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What Is Brain Fog?

Have you ever experienced cloudy thinking to the point that you cannot seem to get anything done? Many people end up dealing with a phenomenon known as “brain fog” or cloudy thinking. Changes in consciousness as a result of neurotransmitter levels and psychomotor activity are thought to largely contribute to this clouding of cognition. Brain …

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How To Get Rid Of Brain Fog: Treatments & Cures

Brain fog is a problem that can severely affect an individual’s cognition and task-performance. If it isn’t properly dealt with, it may cause a person to fall behind at work or underachieve in school. For the majority of individuals, occasional cloudy thinking is normal – it can be caused by simple things such as lack …

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Brain Fog Symptoms

When brain fog sets in, accomplishing even a small task such as writing a grocery list or writing a letter can seem insurmountable. Brain fog makes it difficult for us to think quickly, remember things, and in some cases even hold a conversation. Most people report feeling spaced out, mentally slow, and as if they …

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Brain Fog Causes: A List of Possibilities

One of the most frustrating experiences for any student going to school or working adult is experiencing “brain fog.” When brain fog hits, it’s almost as if our previously efficient brain has filled up with clouds or “fog” that prevents us from thinking clearly. Brain fog is typically characterized as an inability to focus, poor …

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StudentLife App Tracks Mental Health, Behavior, & Performance

Many smartphone apps have been developed to help us track our physical health. There are apps such as calorie counters, step-trackers, and ones that help us lose weight. These apps can be highly beneficial for maintaining optimal physical health. Although physical health is important, many people neglect keeping track of their mental health. Now there …

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