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Fetzima (Levomilnacipran) Withdrawal Symptoms

Fetzima (Levomilnacipran), is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) that was approved by the United States FDA in 2013 for the treatment of major depressive disorder.  It was engineered to be a spinoff (or some might suggest an upgraded or slightly modified version) of the drug Savella (Milnacipran).

Comparatively, Fetzima solely contains the levorotatory enantiomer of Milnacipran – hence its chemical name of “levo”-milnacipran.  As a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, Fetzima functions by inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine (in a ~1:2 ratio, respectively) to enhance mood.

Though many individuals derive substantial therapeutic benefit from the strong noradrenergic action of this medication, others might report that it is difficult to tolerate (due to side effects) and/or that it stops working (over the long-term).  For the aforementioned reasons and others (such as the desire to function “drug-free”), many people will decide to discontinue treatment and undergo Fetzima withdrawal.

Fetzima Withdrawal Symptoms (List)

Below is a list of withdrawal symptoms that might occur after discontinuing Fetzima.  Prior to reading through this list, it is important to understand that the specific withdrawal symptoms and the severities of those symptoms – will vary among former Fetzima users; not everyone will have the exact same withdrawal duration or experience.

Moreover, although research suggests that discontinuation from serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors can cause harsh withdrawal symptoms – there hasn’t been any research investigating the specific withdrawal symptoms associated with Fetzima (Levomilnacipran).  If you ever have a question about Fetzima withdrawal and/or symptoms – contact a knowledgeable psychiatrist or medical doctor.

Aches & pains: Certain former Fetzima users will experience aches and pains throughout the body after the medication is discontinued.  These aches and pains could be caused by increased anxiety and/or stress-induced muscle tension, electrolyte imbalances (or deficiencies), dehydration, heightened production of stress hormones, and/or neurotransmitter abnormalities.

Doing things like managing anxiety, getting adequate sleep (or rest), staying hydrated, and eating a healthy (anti-inflammatory) diet may help.  Simple activities like self-massage, warm baths, and light exercise (going for a walk) might also help reduce the achiness of Fetzima withdrawal.

Anger & irritability: Severe anger and irritability can occur in the aftermath of Fetzima cessation.  Even if you’ve never had a history of anger or irritability, you may notice yourself feeling: angry with others for no good reason, angry with the discontinuation symptoms you’re experiencing, and/or irritated by “little things” (that normally would’ve never stressed you out).

Though it may seem impossible to manage the feelings of anger or irritability that you’re experiencing, it is important to understand that you can control how you react to these emotions.  Physical exercise (jogging or lifting weights), deep breathing, meditation, yoga, massage, and regular therapy may help you keep these symptoms in check during withdrawal.

Anxiety: Withdrawing from Fetzima can cause some individuals to experience intense anxiety or panic attacks.  The anxiety that emerges following Fetzima cessation may be attributable to fluctuations in concentrations of serotonin and norepinephrine – and abnormal activation of receptors that these neurotransmitters stimulate.

Anxiety could also be related to electrolyte imbalances, elevated stress hormones, and/or other withdrawal symptoms such as broken sleep or insomnia.  Individuals with a history of anxiety who derived anxiolytic benefit from Fetzima might also experience anxiety during withdrawal due to a resurgence of an untreated anxiety condition.

Appetite changes:  After quitting Fetzima, some individuals might notice major changes in appetite – such that appetite skyrockets (i.e. increases) or plummets (i.e. decreases).  Because some individuals will experience appetite reduction while using Fetzima (due to its noradrenergic action) – increased appetite after discontinuation could be attributable to appetite rebound (return of appetite back to baseline from noradrenergically-mediated appetite reduction).

That said, some individuals may experience appetite loss or reduction while discontinuing Fetzima due to the emergence of withdrawal symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, and flu-like symptoms.  In most cases, appetite will gradually recalibrate back to its pre-Fetzima status once the body has readjusted to functioning without the constant influence of Fetzima.

Brain zaps: A discontinuation symptom that many individuals experience after stopping serotonergic antidepressants is “brain zaps.”  Brain zaps, sometimes referred to as “brain shivers,” are thought to occur as a result of sudden shifts in serotonin signaling after drugs like Fetzima are discontinued.

Most people who’ve experienced these zaps after stopping an antidepressant describe them as electrical shock-type sensations or like jolts of electricity in the brain.  They are often uncomfortable and can provoke anxiety, but usually subside (for most individuals) once the brain readapts to pre-Fetzima homeostasis.

