe it turns to poison eventually.

      I miss her but I don’t miss the poison, eventually he will have to chose. She swore on her mothers grave “never again” but the darkness always creeps back in when tempted. Meth, it’s a horrible, addictive, destructive tool that I’m guessing Satan loves to death.

    • If he is actively recovering, not using, allow healing time. His brain isn’t there, he may be very tired. Detox is a slow process.

  28. Hi, I am 38 years old and have been using meth off and on since I was 14 years old. For the past ten years, I have been smoking it daily (basically my morning coffee pick me up to get me going for the day). I quit one week ago today. For reasons not important. I have always held down a good job, payed my bills, my mortgage, never been in trouble with the law, attend college and receive excellent grades.

    I have kept my addiction a secret from everyone until recently. The first couple of days after quitting, were manageable. I still had enough energy to get out of bed and handle business for the most part, however it was a struggle. Each day gets harder and harder, I’ve missed work, almost missed class, and can’t get out of bed (although can’t sleep at night but have no trouble sleeping all day!)

    I’ve let myself and my home go and have zero motivation to do anything. I am really struggling with depression because I’ve always been so productive and focused. Now I just feel like a low life loser, ironically enough even though I’m not using. I crave it every day because I just want to get something accomplished. I’ve quit before prior to the ten years but not by choice. I don’t remember how bad my withdrawal was back then. I knew then I’d use again as soon as possible.

    Now I’m really trying to stay clean even though I could get it within 30 minutes. It is very discouraging to hear that it may take up to two years to feel normal again…and I’m not even sure what MY normal is, I’ve abused this drug for over half my life. I’d greatly appreciate some insight and encouraging words. Thank you for listening.

      • It takes time to heal your body. Good news is everyday it gets better. You need at least a week to get back some energy. If needed, go to your doctor. They can help you. Hang in there it does get better. 30 years use – sober 21 months. So worth it. God Bless.

  29. I’ve been clean for one week, I’ve never done a lot and I only fooled with it for about a month. I made 40 dollars worth last me for three weeks, I was using so little. I quit because I could possible be pregnant, but it’s too early for a test, and I also can’t tell if I’m just withdrawing or if the symptoms I’m feeling are really from the chance of pregnancy. I felt great the first two days I stopped using, I think I used so little it didn’t make too much of a difference, but it’s been about a week and not I’m feeling more and more sickly.

    I’ve been fatigue, and had some nausea the past couple of days. It seems to be getting worse, I’ve been eating right and drinking plenty of water, but I just can’t seem to feel any better. I know that waiting will tell me for sure, but I want an answer so badly right now. Does anyone know if withdraws could be this bad for as little as I did, and for such a short time?

  30. Hi, I have been a user off and on for almost the last 3 and 1/2 years. I came on this site because I was searching for symptoms of meth withdrawals. I’ve had periods where I’ve been clean for over a year months at a time and I should remember what the withdrawals are like but seems like it’s a little different each time. I recently started going to counseling which I can say has helped me to recently stop again.

    I hope this time for good I’m going to try with everything in me and with God’s help to never start again. I don’t know I guess I’m leaving this comment because I feel like I’m all alone. I know that it does that to you but overall I feel like I’m alone anyways in the state where I live. The people that are closest to me live out of state. I have realized the mistakes in my past do trigger me to smoke.

    I don’t know I could say a lot more, but I do want to thank each and everyone of you for sharing what you shared because it has encouraged me. And crazy I have to reach out to a website to get some some support but it’s better than nothing. The meetings never helped me.

  31. I smoked meth for 3 years. I quit cold turkey 8 weeks ago, when I found out I was 3 weeks pregnant. I find the cravings bad now. I will never take a hit while pregnant, I’m not sure how strong I can be once I give birth. I hope looking into my babies eyes will keep me sober!

  32. I recently used meth for the first time orally while being intoxicated with alcohol. I asked the guy who gave it to me to give me a very small amount. The provider called it chalk, if remember correctly. He gave me about a dime sized amount. I didnt sleep at all that night. Energy and sex drive was high. Now, the following day I’m having anxiety and a high heart rate. It almost feels like a hangover from Xanax. I finally feeling tired, but also worried about the future effects this will have on me. I should have stuck to weed. I’m worried I’ve become addicted.

  33. Hey call me Swim. I’m almost 4 months sober (110 days) off every drug you could think of. Maybe not ciggerettes if you choose to count that. I was injecting between a half gram to a gram of meth a day (5-10 points). I’m wondering if my symptoms of fatigue, slight delusions, nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach problems, hot flashes, clammy skin is still from the detox of meth even though it has been 4 months. It’s not enough to keep me in bed but it’s enough to discourage me at work.

    • Hi Swim. It’s not from the detox; 4 months off, and you were only doing a gram per day? I’m down to 5 grams, 3 times a day, and trying to go lower but I don’t want the hot flashes to get hotter. Depression, fatigue, sleeping on the job, waiting for my next fix, it’s only going to get rougher for me. Your “detox” is already over 120 days now (you posted a month ago) so you need to quit smoking is all bro. I’m only 2 years in on using meth, still managing to maintain my facade of a day job, and driving for Uber on the side… and I have no idea how things will change to become drug free. I don’t see it happening for me. It’s too easy to just keep using.

  34. Getting off meth and staying off will be the hardest thing you ever do. I’ll just say I went off the deep end because of it and am very lucky to be here today. It’s not OK. Not even occasionally. Not even a little bit. And I don’t mean to cliche the anti-meth ads, but they are 100% bulls-eye on target when they say “Not even once”. It’s not only a social/family life and body destroyer, it will destroy your soul. I pray for you all who are struggling to get away from it.

  35. So its been about 4 months for me. I’m 17, started at 15. Was never a heavy user, but I’d use about every other day. Now honestly I’ve seen some people that I care about completely lose everything including there mind because they can’t stay away from meth… This was enough for me to quit… The only thing I miss about the drug was losing all the weight. I used to way almost 350 lbs. Now I’m at 200. But I know the best way to stay healthy is exercise, but my appetite is insatiable.

