Suboxone is a semisynthetic drug manufactured by Reckitt Benckiser pharmaceuticals for the treatment of opioid dependence. It was introduced to the market in October 2002 and gained popularity as a result of its efficacy and reduced potential for abuse compared to other opioid replacement agents such as methadone. The drug is comprised of the ingredients buprenorphine and naloxone in a strategically formatted 4:1 ratio.
The buprenorphine component within Suboxone functions primarily as a mu-opioid receptor (MOR) partial agonist. It also elicits effects as a kappa-opioid receptor (KOR) and delta-opioid receptor (DOR) antagonist. The combination of these opioidergic effects can produce a neurophysiological “high” characterized by: elevated mood, physical relaxation, pleasure, reduced anxiety, and CNS depression.
As a result, many people become addicted to the buprenorphine within Suboxone; evidence confirms it is an addictive drug. Though Suboxone may mitigate discontinuation effects of a more potent opioid, it could also provoke adverse reactions such as: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, decreased motivation, etc. – as well as deleterious long-term effects (e.g. downregulation of endogenous endorphins). For these reasons, many users stop taking the drug and hope to fully clear it from their system.
How long does Suboxone stay in your system? (Half-Life)
If you’ve ceased usage of this drug and are struggling with Suboxone withdrawal symptoms, you’re probably wondering whether any of the drug is still in your system. To determine how long the drug is likely to stay in your system after your last dose, it is necessary to consider Suboxone’s half-life, or more specifically, the half-lives of its active ingredients buprenorphine and naloxone. The half-life of buprenorphine is an estimated 37 hours, which is considered extremely long.
It takes your body nearly 2 full days to excrete just 50% of the buprenorphine within a Suboxone dose. Considering the 37 hour half-life of buprenorphine, it could be estimated to be fully cleared from your system in under 9 days (8.48). The half-life of naloxone is reportedly between 30 minutes and 1 hour 21 minutes.
This means that the naloxone component of Suboxone is cleared from the body well before buprenorphine. Most people will excrete naloxone within 8 hours post-ingestion as a result of its extremely short half-life. It is important to note that although the elimination half-life of buprenorphine is around 37 hours, it is metabolized into “norbuprenorphine” which has a half-life that exceeds 37 hours.
Though the specific half-life of the metabolite “norbuprenorphine” hasn’t been scientifically elucidated, it is likely to remain in the body for longer than 9 days. This means that Suboxone metabolites may remain in your system for potentially up to 2 weeks after your last dose.
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Variables that influence how long Suboxone stays in your system
Though the average person should fully clear buprenorphine from their system in about 9 days, not everyone fits the “average.” Some people may take longer-than-average to excrete the drug, while others may be quicker-than-average in their excretion times. Variables to that account for clearance speed differences include: individual factors, dosage, frequency of ingestion, and co-administration of other drugs.
Individual factors
A variety of individual factors may result in faster clearance of buprenorphine (and naloxone) from your system compared to another person. Even if you started taking Suboxone on the same day (and at the same dosage) as someone else, and ceased usage at the exact same time, you may excrete the drug (and its metabolites) faster. This faster excretion may be due to factors such as: your age, body mass, genetics, food intake, hydration, and urinary pH.
Age: Although there isn’t any specific research analyzing differences in absorption, distribution, and metabolism of Suboxone in the elderly (age 65+), it doesn’t mean differences don’t exist. Many speculate that elderly patients are likely to metabolize and excrete Suboxone at a substantially slower rate than younger adults. The extended half-life of buprenorphine (within the elderly) could be due to reduced hepatic blood flow, health problems, other medications, and/or decreased overall physiologic efficiency.
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Body height/weight/fat: Your body mass (height/weight) relative to the dosage of Suboxone you take can influence drug clearance. Usually the greater the dosage of Suboxone you take relative to your body mass, the longer it will remain in your system prior to clearance. The lesser the dosage of Suboxone you take relative to your body mass, the shorter it should remain in your body post-ingestion.
Since Suboxone is lipophilic, it is known to get stored within lipids, tissues, and fats throughout the body. The greater a person’s percentage of body fat, the longer they are likely to retain Suboxone (specifically the buprenorphine component). If you have a low percentage of body fat, you may clear the drug quicker than someone with high body fat.
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Genetics: A person’s genetics may influence the pace at which buprenorphine within Suboxone is metabolized. Genes regulating activation of the CYP3A4 enzyme within the liver could dictate whether buprenorphine is efficiently metabolized or poorly metabolized. Someone who quickly metabolizes buprenorphine may excrete it quicker than a poor CYP3A4 metabolizer. Although CYP3A4 may not have a substantial impact on half-life of Suboxone, it may have a subtle one.
Hydration: The degree to which you stay hydrated could influence the clearance rate of buprenorphine within Suboxone. Individuals who stay hydrated often exhibit superior urinary flow rates compared to those who are dehydrated, resulting in quicker systemic clearance. The clearance time of Suboxone in a well-hydrated individual may be substantially less than that of a dehydrated person.
Liver function: Should you suffer from hepatic impairment or cirrhosis, the half-life of buprenorphine within Suboxone will be prolonged. The liver is responsible for metabolizing buprenorphine, and if its functionality is compromised, less of Suboxone is metabolized. Reduction in metabolism leads to a greater amount of the drug accumulating within the body.
Since individuals with liver disease tend to have decreased CYP3A4 enzymatic expression, clearance of Suboxone will take longer. The specifics regarding how much longer it’ll take to clear Suboxone from your system if you have liver disease are unknown. Generally, the more severe the impairment (and higher the dosage taken), the longer the elimination period.
