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Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT) Appears Effective for OCD in Adolescents (2024 Study)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in adolescents is a challenging condition, marked by intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that significantly impair daily functioning. Recent studies have spotlighted the Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT), an intensive, concentrated therapy approach showing promising outcomes in treating adolescents with OCD across various sites in Norway. This innovative method, comprising prolonged sessions of …

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Lifestyle & Health Habits of People with OCD: Lack of Exercise, Poor Diets, Bad Sleep (2024 Study)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is more than a mental health issue; it’s a condition that can influence the physical health and lifestyle habits of those it affects. A recent international survey shed light on the intricate relationship between OCD and various health-related issues, highlighting the importance of addressing lifestyle habits alongside mental health treatment. By exploring …

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Advanced OCD Treatment Strategies & New Drugs Under Investigation (2023)

OCD affects approximately 1-3% of the population and often begins in childhood or adolescence. While OCD was previously considered untreatable, advances in the past few decades have led to effective evidence-based treatments. Key Facts: Glutamatergic medications like memantine, ketamine, and N-acetylcysteine have shown preliminary evidence of efficacy in small trials, but larger studies have been …

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HOCD (Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a psychological condition that hijacks the brain, forcing us to think unwanted, “obsessive” thoughts and perform behaviors to reduce anxiety associated with these thoughts called “compulsions.”  The obsessive thoughts are unpredictable and provoke extreme anxiety that leads us to believe we’ll never have control of our thoughts.  To cope with …

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