    After about 3 months I finally started feeling pleasure in doing what I used to like to do. Such as watching TV, playing games, etc. In the end it was worth it because now I’m high off life. I love being clean, it’s one of the best things I could’ve ever done for myself. And to all of you who are struggling: YOU CAN DO IT, because in the end, sobriety is the greatest high of all :)

    • I got turned onto meth at age 13 as a babysitter… I am now 47. I’ve been a daily user my whole life and it has now become a problem with me failing a drug test at work. How do I live the rest of my life without meth? The damage it has caused after this many years is undetermined. I see a bleak future without it not being able to experience pleasure. I used to be normal.

      • Cheloe, I am 43 and been using for about the same amount of time as you. I worry about the same thing, how much damage has been done? Sometimes I wonder if I should even bother quitting but I know that is the drug talking to me. I’ve decided to quit right now, this very minute I am done. I hope I can do it.

    • I can tell you your “insatiable” appetite is likely because you’re malnourished. Your hunger mechanisms are there for a reason. They tell you you’re needing something. I recommend digging into nutrition management. That is trying to ingest a full spectrum of nutrients and not just eating whatever “sounds good” when you’re hungry. It’s really amazing what your body does when you feed it all of the nutrients it needs (there’s about 90 that are essential) as well as how much energy you have and how hungry you’re NOT.

      In short, my path went from 11 years of fast food to the complete Herbalife weight loss program (which opened my eyes to nutrition management) and then to juicing and taking supplements. That took care of my appetite problems. The last part is since stopping juicing, I’ve recognized carbs are killing us. I’ve stopped eating all wheat, corn, potato, and rice based foods and the weight is just vanishing without even trying. I fry bacon (uncured of course) and farm fresh eggs, steak, whatever I want and don’t even think about it. The only fats I consume are animal fat, Olive Oil, and real butter along with the good fats from Brussel Sprouts, Fish and Avacado.

      Good luck!

  36. I’ve been using for 20 years and have quit for short periods of time. I seem to have a problem getting through the week-end. Friday rolls around and the cravings start hours before I get off work. That is if I make it through the week, Often times I break down half way between. It seems to be hard about three days out and unbearable around five days. I can’t count the number of times I quit this soul sucking drug.

    I’ve told myself so many times I quit that I don’t believe myself anymore but I still try and fail like clock-work. I have managed to not be an everyday user for around 3.5 years but know I’m on the hook still. I will attempt another crack at it again week and hope this is the one in 3000 that sticks. I can’t remember the last time I went more than 5 days or so. I feel like I have quit and restarted on an endless cycle. I know the drug says I will fail for the 3001 time but being as crazy as the drug has made me I feel this time will be different.

    This is normal for Tuesday at 5 a.m. after no sleep since last Thursday night. I know in my rational mind that nothing has changed and the cycle will continue unless I do what I fear – quit for good. It sure is hard to give up on an old friend that has only proven to be not trust worthy. That would be the insanity I fell for. I hope I don’t repeat myself next Tuesday morning for the 3002 time. LOL.

  37. I used meth for about two years straight. I relapsed after making it 8 years clean… pretty depressing. I started out smoking and eventually started bangin it. My life at the time wasn’t the best so I found escape while using – it was only a temporary release. It wasn’t until I lost my kids that I tried to quit…tried being the key word. I fought it like crazy because I wasn’t ready to face reality.

    I was scared to see my life through sober eyes. But my kids gave me strength. I didn’t quit cold turkey but I got stronger and stronger. I made a game out of it so to speak, so as to trick myself into feeling awarded. First I made it 3 days wihout it, smoked again and felt like crap. But next time I tried to beat my last record and would make it a week. Every time I smoked again I felt myself not getting the same comfort as before because I felt like a failure, like I would never escape the cycle.

    When I finally made it to 2 weeks, I felt great about myself but struggled with cravings. This last time was my best achievement yet. I made it 4 weeks!!! All it took was a phone call from an old acquaintance wanting to stop by and smoke and it broke me. I had deleted their number but I recognized it immediately and as badly as I wanted to send them to voicemail, I answered. Do I feel weak, ashamed, & disappointed with myself?? Yes!

    But I know I am getting stronger each time I fight it. The moral to this story is never give up. Never doubt. Never be afraid. Don’t let one slip up define who you are, because if you WANT to quit, you will. How quickly you can achieve your goal is irrelevant. It’s not a race to see which tweaker gets clean the fastest. If you know deep down inside that you want a better life, then you can do it. Tapering may not be for everyone, but it is working for me. I will not give up.

    • I recently quit cold turkey June 2015 I’ve been using for about 6 years since I was 19 I am now 27. I’ve been having a hard time with my sex drive. I have NONE! I’m in a fairly new relationship (since march 2015) and am attracted to my boyfriend.

  38. I am the mother of a 26 y/o son. I have enabled him for years, but trying to help. He has always lived at home and started taking meth 3 years ago with his girlfriend. He is in jail now for the 2nd time for theft. I am not bailing him out, hoping he can get clean. I can’t let him move back in because nothing will change. I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do and I am so worried.

  39. I used meth for almost 4 years; been clean since August last year. It’s a disgusting, filthy, nasty drug. Stay away from it. It almost killed me, I lost my job, my friends, wasted 4 years and 3 teeth. I have been clean for almost seven months now. The first few months were pretty tough, especially the fourth month. I still get the urges, but they are not that bad. It gets better. What is really helping me is meditation, praying and being around my sober friends. Good luck.

    • Hi Tom, Long story short… I’ve just recently discovered my husband is using ice…of 2 year daily habit. I had know idea he hid it so well. Although I can say our marriage will survive I have seen him through to this point and as of New Year’s Day he is 3 months off of it. I’m proud of him and angry at the same time. He has done it cold turkey and I drug test him every now and then. Which he obliges too.

      My question to you is why was the 4th month so hard? As I’ve never used any kind of drug especially this one I’d like to know so I can continue helping him through… Thank you everybody for posting. Your honesty is so great. God bless you for that and never give up on yourself and the ones you love. X

  40. I had my first pipe last week, day 1 the hangover, day 2 feeling normal and a bit tired, day 3 and 4 I had the nightly horrors. On day four, I was on an emotional roller coaster, high low, then high again. Again I had a couple giant puffs, so I only experimented with the drug. To take the edge off, I take about two omega-3 caps per day, as the supplement has been scientifically proven to repair the brain.

