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Psychological Effects Of Long Term Marijuana Use

When potent preparations of marijuana are consumed regularly, in large amounts, for many years, are there any detrimental long term effects? As with any drug, consuming large amounts over an extended period of time is going to result in some sort of dependence and psychological changes. So what are some changes that you may experience …

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Psychological Benefits Of Marijuana Usage

Marijuana is the most popular among illicit drugs in the world. Part of the reason that it is extremely popular has to do with the fact that people like what the drug does for them. In my opinion, it is among the safest and least addicting of illicit substances. I have never used it, but …

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Adderall For Anxiety Disorders: A Counterintuitive Treatment Option

One counterintuitive treatment that has emerged in recent years for social anxiety disorders is that of the medication Adderall. The reason that this is a counterintuitive treatment option is due to the fact that most anxiety disorders are thought to be a result of overstimulation. Since many individuals with anxiety are overstimulated, treatment with a …

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