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How Long Does Clomid Stay In Your System?

Clomid (Clomiphene) is a medication that hit the market in the 1960s for the treatment of oligomenorrhea (light or infrequent menstrual periods).  After its approval, medical practitioners discovered that utilization of Clomid for oligomenorrhea increased odds of fertility, principally via induction of ovulation.  This finding spurred an investigation of Clomid as a potential treatment for …

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How Long Does AndroGel Stay In Your System?

AndroGel is a transdermally administered gel prescribed to men with abnormally low testosterone levels (“hypogonadism”) associated with various medical conditions.  Low testosterone among men can lead to an array of unwanted effects including: cognitive impairment, decreased body hair, fatigue, fewer erections, increased body fat, low libido, and reduced muscle mass.  Daily application of AndroGel has …

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How Long Does Testosterone Stay In Your System?

Testosterone is classified as an androgenic steroid hormone that is secreted primarily by the testicles in males, and to a modest extent in females via the ovaries.  Testosterone is considered the defining sex hormone of males and is responsible for promoting reproductive tissue development (testis and prostate), along with sex-specific features such as: body hair, …

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How Long Does “Plan B” Stay In Your System?

“Plan B” is a brand name birth control formulation manufactured in tablets, each of which contains 0.75 mg of the active steroid levonorgestrel. Levonorgestrel is an entirely synthetic progestogen that was synthesized in the 1960s and was included in birth control products by the 1980s.  The levonorgestrel within Plan B functions by inhibiting ovulation or …

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Blue Light Blocking For Better Sleep, Insomnia, Circadian Rhythm Disorders

Most people are unaware of the fact that bright light after sunset probably isn’t healthy, especially if you are suffering from insomnia, dealing with poor sleep quality, or a circadian rhythm disorder.  For millions of years, humans functioned without artificial lights, TVs, and other electronics (e.g. cell phone screens).  They relied solely on the sunlight …

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Foods That Increase Testosterone (List)

Testosterone is a hormone that is secreted by the testicles and is responsible for promoting male sex characteristics. Greater levels of testosterone tend to increase muscle mass and bone density, body hair growth, and general physiological health. It is known to help prevent osteoporosis and there are numerous health risks men face when they have …

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20 Foods High In Estrogen (Phytoestrogens)

Estrogen is considered a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries in women. Without adequate levels of estrogen, women may notice that they feel moody, unhealthy, or are unable to maintain healthy female sex characteristics.  Estrogen is an essential hormone for maintenance of feminine sex traits, but also plays an important role in physiological functions such …

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