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Ketamine Increases Amygdala Volume in Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) (2024 MRI Study)

Depression is a complex mental health condition that significantly affects an individual’s emotional and physical well-being. Recent advances in neuroimaging have provided deeper insights into how major depressive disorder (MDD) alters brain structures, particularly the hippocampus and amygdala, and how treatments like ketamine can potentially reverse these changes. A new study using 3T and 7T …

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Brain Biomarkers in Suicide Attempts: Elevated 5-HT1A Heteroreceptors & Hyperactivity in Superior Temporal Gyrus (2023 Review)

Suicide, a tragic end to around 800,000 lives each year, remains one of the most perplexing and devastating phenomena in mental health. Despite the vast number of studies and data, accurately predicting who is at risk of suicide has remained largely elusive, with current tools heavily reliant on subjective assessments and the clinician’s experience. A …

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Customized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Protocols for Depression & Psychiatric Disorders Based on Personalized Neuroimaging (2023 Evidence)

Recent advancements in neuroimaging and brain stimulation techniques, particularly Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), are revolutionizing the treatment of psychiatric disorders. These technologies, leveraging our understanding of individual brain network architectures, offer the potential for highly personalized treatments. Highlights: Personalization of Treatment: Neuroimaging advancements allow for the personalization of brain stimulation targets, particularly in Transcranial Magnetic …

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Lifetime Major Depression Linked to Increased Activation of Amygdala & DLPFC (2024 Study)

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a prevalent mental health condition marked by significant social and economic impacts. Recent research has advanced our understanding of MDD, particularly its association with brain activity and connectivity. A new study examined the relationship between lifetime MDD (LMDD) and brain activation in response to fearful faces, focusing on the amygdala …

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Combo of Neuroimaging, Transcriptome, Epigenetics to Understand Gray Matter Abnormalities in Major Depression (2024 Study)

Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects millions worldwide, yet its underlying causes remain largely enigmatic. A new study integrated neuroimaging, transcriptomic, and epigenetic data to better understand the genetic underpinnings of MDD. This comprehensive approach revealed a complex interplay between brain structure, gene expression, and DNA methylation, offering new insights into this debilitating condition. Highlights: Integrative …

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Detecting Misdiagnosed Bipolar Disorder via MRI Brain Connectivity Analysis (2024 Study)

Bipolar Disorder (BD) and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) are two of the most prevalent mood disorders, yet they are often misdiagnosed due to overlapping symptoms. This misdiagnosis can lead to inadequate treatment and worsened patient outcomes. However, recent advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) offer a promising solution to this challenge. By analyzing brain …

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Analyzing Brain Connectivity with Advanced Neuroimaging to Treat Major Depression (2023 Research)

Depression, a leading cause of disability globally, presents a myriad of treatment challenges. Recent advancements in neuroimaging, particularly in understanding brain connectivity, offer a new lens through which we can view and potentially enhance the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Highlights: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) affects millions worldwide, with traditional treatments showing varied success …

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