    I basically don’t want my drug holiday to become a lifestyle. For the long term users who want to escape the invisible prison of drug addiction, test your limits, you are going to fall off the wagon. If your heart and mind is in the right place, your sobriety is going to be hours or days, but you will get stronger over a period of time.

  41. Well hello everyone. I came here looking for answers, but maybe I actually have a few. I am 51 years old and just quit meth after 25 years of “off and on” use. Thankfully I did have the strength not to use while pregnant with any of my 3 amazing children who are all adults now, but suffered throughout their lives because of my and my husband’s addiction. Lost homes, possessions, time together. Then I threw vodka into the mix and went up and down and blamed and lied for years.

    Then last week something broke. Whether it was all in my own mind or not, it was very real to me and terrifying beyond belief. And let me interject here – if it was evil – which I do believe it was because I accidentally invited it in – evil doesn’t look scary – it is a trickster and a deceiver. I may sound crazy and maybe I was, but I can tell you what finally took it away. I turned back to my very roots. I prayed. And I called my brother and told him what was happening to me and told him my absolute truth for the first time.

    He took me to church and “they” were screaming and talking in circles the whole time. And I walked out of that church free of craving. Yes it’s hard, and I’ve been praying, and reading the Bible and getting strength from that. But I am happy, truly joyful for the first time as long as I can remember. I know I sound preachy, but it’s my truth, & I want it to be a blessing to others. Don’t turn away from what you know is true, from what you were raised on.

    Jesus loves you and he will pick you up and protect you. Again I hate to be the preachy one, but this is quite literally save my life. Call someone you know, pick up your Bible, pray to the Lord to help you. He loves you. No matter what wrong you have done in your life, he loves you you are his child. Don’t get me wrong, as I’m writing this, I am still in pain, but I am smiling with tears of joy in my eyes. Try this: If you are feeling at all like me listen to Jonny Lang’s “Only A Man.”

    • Hello Im Gabriel and I love what you have spoke in your posting. I was also raised In a pinicostal church all my life. I am 19 years have been using for about a year. Mostly just when I hanging out with friends going off reading and we wanted to stay up. Like once a month. But I just got a new job and am being put up in a hotel by the company I work for (because I travel for my job) and where I’m currently at I’d found out my neighbor sells crystal meth and I’ve been buying it from him.

      And been smoking large amounts of it daily. I have never had a problem with meth as far as needing it or feeling addiction. But I was in the hotel room by myself and just wanted to get a little high and just kept smoking and smoking and smoking. I dumped a pile the size of a waded up gum rapper off in my bowl and smoked it all within about an hour or hour and a half. And got completely torn up. I could read my phone screen, I had the sweats like crazy and clinching my jaws (which makes them sore) the bad part is I had to go to work the next day at 7am and here it was 12am.

      At 9:30 my buddy told me if I was able to make it to his house he would watch over me and make sure I was up for work the next morning. So I was able to gather myself just enough to get to my truck and make it 20 minutes to his house. Once I’d got there it’d kicked is so much I was sweaty all over my body including my face my eyes half closed and looked like I was starting to turn pail. He didn’t know it was meth I was high on until I got there and it came out in conversation and he was greatly understanding (as he use to do it too a while ago but I never knew it).

      I currently have a 2 1/2 year old daughter. And no one in my friends or family knows I do it except for like 4 people. One of them being my younger 16 year old sister. After going and visiting my ex and her husband and daughter ( the only woman that I have ever been in love with) I felt amazing sitting there with them. But once I left the depression of losing her so long ago hit me hard once again and I’d came back to this same jail cell called a motel and smoked some more to kill the pain. I already see what this drug is doing to me and I want to end it NOW.

      I just told her a couple days ago that I smoke meth and she said that she would help me get help if I wanted it so I’m going back to see them again tomorrow and talk to her about helping me kick this devil rock. Because I can’t do it myself. I’ve tried throwing it in the trash, the toilet, at of my truck window and just can’t open my hand to let it go. It’s like it’s glued. I know that I will just be able to hand it to her easily and her dispose of it for me and help me threw this. We have been friends for 8 be 9 years in a few months and we have been through a ton together.

      But I can’t tell anyone in my family that I smoke it because I’m afraid they will try to keep my daughter from me and look down on me. I’ve battled depression my Entire life ever since I was about 5 or 6 year old. So I know this is going to be extremely hard on my for the depression and lack of energy. I’ve cried and wished I’d never had it with me at all that night. I would still be a non-addict.

      Because I know that’s where this is headed is being an addict. Which to me is strange because I’ve done a few different drugs and never even started to feel like I needed them. And felt the same way with meth because I just took a few times every month or so. That was until the night I smoked so much in the hotel and have had an up and down high for almost a week. I’m sorry for the extremely long message but I had to reply to your posting.

    • Amen!!! I have given my addiction to Jesus. 30 years of BS. hats off to you. I believe God has summoned me to help other addicts.

  42. I only did meth for 4 weeks straight, with very few days sober. I have been clean for like 2 weeks and I’m still getting tremors and strong cravings but I’m pushing through it.

  43. Well I have been an long term daily user for 13 years now, I had been on a medication for ADHD and then doctors switched my diagnosis when I was a teen taking me off of the stimulant. With in a few weeks I was smoking meth daily. I want to do your suggestion of getting on an amphetamine but no doctor will give me it because I am “dependent” so your statement of their are healthier ways is true, but an impossibility to obtain.

  44. I understand everything said here…this is a horrible drug and I can’t believe I ever let myself do it in the first place! I think everyone thinks “it won’t happen to me” but it does!!! Meth gets everyone! I’m on my 2nd day of detox after 6 months straight hard usage and it’s screwed up…I can’t even move. I have 3 kids and my husband uses as well and has done a lot longer than me.

