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How Long Does Soma Stay In Your System?

Soma (Carisoprodol) is a drug developed in the late 1950s that was initially suspected to be an antiseptic, but turned out to be a CNS depressant with minor muscle-relaxant properties.  Although its mechanism of action isn’t fully elucidated, carisoprodol and its primary metabolite “meprobamate” are believed to indirectly modulate the neurotransmission of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric-acid) via indirect GABAA receptor agonism.  Furthermore, the drug may yield skeletal muscle relaxation by interrupting neural communication within the reticular formation.

The combination of GABAergic modulation and interrupted neural communication is thought to yield effects such as sedation, skeletal muscle relaxation, and reduced pain perception.  As a result, Soma is considered clinically effective as a treatment for acute musculoskeletal pain.  The effects derived from Soma have also increased its appeal among recreational drug users attempting to attain neurophysiological relaxation with a potential tinge of euphoria.

Though Soma may be effective with minimal risks over a short-term, long-term usage may increase incidence of adverse effects or likelihood of psychological dependence.  Additionally, there is evidence that long-term usage of GABAergic agents is linked to dementia and possibly permanent memory impairment.  Concerned with long-term implications and potentially failing a drug test, many users discontinue Soma, but wonder how long it’ll stay in their system.

How long does Soma stay in your system?

If you were a regular Soma user, it’s likely that you’ll endure some potentially severe Soma withdrawal symptoms if you discontinued without medical supervision.  Assuming you’ve completely stopped taking the medication, you may want to know how long it is likely to stay in your system.  To determine how long Soma will stay in your system after discontinuation, it is necessary to consider the elimination half-life of its active ingredient “carisoprodol.”

On average, carisoprodol has an elimination half-life of approximately 2 hours, but may vary between 1 and 3 hours.  With this information we can estimate that it’ll take an average of 11 hours to eliminate carisoprodol from your system.  Considering the 1 to 3 hour range, it the carisoprodol elimination may be slightly quicker in just 5.5 hours or longer in 16.5 hours.

This means that Soma’s active ingredient carisoprodol should be out of systemic circulation in around half-a-day after taking it.  However, it is important to acknowledge that carisoprodol is metabolized by hepatic enzymes (CYP2C19) to form the prominent metabolite “meprobamate.”  The meprobamate metabolite has a elimination half-life between 6 and 17 hours, but is sometimes reported as ~10 hours – meaning it is eliminated at 5 to 8-fold slower speed than its parent “carisoprodol.”

To fully clear meprobamate metabolites from your system, it’ll take between 1.38 days and 3.9 days.  If we were to go by the reported ~10 hour average elimination half-life, meprobamate would remain in systemic circulation for approximately 2.29 days after cessation.  Due to the relatively short half-lives of both parent drug carisoprodol and its metabolite meprobamate, Soma is likely to be eliminated from your system in under 4 days.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21396230
  • Source: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/carisoprodol
  • Source: http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/research/job185drugs/carisoprodol.htm

Variables that influence how long Soma stays in your system

Though Soma is likely to be eliminated from your system under 4 days, there are often differences in elimination speeds among users.  These differences in elimination speeds are often a result of variables such as: the individual taking Soma, dosage ingested, term of administration, and co-administered drugs.

  1. Individual factors

Theoretically, we could set up an experiment in which 2 individuals are administered Soma simultaneously at the exact same dose.  Though we’d expect elimination times to be fairly similar, they would likely differ (sometimes a little, in other cases a lot).  Time to completely eliminate Soma from plasma (along with its metabolites) is often influenced by individual factors including: a user’s age, body mass, genetics, hepatic function, and renal function.

Age: It is possible that the age of a Soma user may affect its pharmacokinetics and ultimately how long it stays in the body.  Elderly individuals (over age 65) tend to experience altered distribution of various drugs and prolonged metabolism as a result of diminishing hepatic function that often accompanies old age.  Additionally, elderly individuals often exhibit reduced levels of plasma proteins, poorer renal function, and other age-related physiologic changes that may affect elimination of Soma.

