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Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Individuals that have used any potent drug, particularly for a long-term and/or at high doses are known to experience significant short-term withdrawal symptoms.  These symptoms may include things like dizziness, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.  Over time, they usually lessen in severity as the nervous system and physiology adjusts to function without the presence of the …

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Insomnia Symptoms & Signs (List)

We’ve all had nights that we’ve gone to bed, closed our eyes, but no matter how much we relaxed or how many sheep we counted, we weren’t able to fall asleep.  An inability to fall asleep is medically referred to as “insomnia.”  Although an inability to fall asleep is a common manifestation of insomnia, sometimes …

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Delusions Of Persecution: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Delusions of persecution refer to false beliefs or perceptions in which a person believes that they are being treated with malicious intent, hostility, or harassment – despite significant evidence to suggest otherwise.  Imagine waking up and thinking that your next-door neighbor was plotting to kill you, or that your spouse had sprinkled some poison in …

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Sleep Paralysis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Have you ever experienced a nightmare, became conscious, but were unable to move your body?  This is a phenomenon known as isolated sleep paralysis that an estimated 5% to 40% of the general population experiences at one point or another throughout their lifetime.  During this condition, you may feel extreme fear, notice the fight-or-flight response, …

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Anticholinergic Toxicity: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Many drugs have anticholinergic properties, meaning they inhibit the neurotransmission of acetylcholine in the brain.  Drugs with anticholinergic effects prevent acetylcholine from binding to receptors, resulting in therapeutic effects.  There are three major types of anticholinergic drugs including: antimuscarinics, ganglionic inhibitors, and neuromuscular inhibitors – the majority being antimuscarinic. Anticholinergic drugs are often administered for …

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Excited Delirium Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Excited delirium is considered a relatively uncommon health condition characterized by severe agitation, aggression, distress, and is often fatal.  In many cases of excited delirium, individuals will have displayed noticeable increases in body temperature (fever), utilized drugs that altered dopaminergic functioning, and exhibit overtly bizarre behavior.  Although the condition is rare, those with excited delirium …

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