    I never even knew until I started using for the first time (was with him). I believe I needed to get addicted and go through this so that I could see and feel exactly what my husband was going through in order to help him and stay strong for him. If I didn’t go through this and found out about him, I probably would of lost my sh*t, kicked him out, and turned my back on a “drug addict scumbag.” Everything happens for a reason and I have to turn it into a positive. I know it’s not going to be easy but has to be done. I don’t want to lose everything we’ve worked so hard for.

  45. I’m in my third week now of being off the meth. I started taking meth in 1999 and early January of this year 2015 I went cold turkey. Initially when I stopped, I slept for a week but now in my third week off it I cant sleep. I usually fall asleep about 4am and wake up at 8am then keep busy during the day, but again the next night can’t sleep again until 4am in the morning. During the day I feel so positive and experience the great feeling of being straight. I feel like I’m high all the time now, and the good thing is it doesn’t cost me a cent.

    Real life has it’s ups and downs but I have learnt to deal and suffer the lows instead of taking meth. The only problem that I have is I can’t sleep at night. I have confused by brain you see and it thinks it has to be up and thinking at a ridiculous hour of the night. I can’t wait for this to stop and I’m sure it will but if anyone has a similar past to me and has gone through or going through what I am now. If so, please let me know so I don’t think I’m going nuts. Cheers to real life!

    • I know what you mean… it’s driving me nuts too. I can’t sleep at all. Sorry I don’t have any helpful advice but you’re not alone. I am afraid to take anything to help me sleep because I don’t want to start having to have it. Good luck to both of us!

      • I would suggest taking a glycine supplement for the sleep problem. You can find at health food store. I had similar withdrawals coming off a prescribed drug. Once your brain and neurotransmitters are involved, you really have to restore the depleted chemistry. Also, a magnesium supplement was very helpful. Hope you are healing!

      • Write… anything and everything that comes to your mind. It was suggested to me week 3 of a major withdrawal. I was told the body was processing. It took away the anxiety of not being able to sleep I found. I’ve read back on it since and it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it got me though those long nights.

  46. Hi guys I want to share my situation with you guys for the fact that I am searching for some help. Let me start off by saying that I am 20 years old and I had been doing crystal meth for a long period of time. I was introduced to the drug by a coworker who had me thinking it was cocaine. I know what you’re thinking… how couldn’t I tell the difference, well my coworker would crush up the crystals into a powder to trick me into thinking it was cocaine. I was under the influence thinking it was cocaine.

    I know I still didn’t have any business using cocaine but was just curious. The day I did meth for the first time I can say it was the best feeling of my life. The feeling is incredible, your confidence level is extremely high. I was high on the drug for 3 days which included sleepless nights as well as having no appetite or cravings for food. I suffered severe hallucinations on my 3rd sleepless night. I was on really bad “trip” but luckily I kept my cool and controlled myself.

    After that horrible experience I still wanted more. I loved the feeling it was giving me and it started becoming a habit. Days turned to weeks, weeks turn to months I was hooked on the drug and couldn’t let it go. It made it even harder to let it go due to the fact that I was going through a tough and difficult time in my life and the drug would make me feel better. I recently stopped doing meth at the beginning of 2015. I am suffering withdrawal now. The emotions and phases I’m going through are hurting me drastically.

    I’m going through high levels of depression, lack of energy, loss of appetite, emotional break downs, chest pains, thank god no suicidal thoughts have popped into my head. I try to keep myself distracted by going to the gym and hang out with friends but this feeling overpowers me. I need some advice from past users or anyone to help me get through this. It’s affecting me in so many ways. I want to get through this, I know I’m strong enough. I want my life back to normal. Thank you.

    • Geovanne, just hang in there bro. No matter how bad it gets it is necessary for you to get off that sh*t. I used for 13 years & everything I thought was normal was actually drug-induced in some form or another. I didn’t even know who I was. Almost lost my kids to the state, finally looking by I know that every step was necessary to quitting & relapsing only sets you back. I know that you don’t want to go through all the hard sh*t again. Good luck to you.

    • I am a 45 year old female who started using meth about two years ago. I was prescribed Adderall for my ADD and started abusing my prescription while I needed to stay awake for days writing my dissertation for my PhD. When my Adderall prescription would run out I would turn to Meth to take over. My husband and I started using together first started with smoking and then I preferred to snort it because it gave me a more intense high. I rationalized using it because I was using it for a reason.

      To write my dissertation so I could graduate, which I did. But by the time I finished and graduated, we had developed such a habit which also turned into a gambling addiction and had lost everything. We lost our relationships with our children who were from previous marriages, our nice house, every bit of furniture, we lived in our car for a month, but we’re still using and have continued to use, trying to quit for the last 8 months.

      I have had many challenges in my life and trying not to use this drug is by far the most difficult process I have yet to succeed at. I am staying with my family and my husband is in a different state with his and I have a small amount left and want to quit but am so scared of going through the withdrawal symptoms without my husband. I just went to health food store and bought some valerian root with the hopes it will help calm my anxiety, muscle twitching, crying, self-injury and irritability while I am around my family.

      If anyone can offer any assistance with anything that has helped them and I can get without checking myself into rehab, I would appreciate it. I have my only daughter graduating from high school this month and her Mom being in rehab for meth use is not an option.

      • Lemon balm I found worked wonders for my anxiety. I found it in an anti-anxiety tea at a Whole Foods type store. I think the brand was “Earth Mama Angel Baby.”

    • I used for over 20 years. Hang in there. It takes at least 2 years to really start feeling back to normal. I will say you might need to go see your Doctor – they can help. I’ve been clean almost 2 years I am now getting my energy back. It takes a bit to figure out what to do with your time that meth occupied. Replace with a new healthy hobby. You got this, you’re young. Go to school and enjoy life. I’m 53 and I wasted a lot of time on my addiction. Good Luck and God bless.

  47. I am not new to the drug, but I don’t do it often. 7 days ago I used Meth and lots of it I could not stop myself I felt so alive then on the fifth day I was still geeked out of my mind so I look some xanax and took a hit of acid, wow what a trip. Then my acid trip faded away and I never felt the xanax kick in, so on day six I was losing my mind – every emotion, every painful thing that happened to me in my life was in one thought.

