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Top 12 Antidepressant Nutrients & Foods for Depression Treatment

Depression is a growing public health concern, but nutrition may offer a pathway for prevention and treatment. A new research study identified the most nutrient-dense foods for brain health to inform dietary recommendations. Key Facts: 12 nutrients have evidence supporting a role in preventing and treating depression, including omega-3s, B vitamins, minerals like magnesium, and …

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Hypothyroidism Diet Plan: Foods To Eat & Avoid (List)

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition characterized by insufficient secretion of thyroid hormone (thyroxine) by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland.  Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include: chronic fatigue, depression, memory deficits, and weight gain.  If you’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, there’s a good chance you’re utilizing a thyroid replacement therapy such as Synthroid or Armour …

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Foods That Increase Testosterone (List)

Testosterone is a hormone that is secreted by the testicles and is responsible for promoting male sex characteristics. Greater levels of testosterone tend to increase muscle mass and bone density, body hair growth, and general physiological health. It is known to help prevent osteoporosis and there are numerous health risks men face when they have …

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Foods That Increase Dopamine: Think “Tyrosine”

Most people are aware that imbalanced levels of neurotransmitters can contribute to mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Although the neurotransmitter serotonin gets a lot of mainstream attention and most of the hype, in recent years dopamine has been getting more attention. Dopamine is believed to play a role in cognitive function, reward, motivation, …

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