Younger healthy adults are therefore likely to excrete Soma (and its metabolites) with greater efficiency than elderly counterparts.  Other factors such as altered drug disposition, medical conditions, and co-administered medications also likely affect kinetics among the elderly.  Since no major studies have been conducted to compare the pharmacokinetics between young adults and elderly, the degree to which age affects elimination is unclear.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19514965

Body mass + Fat (%): A person’s BMI and body fat percentage may influence how long Soma is likely to remain in their system after ingestion.  Individuals with a high percentage of body fat may be more likely to retain the drug for a longer duration because it is lipophilic.  Lipophilic drugs often exhibit increased propensity of accumulation within adipose tissues (e.g. fat stores).

Soma users with a low percentage of body fat and/or lower BMIs may eliminate the drug quicker than usual because they have less adipose tissue in which the drug may accumulate.  Though it may take longer to attain a steady state plasma concentration for a high BMI user, the elimination half-life would be prolonged once a steady state is attained – likely as a result of heightened meprobamate accumulation.

Food intake: Since Soma is lipophilic and minimally water soluble, it was expected that a high fat meal would increase its bioavailability.  However, counterintuitively to this logical assumption, the presence of any food along with Soma decreases is maximal plasma concentrations by 16% when compared to administration in a fasted state.  Therefore it could be suspected that ingestion of Soma along with food intake may alter its pharmacokinetics, leading to a difference in elimination time compared to when ingested on an empty stomach.

  • Source: http://www.google.com/patents/US7550509

Genetics: Research has determined that allele expression of the CYP2C19 gene is responsible for regulating the metabolism of Soma via hepatic CYP2C19 isoenzymes.  Specifically, the number of active CYP2C19 alleles influences the amount of carisoprodol that is metabolized to form meprobamate.  Individuals that are heterozygous with CYP2C19*1 or CYP2C19*2 alleles exhibit decreased capacity to metabolize Soma.

As a result, it is expected that the pharmacokinetics of the drug would be altered, thereby affecting the duration over which Soma (and its metabolites) stay in a users system.  Theoretically, individuals that generate less of the meprobamate metabolite relative to carisoprodol will likely eliminate Soma quicker than others.  This is due to the fact that meprobamate has a longer elimination half-life by 5- to 8-fold.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12835613

Hepatic function: Individuals with hepatic impairment may exhibit longer elimination half-lives of Soma reflective upon the degree to which they are impaired.  Those with severe hepatic impairment may take longer to fully metabolize an ingested dosage of Soma as a result of compromised isoenzyme function.  This may lead to increased levels of carisoprodol, but possibly decreased meprobamate formation.

In any regard, elimination of Soma and its metabolites is likely to be protracted.  For this reason, medical literature suggests prescribing Soma with caution to those who are hepatically impaired.  If you have normative hepatic function, you should expect to eliminate both carisoprodol and meprobamate in an average pace, relative to expression of your CYP2C19 alleles.

Metabolic rate: Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) could impact how long Soma (and metabolites) stay in your plasma after administration.  Individuals with a high BMR are thought to burn more energy at rest and metabolize drugs at a quick rate.  Those with a low BMR are burning less energy at rest and may metabolize drugs at a slower rate.

If you happen to have a high BMR, Soma may be metabolized with slightly greater efficiency than someone with a low BMR.  In extreme cases such as individuals with hyperthyroidism who have an extremely fast BMR, metabolism speed may be significantly different than other users.  That said, the degree to which half-life is affected by a person’s BMR isn’t understood and is unlikely to be of major significance.

Renal function: If you suffer from renal impairment, the excretion of Soma may be slightly impaired due to the fact that its metabolites are eliminated via renal routes.  However, since the drug is also eliminated non-renally, the extent to which elimination may be prolonged is unknown and hasn’t been researched.  If you have severe forms of renal impairment, it is likely that Soma metabolites would stay in your system for a longer duration than individuals with normative renal function.

Sex: There is some evidence to suggest that exposure to carisoprodol is greater among males than females.  Though exposure to the metabolite meprobamate is not increased among males compared to females, plasma concentrations of carisoprodol are approximately 30 to 50% greater among males.  This suggests that it may take longer for men to eliminate the carisoprodol from systemic circulation than women.