    I did now know what to do with myself then the shadow people came and went – I still hear their voices echo. This did not stop so I called my pregnant girlfriend to come stay with me. She had no idea and still don’t that I was on meth. I got up the next morning got in the shower put on some Pink Floyd and I had my final battle with my mind. I looked at myself in the window glass and stared at that “Person” I was then.

    I thought of my unborn child and it hit me. I could have lost everything if I didn’t cope with my thoughts. I think the only way to really stop is with no other drugs to suppress it, but to battle that thing that crawled up your nose. If I can do it, and you are coming down like I was, and reading this you’re not alone. Think of what you want most in life and I bet it’s free.

    • YOU aren’t being honest with yourself. Your words reveal the truth behind the lies. Once you can be completely honest with YOURSELF then maybe, just maybe healing can begin. Read your post–you’ve all but glamorized your drug use. No matter the drug you’ve used or are using it is actively consuming your very existence. All the hopes and dreams you have for your unborn child will become nothing more than fleeting thoughts. You will be a painful memory to him/her–a wish that will never be–you no longer you–just a memory.

  48. Being away from your child to get the help you need, is well worth it. I’m finally going to counseling to cope. I’m in a different relationship with someone who is completely drug free. Being honest with your loved one is a must. Regardless of what they think at first, if they love you, they will stand behind you. Your going to need them. At least your trying to better yourself. Also if you both aren’t willing to take the leap together. It’s going to be almost impossible… ((PROBLEM CITY))

  49. Meth with ruin your life, and any relationship. It’s smart if you to want to quit. I’ve been clean sometime now. It’s almost the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Staying clean is the hardest. My relationship was ruined. It drove us to be violent, extreme jealousy, physical and emotional abuse. My life was ruined by this drug. Now I’m still struggling. I go through depression, fatigue, and I’ve had a huge amount of weight gain. Be smart and stop now. Get help. Whatever it takes.

    • I am proud of you, very proud Christy. Stay on the path, temptation is always waiting for you. Walk towards the light when the darkness calls your name and begs you to come back. You can’t go wrong if you do the right thing and follow the path of good, you know what that path is, so do I. I think we all know who is calling you into the path of darkness, stay away from it. Love and best wishes. Even though you’re just a name on the internet I am praying for your at this moment, don’t let everything that is good slip away from you. Love you and best wishes :) P.S. Go to YouTube and watch Billy Graham “Loneliness” it saved my life…. and my soul.

  50. Both me and wife smoke meth. One if us wants to quit the other sees no wrong in what we do because we maintain bills work and take care of our kids. The other knows the truth. None of our family knows of our drug addiction. I can’t just say OK I’m stopping this. Can’t just leave or go to rehab. We have a child together and I don’t want be away from him. What do you do? Help me please I don’t know what to do. I love my family but I know that this drug is destroying my family.

    • When you are ready to quit – Walk yourself in front of the mirror, see what you have become. Go to your kid(s), see how much they have changed since you started. Think of all the negatives it’s brought to your life. Walk back to the same mirror, close your eyes… Feel Ready to quit? YES?!

      Great, now go smoke the best rocks you have left, throw the rest away before you smoke. Smoke all you want. Shatter your pipe, FLUSH with whatever you have left. Give a pat on the back to yourself, and never look back and see what better things in life await you. Good luck.

      • I used meth for 13 years and have been sober 90 days soon and let me tell you that was the best advice! I did just that 81 days ago. I smoked my brains out and threw out my pipe in a Wendy’s bathroom after taking my last few hits before entering rehab and I’ve been eating healthy and working out and feel so much better.

        • I’m also a 13 year user, how long was your crash for? Also how long did it take you to be able to get out of bed without being drowsy?

    • I feel for you Mike. I’m going through a similar situation, the difference being my girlfriend of 10 years kicked me out of the family home because she is “too busy working full time and looking after out 2 boys to care.” To be the bearer of bad news, there are no easy answers.

      If you and your wife truly love one another you can do it. You will no doubt do it hard but do it nonetheless. The hardest thing I’ve found is trying to keep the secret, the stigma attached to the drug and it’s users makes it necessary to lie and hide or be looked down on and treated with disdain because society and media are constantly showing worst possible examples of users.

      Nobody bothers to think they are all people and still need help. People are real quick to put you down but no one wants to give you a hand to get back up. Love, commitment and courage will get you through my friend. Hopefully you’ll always have your family, anything else is just a luxury. Best of luck and stay strong.

      • I have been supportive and helped my stepson for over 28 years. He has been in and out of prison and jail and finally over two years ago, looked like he had turned his life around. His situation is more difficult in the fact that he is in his 40s now, and will never be able to drive again. He got a job right away, and then he changed jobs to working in a restaurant about a year later.

        He started and completed a welding program and then needed a pace maker put in. He continued to work and enrolled into a chef program. He had completed 2 semesters, worked over a year at his restaurant job and while I was out of town helping my Mother deal with issues related to a massive stroke my Uncle had.. he moved out. All of the progress he made in the two years he lived with me was wiped in less than 2 months.

        Now he is back at my house, wanting and needing support again. His brothers are upset at me that I continue to help… Can you see there are many who try to help, but now I am wondering how I can help him anymore.

    • I have been clean 5 months today after using for 20 years, probably did less than anyone I have ever met, but still managed to find it for my “reward” of a hard week at work. I wanted to party, stay up late and have marathon sex (yes, it was like being Superman in a porn movie) but once I hit late 40’s I knew I had better get my act together, my parents were getting older and would need my help, I had to be alive to accomplish this. They had no one but me to count on to be there.

      I had been lucky, no arrests, no accidents, my daughters were honor students and all 3 went to college. We live in a brand new home in a nice neighborhood (you see it happens to all types of people) THE TRICK TO SURVIVING is knowing you HAVE to quit . No one keeps doing this without ending up with a heart attack or in prison, think about the future. I’ll be honest, after 5 months totally clean, I still crave it (on a stressful day is the worst) but stick it out and give it time, I’m still having depression after 5 months, some days are OK, some I want to end it all, but I don’t.

