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Vyvanse & Weight Loss: A Common Experience

Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) is a psychostimulant medication that was developed by the company Shire. It is primarily prescribed for the treatment of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and works well to improve cognitive function. In addition to treating ADHD, many doctors have used the drug to help individuals with excessive daytime sleepiness and binge eating disorders. …

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Using Adderall For Weight Loss: An Insidious Strategy

Adderall is arguably the single most popular psychostimulant medication on the market. In addition to being a highly effective treatment option for ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), it is also sometimes used to treat narcolepsy, and as an antidepressant augmentation strategy. Many doctors don’t mind prescribing this drug to patients with non-addictive personalities because it has been …

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Latuda Unlikely To Cause Weight Gain; Considered “Weight Neutral”

Latuda (Lurasidone) is a relatively new atypical antipsychotic that was approved in 2013 for the treatment of schizophrenia and depressive episodes in Type 1 Bipolar disorder. Many have made the argument that since this is a “newer” antipsychotic, it’s likely to be “better” than the crop of older medications on the market. While no single …

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Can Wellbutrin Ever Cause Weight Gain? An Uncommon Reaction.

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is considered an atypical antidepressant and smoking cessation aid that was first approved for medical use in 1989. It functions different than most antidepressants in that it inhibits the reuptake of stimulatory neurotransmitters norepinephrine and (to a lesser degree) dopamine. Its action as an NDRI drug generally results in increased energy, focus, and …

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