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Caffeine’s Effects on Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF): What You Should Know

Caffeine, a ubiquitous stimulant, is known for its ability to enhance alertness and cognitive function. But beyond these surface-level effects lies a complex interaction with the body’s cardiovascular and neurological systems, particularly influencing cerebral blood flow. Highlights: Global Ubiquity: Caffeine is the most widely consumed pharmacologically active substance worldwide. Dose-Dependent Effects: Caffeine’s influence on cerebral …

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HEG (Hemoencephalography) Neurofeedback: The Research & Potential Benefits

HEG (Hemoencephalography) is a specific neurofeedback technique that trains users to consciously regulate cortical blood flow.  The practice is based off of the idea that with enough “neurological feedback” (provided by an HEG device) a person becomes able to consciously control an unconscious process (blood flow).  Normally it would be impossible to detect whether blood …

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