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Pharmaceutical & Recreational Drug Use During & After COVID-19 Pandemic (2020-2023 in Latvia) (2024 Study)

The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably transformed various facets of human life, including our health behaviors and substance consumption patterns. Through the lens of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), a study conducted in Riga, Latvia, from December 2020 to July 2023, sheds light on how the pandemic and subsequent restrictions have impacted the use of pharmaceuticals and recreational …

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CNQX as a Potential Drug Addiction Treatment via AMPA & Kainate Receptors (Glutamate) (2023 Study)

The journey to overcome addiction is fraught with challenges, not least due to the limited options available for pharmacological intervention. In recent research, the focus has shifted toward understanding the role of glutamate, a key neurotransmitter in the brain, in the development and persistence of addictive behaviors. One compound, CNQX, which antagonizes certain glutamate receptors, …

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Genetics of Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD) & Nicotine Addiction (2024 Study)

Tobacco use is a complex behavior influenced by both environmental factors and genetic predispositions. A recent study leveraging the UCLA ATLAS biobank explored the genetic underpinnings of Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD) and its systemic health effects using a Polygenic Score (PGS). Highlights: Genetic Underpinnings of Tobacco Use: The study used a European ancestry-derived PGS to …

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Epigenetics & Nicotine Addiction: Effects on Genes & Potential Treatments (2023)

Nicotine addiction is not just a habit; it’s a complex interplay of molecular changes altering the brain’s function and structure. Recent research sheds light on how nicotine interacts with our genetic makeup, leading to persistent cravings and relapse. Highlights: Nicotine & Epigenetic Modification: Nicotine alters the way genes are expressed in the brain, affecting behavior …

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Hidden Benefits Of Nicotine on The Brain

When most people think of nicotine, they think of smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products.  Since tobacco products are linked to various types of cancer (e.g. lung cancer from smoking), many people assume that nicotine is inherently evil.  While nicotine is considered one of the most addictive drugs, there isn’t significant evidence supporting the idea …

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10 Most Addictive Drugs List

The technical definition of a drug is “any chemical substance that affects the central nervous system.” Determining the most addictive drugs has been a challenge for researchers and results have been controversial throughout the years. Additionally agreeing on a proper definition for “addiction” and criteria by which it can be measured is somewhat difficult. The …

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