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Adderall Tolerance: Causes & How To Prevent It

Nearly all individuals taking Adderall can attest to the fact that its psychostimulatory effect is most potent after an initial “first-time” dosage.  Thereafter, its efficacy is generally maintained for weeks, or perhaps months after the initial dosage with favorable results.  However, eventually Adderall users may notice that its therapeutic psychostimulation seems to have dwindled and/or …

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Stimulant Psychosis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Psychosis is often defined as a loss of contact with reality and is generally considered a common symptom of severe mental illness like schizophrenia.  Individuals experiencing psychosis may end up dealing with hallucinations (auditory and/or visual), delusions (beliefs with no basis in reality), and an array of other symptoms.  While schizophrenia is generally a root …

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ADHD Medications List: Approved & Off-Label Treatments

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is characterized by symptoms of inattentiveness and hyperactivity. Most professionals would agree that there are at least three subtypes of ADHD including: inattentive-type, hyperactive/impulsive-type, and a combined type. While ADHD was once thought to be a problem at only affected children, it is now widely accepted that people of any age can be …

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10 Most Addictive Drugs List

The technical definition of a drug is “any chemical substance that affects the central nervous system.” Determining the most addictive drugs has been a challenge for researchers and results have been controversial throughout the years. Additionally agreeing on a proper definition for “addiction” and criteria by which it can be measured is somewhat difficult. The …

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