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Pets May Help Reduce Anxiety & Depression in Young Adults: Effects of Dog & Cat Ownership (2024 Study)

In the kaleidoscope of mental health solutions, companion animals emerge as silent yet profoundly impactful healers, particularly for the youth navigating the tumultuous journey from adolescence to adulthood. The bond between young adults and their furry companions—dogs and cats alike—extends beyond mere companionship, touching the realms of emotional and psychological well-being. A recent study evaluates …

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Psychological Burnout & Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) (2024 Review)

Burnout, once a fringe topic relegated to the backburners of occupational health discussions, has emerged as a critical public health crisis with far-reaching consequences. Beyond its immediate toll on mental health and workplace productivity, burnout’s insidious effects extend to one of the body’s most vital systems: the cardiovascular system. Highlights: Elevated Risk: Individuals experiencing burnout …

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Effects of Stress & Negative Life Events on Brain Structure Connectivity in Adolescents (2024 Study)

Adolescence marks a pivotal era of transformation, where the brain undergoes significant development, shaping the trajectory of an individual’s emotional and psychological maturity. Recent studies, including one leveraging data from the IMAGEN Consortium, have evaluated how negative life events during these formative years can subtly yet significantly alter the structural connectivity of the adolescent brain. …

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Saffron Extract (Affron) Reduces Stress via HPA Axis & Neuroplasticity in Rats (2023 Study)

In a world increasingly burdened by the psychological strains of modern living, the quest for effective and safe treatments for stress-related symptoms has never been more urgent. A recent study evaluated the stress-mitigating properties of Affron® – a Saffron extract – in animal models, revealing its potent effects on the body’s stress response systems, including …

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Targeting the Nucleus Accumbens D1-MSN cAMP for Depression & Crocin’s Rapid Antidepressant Effect (2024 Study)

Depression, a debilitating mental health disorder, has long puzzled scientists and clinicians alike. Recent research sheds light on the nucleus accumbens (NAc), a brain region associated with reward and pleasure, highlighting its critical role in the pathophysiology of depression. Specifically, the study shows how manipulating cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels within dopamine D1 receptor medium …

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tDCS for Insomnia & Sleep Disturbances: Targeting the Infralimbic Cortex to Ventrolateral Preoptic Area Pathway (2024 Study)

In the quest to effectively treat insomnia, a condition plaguing millions worldwide, scientists are exploring innovative treatments beyond traditional medication. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) emerges as a promising intervention, offering a non-invasive method to modulate brain activity and enhance sleep quality. A recent study suggests tDCS may treat stress-related sleep disturbances and highlights the …

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Approximately 13% of Psychiatrists with Major Depression in Thailand: Loneliness & Work Stress Factors (2024 Study)

Depression, a pervasive mental health issue, affects individuals across various professions, including those within the psychiatric field. A recent study in Thailand sheds light on the prevalence and associated factors of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) among psychiatrists and psychiatry trainees, offering insights into the mental well-being of those expected to be at the forefront of …

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