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Metabolic rate: Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is thought to influence the speed at which drugs are cleared from your body. Since the buprenorphine component of Suboxone is lipophilic, it accumulates within bodily tissues and fat stores. Individuals with faster metabolic rates tend to have less body fat (due to the fact that they’re burning more energy at rest), and as a result, they excrete buprenorphine in less time.
A person with a slow basal metabolic rate (BMR) is burning less energy at rest, and tends to have a greater amount of buprenorphine stored in fat. For this reason, it can take an individual with a slower BMR longer to excrete the buprenorphine than average.
Urinary pH: It is understood that a person’s urinary pH can influence how long Suboxone stays in their system. A person with acidic urine (characterized by a low pH) will typically excrete Suboxone faster than a person with an alkaline urine (characterized by a high pH). Highly alkalinized urine could extend the half-life by several hours, whereas acidified urine may do the opposite (decreasing the half-life by hours).
Dosage (Low vs. High)
The dosage of Suboxone you take may affect how long it stays in your body prior to 100% excretion. In general, the greater the dosage of Suboxone you consistently administered (especially relative to your bodyweight), the longer it should stay in your system upon discontinuation. On the other hand, the lower the dose of Suboxone you took, the shorter the duration it should stay in your system after stopping.
Suboxone dosages (Sublingual Tablets or Sublingual Films)
Suboxone is manufactured to contain a 4:1 ratio of buprenorphine to naloxone. Individuals taking the 2 mg (buprenorphine) / 0.5 mg (naloxone) are considered to be taking a “low dose” and thus should clear the drug from their system with efficiency. Those taking the 12 mg (buprenorphine) / 3 mg (naloxone) formulation are considered to be taking a “high dose” and may clear the drug with reduced efficiency, thus extending the clearance time.
- Lowest dose: 2 mg/0.5 mg
- Normal dose: 4 mg/1 mg
- Moderate dose: 8 mg/2 mg
- High dose: 12 mg/3 mg
- Highest dose: 24 mg/6 mg
There are several reasons why higher doses of Suboxone are likely to stay in your system for a longer duration than lower doses. Firstly, high doses of Suboxone deliver a greater amount of buprenorphine and naloxone, meaning more of these exogenous substances will be distributed throughout your body. Since the buprenorphine component of Suboxone is highly lipophilic, it attaches to fat stores, resulting in greater accumulation in bodily tissues of high dose users.
Low dose users, on the other hand, will end up with less buprenorphine circulating throughout their system, and less will accumulate in fat stores. Greater levels of accumulation in bodily tissues (e.g. fat stores) are known to prolong the elimination half-life of Suboxone. In addition to prolonged elimination from greater accumulation of buprenorphine in high dose users, those taking high doses will also need to metabolize a greater amount of the drug.
The higher dosages place a greater burden on hepatic enzymes, resulting in less efficient metabolism, which prolongs excretion. In other words, your liver cannot metabolize high doses of buprenorphine as efficiently as lower doses because there is a greater amount of buprenorphine to process. A lower dose doesn’t tax the liver to the same extent as a high dose, and thus is metabolized more efficiently, resulting in faster excretion.
It is also necessary to consider the increased concentrations of metabolites resulting from ingestion of a high dose. Since there’s more total metabolites in high dose users, these metabolites circulate throughout the body and the drug isn’t cleared from a person’s system as quickly. For these reasons, a higher dose Suboxone user should expect an extended detoxification period compared to a lower dose user.
Frequency of use / Duration
When considering how long Suboxone stays in your body after stopping, it is necessary to consider how frequently you used it, as well as the total time span over which you used it. The more frequent you used Suboxone, the longer it is likely to remain in your system upon cessation. Frequent users of Suboxone may take sublingual strips once or twice per day, whereas an infrequent user may take them “as needed.”
Suboxone sublingual tablets are instructed to be taken once daily. However, patient compliance is not always perfect, resulting in some users taking them more or less frequently than once per day. Individuals that take Suboxone sublingual tablets more than once daily will likely end up accumulating more of the drug (and its metabolites), resulting in slower excretion compared to daily users.
Moreover, frequent users often become tolerant to low doses and end up taking high doses – further prolonging excretion. Infrequent users taking Suboxone “as needed” (e.g. twice per week) will likely not accumulate significant amounts of the drug within bodily tissues and probably will not have built up a tolerance to lower doses. As a result, infrequent users tend to clear the drug quicker from their systems when stopping.
In addition to frequency of ingestion, the duration over which an individual has taken Suboxone consistently can also affect elimination half-life. Those that have taken Suboxone at least once daily for a period of 1+ week will likely have longer clearance periods than those who took the drug for less than a week and/or infrequently (e.g. bi-weekly). This is because long-term users will have accumulated peak levels of buprenorphine within their bodily tissues, and are more likely to be taking high doses (as a result of cumulative tolerance).
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Co-ingestion of other drugs
Co-ingestion of another substance (drug or supplement) could alter your body’s ability to metabolize Suboxone. Alterations in metabolism may serve to either: expedite or prolong clearance of Suboxone. Since the buprenorphine within Suboxone is metabolized primarily by CYP3A4 isoenzymes in the liver, drugs that significantly affect expression of these enzymes will affect its clearance.
Drugs known as CYP3A4 inhibitors are known to prolong clearance of buprenorphine, often significantly. Examples of some of the most potent CYP3A4 inhibitors include: Clarithromycin, Chloramphenicol, Indinavir, Ketoconazole, Nefazodone, and Ritonavir. Should you have taken any of these drugs along with Suboxone, you should expect its elimination half-life to be longer than usual.
