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Peripheral Inflammatory Biomarkers vs. Suicide Risk in Major Depression (2024 Study)

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is not just a mental health concern; it’s a complex interplay of psychological, environmental, and biological factors, where the most tragic outcome can be suicide. Recent research has unveiled a potential link between the immune system’s inflammatory response and the increased risk of suicide among those suffering from MDD. By examining …

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Brain Biomarkers in Suicide Attempts: Elevated 5-HT1A Heteroreceptors & Hyperactivity in Superior Temporal Gyrus (2023 Review)

Suicide, a tragic end to around 800,000 lives each year, remains one of the most perplexing and devastating phenomena in mental health. Despite the vast number of studies and data, accurately predicting who is at risk of suicide has remained largely elusive, with current tools heavily reliant on subjective assessments and the clinician’s experience. A …

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