Cognitive dysfunction: As a potent norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, many Fetzima users find that the medication enhances aspects of cognition – such as: memory, problem solving, critical thinking, planning, self-control, etc.  However, when the medication is discontinued, not only is the Fetzima-mediated cognitive enhancement lost – but cognitive dysfunction coupled with “brain fog” might ensue.

If you feel as though your cognitive abilities have declined significantly after stopping Fetzima – there are many potential explanations, including: imbalanced norepinephrine and/or serotonin; electrolyte imbalances; high stress/anxiety; lack of sleep; and/or inflammation.  Assuming you didn’t have any significant cognitive dysfunction or brain fog prior to using Fetzima – your cognitive abilities should eventually normalize post-discontinuation.

Depression: An extremely common symptom of Fetzima withdrawal is depression.  The depression that occurs after Fetzima is discontinued could be related to: (1) the return of a preexisting depressive disorder (due to the fact that the antidepressant medication has been stopped); (2) neurotransmitter readjustment in withdrawal (i.e. withdrawal-induced neurotransmitter imbalances); and/or (3) other withdrawal symptoms (high stress, poor sleep, etc.).

If you have a history of major depressive disorder, it is strongly recommended to monitor and report any depression that you experience during Fetzima withdrawal – to a medical doctor.  Some individuals may be unable to manage depression during withdrawal and may require treatment with a different antidepressant.

Dizziness or lightheadedness: Discontinuing Fetzima may trigger sensations of dizziness or lightheadedness that might be difficult to manage.  If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness during withdrawal, realize that these symptoms could be caused by: blood pressure fluctuations, heightened stress (and cerebral blood flow changes), neurotransmitter abnormalities, electrolyte deficits, and/or dehydration.

It is highly recommended that you monitor your blood pressure to ensure that you aren’t experiencing abnormalities (e.g. hypotension), verify that your electrolyte intake is adequate, and drink plenty of water (to avoid dehydration).  Though the dizzy feeling might be uncomfortable and could interfere with your coordination and/or balance – it should eventually subside (with enough time off of Fetzima).

Fatigue & lethargy: Stopping Fetzima might also cause severe fatigue or lethargy such that you may feel as though you have zero energy to: get out of bed in the morning, engage in physical activity, and/or maintain productivity at work.  Understand that a resurgence of depressive symptoms (associated with major depressive disorder) might account for some of the fatigue in withdrawal.

However, assuming you were never as fatigued as you are during Fetzima withdrawal, it’s likely that the fatigue in withdrawal is related to: withdrawal-induced neurotransmitter imbalances, an overactive stress response, and/or compromised sleep.  Poor appetite (and lack of food intake) plus electrolyte deficits might also lead to fatigue in withdrawal.

Flu-like symptoms: Some individuals may report flu-like symptoms when quitting Fetzima such as: body aches, chills, fever, headache, gastrointestinal distress, nausea, stomach aches, and vomiting.  Interestingly, many approaches that help manage symptoms of the flu – also help reduce the severities of flu-like symptoms in withdrawal.

Using anti-inflammatory medications might reduce body aches, body temperature changes, and headache.  Additionally, drinking plenty of water, supplementing with electrolytes, eating foods that won’t provoke an upset stomach, and getting plenty of sleep/rest – can help in managing the flu-like symptoms of Fetzima withdrawal.

Headaches: Headaches are another of the most common Fetzima withdrawal symptoms that former users report.  It is thought that neurotransmitter imbalances (serotonin and norepinephrine), increased inflammation, and alterations in cerebral blood flow – could be culpable for headaches in withdrawal.

That said, other things like electrolyte deficits, lack of sleep, dehydration, and unmanaged stress – might also provoke headaches after you’ve stopped Fetzima.  Eating a healthy diet, minimizing stress, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and using headache relief medications may prove helpful in reducing headaches throughout withdrawal.

Insomnia & sleep troubles: Though some people endure such extreme fatigue that they sleep excessively or seemingly nonstop in Fetzima withdrawal, others may find it impossible to fall asleep and/or stay asleep after medication cessation.  Insomnia and other sleep troubles that surface in withdrawal could be caused by fluctuations in neurotransmitters and hormones.

Fluctuations in neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine might disrupt circadian rhythms such that it becomes seemingly impossible to fall asleep in withdrawal (even if you’re mentally and/or physically exhausted).  Assuming you didn’t have insomnia or sleep difficulties before quitting Fetzima – it’s likely that your sleep patterns will eventually normalize (though this may take longer than expected).