The sex-specific differences that facilitate heightened concentrations of carisoprodol among men remain unclear.  Although women may clear carisoprodol from their systems slightly quicker than men due to reduced plasma concentrations, both sexes retain the meprobamate metabolites for roughly the same duration.  Therefore complete elimination of Soma metabolites and detoxification should not be considered different between males and females.

  • Source: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2009/012365s035lbl.pdf
  1. Dosage (250 mg to 1050 mg)

The dosage of Soma that you administer will likely affect how long it stays in your system.  The greater the dosage of Soma that you administer on a daily basis, the longer you can expect it to remain in your system following discontinuation.  Conversely, the lower the dosage of Soma administered on a daily basis, the shorter it is likely to remain in systemic circulation.

Medical literature suggests that Soma is typically taken at dosages of either 250 mg or 350 mg, twice per day (b.i.d.) or three times per day (t.i.d.).  A person taking a single dose of 250 mg is unlikely to retain Soma (carisoprodol) nor its meprobamate metabolite within their plasma as someone taking 350 mg three times per day (t.i.d.) for a total of 1050 mg.  This is due to the fact that higher doses place a greater burden on hepatic enzymes for metabolism.

In other words, because high dose users have ingested such a large amount of the drug, their liver is unable to process it as efficiently.  As a result, the larger dosage gets metabolized slower and with less efficiency than a smaller dose via the CYP2C19 pathway.  Furthermore, it is necessary to consider when a high dosage such as 1050 mg per day is administered, a greater amount of carisoprodol and its meprobamate metabolites may accumulate in bodily tissue.

The increased accumulation in bodily tissue, along with increased plasma concentrations leads to a slower elimination.  Additionally, it is possible that high doses may exhibit increased propensity of accumulation within renal pathways prior to elimination.  This may lead to reabsorption, recirculation, and ultimately prolonged excretion.

If you are a high dose user, it is unlikely that you’ll eliminate the drug as quickly as someone taking a low dose.  Lower doses are less taxing on hepatic pathways such as CYP2C19, form fewer metabolites, and are excreted via the kidneys with optimal efficiency.  For this reason, consider that your daily Soma dosage will likely impact how long it remains in your system.

  1. Frequency/Term of administration

In addition to dosage of Soma influencing its elimination half-life, it is necessary to consider the frequency and term of administration.  Frequency refers to the number of Soma pills you take per day, whereas the term refers to the cumulative duration over which you’ve been taking Soma.  Since Soma is typically not prescribed on a long-term basis, frequency usually plays a bigger role in determining how long Soma stays in a person’s system.

Individuals taking Soma just once per day at 250 mg will not only be ingesting a low dose, but they’ll be giving their body 24 hours to metabolize, distribute, and excrete some of the drug prior to taking their next dosage.  Since the active ingredient within Soma known as “carisoprodol” has an elimination half-life of just 2 hours, we can expect it to be cleared from the system of a single dose user within just 11 hours.  We can also expect a large percentage of carisoprodol’s metabolite “meprobamate” to be eliminated prior to the successively administered dosage.

Among high-frequency user of Soma, we not only expect a greater total daily dosage to be ingested as a result of multiple administrations (b.i.d. or t.i.d.), but also expect that steady state concentrations and heightened plasma concentrations will be attained.  Increased frequency of administration means that dosage is likely to be greater, yielding more metabolites, and facilitating greater accumulation within bodily tissues.  This likely leads to less efficient excretion and prolonged elimination.

Though medical literature suggests that Soma is not intended to be used for over 2 weeks, certain individuals continue using the drug.  Continued usage of Soma usually leads to tolerance, which in turn leads to upward titrations in dosing, which further increases plasma concentrations and accumulation, thereby prolonging elimination half-life.  Elimination half-life of the meprobamate metabolite among chronic users can increase to 48 hours.

