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How Long Does Ecstasy (MDMA) Stay In Your System?

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) is a synthetic psychoactive substance known for its combination of euphoric and empathogenic effects.  In the United States, it is commonly referred to as ecstasy and/or “Molly.”  MDMA is considered a Schedule I controlled-substance, meaning it has no accepted medical use, a high potential for abuse, and is considered unsafe when utilized outside …

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MDMA (Ecstasy, Molly) Drug Withdrawal Symptoms: What You May Experience

MDMA (“Molly” or “Ecstasy”) withdrawal symptoms have not been extensively documented. Although most people use ecstasy on a recreational basis (e.g. once in awhile), there are some people that are more consistent with their usage. People who use Ecstasy often may actually become both psychologically and physically dependent upon this substance for everyday functioning. The …

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