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Human Thoughts Control Genes with Cybernetic Implants

Imagine if you could control your genetic expression just by thinking certain thoughts. Many New Age belief systems preach that thoughts create your reality and that by changing your thinking, you can change your entire life. Although there is subtle evidence for those claims, the evidence isn’t fully supported by science.  However, based on new research, …

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What Causes Anxiety?

Anxiety can be caused by a variety of different things. For one individual, the cause may be from genetics – this is often the case among individuals with a family history of anxiety disorders. For another person, the cause of anxiety may be a demanding job or abusive relationship. In each individual scenario, it can …

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Reward Deficiency Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Reward deficiency syndrome (RDS) is a psychological theory first noted by Kenneth Blum in 1996. It is characterized by reward-seeking behavior and/or addictions, stemming from genetic variations, most notably resulting from those carrying the D2A1 allele. People carrying the A1 allele tend to have insufficient numbers of D2 receptors in their brain, resulting in lack …

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What Causes Schizophrenia? Genetics, Environment, Brain Chemistry, Brain Structure

Schizophrenia is a severe disease in which individuals are plagued with hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, as well as social dysfunction. Although an exact cause of the disease has not yet been discovered, researchers are aware that a number of factors may contribute to its development. Genetics, environment, brain structure, and brain chemistry can each be …

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