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Dietary Sugar Intake & Depression: 100g/day Increase Equals 28% Higher Risk (NHANES Data: 2011-2018)

In recent years, the intricate relationship between dietary habits and mental health has come under scientific scrutiny, revealing insights that challenge our daily consumption choices. Specifically, the consumption of dietary sugar has been identified as a potential factor influencing the prevalence of depression among adults in the United States. A study utilizing data from the …

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Hypothyroidism Diet Plan: Foods To Eat & Avoid (List)

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition characterized by insufficient secretion of thyroid hormone (thyroxine) by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland.  Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include: chronic fatigue, depression, memory deficits, and weight gain.  If you’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, there’s a good chance you’re utilizing a thyroid replacement therapy such as Synthroid or Armour …

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Best Diet For Depression: Foods To Optimize Mental Health

Many people aren’t sure how their dietary habits can affect their mental health. In the past, researchers have been attempting to come up with links between consumption of certain foods and depression. Although depression is caused by a variety of factors including: genetics, environment, sleep, etc. – there is mounting evidence suggesting that the foods …

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Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms: List of Possibilities

Sugar refers to short-chain carbohydrates that are sweet and used in food. Most people know sugar as a whitish crystal-like powder with a sweet taste that is often added to food. Each year, hundreds of millions of tons of table sugar are produced across the world. The sugar that you eat is scientifically referred to …

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