      THINGS THAT HELP WITH WITHDRAWAL: Being around clean people, and get a hobby (I went back to riding enduro bikes, trail riding etc.) & supportive people (True friends & family) and last but not least, God. I went to church then stopped when I started doing meth around 21 years old, I’ve started back and it does help to know there is someone that loves you more than your mind can comprehend, someone that accepts you lock, stock & barrel, as is, with no conditions other than LOVE.

      It’s normal to have suicidal feelings, it will pass, they always do, don’t cave in. One of the hardest things was having “normal” sex. No several hour marathons with multiple partners, that too will pass and become good again. You have to “re-learn” how to have natural sex, this too will arrive, be patient. I hope I have helped even a tiny bit. Remember, only YOU can do this. Do it for your family, your health, your parents, your freedom and your God that loves you very, very much. :)

      • Thank you. I’ve been 5 weeks clean and I feel better but also at the same time that my world is falling apart. I haven’t been able to just sleep it off. I have anxiety and just don’t feel right. I’m 30 now and I won’t go back to using after quitting cold turkey after 12 years of using. Your comment makes the most sense to me . I can wipe my eyes and buck it back up and go on with my life free from meth.

        • It’s OK to wipe your eyes, it’s OK to cry, it’s a normal part of the process. In 3 more days, been clean 6 months. I have to be honest that for the first time in a decade I actually wanted to go to work today & do a good job. It’s like your brain kicks back into gear around 6 months and you find yourself becoming your old, reliable, normal self. Keep your eye on the prize, it DOES get better.

          You start re-learning how to live healthy (which was my biggest inspiration) I have a friend that died of heart attack doing it, one that now has COPD & other health problems all related to usage and cannot get to the grocery store by himself and one in the grave. I won’t lie, sure it was fun when we were young, we were bullet-proof, nothing could hurt us, but once you get in your 40’s reality kicks in the door and you’re sitting on a time bomb.

          It’s not IF the bomb will go off and kill you it’s WHEN will it explode. You can’t go back, what’s done is done, learn from the past and move on, it’s time. I’m proud of you Tiffany, I know it’s hard, but don’t let the demons back in. This is just a personal note, but it helped me to watch Billy Graham clips on YouTube, very inspirational, common sense man that doesn’t push God on you, he calmly explains WHY he loves you, WHY you’re here and WHY you have a future 1000x better than any fantasy you could imagine.

          Start off with: “Billy Graham TV Appearance Montage” — TRUTH TO GO with Franklin Graham” there are many other clips that are better, but it’s one that helped, he’s funny, clever & uplifting. I am praying for you, even though I don’t know you, I know your heart and how you’re feeling, my love is with you :) I mean that sincerely.

          • I feel like you are the only person who may give me some insight to what exactly is going on with me because I feel like I am going nuts. My boyfriend and I have been using meth, me more so than him, for a month straight, me more so than him, but we went from trying it twice to full blown addicts within a few weeks, using constantly every day multiple times a day and I still don’t feel normal, my feelings are almost non existent and I don’t know why? My boyfriend begged me to stop, and I didn’t care, I was a better person when I did the drugs, we have been together 8+ years and he thinks I avoided him like the plague, when that wasn’t my intention at all.

            I don’t know how to be the caring bubbly person I used to be…I still feel like a shell of the person I was even though I have been off it a full week today (last use was between 4 am and 4:30 last Friday morning). When I was high I dreaded going to bed because to me it was going to be another lecture from him, I need to drink more water, I need to stop doing this its damaging my brain, but the truth is I didn’t care. I know I lied to him, I broke numerous deals about what time we were going to bed, but honestly nothing I can do or am doing is good enough to him.

            I am now 2 hours away from him getting the help, setting up appointments with psychiatrists, and addictions counselling, and trying to just all around make myself a better person and learn how to cope and deal with my substance abuse problems. I still feel like he’s in denial about his use. He says he didn’t use every day like me, but I didn’t just imagine him smoking it with me…But I feel like I am going nuts, he is convinced he didn’t do it every day. I literally feel like I am going to have to admit myself to a psych ward with how things have been going.

            After my last use on Friday morning, I was still up doing things and I didn’t really feel tired. Then finally on Monday when the crash started, when I finally wanted and needed the sleep he continued to wake me up all night. I have hurt him so badly that he cries constantly about me and my well being, and I dont know how to be there for him right now. I feel like a horrible person, because ‘the normal me’ (so he likes to say) would be compassionate, and comforting. Please help me I don’t know what to do! I feel like I’m going literally insane.

        • I have made it 14 days. God help me to make it 14 more. I have used for 13 years daily. A huge amount of that time I shot it. I was reading through the comments and realized I am not alone. I needed to know this just now. Thank you.

          • Shelley, I am 25, I too was a user by IV for 13 years. I just typed a long comment on here at the bottom hoping to help, if you or anyone would like to talk PLEASE email me and give me a chance to respond before using. Just putting it off for five minutes at a time could make a world of difference. Fight, take a shower call someone do anything just put it off for just a minute, give yourself time to calm down, and remind yourself why you wanted to be clean in the first place.

            It’s f*cking hard, so f*cking hard, and took me time and time again to be able to especially if you’re alone like I was, but there is NOTHING more worth it in the world I swear to you if you make it it’s better than any high you could get. The most important thing to remember is Support and especially you have to support yourself. Know you are worth it, and you know you are. Don’t put yourself down. Ask anyone, I’m a wonderful mother my world revolves around my son who I abandoned for three weeks when he was four months old – lost to department of children’s services when he was 2, and spent 18 months fighting for custody getting up every morning to be there before sunrise and not leaving until sunset so he wouldn’t know the difference, and I have f*cked up since.

            But each time I got stronger and picked myself up because I will forgive myself as long as I am learning and making the right changes. I’m not perfect or ashamed and no one is any better than me! I went from a girl that was so lost she would shoot up, while crying because I was using again, in front of a room of people I didn’t even know, to someone completely different. I love and respect myself today. I’m proud of me today, I have forgiven myself today and let me tell you that feels amazing.

            And most importantly I have hope, I look forward to my future. An amazing thought, I have a future. You have a future, just fight, I know how hard it is to think about just the next five seconds much less the rest f your life so please you can email me I will be here anytime, I can give you my number just know your not alone. And think if I’m here as a fellow addict but a stranger, imagine the support group you don’t even know is around you! Keep your head up know your true worth. jdmartin5790[@]gmail.com.

