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Synergistic Effect of Fish Oil & Choline Supplementation on Brain DHA & Memory (Mouse Study)

Recent research reveals that combining fish oil and choline supplementation may have synergistic effects in boosting levels of brain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and memory enhancement in middle-aged mice. Key Facts: Combining fish oil and choline increased DHA levels in the brain more than either supplement alone in mice. The combination upregulated expression of key fatty …

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Aniracetam Side Effects: List of Possibilities

Aniracetam is a drug of the “racetam” chemical classification that was initially developed in the 1970s by pharmaceutical company Hoffman-La Roche.  Chemically, aniracetam is synthesized via reaction of 2-pyrrolidone with anisoyl chloride in the presence of triethylamine; hence it is sometimes referred to as “N-anisoyl-2-pyrrolidinone.”  When administered to humans and animals, aniracetam functions via allosterically …

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Anticholinergic Toxicity: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Many drugs have anticholinergic properties, meaning they inhibit the neurotransmission of acetylcholine in the brain.  Drugs with anticholinergic effects prevent acetylcholine from binding to receptors, resulting in therapeutic effects.  There are three major types of anticholinergic drugs including: antimuscarinics, ganglionic inhibitors, and neuromuscular inhibitors – the majority being antimuscarinic. Anticholinergic drugs are often administered for …

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Fish Oil Causing Depression or Anxiety? Consider Acetylcholine.

There is considerable evidence supporting the usage of fish oil for depression. The omega-3 fatty acids within fish oil are capable of increasing activity in the prefrontal cortex, enhancing neurotransmission, and reducing inflammation. Although they can be effective as a standalone treatment for mood disorders (e.g. depression), they are also commonly used with success as …

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