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Potential Dangers Of Nootropics: What To Consider Before Using Smart Drugs

Nootropics or “smart drugs” tend to improve cognitive function to help people perform better, maximize productivity, and ultimately achieve their full potential. Most nootropics are regarded as safe and in some cases serve as “neuroprotective agents,” meaning they preserve brain function and cognition. There is even some evidence to suggest that they may help prevent …

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Extensive List Of Nootropics: 130+ Smart Drugs

Nootropics have become a popular trend throughout the world in and specifically within the realms of academics, biohacking, sports performance, and high-level occupational settings. Let’s face it, some people are competitive and may want to have a cognitive advantage over their competition.  In order to gain this advantage, they may resort to taking supplements or …

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What Are Nootropics (“Smart Drugs”)?

Nootropics or “smart drugs” are substances that serve to enhance cognition, sometimes to a significant extent. The word “nootropic” originated in 1972 from Dr. Corneliu E. Girugea and consists of the Greek words “nous” (translating to “mind”) and “trepein” (translating to “bend”); in other words, “mind-bending.” There are many types of nootropics, some of which …

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11 Ways To Increase Your IQ Score (Intelligence Quotient)

IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is a measure developed from a series of standardized test to measure and compare intelligence among humans. Having a high IQ doesn’t really mean you’re going to be successful in life, but it certainly can help make certain aspects of life easier – especially when it comes to scholastic activities. Although it …

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