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Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) of Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) for Treatment-Resistant Depression (4 Case Reports)

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) explores the cutting-edge intersection of technology and neuroscience, offering hope to those for whom traditional treatments have failed. By targeting specific brain areas, such as the nucleus accumbens, DBS attempts to modulate the underlying neural circuits associated with depression. A recent review analyzed case reports documenting significant …

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Cognitive Function Does Not Predict Response to tDCS for Depression (2023 Trial)

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) has been explored as a potential treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), particularly for patients who have not responded to traditional treatments like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). This non-invasive technique involves applying a weak electrical current to the prefrontal cortex of the brain, aiming to modulate neurocognitive functions. However, …

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Tramadol for Depression: Highly Effective as Off-Label Antidepressant (According to User Reviews)

Tramadol, commonly known for its pain-relieving properties, has emerged as an effective off-label treatment for depression according to patient experiences and reviews. A recent analysis of tramadol’s antidepressant potential examined user feedback – comparing its efficacy and safety with established antidepressants. It considered the perspectives of patients who have found relief from depression with tramadol, …

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Tianeptine Trends in the U.S.: Antidepressant, Nootropic, Street Drug (“Gas Station Heroin” & ZaZa)

Tianeptine is an atypical antidepressant that has been approved in several countries for treating depression but is not authorized for medical use in the United States. Despite this, it has found a significant market in the U.S. as a nootropic, often sold under names like ZaZa or Tianna Red, and has been nicknamed “gas station …

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Ketamine Increases Amygdala Volume in Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) (2024 MRI Study)

Depression is a complex mental health condition that significantly affects an individual’s emotional and physical well-being. Recent advances in neuroimaging have provided deeper insights into how major depressive disorder (MDD) alters brain structures, particularly the hippocampus and amygdala, and how treatments like ketamine can potentially reverse these changes. A new study using 3T and 7T …

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Empagliflozin for Depression: Effective Adjunct with SSRIs (2024 Clinical Trial)

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) impacts millions globally, making it a significant public health challenge. Traditional treatments like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) don’t work for everyone, highlighting the need for innovative approaches. Recent clinical trials exploring the use of empagliflozin, a medication originally used to lower blood sugar in diabetes patients, have shown promising results …

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Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) Effectively Reverses Antibiotic-Induced Depression in Mice (2024 Study)

In a world increasingly reliant on antibiotics, emerging research sheds light on the unintended consequences of their chronic use, revealing significant impairments in mitochondrial function, hypothalamus-mediated metabolic operations, and amygdala-regulated emotional processes. A novel study has explored the potential of black seed oil (Nigella sativa oil, NSO) to mitigate these adverse effects, focusing on its …

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