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Etizolam vs. Xanax (Alprazolam): What’s The Difference?

Etizolam and Xanax are interventions that may be utilized for the treatment of acute episodes of anxiety, panic disorder, and/or generalized anxiety disorder.  Although Etizolam has no accepted medical use in the United States where it is federally considered an unregulated “research chemical,” it is regularly utilized in Japan, Italy, and India as a prescription …

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Ativan (Lorazepam) vs. Xanax (Alprazolam): Comparison

Ativan and Xanax are two of the most popular benzodiazepine medications commonly administered for the treatment of anxiety.  Ativan is indicated (FDA approved) for the treatment of anxiety disorders, acute anxiety, and/or anxiety associated with depressive symptoms – and Xanax is indicated (FDA approved) for the treatment of anxiety disorders and panic disorder. D.J. Richards, …

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Valium (Diazepam) vs. Xanax (Alprazolam) Comparison

Valium and Xanax are two extremely popular benzodiazepine medications prescribed for the treatment of numerous medical conditions, most notably, generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder.  Occasionally, Xanax and Valium are prescribed on a short-term basis for the management of alcohol withdrawal or opioid detoxification. Of these two benzodiazepines, Valium is the “older” medication that hit …

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Prozac vs. Zoloft: Comparison (Similarities & Differences)

Prozac and Zoloft are two common SSRI medications prescribed for the treatment of neuropsychiatric conditions, most notably, major depressive disorder (MDD).  Prozac was developed by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and went on to receive initial FDA approval in December 1987 as an antidepressant. Comparatively, Zoloft was developed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and went …

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Armour Thyroid vs. Synthroid (Comparison)

Research suggests that tens of millions of Americans suffer from hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid.  Two of the most popularly prescribed treatments for hypothyroidism include: Armour Thyroid (porcine-derived desiccated thyroid extract) and Synthroid (levothyroxine).  Armour Thyroid is classified “natural” in that it is thyroid hormone extracted from pigs, whereas Synthroid is considered “artificial” in that it …

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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) For Depression: An Effective Treatment?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is projected to become the number one global disease burden by 2030.  Present-day statistics suggest that depression affects over 350 million people worldwide.  Among those who are depressed, seeking professional psychiatric treatment is often helpful. An estimated 66% of all individuals who seek treatment are able to …

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