          • I’m 25. Been shooting meth for 7 years. I quit cold turkey, been 20 days now clean and every day is a struggle for me.

      • I had been doing cocaine but friend did meth with me. The meth was far less intense than coke but it got me off the coke. Now it’s been mostly something I do with friends but I notice I just want to sleep 20 hours a day for 3 or 4 days… But after that, I don’t think think about meth at all for days or weeks unless friends bring it around again. No craving or nothing at all, actually so long as I stay away from the drug sex is normal and great.

        When on the drug my sex drive is shut completely down for days and oddly, against what others say. As soon as I smoke any of that crap it makes me starved and I want to eat everything in the refrigerator. I do get the dry mouth really bad and chowing is how I deal with it. With coke it was all the opposite and I had no appetite. I think I am low intensity. Anyways even if I don’t lose any or much sleep, if I do even a small amount, when it wears off I just want to sleep sleep sleep for 3 to 5 days and I hate that.

        • I hate the sleep part too, I also don’t have a real “craving” for it, but there is some sort of chemical dependency desire. However, that sleeping jag, is annoying. Been using for almost 3 years straight, and I’m jumping off this train. Been spending around $20,000 a year on it, and after doing that math, and realizing this… I have to stop. So one last hurrah, and i’m tapering off (yes actually doing it) and quitting.

          I notice, after 3 years (almost) of doing it darn near daily, that my Crash Stage lasts about 8 days of nearly constant sleeping+starving feelings. I’ve yet to go past like 10 days, but I can tell by the 8th day I need way less sleep, and my passing out falling asleep periods are way shorter. Just gotta want to quit, and you will!

        • Courtney, stick with it. Trust me you can get past it. Your brain is still adjusting to life without meth. You mentioned you had only done it a month, if this is true half the battle is won, your mind will return to normal in a short period of time. Myself, well I did it for 20 years, I’m looking at a 2 year period to get back where I was. On Friday the 13th of Nov. I have been totally clean for 9.5 months.

          It all boils down to a very simple thing: Continue to use and end up in prison or severe health problems or quit, period. I made excuses since I only did on weekends and went to work, made good money, nice house. But eventually it will come crashing in because you make exceptions, like “It’s Monday I’m still tired from weekend partying, so I’ll just take a tiny bit to work to get me through the day” that’s the beginning of the end my friend. I’ll be honest, sure it’s fun when you’re young and doing it, but what is waiting around the corner is pure HELL.

          Stop before you reach that point. People will always tell you, Oh it’s OK once in a while or always have some excuse they use as a crutch because they crave it. Stop or pay the price. Your health is something you only get 1 chance at, no do-overs. What good is all the money in the world if you’re suffering a stroke, heart attack or worse? Your health is the most precious thing you will ever have, please don’t throw it away. Please.

        • Stop using right away. Check yourself into an in-patient treatment program and give yourself a good month of sobriety realize you have to stay clean. Mind over matter. If you tell yourself you can do something you will do it if you put the effort in. Sitting in jail really helped me. Even though I was 2 weeks sober before I went in, I was in there for a month, and when I was sitting in there, the cravings got so intense.

          But you have to push yourself past that… you gotta dig yourself out however deep you dug yourself. Trust me it feels really good when you’re able to face temptation and resist it. I get high on living a sober life. It’s different with the holy spirit. Best of luck to you.

      • I am 34 and have used since I was 16. I’m 2 wks sober. Working with the night sweats up at 5 am every day. I surround myself with God and family. It’s HARD! But a stagnant life was much worse. God bless each of you and may your recovery be a success. Cravings are low but that I’m sure that will not always be the case. Thanks for the informative share of stories. We can do this! We are doing this! We deserve this! Blessed

      • Im 20 and was smoking for a year, I’ve made it 2 months clean now but today was just different. I literally made a whole plan to get a job and work a couple weeks so I could have the money to start again. I’ve been doing good. Yes I’m constantly tired, sex is not great anymore so I don’t have any, my BF doesn’t know why I’ll only give him blow jobs but I just don’t wanna have sex anymore now which is a huge blow.

        I’ve gained 8 lbs which he says I needed but I just feel fat, because my eating disorders only fueled my addiction. So looking at myself in the mirror I know I don’t see myself right. 110 lbs and I feel like a whale. Idk what to do. I need to get a job now it’s time but I’m afraid after getting it and having money again I will turn back to dope. I miss being able to dart around in front of everyone at my old job.

        The men would look all amazed at me and the woman would ask how I did it. Anyone could ask me for anything and I was there for them. I would wake up at the crack of dawn and force my girlfriend’s to get up so I could take them to school. Kenzie told me “I’ve never seen anybody move so fast in the morning. You’ll be an awesome mom.”

        And now here I am after quitting I couldn’t handle the stress and depression or work so I quit that too. I know I don’t need to do it but I want to start again so bad. It feels as though I was loved more with meth then I am without.

        • I know exactly what you mean when you say “It feels as though I was loved more with meth than without…” My heart would wrench apart when my husband would say to me: “You seem like You are doing and feeling way better” (Him referring to my diminished energy and previous severely depressive state that i started self medicating with meth after being clean for 1.5 years; He did not know or suspect at the time, which only made things harder.)

          I was at least somewhat functional with it, my sex drive was great, communicated better with my husband, and lost weight while using: It makes a for a hard case as to why the hell I would want to be sober: But just because it was working didn’t mean I fixed the problem. Using meth to treat my deep depression was parallel to me putting a bandage over a gaping flesh wound. Hell, I created more problems by back-pedaling. Every day, I have to remind myself that I am going to have to learn to function and find my way back to “Me” again… Sober.

          I know I got myself somewhere all on my own, before I got lost and mixed up, so I can get back there again too. And be damned the “so-called consequences” of being sober! My husband can love me even if I am fat, irritable, and dysfunctional. He can’t do that if I am dead. Sometimes I have to snap myself out of that way of thinking- that is our “addict brain” talking. It’s my own mind trying to rationalize my habit.