This would suggest that meprobamate could linger in your system (if you are a chronic user) for up to 11 days after your last dose.  A short-term user, on the other hand, is only likely to retain the meprobamate for only 2.29 days after cessation.  The difference in elimination times of meprobamate metabolites among acute and chronic Soma users is likely to be significant.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/576615
  1. Co-administered drugs (CYP2C19)

If you’re taking another drug along with Soma, it is necessary to evaluate whether it may affect the pharmacokinetics of Soma, and ultimately how long Soma stays in your system.  Certain drugs (or supplements) are thought to alter function of hepatic enzymes that metabolize Soma.  Since Soma is primarily metabolized by CYP2C19 enzymes, any drug that serves to inhibit or induce function of CYP2C19 will determine the half-life of carisoprodol and its metabolite (meprobamate).

Co-administered drugs that inhibit function of CYP2C19 (or “CYP2C19 inhibitors”) will interfere with the metabolism of Soma, leading to prolonged elimination.  Examples of some CYP2C19 inhibitors include: Chloramphenicol, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, and Moclobemide.  If you took a CYP2C19 inhibitor with Soma, expect the carisoprodol to linger in your system for a longer duration.

However, a CYP2C19 inhibitor may also decrease the amount of meprobamate metabolites formed which could reduce the duration over which meprobamate stays in your system.  In other words there’s a tradeoff associated with CYP2C19 inhibitors: longer retention of carisoprodol, but reduced formation of meprobamate.  If you administered a CYP2C19 inducer, or an agent that enhanced CYP2C19 isoenzyme function, you could expect faster metabolism of carisoprodol.

As a result of expedited carisoprodol metabolism, you could also expect an increase in the formation of meprobamate.  The exact speed by which an CYP2C19 inhibitor/inducer affects the elimination of Soma (and its metabolites) may depend on the particular drug, as well as its dosage.  Although studies haven’t determined the extent to which elimination of carisoprodol and meprobamate are affected by CYP2C19 inhibitors/inducers, it is likely that half-lives are increased among those taking inhibitors and reduced among those taking inducers.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22527345
  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24488112

Soma (Carisoprodol): Absorption, Metabolism, Excretion (Details)

Following oral administration of Soma, its active ingredient carisoprodol is rapidly absorbed by the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and distributed throughout the central nervous system (CNS).  When administered at a single dosage of 350 mg, carisoprodol reaches peak plasma concentrations (of 4 to 7 mcg/ml) within 2 to 4 hours (on average) with a bioavailability of ~92%.  Therapeutic effects of carisoprodol are attained approximately 30 minutes post-ingestion.

After absorption, carisoprodol undergoes hepatic metabolism via CYP450 (cytochrome P450) isoenzymes, primarily CYP2C19 isoenzyme.  CYP2C19 facilitates hydroxylation and dealklyation, converting carisoprodol to form three metabolites: meprobamate, hydroxycarisoprodol, and hydroxymeprobamate.  Meprobamate is considered the most prominent carisoprodol metabolite in humans.

Many speculate that the therapeutic effects associated with Soma are derived mostly from the meprobamate metabolite formed upon CYP2C19 metabolism of carisoprodol.  Though carisoprodol exhibits some analgesic and muscle relaxant effects, meprobamate is also considered an effective muscle relaxant with anxiolytic and sedative properties.  In just 2.5 hours of a single 700 mg Soma dosage, levels of meprobamate exceed those of carisoprodol.

Meprobamate levels peak in the serum at approximately 4.27 mg per liter.  The half-life of carisoprodol is estimated at 2 hours, meaning it is likely eliminated from a Soma user’s system in less than half-a-day.  On the other hand, the half-life of the meprobamate metabolite is 10 hours, indicating that it may take around 2.29 days to eliminate from a Soma user’s system.

Carisoprodol and its metabolites meprobamate, hydroxycarisoprodol, and hydroxymeprobamate – are eliminated renally via the urine and non-renally via feces.  Less than 1% of a Soma dose will be excreted in the urine as unchanged carisoprodol, whereas meprobamate will account for around 4.7% of a dose.  Most Soma users should expect to have excreted a majority of the drug within 1 to 2 weeks of their final dose.