Other substances known as CYP3A4 inducers are known to enhance expression of CYP3A4 isoenzymes, thus metabolizing buprenorphine faster. Examples of potent CYP3A4 inducers include: Carbamazepine, Glucocorticoids, Modafinil, Oxcarbazepine, Phenobarbital, Rifampicin, and St. John’s wort. If you have taken any of these substances along with Suboxone, its elimination half-life may be shorter than expected.
Suboxone: Absorption, Metabolism, Excretion (Details)
Suboxone is manufactured in sublingual formats (tablets and films), meaning it is placed under the tongue as a route of administration. Upon placement of Suboxone under the tongue, the active ingredients (buprenorphine and naloxone) diffuse through mucous membranes and enter the bloodstream. The buprenorphine component (of Suboxone) is quickly absorbed through the oral tissue, but its absorption thereafter within the body is slower.
It typically takes between 40 minutes to 3.5 hours to attain peak plasma levels of buprenorphine. Approximately 96% of the ingested buprenorphine binds to proteins and is distributed throughout the body, where it is known to accumulate within bodily tissues due to its lipophilicity. It is then subject to first-pass metabolism in the liver, and is processed primarily by the isoenzyme CYP3A4.
CYP3A4 (and to a lesser extent CYP2C8) facilitates N-dealkylation to convert buprenorphine to its major metabolite “norbuprenorphine.” Norbuprenorphine is estimated to be roughly 20% as pharmacologically active as buprenorphine, acting as a full agonist of mu-opioid receptors and delta-opioid receptors. Buprenorphine undergoes additional glucuronidation via UGT1A1 and UGT2B7 to form additional metabolites such as buprenorphine-3-glucuronide (B3G) prior to excretion.
The metabolite norbuprenorphine is also subject to glucuronidation via UGTA1 and UGT1A3, forming norbuprenorphine-3-glucuronide (N3G) before systemic clearance. Glucuronides formed from buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine are primarily excreted via feces and bile, whereas the remaining 10-30% is excreted through the urine. Fecal excretion contains free form buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine, whereas urinary excretion consists of conjugated forms.
The elimination half-life of buprenorphine is estimated to range between 20 and 73 hours, with an average of 37 hours. This means that most people will have fully excreted the buprenorphine between 4.58 days and 16.72 days after their last dose. Some sources suggest that norbuprenorphine has a longer elimination half-life than buprenorphine, meaning it could stay in the system for longer than 16.72 days before it is fully excreted.
Though the buprenorphine component within Suboxone has a significantly longer half-life than the naloxone component, some may wonder how quickly naloxone is metabolized and excreted. After the naloxone is absorbed through mucous membranes in the mouth, it is distributed throughout the body and exerts an effect within just 5 minutes. It is subject to significant first-pass metabolism in the liver, where it is broken down via glucuornide conjugation.
Hepatic glucuornidation of naloxone generates naloxone-3-glucuornide (N3G) as the principal metabolite. The elimination half-life of naloxone in adults ranges between 30 minutes and 1 hour 21 minutes, indicating that the drug will be fully eliminated within 5.5 to 14.9 hours after ingestion. An estimated 40% of the drug will have been excreted via urinary metabolites within 6 hours post-administration, and up to 70% of all naloxone metabolites will have been excreted within urine after 72 hours of ingestion.
Ultimately it is the buprenorphine and norburprenorphine metabolites that are likely to remain in your system for the longest duration after discontinuing Suboxone. The naloxone component will have been fully excreted (along with its metabolites) long before even half of the buprenorphine has been cleared from your system.
Types of Suboxone Drug Tests
There are various types of drug tests capable of detecting Suboxone, though it is unlikely to be tested for on a standard (SAMHSA-5) drug screening. Typically a more advanced or extensive drug screening will be required to detect Suboxone ingestion. Various types of drug tests capable of detecting the buprenorphine within Suboxone include: urine tests, hair tests, saliva tests, and blood tests.
Urine tests: On a standard urine test, Suboxone will not trigger a false-positive for opioids. This is due to the fact that mainstream urine screenings assess for the presence of opioids via detection of morphine. Most illicit opioids such as heroin and codeine metabolize into morphine, whereas prescription opioid replacement drugs like Suboxone don’t and are unlikely to be detected on a urine screening.
In the event that you are tested specifically for buprenorphine, you can expect the drug to become detectable in your urine within 40 minutes of ingestion and remain present in urine for weeks following your last dose. In high-dose, frequent, and long-term users – it is theoretically possible to test positive for buprenorphine for over 2 weeks post-ingestion on a urine screening. One study found that the total amount of buprenorphine administered over a 12 month period correlated with the amount present in urine samples.
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Blood tests: A blood sample can be taken to determine whether the buprenorphine component of Suboxone is still in your system. That said, blood tests are seldom utilized due to the fact that they are highly invasive, and the window of detection is considered shorter compared to a urine test. One advantage of utilizing a blood test to detect buprenorphine is that it will detect buprenorphine quickly after Suboxone is administered; even quicker than a urine test.
The buprenorphine will peak in the bloodstream in approximately 2.08 hours, making it easily detectable on the day of administration. With each consecutive day of Suboxone sobriety, the detectability of buprenorphine will drop. That said, buprenorphine (and its metabolite “norbuprenorphine”) could remain detectable in a blood sample for days (possibly weeks) after your last dose via high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS).