Nausea & vomiting: Nausea is understood to occur as both a side effect of Fetzima, as well as a discontinuation symptom.  The nausea that occurs in withdrawal will probably be most severe within the first week or two of Fetzima cessation – but should decline in severity thereafter.

If you’re extremely nauseous to the extent that you’re vomiting after stopping Fetzima, it is recommended to inform a medical doctor immediately – as this would be considered an adverse reaction to discontinuation.  Using antiemetic medications, monitoring your electrolyte intake, and slowly tapering off of Fetzima should decrease the likelihood and/or severity of nausea in withdrawal.

Rapid heart rate & palpitations: Other potential symptoms of Fetzima discontinuation include rapid heart rate and heart palpitations.  A rapid heart rate (tachycardia) and palpitations could be caused by an increase in activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the production of stress hormones after Fetzima treatment is stopped.

If you’re experiencing irregular heart rate, rapid heart rate, or abnormal heart “flutters” (palpitations) – report these to a medical doctor and have your heart evaluated to ensure that no serious complications are occurring.  In most cases, managing anxiety levels via adequate sleep, relaxation tactics, non-strenuous exercise, and anxiolytic agents – can help normalize the heart rate after Fetzima is stopped.

Shakiness: Certain former Fetzima users may experience shakiness or jitteriness after stopping Fetzima.  Usually the shakiness is related to a sudden surge in anxiety and the production of stimulating stress hormones in the peripheral nervous system.

Though it may be difficult to function while feeling unsteady or experiencing tremor – most people report that the shakiness diminishes within a few weeks of Fetzima cessation.  Using anxiolytic agents, maintaining a strict sleep schedule, and taking time each day to reduce stress – should help counteract the shakes.

Stomach ache: Stomach aches during Fetzima withdrawal could be caused by elevated stress, inflammation, and/or changes in gut bacteria – and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and/or bowel irregularities (e.g. constipation, diarrhea, etc.).  Moreover, stomach aches could be related to appetite loss (and lack of food intake) and/or dehydration.

Management of stomach aches in Fetzima withdrawal might involve: supplementation with probiotics, eating a nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water, controlling anxiety levels, and/or replenishing low electrolytes.  If the stomach aches you’re experiencing are attributable to withdrawal – they’re likely to subside within a few weeks of discontinuation.

Suicidal thoughts: An extremely problematic adverse withdrawal reaction is that of suicidal thoughts.  Suicidal thoughts might occur in a subset of persons attempting to discontinue Fetzima as a result of: (1) returning depressive symptoms (associated with major depressive disorder) and (2) withdrawal-related neurochemical imbalances, and (3) excessive stress and lack of sleep in withdrawal.

If you experience suicidal thoughts after quitting Fetzima – seek emergency medical attention.  Treating your suicidal thoughts and depression should be the top priority – and once you’re mentally stable – you can discuss medication adjustments with a doctor.

Sweating: Profuse or excessive sweating have been documented by former Fetzima users as a discontinuation symptom.  Sweating can occur as a result of changes in hormone signaling, neurotransmission, and sympathetic nervous system activation – following Fetzima cessation.

Many report that the sweats are most severe at night – and are accompanied by hot flashes, facial flushing, and/or slight thermodysregulation (e.g. low grade fevers).  Because excessive sweating can cause dehydration and/or electrolyte deficits – consider drinking more water and supplementing with electrolytes if you’re sweating excessively following Fetzima cessation.

Vision changes: If you notice anything strange with your visual perception after stopping Fetzima – you’re not alone.  Many have reported experiencing blurred vision, double vision, floaters (seeing “floaty” objects in the peripheral) following discontinuation of Fetzima and related antidepressants.

The exact causes of vision changes in withdrawal remains unclear, however, one possibility is fluctuations in neurotransmission and/or activity in regions of the brain implicated in visual perception.  Perhaps these brain regions were altered slightly by Fetzima and need time to regain stability following Fetzima cessation.

Weight gain: Although Fetzima isn’t linked to significant weight change – some individuals have reported weight loss during treatment.  If you experienced weight loss while using Fetzima, it’s likely that you’re going to gain some weight back during withdrawal.

Weight gain probably occurs in withdrawal because users no longer receive the noradrenergic boost from Fetzima that suppressed appetite and sped up metabolism.  As a result, former users may report increased appetite, slower metabolism, and/or low motivation to exercise during withdrawal (due to low energy) – all of which could promote weight gain.