  • Source: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/carisoprodol
  • Source: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2009/012365s035lbl.pdf
  • Source: http://digitalcommons.hsc.unt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1015&context=theses

Types of Soma Drug Tests

Though Soma isn’t commonly tested for by employers and isn’t included on the SAMHSA-5 screening, many users are worried that carisoprodol (or meprobamate) may cause a failed drug test.  If a drug test specifically to detect Soma (carisoprodol and meprobamate) is administered, it is possible to determine whether an indivdiual had ingested Soma.  Types of drug tests capable of detecting Soma include: urine tests, blood tests, hair tests, and oral fluid (saliva) tests.

Urine tests: Since Soma has become a drug of abuse, some individuals suspected of using it may be subject to a urinalysis.  This means that they’ll be required to provide a fresh urine sample that is sent to a laboratory and analyzed with liquid-chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS).  In certain users, carisoprodol may appear in elevated concentrations on a urinalysis, whereas in others meprobamate metabolites may be more prominent.

Differences in carisoprodol and meprobamate levels are largely due to CYP2C19 metabolism.  In the urine of individuals considered CYP2C19 poor metabolizers, we would expect elevations in carisoprodol, and an estimated 50% reduction in meprobamate metabolites.  Among those who are rapid CYP2C19 metabolizers, we’d expect increased concentrations of carisoprodol and reductions in meprobamate.

Since carisoprodol has a reduced half-life compared to meprobamate, we’d expect to see meprobamate in urine for a longer duration, especially among rapid/extensive metabolizers. The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) suggests that Soma is detectable for several days post-ingestion within urine.  However, it may be detectable for a longer term among chronic users – especially at low concentrations.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11888078
  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22511696
  • Source: http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/research/job185drugs/carisoprodol.htm

Blood tests: In some cases, a blood test may be utilized to determine serum concentrations of carisoprodol and/or its meprobamate metabolites.  Blood tests are seldom preferred over urine tests due to the fact that they are more invasive, time consuming, and provide a shorter window of detection.  However, a blood sample is highly accurate in determining the amount of Soma that was ingested, particularly if the sample is collected within 1 to 4 hours of ingestion.

Serum concentrations of carisoprodol peak within 2 to 4 hours, and its metabolite meprobamate exceeds serum concentrations of carisoprodol within 2.5 hours.  Techniques such as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) can be utilized to determine whether levels of carisoprodol and/or meprobamate exceed a certain threshold such as 0.2 mg/L or 0.4 mg/L.  Though blood tests will effectively detect Soma if administered within 24 hours of Soma ingestion, they are unlikely to be accurate after a full day.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19671248

Hair tests: Another effective way to determine whether an individual has ingested Soma is to collect a sample of hair follicles from his/her scalp.  After follicles are collected from a suspected user’s head, they are sent to a laboratory and examined using SPE (solid-phase extraction) and GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry).  The major advantage of a hair test is that it provides a long window of detection, often over 1 month post-ingestion.

The only drawback associated with hair testing is that it can take longer for carisoprodol metabolites such as meprobamate to appear within follicle outgrowths after ingestion.  In other words, if a person recently used Soma, it would be better to utilize a urinary screening, whereas if Soma usage wasn’t recent (e.g. within the most recent 3 days), a hair test may be preferred.  Another advantage of hair testing is that the quantity of metabolites that appear within follicles will likely be a direct reflection of the amount of Soma ingested; this makes it easier to determine whether someone had abused the drug.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16200657

Saliva tests: Though less common, it is also possible to assess for Soma ingestion via a saliva sample.  A saliva sample (oral fluid) can be collected from a suspected Soma user and sent to a laboratory for analysis with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS); this technique will pinpoint the precise amount of meprobamate metabolites within saliva.  Saliva testing may be similar to blood testing in that it will only detect carisoprodol and meprobamate for a short-duration after ingestion.

For this reason, saliva tests may be utilized by law enforcement agents if they suspect that an individual is intoxicated and is unwilling to take a blood test or urine test.  In the future, it is possible that artificial intelligence in the form of various drug detection devices will be able to determine whether an intoxicated individual has ingested Soma (or another drug) based on the composition of their salivary fluid.  Though saliva tests are relatively non-invasive, they are seldom used due to their short window of detection and poorer accuracy compared to a urine test.

  • Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22417839

Who may be tested for Soma?

