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Celecoxib Effective for Postpartum Depression in 34-Year-Old Woman (2023 Case Report)

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mental health issue affecting many new mothers, impacting their well-being and their ability to bond with their child. Recent research suggests that inflammation could play a crucial role in the development of depression, opening the door to innovative treatments. A new case report highlights the potential of celecoxib, an …

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Adjunct Celecoxib for Depression & Mania: Treatment with a COX-2 Inhibitor

Celecoxib, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, shows promise as an effective and safe adjunct treatment for major depression and mania, according to a new comprehensive systematic review. The analysis also found celecoxib improved symptoms when used as a standalone antidepressant in patients with somatic disorders. However, evidence for efficacy in bipolar depression remains unclear. Key Facts: …

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Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Help Treat Depression

There is new evidence suggesting that anti-inflammatory drugs like Aspirin may help improve depression. This comes as a surprise, considering a few years ago (2011), a study was conducted that suggested anti-inflammatory drugs may reduce the effectiveness of antidepressants. In 2012, researchers found evidence suggesting that anti-inflammatory drugs do not reduce the efficacy of antidepressants …

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