Note: The aforementioned list of Fetzima withdrawal symptoms might be incomplete.  If you’re aware of additional discontinuation symptoms that can occur after quitting Fetzima, report them in the comments section.

Variables that influence Fetzima withdrawal symptoms

The severities of withdrawal symptoms experienced by former Fetzima users are likely influenced by a variety of variables.  Variables that probably impact the severities and durations of Fetzima discontinuation symptoms include: length of Fetzima treatment; Fetzima dosage; rate of Fetzima withdrawal (taper vs. cold turkey) and use of other substances in withdrawal.  A former user’s lifestyle and gene expression might also influence withdrawal severity.

  1. Length of Fetzima treatment

The total duration over which a person administered Fetzima prior to discontinuing could impact the duration and/or magnitude of withdrawal symptoms.  It is thought that long-term Fetzima users are more likely to experience severe, longer-lasting withdrawal symptoms – in comparison to shorter-term users.

When Fetzima is administered regularly (i.e. daily) for a long-term (e.g. years), the user’s neurophysiology will have undergone substantial modulation as an adaptation to the medication – especially if the dosage was titrated upwards over time.  For this reason, long-term users might have incurred neurophysiologic changes (or more substantial neurophysiologic changes) than short-term users – making withdrawal more challenging.

  1. Fetzima dosage (40 mg to 120 mg)

The specific dosage of Fetzima that a person used throughout treatment could also influence the difficulty of withdrawal.  The recommended dosage range for Fetzima (as a treatment for major depressive disorder) falls between 40 mg and 120 mg.

It is thought that the greater the dosage of Fetzima administered (on a daily basis), the more significant a user’s neurophysiology will shift away from homeostatic baseline.  In other words, a 120 mg/day dose will alter neurophysiology (inhibiting norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake) to a greater extent than a 40 mg/day dose.

For this reason, most experts believe that high-dose Fetzima users will incur harsher withdrawal symptoms (or longer-lasting symptoms) than low-dose Fetzima users – because greater neurophysiologic recalibration is needed to reach homeostasis.  Individuals who used Fetzima at subclinical doses (e.g. under 40 mg/day) should have an easier time discontinuing than if they had been using large doses.

  1. Rate of Fetzima withdrawal

The rate at which you decide to stop using Fetzima could impact your withdrawal severity and duration.  It is thought that quitting Fetzima “cold turkey” (or abruptly) tends to induce severe and protracted withdrawal symptoms (especially among high-dose users) – compared to conducting a slow or gradual taper off of Fetzima (over a period of weeks or months).

The reason tapering off of Fetzima gradually tends to be more tolerable (for most people) is because tapering helps guide the neurophysiology of former users back to pre-Fetzima homeostasis.  If Fetzima is discontinued “cold turkey” (especially from a high dose), the former user’s neurophysiology is left in a Fetzima-adapted state such that it continues expecting the medication.

Because the medication is no longer delivered after “cold turkey” cessation, neurotransmission may become grossly imbalanced or chaotic – such that the entire CNS goes into a state of “distress” without the medication, yielding severe discontinuation symptoms.  For this reason, most psychiatrists recommend gradually tapering off of medications like Fetzima to minimize withdrawal severity.

  1. Use of substances after stopping Fetzima

The administration of substances such as: prescription medications (e.g. antidepressants, anxiolytics, etc.), over-the-counter agents, supplements, illicit drugs, etc. – might influence withdrawal symptom severity.  Most people using other substances after stopping Fetzima will find that discontinuation symptoms are less severe – than individuals who stop Fetzima and aren’t taking any agents for neurophysiologic support.

In fact, someone who transitions to another antidepressant with a similar mechanism of action as Fetzima may not notice any withdrawal symptoms because the new medication is acting upon the same neurotransmitters as Fetzima.  Persons who transition from Fetzima to a completely natural or sober state (with zero influence from any substances) – will probably end up with more challenging withdrawals.

  1. Former Fetzima user’s lifestyle & genetics

The lifestyle and genetics of a former Fetzima user could impact withdrawal symptom duration and severity.  Individuals who deliberately attempt to maintain an extremely healthy lifestyle while discontinuing Fetzima might experience symptoms that are: manageable, less severe, and that abate at a faster pace than persons who live unhealthy lifestyles.

