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Escitalopram (Lexapro) Normalizes Brain Connectivity in Major Depression (2024 Study)

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) significantly alters the brain’s network connectivity, with disturbances in the default mode network (DMN), salience network (SN), and dorsal attention network (DAN). A new study reveals how escitalopram, a common antidepressant, can partially reverse these abnormalities, offering insights into the biological underpinnings of its therapeutic effects. This research deepens our understanding …

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Lexapro (Escitalopram) vs. Prozac (Fluoxetine)

Lexapro (escitalopram) and Prozac (fluoxetine) are two medications within the selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) classification that are commonly administered for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders.  The development of Lexapro (escitalopram) was initiated in 1997 by Lundbeck and Forest Laboratories – whereas the development of Prozac (fluoxetine) was initiated in the 1970s by chemists (Bryan Molloy …

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Celexa (Citalopram) vs. Lexapro (Escitalopram): Which Is Better?

Celexa (citalopram) and Lexapro (escitalopram) are chemically-analogous medications within the selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) classification that are regularly prescribed for the management of neuropsychiatric disorders.  Chemically, Celexa contains enantiomers S-citalopram and R-citalopram – whereas Lexapro solely contains S-citalopram (hence its chemical name “es-citalopram”). The chemical “citalopram” (Celexa) was originally synthesized in 1972 by scientists at …

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Lexapro (Escitalopram) vs Zoloft (Sertraline): Extensive Comparison

Lexapro (escitalopram) and Zoloft (sertraline) are medications of the selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) classification utilized most commonly for the management of major depressive disorder (MDD).  Lexapro was co-developed by the pharmaceutical companies Lundbeck and Forest Laboratories (starting in 1997) and received U.S. FDA approval for medical use in 2002. Zoloft was developed by the pharmaceutical …

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How Long Does It Take For Lexapro To Work?

Lexapro (Escitalopram) is a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) prescribed for the management of numerous neuropsychiatric conditions, including: major depressive disorder; generalized anxiety disorder; social anxiety disorder; obsessive-compulsive disorder; and panic disorder.  Occasionally, Lexapro is sometimes prescribed off-label as an intervention for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and seasonal affective disorder. Although Lexapro is very similar to the …

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Does Lexapro (Escitalopram) Cause Hair Loss or Thinning?

It’s no secret that many people derive therapeutic benefit from the serotonergic antidepressant Escitalopram, marketed under the brand name “Lexapro.”  However some Lexapro users have become increasingly frustrated with its side effect profile.  One side effect in particular that is often reported by users, yet infrequently reported by its manufacturer (Forest Laboratories) – is that …

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Lexapro and Weight Gain: Causes & Contributing Factors

Lexapro (Escitalopram) is a drug classified as an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). It functions by increasing extracellular levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. The increase in serotonin is believed to be the mechanism by which this drug is capable of treating major depression and generalized anxiety disorder. It received FDA approval in 2002 for treating …

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