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Vistaril (Hydroxyzine) vs. Xanax (Alprazolam)

Hydroxyzine, also referred to under its brand names “Vistaril” (hydroxyzine pamoate) and “Atarax” (hydroxyzine hydrochloride), is a first-generation diphenylmethylpiperazine antihistamine.  Alprazolam, most commonly referred to under its brand name “Xanax,” is a benzodiazepine, or more specifically, a triazolobenzodiazepine anxiolytic. In the United States, Vistaril is medically approved as an adjunctive treatment for: psychoneurosis-related anxiety and …

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Hydroxyzine (Vistaril, Atarax) For Anxiety Disorders

Hydroxyzine (brand names Vistaril, Atarax) is a first-generation antihistamine of the diphenylmethane and piperazine class.  It was initially synthesized in 1956 and thereafter marketed in the U.S. by the pharmaceutical juggernaut, Pfizer.  Although a relatively ancient medication by today’s standards, hydroxyzine is still commonly prescribed: as a preoperative anesthetic, analgesic, and anxiolytic adjunct; as an …

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