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Testing LSD For Anxiety In Terminal Cancer Patients

People with life-threatening, terminal forms of cancer are subject to high levels of anxiety.  Generally this stems from the awareness that death could be an imminent possibility.  Many researchers have focused on how to increase the quality of life among individuals with terminal cancer prior to their passing and specifically focused on addressing levels of anxiety …

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Have You Been Misdiagnosed with Bipolar 2 Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is characterized by uncontrollable mood swings typically from a depressed state of functioning to either mania or hypomania. Most people with Bipolar disorder tend to have a genetic predisposition to the illness, but even those without a genetic predisposition can develop it. The trend in society among psychiatrists and mental health professionals is …

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What Are Nootropics (“Smart Drugs”)?

Nootropics or “smart drugs” are substances that serve to enhance cognition, sometimes to a significant extent. The word “nootropic” originated in 1972 from Dr. Corneliu E. Girugea and consists of the Greek words “nous” (translating to “mind”) and “trepein” (translating to “bend”); in other words, “mind-bending.” There are many types of nootropics, some of which …

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Human Thoughts Control Genes with Cybernetic Implants

Imagine if you could control your genetic expression just by thinking certain thoughts. Many New Age belief systems preach that thoughts create your reality and that by changing your thinking, you can change your entire life. Although there is subtle evidence for those claims, the evidence isn’t fully supported by science.  However, based on new research, …

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Psychiatry Proposes New Drug Classification System: From Symptom to Target-Based

What would you think if the classification of your psychiatric medications changed? Well, a new conference is taking place to address whether drug classification “names” should be changed. Currently, many psychiatric organizations believe there are advantages associated with changing from a “symptom-based” classification to a “pharmacological-based” classification system.  This new system will be discussed at …

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