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Hair tests: A collection of hair follicles from a person’s head can reveal whether they’ve been using Suboxone. If a person has been taking Suboxone, concentrations of buprenorphine and the metabolite “norbuprenorphine” will be apparent in hair segments. Levels of norbuprenorphine will usually be double those of buprenorphine, and concentrations of each will be substantially greater in proximal (close to the head) and distal (furthest from the head) compared to middle segments.
Among Suboxone users, norbuprenorphine levels in proximal segments average 95.4 pg/mg and buprenorphine levels average 56.5 pg/mg. The threshold of detection for buprenorphine in hair is set at 10 pg/mg – meaning if you test higher than this, you’ll fail. Though it may take days (or weeks) after initial administration to detect buprenorphine in the hair, it is thought to remain detectable for an extremely long duration (1 to 3 months) post-ingestion.
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Saliva tests: Oral fluid (saliva) samples can be collected to determine whether someone has Suboxone in their system. Since Suboxone is administered via sublingual tablet and/or film – it would be easily detected via an oral fluid test if recently ingested. Suboxone remnants may still remain within a person’s mouth if they just took the drug, resulting in high levels to appear within an oral fluid sample.
If the drug has already been fully absorbed via mucous membranes, it may take slightly longer to detect in oral fluid compared to the blood. However, it should theoretically remain detectable within a saliva sample for days (possibly weeks) after ingestion. Due to the non-invasive nature of saliva tests and improvements in technology to detect specific drugs like Suboxone, they may be more widely utilized in forthcoming years.
Currently saliva tests are most commonly used in scientific research as a means of monitoring patient compliance among those taking Suboxone. Since saliva levels typically correlate with blood-levels of buprenorphine, they allow medical professionals to determine whether a patient is taking the proper dose and committing to treatment.
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Who may get drug tested for Suboxone?
There are a variety of individuals that may get tested for the buprenorphine component within Suboxone. Though assessment of buprenorphine isn’t included on the SAMHSA-5 drug test, additional testing may be requested to increase detection parameters. Individuals that may be tested for buprenorphine include: drug addicts in rehab, criminals, employees, military personnel, and even patients being treated for opioid dependence.
- Athletes: Taking Suboxone isn’t thought to improve athletic performance, but it may still be tested for among athletes. Should an athlete get caught with buprenorphine in their system, he/she may face temporary suspension and/or get fined. If the drug is detected without proper medical permission to be using Suboxone, harsher legal penalization may result.
- Criminals: Since Suboxone can be used to attain a psychological “high,” certain criminals may abuse the drug and/or sell it on an illicit basis. Should a law enforcement agent suspect that a criminal is under the influence of an opioid, extensive testing may be used to detect buprenorphine intoxication. If the criminal is caught with buprenorphine in his/her system, they may be punished with additional sentencing.
- Drug addicts in rehab: Those struggling with drug addiction may take any substance they can get their hands on in attempt to attain a “high.” In some cases, this could mean abusing a prescription drug like Suboxone. Should a drug addict in rehabilitation get caught with unauthorized buprenorphine in his/her system, that individual may be required to stay for a longer duration at the rehab facility.
- Employees: Though most employers will not drug-test for Suboxone, certain companies mandate administration of extensive drug screens. These extensive screens may be used to detect drugs like buprenorphine within Suboxone. Jobs that require sobriety such as those involving operation of heavy machinery or motor vehicles will not tolerate buprenorphine usage. If you are caught with buprenorphine in your system, you could be denied a new job and/or fired from your current job.
- Military personnel: Certain individuals within the military are subject to extensive drug testing capable of detecting buprenorphine. Should an individual get caught with unauthorized buprenorphine in their system, he/she may be delisted without compensation. Most military operations require sobriety of troops due to the fact that a CNS depressant like Suboxone could compromise performance – leading to (potentially fatal) mistakes.
- Patients: Sometimes patients in opioid replacement therapy are tested for treatment compliance. A doctor will request either a blood sample or urine sample for analysis to determine whether any morphine metabolites are present. If morphine metabolites are present, it indicates that the person had been using opioids other than Suboxone. If solely buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine are present in urine at therapeutic concentrations, a medical professional can verify treatment compliance.
Tips to clear Suboxone from your system
There are several ways in which a person could theoretically ensure that Suboxone is excreted as quickly as possible from their system. Understand that the tips listed below should not be implemented without permission from a medical professional. Also realize that efficacy of these tips is subject to significant individual variation.
- Cease usage: The only way to ensure that Suboxone is completely excreted from your system is to stop using it. Individuals that keep taking the drug should expect the drug to remain within their body. The longer it’s been since you’ve last taken Suboxone, the closer you are to complete systemic excretion.
- Increase hepatic blood flow: Enzymes in your liver (CYP3A4) are responsible for metabolizing a majority of the buprenorphine within Suboxone. To ensure that the drug is metabolized and excreted as quickly as possible, you’ll want to maximize hepatic blood flow. The more total blood flow, the faster buprenorphine’s clearance. Supplements like N-acetylcysteine are thought to be effective for this.
- CYP34A inducers: Buprenorphine within Suboxone is metabolized chiefly by CYP3A4 isoenzymes within the liver. Substances that induce activity of CYP3A4 are thought to expedite metabolism and reduce the half-life of buprenorphine. Taking a safe CYP3A4 inducer under medical supervision could facilitate quicker Suboxone excretion.
- Daily exercise: If you are long-term Suboxone user, it’s possible that you’ve accumulated a significant amount of buprenorphine within fat stores throughout your body. Daily exercise, especially in the form of cardio will help you burn fat, thus expediting clearance of buprenorphine. Furthermore, exercise is known to improve circulation and overall physiologic function – possibly indirectly influencing excretion speed of Suboxone.
