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Non-Medical Fentanyl Use: Drug Addiction Insights (2024 Review)

Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid exponentially stronger than morphine, has transitioned from an unwanted contaminant in the illicit drug market to a sought-after substance among people who use drugs (PWUD). This shift underscores a critical change in drug use patterns, motivations, and the associated demographic and socioeconomic factors contributing to its rising preference. Highlights: Fentanyl’s Potency: …

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Schizophrenia vs. Immune System Activation: Cellular Signatures & Genetic Analysis (2023 Study)

Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a complex psychiatric disorder that affects millions worldwide, with symptoms ranging from hallucinations to disorganized thinking. Research into the causative factors of SCZ has expanded into the realm of immunology, examining how immune system interactions with the brain might influence the development and progression of the disorder. A recent comprehensive study using …

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Psilocybin for Major Depression in Adults (2023 Evidence Review)

The emerging research into psilocybin, a classical psychedelic, reveals its significant potential in treating Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Historically used in spiritual and shamanic practices, psilocybin’s recent clinical studies have opened new avenues in mental health treatment, challenging traditional antidepressants like SSRIs. Highlights: Psilocybin’s Historical & Clinical Relevance: A natural compound used for millennia, recent …

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Analyzing Brain Connectivity with Advanced Neuroimaging to Treat Major Depression (2023 Research)

Depression, a leading cause of disability globally, presents a myriad of treatment challenges. Recent advancements in neuroimaging, particularly in understanding brain connectivity, offer a new lens through which we can view and potentially enhance the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Highlights: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) affects millions worldwide, with traditional treatments showing varied success …

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Vitamin D for Prevention & Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease? (2023 Research)

Parkinson’s disease (PD), a prevalent neurodegenerative brain disease, is marked by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Recent research has illuminated the significant role of Vitamin D (VD) in the brain, particularly its neuroprotective effects on these neurons. Highlights: Vitamin D’s Role in the Brain: Beyond its well-known functions in bone health, …

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Morus Alba (White Mulberry): Medical Uses, Health Effects, Mechanisms (2023 Research)

Morus alba, a member of the Moraceae family, is not only known for its role in sericulture but also for its therapeutic potential. The plant’s traditional uses are backed by scientific research, indicating its effectiveness in various medical conditions. Highlights: Morus alba is utilized in traditional medicine for its analgesic, antibacterial, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. …

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Prader-Willi Syndrome: New Treatments & Medications in Development & Clinical Trials (2023)

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic condition marked by a diverse range of physical, mental, and behavioral challenges. Characterized by uncontrolled appetite and obesity, cognitive impairments, and social and behavioral issues, PWS presents unique challenges for patients and caregivers. Highlights: Prevalence and Genetics: PWS affects approximately 1 in 20,000 live births, caused by errors …

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