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Valerian Root for Insomnia & Sleep: Is It Actually Effective? (2023 Review)

Valerian, a herb long cherished for its sedative properties, stands at the crossroads of traditional medicine and modern scientific inquiry. Despite its widespread use across cultures for promoting sleep and alleviating insomnia, the scientific community remains divided over its efficacy. Highlights: Historical Significance: Valerian has been used since the times of ancient Greece and Rome …

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Valerian Side Effects & Adverse Reactions (List)

Valerian is a dietary supplement that was first sold in the United States in 1994, but has been historically utilized as a medicinal herb since the days of ancient Greece and Rome.  It is understood to possess anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and hypnotic (sleep-induction) properties and has been subject to investigation for the treatment of anxiety disorders …

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Valerian For Anxiety Disorders

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a perennial plant named after the Latin term “valere,” which roughly translates to “strong and healthy.”  The plant is considered native to Europe and various regions of Asia and tends to bloom pinkish and/or whitish flowers in the summer seasons.  Upon blooming, its flowers are universally known to have a sweet, …

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Herbal Remedies For Anxiety and Stress

Many people are interested in herbal remedies to help them cope with anxiety and stress. When anxiety gets severe, it can make life very difficult to cope with and a molehill seem like a mountain of fear, dread, and worry. In most cases there aren’t permanent cures for anxiety, but there are things that people …

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