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Are you trying to clear Suboxone from your system?
If you’ve stopped taking Suboxone and are attempting to clear it from your system, share a comment below. Discuss how long you’ve been on Suboxone, why you decided to stop taking it, and how long you believe it is likely to stay in your system. To help others understand your situation, mention factors such as: your age, the dosage you were taking, whether you have liver problems, and/or whether you take any other drugs.
It is important to understand that there is substantial variation in systemic clearance time of Suboxone. Some people will have excreted the naloxone within several days, but take nearly 10 days to fully excrete buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine. On average, you should expect the buprenorphine to be out of your system in less than 2 weeks.
Having been on Suboxone for about a year and taking 24 mg. a day (3- 8 mg. strips). I found out that the trick to quitting without problems is to go very slow and cut back a little each day. The strategy is to cut the doses by appx. 1/4 each few days. If you’re on 8 mgs. a day, cut 2 mgs. out, down to 6 mgs.
Take the 6 mgs. for 3 or 4 days, then try to cut another 1/4 down to 4 mgs. and so on. If you have a problem, just stay at the dose you’re on awhile longer or increase it a little for a few days. Then begin tapering again once you’re doing ok. It works great. Slow and easy. I had huge withdrawals and was miserable when trying to go too fast.
The more and the longer you have taken Suboxone or Buprenorphine, the longer it takes to get off of it without problems. As a way to get off other opiates it is a miracle and works great. Just try to get off of it as soon as possible so you avoid withdrawals from the opiates you were using and the Suboxone as well. Good luck, all.
I took an 8 mg Sub once in the past month 8-9 days before a urinalysis drug screen. I flushed my system with ton of coffee, water, and beer to pee very frequently. Will my test likely come up negative?
I am a 50 year old man, weigh 230 pounds and 5ft 10 inches. I was 15 years clean of drugs and about 3 an a half years ago I relapse from heroin. I snored a bag of dope once a day for about three days and thought I was hooked so someone gave me an orange sub pill and it made me feel better instantly.
For about a month I was taking the pill until someone introduced me to the strips. At first I thought that this was the way not knowing it’s addictive! I was called for and interview for the transit bus and I have to be clean when they take my urine in two weeks.
I cut down on taking them for instant, I take an 8 mg strip and break it down in 8 small pieces. I’ve been taking 2mg two weeks ago and now 1mg a day. Saturday nothing then Sunday midday I took another 1mg. Trying to drink lots if water and now I’m about to go jogging.
I was reading something on this website that someone bought kratom – it’s a medication that one takes and it helps you relax your brain so that I can wean off this mess. Can some one please give me some feedback? Maybe another remedy or something? Thanks.
My experience is Kratom is a *terrible* replacement for Suboxone. (But, ok, granted, Kratom will reduce withdrawal pain – but only for the short period that Kratom is active). #1 – Kratom is extremely short-lived. It seems to be even further short-acting when one is in withdrawal from another opioid, such as Suboxone.
#2 – Kratom has a definite ‘stimulant’ property to it, but not the good kind. It can (and has been) described as “edgy”. For me I could never feel comfortably relaxed by Kratom. #3 – Kratom activates the Kappa opioid receptor (whereas Suboxone DE-activates it).
The Kappa is ‘the not-so-nice’ opioid receptor, and elicits depression, paranoia and erratic thinking. Conclusion: Ok, sir, try Kratom for a Suboxone replacement. Get your urine clean & get your job. But within a week, if not sooner, you’ll be BEGGING to be back on Suboxone.
I am 30, 110 pounds. I started taking subs 2 years ago. My opinion, they changed my life. I was no longer chasing pain pills and was enjoying activities with my kids. However, I am trying my hardest to taper down and get off the strips. I’ve been going through withdrawals but mostly I think I’m just afraid more than anything.
I have no energy, chills stomach is killing me. I am desperate to get this out of my system. I want to feel “normal” again. What ever that is. My sister is going through a horrible time suffering from alcoholism and addiction. She comes to me for advice. I feel I give great advice but can’t seem to take my own.
Hi Matt, If you read my post to Karen, no matter what doze you are on it will still stay in your system for up to 72 hours after stopping, as it has a very long shelf life. Even on a small reduced dose like you are, you will still feel some minor withdrawal systems within about 2-4 days of stopping.
Unfortunately it does vary from person to person.
I am coming up 3 months off it and it took close to 2 months before I stopped feeling any type of withdrawal side effect, no matter how minimal e.g. issues with getting more than 7 hours sleep per night, feeling like crap in the mornings and after a month the worst irritable mood swings. The key is to drink lots of water, keep flushing your system and try keep yourself busy to keep your mind off thinking about it.
I would estimate you should be over the worst withdrawals from a minimal amount within 7-10 days, but then again could be shorter, as I say it differs for everyone. Once your off though, it’s a great incentive to never go back on subs again and if you can any other opioid either!! Good luck :)
30, 300lbs, been taking 0.5 mg about 4 days a week (about 8 months at this level), breaking the subs up, on and off tapering down from 8mgs. Been taking for about 4 years total, moderate amounts of exercise (walk about a mile a day, not running unfortunately). How long would you expect this to stay in my system? Keep getting constipated even at these levels.
Hi Karen, Suboxone has a half shelf life of 72hrs, so if you have only had 1 8mg strip (which in NZ would be the equivalent to an 8 Mg tab), then Suboxone will have halved its time in your system after 72 hours. To be fully clear, it will take up to a week, relying that it is only the one tab you have taken, perhaps sooner if you flush your system with lots of water and vitamins.
