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Cannabis Use Linked to Increased Risk of Anxiety Disorders (2024 Review)

The relationship between cannabis use (CU) and anxiety disorders (AD) is a topic of ongoing debate and research within the scientific community. While some studies suggest cannabis can have anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects, others point to anxiogenic (anxiety-inducing) outcomes, especially with habitual use. This nuanced interplay between cannabis and anxiety highlights the importance of understanding individual …

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Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders: Decreases Negative Mood But Fails to Increase Positive Mood (2024 Study)

Anxiety-related disorders, characterized by heightened negative affect (NA) and sometimes diminished positive affect (PA), pose significant challenges for mental health treatment. Despite the prevalence of these disorders, the efficacy of psychotherapies in improving PA versus NA remains underexplored. Highlights: Psychotherapeutic interventions demonstrate a significantly larger effect on reducing negative affect (NA) than on enhancing positive …

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Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Reduced in Anxiety Disorders (2024 Study)

In the quest to understand anxiety disorders more profoundly, scientists have turned to the rhythms of the heart, specifically heart rate variability (HRV), for answers. By employing wearable technology in a novel study design, researchers have uncovered intriguing insights into how the variability in our heartbeats might be linked to anxiety disorders. This approach not …

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Can Lifestyle Factors Modify Risk of Psychiatric Disorders? (2024 Study)

Psychiatric disorders have increasingly become a significant public health concern, affecting a growing number of people globally. A study in focus utilized MR (Mendelian randomization), a method that leverages genetic data to explore causal relationships, to analyze the impact of 45 lifestyle factors on 13 psychiatric disorders. This extensive research involved GWAS summary statistics from …

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Minocycline for PTSD: Inhibition of Fear Memory Retention via MMP-9 (2024 Study)

Recent research has uncovered the potential of minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic, in modifying fear memory retention. A new study conducted by Yanfang Xia and colleagues, published in Translational Psychiatry, highlights how minocycline could play a role in treating anxiety and stress-related disorders. Highlights: Study Basis: The study was based on Pavlovian fear conditioning as a …

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2 Gene Clusters & Anxiety Disorder Subtypes: Glutamate vs. Serotonin & Dopamine (2023 Study)

Anxiety disorders (ADs) are a complex set of mental health conditions affecting millions globally. Recent research has made significant strides in understanding the genetic underpinnings of these disorders, linking them to specific brain regions and developmental stages. Highlights: Two Distinct Gene Clusters Identified: Researchers identified two gene clusters with distinct spatial expression profiles in the …

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Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) for Anxiety Disorders: Preliminary Evidence (2023)

Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB), a medical procedure originally designed for pain management, is emerging as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders. This approach leverages its ability to modulate the sympathetic nervous system, which plays a significant role in anxiety symptoms. Highlights: SGB Procedure & Technicality: SGB involves injecting a local anesthetic near the stellate ganglion …

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