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Valerian Root for Insomnia & Sleep: Is It Actually Effective? (2023 Review)

Valerian, a herb long cherished for its sedative properties, stands at the crossroads of traditional medicine and modern scientific inquiry. Despite its widespread use across cultures for promoting sleep and alleviating insomnia, the scientific community remains divided over its efficacy. Highlights: Historical Significance: Valerian has been used since the times of ancient Greece and Rome …

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Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) Seed Oil Extract (BCO-5) May Improve Non-Restorative Sleep (2023 Study)

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of human health, deeply intertwined with our overall well-being. Recent research examined a unique black cumin extract, BCO-5, and found that it may be beneficial in individuals with non-restorative sleep disorders. Highlights: BCO-5, a Unique Black Cumin Extract: BCO-5 is a proprietary extract of Nigella sativa (black cumin) showing promising …

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