So be prepared that they could still find traces possibly in urine within that time, as explained further up the page in the section. (How long does Suboxone stay in your system (Half Life). I am now entering into my 8th week of Suboxone withdrawal and although pretty much back to normal, I still get the odd twinges in my legs early mornings or feel like a very mild case of flu onset for a couple of hours. It clings to your receptors in your brain as a blocker to prevent other opioid’s, but also to all your fatty tissue and your liver too for longer periods of time.
Clearance time can vary from person to person. Mine (although I am small in stature and size, I had a terrible withdrawal time off it even after tapering down and jumping from 2mgs, whereas others it can only take a couple of weeks. My recommendation would not to go near it again for pain relief, as it is one of the worst drugs out there, especially if you start relying on it or I think is a good substitute for opioid’s or opioid withdrawal.
Hope this helps somewhat and I wish people had warned me about it before I used it to get off opioids, I would have never used it. All the best and I hope nothing shows or has showed in your test. Lars
I have a question, I’m 40 got a b.s. (SERIOUSLY) FELONY CHARGE, & now on probation. ONLY drug I have done is I smoke see a LOT of weed. Well recently I took a 8mg suboxone. I didn’t want pain pills because… well I have to see probation – & test positive, so a friend gave me one 8mg strip. I need an ACCURATE honest answer. How long it will take to be out of of my system???
Well guys it’s me Lars again and I’m now up to day 9 of withdrawals, just spending Queens Birthday (NZ National Holiday weekend) feeling pretty close to death warmed up with the worst cramps and the worst restlessness in my FN life. It’s been really interesting reading both these and many of the other blogs on the detoxification process from subs, in short, they suck big time.
I’ve had to call in sick as there is no way in hell’s earth I can face going to work and will probably take the rest of the week off too. However, I did read one blog from a lady in Mississippi on another site, who said by day 9 she went out in her car pumped up the sounds and for the first time in years and was able to hear and sense sensations like never before (I personally thought it must have been like a natural trip, but hey, if the ol natural endorphin’s are starting to kick in, that’s freaking awesome).
Anyway my point was that I tried a similar thing but a home, by pumping up some good ol sounds to piss the neighbors off, anything from Queens of the Stone Age to Metallica etc, and what a difference!! For the first time in years I too, felt, well, almost alive! Last night, not so good though, the cramps came back and I am averaging on 3-5 (if lucky) hrs per sleep, per night.
Someone recommended magnesium supplements to ease the cramps. I’ve tried and they do work for a short time, but they keep coming back. I know I am going to get through this, but boy give me an straight old opioid withdrawal any day, subs suck, they take forever and I have the worst tremors most days.
I am feeling better in the head space and the sweats and stomach issues are dying out, plus the appetite is coming back, but would I do this journey again, not on your FN life… LOL. Good luck everyone, the end is near!!
I am a 48 year old female that has been on subs for near on 6 months now for opioid withdrawal thru CADs (Community Alcohol & Drugs) Centre in NZ. Initially was put on dose of 20mgs over the course of a day starting with 12mgs, then up to 18 by mid afternoon, before stabilizing at 20 that evening. I had also had addiction to benzos but managed to bring myself off and had been clean for 6 weeks just before starting the subs.
However, after the 3rd week into Subs I started to get these incredible panic attacks within an hour of ingestion. CADs put me back onto diazapam (6mgs) to alleviate the panic attacks, so I felt like I was going backwards and not forwards in my recovery. As I was determined to get off subs as fast as possible, I started reduction at 2mgs per week until I reached 14mgs.
CADs then worried I was reducing too fast and requested I reduce at 2mgs every 2 weeks, which I continued to do and now this week on Monday morning (now Wed, so 3 days ago) I had my last 2mgs, but still on 6mgs of diazepam. Will deal with that within the next month, I know I can get off that, as did it before without too much issue. Tuesday (yesterday) I didn’t feel too bad, just a few twinges in my legs and that sinus type headache that goes with basic opioid withdrawals.
This morning (Wed) woke up feeling great, but as the day progressed at work the cramps in the legs started back, along with the sinus headache and odd hot and cold flushes. I spoke to CADs who said that I should be feeling little to no withdrawals, given it was only 2mgs I came off, but it appears that I am withdrawing more than they anticipated. I am 155cm tall and weigh around 60kg.
I’m really keen to know what others have experienced when coming off subs and what type of withdrawals has anyone experienced from low dosages and also how long did the withdrawals last? I am hoping they will get better with every passing day, but after reading the info above, by the sounds of I these withdrawals can last up to 8+ days, like really?? Nice to know others like me don’t think that subs is the wonder-drug that specialists are promoting for opioid withdrawal.
Unfortunately methadone wasn’t an option for me as had terrible side effects years ago from use, so they had to take me off it. Well that’s my addiction story and I have enjoyed reading all the feedback from the other bloggers, most informative, but also open to feedback and others experiences. For those of you new to the site like me, get off the subs, they really do suck, just read the comments above and see what others have experienced and all the best to everyone for your ongoing sobriety.
I am 27 years old and have been on suboxone for nearly 4 years. I am on day 11 of not taking a dose and the first week was a breeze. I had nothing but cold chills and hot flashes and a little loss of energy. This second week I feel worse but I can tolerate it. I have no energy, headaches and have diarrhea. I’m hoping I start feeling better in week 3. I have been going to work and trying to stay hydrated. I went to the doctor and was given clonidine to help with sleep and I feel that the .01 mg has helped me sleep.
