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Elevated Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Levels Linked to Depression (Possible Diagnostic Biomarker)

New research reveals that individuals with depression exhibit significantly higher levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) compared to healthy individuals. This suggests mtDNA could serve as a promising biomarker to improve depression diagnosis and treatment outcomes. Key facts: Meta-analysis of 12 studies with 1400 participants shows elevated mtDNA levels in blood and skin cells of depressed …

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Eye Tracking Technology for Rapid Depression Diagnosis in Young Adults

Researchers have proposed a novel eye tracking method to rapidly screen for depression risk in young adults. This intelligent approach analyzes emotional perception deficits through objective eye movement biomarkers. Initial findings suggest promise for large-scale, low-cost depression screening without specialized doctors. Key Facts: The “eye movement emotional perception evaluation paradigm” extracts digital biomarkers related to …

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