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How People Feel About Antipsychotics & Mood Stabilizers: Twitter/X Sentiment Analysis (2024 Study)

Social media has emerged as a pivotal source of real-world evidence, especially in understanding patient experiences and perceptions regarding the treatment of severe mental disorders such as Schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders (SRD) and Bipolar Disorder (BD). Leveraging advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, a comprehensive analysis of 893,289 tweets between 2008 and 2022 revealed significant …

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Lithium & Weight Gain: How Much? (And Why It Happens)

Lithium is a naturally occurring element that’s commonly prescribed in the format of “lithium carbonate” for the prophylaxis and/or management of bipolar disorder.  Additionally, lithium is sometimes prescribed as an adjunct to treat refractory cases of major depressive disorder and schizophrenia.  Throughout treatment, lithium is understood to modulate numerous aspects of a user’s neurophysiology to …

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Lithium For Anxiety Disorders: An Unconventional, Underinvestigated Intervention

Elemental lithium was first discovered by Johann August Arfvedson in 1817 and was later isolated via electrolysis of lithium oxide (Li2O) through a joint effort of William Thomas Brande and Sir Humphrey Davy.  In the 19th century, scientists discovered that lithium was capable of dissolving uric acid crystals isolated from kidneys, and for this reason, …

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Antidepressant Augmentation Strategies for Treatment-Resistant Depression

Antidepressant augmentation strategies are commonly reviewed when an individual is unresponsive to monotherapeutic treatment. In other words, people that try treatments by themselves such as: using an SSRI medication or going to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may not have as great of a response as if the treatments were combined. In some cases, a person …

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Lithium For Treatment-Resistant Depression: An Effective Augmentation Strategy

Lithium carbonate has become a very popular augmentation option for treatment-resistant depression.  If you have treatment resistant depression, chances are that most psychiatrists have explored antidepressant monotherapy – or treatment with a single antidepressant. Once you have gone through the ringer of SSRI’s, TCA’s, and MAOI’s and found that none of the medications help your …

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