I have been on suboxone for about a year. I am being forced by the courts to quit pretty much cold turkey or go to jail. Just wanted to ask if you took anything in the first few weeks to help you feel better that wasn’t prescribed. Thanks for your post though as it gives me hope that I’ll be one of the lucky ones and I’ll be ok. I’m only on day 1 without any and got a long way to go.
I’ve been taking small amounts of Suboxone every day sometimes twice a day for about a year. The dosage amount is .5 mg or under very small pieces of sublingual strips. I had to quit do to getting a DUI and having to go to outpatient rehab and being forced to take drug tests. I’m such a big baby when it comes to withdrawals.
I can’t seem to make it through a night without sleeping and restless legs. I read all over internet how to help the withdrawals and came across Kratom! Let me tell you it’s amazing! I’ve had pretty much zero withdrawals and I’m sleeping good. I have a great appetite and every day I’m more excited to get another day away from Suboxone. Last dose of Suboxone was Wednesday around 3 pm.
It’s currently Monday morning and I have to go to outpatient today for a drug test that I’m super worried about. I purchased a 12 pack of Buprenorphine urine drug tests and first 3 1/2 – 4 days the tests are all positive. The test is positive if only 1 line show and negative if 2 show. Sunday night I finally could see the 2nd line (very faint 2nd line but it’s there) Monday at 4am (right now!)
I took another test because I’m scared and have to be at rehab at 830 am and the 2nd line is there but very very faint. Tempted to try and reschedule for a couple days later to try and give myself more time. But for anyone really trying to get of subs try the damn Kratom. I can’t believe you don’t hear more about it. I bought some online at some sight and bought some from a head shop near my home.
It’s generally around $20 for 40-50 capsules. I’ve been taking roughly 10-12 capsules daily and like I said pretty much symptom free! My wife says my mood is way better and constantly told me that the subs made me mean. Btw I’m 40 year old male 5’ 11” 200 pounds. Had opioid addiction for 5+ years and was clean for 10 years before having back pains and using pain pills for a year to help before starting the subs the last year.
I wish you luck Eric! I am going through the same thing. 50 years old started using subs 3 and a half years ago from a back pain and now I need to get clean in a hurry because I was called for an interview to drive the bus in a couple of weeks. I’ve cut down like you did for the past two weeks and it’s not bad except for the shakes in my legs in the middle of the night.
I ordered the kratom and it comes today! I hope it works like it did for you! Like I said, I’m 50 years old, 210 pounds and 5ft 10 inches tall. I used to exercise a lot but slowed down dramatically and that’s how I gained 50 pounds!
I started to exercise again to burn the fat, so my question to you is: Can it work for me if I do it the same way you did? And how long would it take for it to clear from my urine?
34 year old female, 115lbs. After ending an eight-year opiate addiction I started the Suboxone strips but I think I was one of the wise guys of the few because I never ate the whole thing. I always cut it in pieces. I always found it funny how none of our addictions were the same because we are not all taking the same thing but we were all prescribed the same amount?
About eight months into my Suboxone treatment my insurance switched it over to zubsolv. And my body reacted differently with this. Today is Wednesday April 2016 and it’s my one-week mark of not having this drug destroying my brain and my body. I sweat so much at night it feels like I’m going through menopause – I don’t even know if I’m sleeping it feels I’m just laying there. I had fever the first night & chills for the first 4 days.
Extremely sensitive to temperature change. I’ve lost all excess body fat due to no appetite. Very light poops & I must say they look much healthier without the medicine in my body. I was also having chest pains and my blood pressure was really low from this medicine I don’t know why I stayed on it so long I became a shell in my own body & a stranger to many.
The hydration thing is true the more water you drink the better you will feel. I think there should be more coverage on the doctors that are prescribing the medicine so we know that people are not left on this too long it affects the brain and then we have to wait for our brain to rewire. I have lost too much time already, I’m not losing anymore.
What a great article this was. Suboxone saved my life, 7 years ago and for 5 years prior to that, I was using strong painkillers and alcohol, as well as any other drug under the sun. I ruined my life, surprisingly it wasn’t until the last 6 months that I finally spiraled out of control, damaging relationships and going into deep depression. The whole time before that 6 month event I held down a job, had a healthy social life, was climbing the professional ladder, earning big money, rubbing shoulders with “well-to-do” people, and I had a big secret locked away so tightly nobody suspected a thing, not my parents, friends, bosses, coworkers, everyone thought I was an ordinary guy trying to make it in life…
Then I switched jobs right as the GFC hit, I lost confidence, got fired and for the next 6 months was completely out of control, almost died. I got on suboxone, I have no doubt it saved my life, however I never pulled myself out of the depression, wasn’t suboxone said fault, I just never dealt with the real underlying issues. For 5 years I was on Suboxone and accomplished nothing, no work, study, relationships suffered.
My friends and family blamed the suboxone, but I knew it was my broken self esteem, lost confidence, feeling I had irreparably failed in life… But, at least I was safe and not using anything else anymore… Anyway, October 2014 I went to rehab and came off suboxone, naturally, tapered down, no benzos, nothing for the pain, just the support group of odyssey house, and I made it. I was clean from December 26 2016 until October 2016… I relapsed…
By this stage though, I was confident and active again, doing well at school, got high distinctions in a TAFE Certificate 3 in IT and committed to further studies and a degree, things were great but I relapsed anyway… Tried to detox on my own, but the next term was about to start and the only safe thing to do was get back on suboxone… School continued without a hitch, my grades remained high, but I had to hide the relapse for rear of being rejected by my family.
If they knew about the suboxone, that would be tantamount to being dead… I knew I could continue school, do well, get my qualifications and gradually taper down safely and be free from suboxone within the year. That was the plan… Unfortunately, during my attempted solo-detox I used benzos to make it through the withdrawals.