Persons who are eating a nutrient-dense diet, engaging in exercise, socializing with supportive people, managing stress, and working with a psychologist – should have an easier time with Fetzima discontinuation than those who are making unhealthy decisions.  Consuming excessive calories or “junk” food, never exercising, staying socially isolated, and doing nothing to manage stress – could make withdrawal far more difficult than it should be.

Though the influence of genetic and epigenetic expression on withdrawal symptoms haven’t been investigated, it’s possible that expressing (or not expressing) certain genes might make withdrawal symptoms easier to overcome than the general population.  Keep in mind that expressing (or not expressing) certain genes might also exacerbate withdrawal severity – relative to the general population.

How long does Fetzima withdrawal last? (Duration & Timeline)

Because Fetzima withdrawal hasn’t been thoroughly researched, it’s unknown as to how long it’ll take (on average) to overcome discontinuation symptoms.  Furthermore, even if we knew exactly how long Fetzima withdrawal lasted “on average,” it is unlikely that every single user would recover from symptoms at the average rate due to individual-specific factors.

It is likely that individual-specific factors such as: duration of treatment; Fetzima dosage; rate of discontinuation; use of substances after discontinuation; lifestyle; and genetics – will influence the length of withdrawal.  If you’re someone who only used Fetzima for a short-term at a low dose – and you’re using substances after discontinuing (e.g. new medications, supplements, etc.) – you may not notice any withdrawal whatsoever.

On the other hand, if you’re someone who quit Fetzima “cold turkey” from a high-dose after a long-term – and you’re not using any substances after discontinuing, you may have a long-lasting or protracted withdrawal.  As a general rule of thumb, most individuals should notice significant improvement in withdrawal symptoms within ~90 days of their final Fetzima dose.

However, significant improvement in withdrawal symptoms does not mean that all symptoms will have subsided – some individuals may find that symptoms require even more time to fully dissipate.  To ensure that you recover from Fetzima withdrawal as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to work closely with a medical doctor who’s knowledgeable about antidepressant discontinuation syndrome.

How to minimize the severity of Fetzima withdrawal symptoms

If you want to recover from Fetzima withdrawal as quickly as possible and minimize adverse reactions after stopping, it is recommended to consider employing the suggestions that are outlined below.  Recommendations for minimizing Fetzima discontinuation symptom severity include: working with a medical doctor; tapering off of Fetzima slowly; using medications or supplements (that a doctor believes could help your withdrawal); working with a psychologist; and engaging in healthy habits.

  • Work with a psychiatrist OR medical doctor: Before stopping Fetzima, it is recommended to consult a psychiatrist or medical doctor knowledgeable about antidepressant discontinuation. Most psychiatrists and medical doctors will be able to help you develop a tapering protocol – and should be able to recommend medications and/or supplements to reduce discontinuation symptoms.  Moreover, medical doctors will be qualified to recognize and treat adverse reactions that might emerge in withdrawal.
  • Taper off of Fetzima: It is known that quitting Fetzima “cold turkey” or suddenly tends to induce harsh withdrawal symptoms – especially among long-term, high-dose users. If you want to increase your odds of a fast recovery and decrease your odds of experiencing harsh symptoms – it is recommended to taper off of Fetzima (at a rate that’s recommended by a medical doctor).  Some sources online believe that reducing the dosage of Fetzima by ~10% per month is ideal for long-term users.
  • Consider medications & supplements: One way to substantially reduce the severity of Fetzima withdrawal symptoms is to strategically administer medications and/or supplements. Most psychiatrists and medical doctors will be able to recommend medications and/or supplements that are safe and potentially-beneficial during withdrawal.  Using the right medications and/or supplements should help support neurophysiologic recovery after quitting Fetzima.
  • Work with a psychologist: Anyone who used Fetzima for the treatment of a neuropsychiatric disorder may benefit from professional support from a licensed psychologist during withdrawal (or indefinitely). A psychologist may be able to recommend healthy ways in which you can cope with and/or manage your withdrawal symptoms.
  • Make your health top priority: After you’ve discontinued Fetzima, it is recommended to make your health top priority. This means doing things like: eating a nutrient-dense diet, reducing your stress level (as much as possible), exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep at night, resting (when necessary), supplementing (if necessary), and scheduling regular checkups with a doctor.

Best supplements to manage Fetzima withdrawal symptoms

Listed below are supplements that could prove helpful while attempting to manage Fetzima discontinuation symptoms.  It is important to realize that not all individuals will find the supplements listed below to be tolerable or effective in reducing withdrawal severity.  For this reason, it is recommended to verify the safety of any supplement that you’re thinking about using – with a medical doctor.