    • I’ve been off meth for 9 months now and am still feeling incredibly tired. I don’t know what to do and have seen a doctor for my blood. Can I still get the negative effects for this long? If I smoke nicotine does that have an effect on my addiction to meth?

      • After any prolonged use of both amphetamines and methamphetamines, it depletes your vitamin reserves in your body. I found that taking a prenatal vitamin (They are the most comprehensive multivitamin I could find at the drugstore that was under $4) Specifically though, it depletes magnesium, L-tyrosine, and B vitamins. L-tyrosine is an amino acid/protein that you can replenish by eating eggs regularly. That coupled with the vitamin seems to help me some.

    • Put all fears aside… you can make the changes necessary… Don’t fear judgement. That will get you nowhere. The further you go… the further you fall. So now… you have to scratch and claw your way out but… it will be worth it.

    • Think about what you typed now, I have been a user/fighting to stay clean for 13 years. I’m 25 years old, starting using, had my son at 18 been healthy my whole life but experienced a mental breakdown after having my son, due to meth. (Was clean until I had him, and I think God I was at that stage then). I used again 3 months after I had my son and before I knew it department of children services was there and I was so f#cked up from it and ashamed it took me almost two weeks to go home and face it.

      I fought for 18 months through drug court to keep him. I hit the floor crying from gratefulness I love my son more than anything in this world, and I used for the first time in 2 years last week, and I’m not ashamed to tell you that because I can admit today I’m an addict, and no it’s not ok to mess up but it is ok to forgive yourself and learn from it. It’s a hell of a drug and so hard to get away from and watch people slip away while using meth. Keep in mind I am very much so a good person.

      I am God fearing, have had my fair share problems but come from a loving family and had every chance in the world. My entire addiction I loved my family, but in the end it doesn’t matter, and I’ve come to notice when someone especially your significant other realizes it’s a problem and says something, and you reply with its no big deal nothing is wrong, than it’s definitely past the point of being a problem. If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be a big deal right?!

      Not when it came down to your marriage and your child. I say this with no judgement I say this as a daughter, mother, sister, and a fighter. I have been fighting addiction 13 years, and from trial and error, have somehow by being honest and forgiving with myself, support groups, not being afraid, and mostly God gained the strength to not be perfect, but each time grow and learn a little and stop myself from using, or if I have, walking away.

      Over time I’ve had to cut family, friends, all kinds of people out of my life. Once you realize a problem, don’t make excuses, and if you love your significant other and your child fight for them. If your family is worth it they will quit, if it’s not a problem than they would just quit right?! Addiction and meth are no joke, and commonly paired with denial. You truly have to learn to put yourself first and if you know it’s a problem whether you feel it’s just not right than that’s great and you need to get away, most people don’t have that they go into denial.

      The harder thing to do is learn to put yourself first especially with loved ones involved. It took me three years? I got clean for my mom, my son, and another time “for me”. And then one time I went to rehab with 90 stitches in my hand, four hours from the state I lived in, my son kidnapped, and no memory of how any of it happened. I hit bottom truly hit bottom and it finally clicked I had to get clean for me, for the first time I wanted to.

      And what I can’t stress the most is I have and always have had the best family, friends, life, and chance in life. And never one to make excuses or place blame for my choices. Meth is a problem. Protect your family, especially your child. I JUST USED LAST WEEK, after thirteen years. 7 in denial making excuses or not ready, and I spent the rest crying because I was doing it and fighting my way through to where now I’m smart and strong enough to keep myself out of any situation where that could happen.

      It’s the devil, I just up and used out of no where and I’m in the process of working through it now. Please help yourself and your family. Really hope this reaches you.

    • Remember this: You DO NOT, WILL NOT, NEVER WILL be in control of your drug use. No matter how “put together” you may appear on the outside will slowly begin unraveling. It may take years but one day you’ll wake up with no one and nothing but the clothes on your back and the intense need to get more and do more drugs. You’ll finally know who’s in charge and unfortunately it’s not you. GO TO REHAB NOW!

    • I am in the same situation right now. I have made the decision to quit come June 4. I know it will be so hard but it has to be done. I’m scared to tell my family and scared to not see my kids for a few weeks but in the end this is what is going to be best for my children and I. I am taking 3 weeks of work off and then sending my kids to their dad’s for 3 weeks – which will be the hardest thing I have to do. If my boyfriend decides he can’t do this with me, then he will be moving out and that kills me inside – but this stuff is killing me everyday more and more.

    • Same, except I’m a snorter. No one knows about my addiction, I’m a very high functioning addict and at most I use a gram a week. I just want to be free.

    • I used Meth for the first time, two days ago. I have had chest pains, since the incident. I snorted 3/4 to a gram, within a 6 hour period. I regret it. The physician explained that the chest pains are anxiety. It is a trigger mechanism, for an addiction.

      I weigh 260 lbs and I am 6’2″. I recommend viewers to read this; so they do not have to suffer alone. If you have chest pains and suffering from vomiting. Go too the closest hospital ER. So you can get an EKG.

      I snorted the Meth – have been awake for more than 36 hours. I cannot calm down, or get comfortable. Meth is not a game. Who knows what kind of adverse affects I have on my cardio-vascular system. Stay safe ladies and gentlemen.

    • This drug will rob you of your life. I’m on this website because I was trying to look up and find out if I was ever going to get back to normal. It’s been 6 years since I quit after a 30-year addiction. The dopamine receptors in my brain are destroyed. I may never be able to experience happiness again.

      I’m stuck in a real bad place. The brain damage it caused has me all screwed up. I’m even a candidate for dementia. Don’t be fooled, I was a functioning addict too. In addition I never slept and I wasted a lot of time. I regret it so much. And I’m paying for it now. A price I can’t afford.

      I hope the both of you can quit before it causes problems in your lives and your family. It won’t be easy but it can be done. I hope your wife changes her mind. By the way I’m 46 years old and I feel like I’m 80 or older. I can’t remember things I did or said a week ago.

      I’m still weak unmotivated and depressed. I can’t stand it and nobody understands. The stuff is poison to your body and your soul. I wish you both the best of luck. And may God be with you and your family …


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