These affected my behaviour and my parents noticed… Even during the early stages of stabilising on suboxone I continued to use benzos, unnecessarily… This went on for 6 weeks, higher than therapeutic doses, my behaviour was strange, my parents were onto me… I stopped the benzos for 3 weeks, things were looking normal again until a person I know offered me cheap benzos and I thought sure, what a great idea for when I need to unwind.
I started benzos for another 2 weeks, parents demanded answers, I told them about the benzos – not suboxone – but it wasn’t enough, they seem to think I’m on meth and god knows what other drugs because I wasn’t sleeping… One of the possible side effects of benzo abuse… Now I’m stuck in an awkward situation, they want drug tests, I had only a half dose suboxone yesterday and stopped benzos immediately.
I was back on suboxone for 2 months, went up to 16mg within the first month, haven’t dosed today, probably going for drug tests tomorrow… In a panic I went and got all the vitamins I could think of, like St. John’s wort, magnesium chelate, vit c, vit b complex, vit d, garlic, valerian for sleep, drinking copious amounts of water desperately trying to flush my system of bupe. I even tried to get a hit of naloxone over the counter but the drug isn’t readily available where I live, except with doctors and hospitals… I know it’s futile.
The drug tests will show Valium and suboxone and they’ll disown me forever, in their eyes suboxone is the most evil drug ever created, there’s no convincing them otherwise. I’m hoping for a miracle I know won’t come. Don’t know why I bothered writing this, perhaps just in appreciation for the effort taken by the author.
Thank you for the advice. I know I’ll be safe, with or without my parents blessing, I’ve chosen my path for the future and it’s bright, some people may try to judge me, to bring me down, but I’m more powerful than they’ll ever know. I. Won’t. Back. Down.
Hello, I am 44 years old, 5’8″ and weigh about 135. I’ve been prescribed bupe for approximately 2 years to get off of the various opiates (heroin, oxy, roxies, dillys, viks, and literally anything else I could get my greedy hands on) I was addicted to that were ruling my life. It’s been a miracle drug for me personally, despite the high price and the need to see my doctor quite often for the expensive and cash-only office visit.
Anyway, I’m being tested in 5 days for ALL drugs, diseases, conditions, etc but need to be clear of the bupe (long and boring story but nothing shady or illicit – it would take too long to explain but I promise I’m not trying to get access to other drugs or anything remotely close to that). With this upcoming testing in mind, I’ve been taking about 4 mgs a day (at the most) for the past 10 days, and today I took about 2 mg, and I plan on abstaining from taking any bupe for the next 3.5 days.
I walk about 6 miles per day, and try to get some good cardio in with other types of exercises every other day or so. Is there any chance the bupe will be out of my system in 4 days if I took 8 mg a day for 2 years, then for the last 10 days I took 2-4 mg per day, and for the next 3.5 days I’m taking no bupe at all??.. ?? Oh – I believe it will be tested with a blood sample rather then a urine test, but I’m not 100% sure about that.
It won’t be the end of the world if I test positive for it, I just really want to try to be clean of everything except my antidepressant medication which I don’t care about showing up on the test. I feel like it could go either way, with the amount I’ve tapered to and 4 days of abstaining. Any insight or experience from readers would be much appreciated. Thank you so much for reading this. J
I have been on Suboxone for 3-4 years and I’ve been tapering down to almost nothing each day. I currently cut a 8/2 mg strip into pieces not much bigger then the tip of a pen to help me get through the day. I have to take a urine test soon, (not sure if Suboxone is being tested for but it’s a good chance it is).
What are the chances of such a small does being detected in my urine? I am also taking a lot of amino acids/vitamins, lots of fluids and I work physically all day. I’m trying to just jump off but it’s tough, any suggestions to help eliminate additional withdrawal symptoms
I’m a female 5’3 and 130 lbs… I’ve been completely clean for close to two months and slipped up and took a 6mg tablet today. I know how bad it is that I messed up and really need it out of my urine ASAP. I took it around 4 PM on Thursday & was wandering (at least a guesstimate) on when it should be out of my urine?? Please help.
I’m 36, 6 foot tall and weigh 210. I’ve been on suboxone for almost 3 weeks. I was given this and told that it was a miracle drug. I have no other health issues, other that long term use of Norco that I was on for 5 years due to a mild stroke. I had been begging my PCP to get me off the pain killers for well over a year.
After so long the Norco become useless as my pain continued to progress. Eventually after trying to get in pain management unsuccessfully, I ended up finding a doctor the prescribed the Suboxone and was told it was this miracle drug to assist in getting off the opiates, but it would also help with the pain. I took this medication for 3 weeks before my wife and I started researching the medication, and it’s side effects. I immediately decided to stop taking it because of the bizarre behavior I was experiencing while on it.
If anyone thinks this.medication is a lifesaver, the they need to do A LOT more research. The turning point for me was a video my wife took, and showed me. I looked like I had lost all control over my body. Excessive rocking bath and forth side to side, extremely sedated to the point I could not function. My warning is if you have children do not take this and expect to be able to take care of them.
I was on suboxone 5 months for opiate addiction. I’m 5″3 between 170-178 pounds. No liver problems. At that time no other meds were taken. And I was 28 years old. Since I was in a clinic I got drug tested every week and subject to random drug tests as well. I was on 2 1/2 strips of 8mg a day. Right before coming off I had went 3 days without taking it and I got yelled at because I passed the drug test. I was supposed to have it in my system. But I was trying to get off of it. But after a green days it was out of my system.