Affiliate link disclosure: The supplements listed above contain affiliate links which help mentalhealthdaily.com earn money.  If you want to support the site, buying products through affiliate links is appreciated.  I did my best to select products that I thought were reasonably priced and potentially beneficial for individuals in the throes of Fetzima withdrawal.

  • Magnesium citrate: Magnesium is a supplement that may help with anxiety, muscle tension, and insomnia after stopping Fetzima. Because stress depletes magnesium stores within the body, you may want to supplement with magnesium throughout withdrawal.
  • Krill oil: Krill oil provides a highly-bioavailable source of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) – each of which are understood to promote healthy brain function. Supplementing with krill oil after discontinuing Fetzima may help counteract neuroinflammation and increase levels of beneficial neurotransmitters.
  • Low-dose melatonin: Anyone struggling to sleep during Fetzima withdrawal should consider trying low-dose melatonin before bed. Low-dose melatonin may improve your sleep and/or circadian rhythm if your brain isn’t producing sufficient melatonin in withdrawal.
  • Electrolyte formula: High stress, sweating, and/or a poor diet might cause electrolyte imbalances in withdrawal. To ensure that you aren’t deficient in any critical electrolytes – consider supplementing with an electrolyte formula until symptoms subside.
  • Multivitamin: Deficiencies in major vitamins can cause depression, anxiety, and many neuropsychiatric symptoms. If you aren’t eating a nutritious diet and/or think you might be deficient in certain vitamins – it may be a good idea to supplement with a daily multivitamin while discontinuing Fetzima.
  • L-Tryptophan: During Fetzima withdrawal, it’s possible that the brain might be under-producing serotonin. Supplementing with L-Tryptophan (a serotonin precursor) might help your brain replenish its serotonin stores to combat certain withdrawal symptoms.
  • L-Tyrosine: Although Fetzima doesn’t directly alter dopamine levels, it may indirectly modulate dopamine via its noradrenergic action. Supplementing with L-Tyrosine (a dopamine precursor) might help your brain replenish dopamine stores to combat certain discontinuation symptoms.
  • B complex: Supplementing with a vitamin B-complex may help alleviate certain symptoms of Fetzima withdrawal such as: anxiety, insomnia, muscle tension, depression, and fatigue. If you cannot seem to relax or get your anxiety under control – this is a supplement worth trying.
  • Curcumin: Curcumin has been suggested to help reduce inflammation (in the body and the brain) and favorably alter neurotransmission. Supplementing with curcumin may help combat preexisting inflammation and enhance brain health after stopping Fetzima.
  • Glutathione: High levels of oxidative stress have been linked to depression, anxiety, and other neuropsychiatric conditions. Because oxidative stress levels may increase during Fetzima withdrawal – you may want to supplement with glutathione, an extremely potent antioxidant.
  • Probiotic: It is thought that psychiatric medications like Fetzima may deleteriously alter gut bacteria composition. If you’re experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms and/or want to increase healthy gut bacteria in withdrawal – consider using a high-quality probiotic.
  • Epsom salts: Though it’s not clear as to whether Epsom salts are actually “effective” for any medical symptoms or conditions – many people swear that adding Epsom salts to a warm bath significantly reduces anxiety, muscle pain, inflammation, and aches. If you’re achy from withdrawal – you may want to try Epsom salts.

Have you experienced Fetzima withdrawal symptoms?

If you recently discontinued Fetzima and are currently experiencing discontinuation symptoms – or if you’ve already made it through withdrawal, feel free to leave a comment below about your personal experience.  Leaving a comment may be extremely helpful to someone else who’s currently undergoing Fetzima withdrawal and struggling and/or feeling alone.

In order for others to accurately understand your withdrawal experience, share some details in your comment like: how long you administered Fetzima prior to discontinuation; your Fetzima dose (during treatment); how quickly you discontinued (e.g. gradually tapered); and the medical condition for which you prescribed Fetzima (e.g. major depressive disorder).  Also mention how long it’s been since you stopped Fetzima and whether you used other substances (e.g. medications, supplements, etc.) to help manage discontinuation symptoms.

Have you found any substances or activities (e.g. exercise, therapy, stress reduction, etc.) helpful for reducing the severities of withdrawal symptoms?  In your experience, which were the most noticeable or debilitating symptoms of Fetzima withdrawal?

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