Many Soma users are worried that they’ll be tested for carisoprodol or its meprobamate metabolites.  Though Soma is seldom assessed for on standardized drug panels, it is possible that certain individuals may be tested for carisoprodol and metabolites such as meprobamate.  Examples of such individuals include: criminals (or anyone involved in a crime), drug rehabilitation patients, employees (operating heavy machinery), and military members.

  • Criminals: Soma is considered similar to benzodiazepines and other depressants in its GABAergic mechanism of action. This means that criminals could use Soma as a date rape drug, for intoxication, or other illicit purposes.  As a result, if an individual is considered a criminal and/or a suspect in a particular case, he/she may be tested for Soma – along with any potential victims.
  • Drug rehab clients: Individuals in rehabilitation may be extensively assessed for drug ingestion. Though Soma isn’t considered a major drug of abuse compared to opioids, amphetamines, etc. – it is often abused.  Should an individual in rehab have a history of CNS depressant usage (or abuse), he/she may be tested for Soma.
  • Employees: Any job that involves operation of motor vehicles, heavy-duty equipment, or machinery – may require extensive drug testing among employees. Any individual using Soma on the job may increase likelihood of equipment damage, injury to themselves, and/or other employees.  For this reason, should a truck driver, pilot, bus driver, or machine operator get caught with Soma in his/her system – serious legal consequences may result.
  • Military personnel: Individuals in the military operate heavy machinery and are often involved in combat missions that demand optimal vigilance, alertness, and cognitive function. Should an individual take Soma, he/she could compromise the mission and endanger other troops.  For this reason, military troops may be subject to random, extensive drug testing – particularly if they appear intoxicated.

Tips to clear Soma from your system

If you stopped using Soma, but aren’t sure whether it’s out of your system, it is wise to talk to a medical professional.  If you’ve been using the drug at high doses and/or for a long-term, serious (possibly fatal) symptoms may ensue if you fail to conduct a gradual “taper” (or dosage reduction) prior to complete cessation.  Below are some suggestions that may help expedite the clearance of Soma from your system.  Prior to implementing any of these suggestions, consult a medical professional to verify their safety and alleged efficacy.

  1. Activated charcoal: One of the best detoxifying supplements to take after any drug withdrawal is activated charcoal. Activated charcoal binds to remnants of drugs and/or toxins that may have accumulated in your gastrointestinal tract and/or that could be lingering in your system. One study showed that repeated administration of activated charcoal increased clearance of meprobamate (Soma’s metabolite) from systemic circulation.  Talk to your doctor to determine “if” and “when” it’s safe to take following Soma discontinuation.  (Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3942359)
  2. Calcium-D-Glucarate: Since a majority of Soma metabolites are likely excreted by the kidneys and eliminated within urine, it may help to take a supplement that clears out renal detoxification pathways. Calcium-d-glucarate acts as a beta-glucuronidase inhibitor, thereby forcing molecules out of kidney detox pathways to be cleared from the body. Should any metabolites of Soma have accumulated in your kidneys prior to urinary excretion, this supplement could help.
  3. Daily exercise: Evidence suggests that meprobamate metabolites could accumulate in bodily tissues, particularly adipose tissues due to their lipophilicity. If you have a high percentage of body fat, getting some exercise to burn some fat may force a faster elimination of meprobamate. Should you have any other lipophilic metabolites (from other drugs) stored in adipose tissue, exercise may force their elimination as well – contributing to a quicker detox.

How long has Soma stayed in your system after stopping?

If you’ve discontinued Soma, share a comment regarding how long you believe it stayed in your system.  Do you think that you eliminated the carisoprodol and meprobamate quicker and/or slower than usual.  To help support your speculation, mention whether you are a CYP2C19 poor metabolizer and/or co-administered agents (drugs or supplements) that are inducers or inhibitors of CYP2C19.

Understand that most users of Soma are likely to eliminate the carisoprodol within 24 hours of a single dose, and meprobamate within 3 days thereafter.  Only in cases of chronic use/abuse would an individual likely retain meprobamate for a term exceeding 1 full week.  In nearly all cases, individuals should expect Soma (and metabolites) to be completely out of their systems within 2 weeks.

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