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Is ADHD Overdiagnosed or Underdiagnosed? Looking at Evidence.

Most evidence these days point to the fact that ADHD is overdiagnosed – especially among children and teenage boys. What many people fail to realize is that many children experience attention deficits and engage in hyperactive, impulsive behavior naturally. It is pretty normal for kids to engage in this type of behavior. My guess is …

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Types of ADHD: Inattentive, Hyperactive-Impulsive, Combined

Determining whether someone has ADHD takes a thorough psychiatric evaluation. There is no specific test that is perfect for diagnosing this condition. Many problems such as learning disabilities, anxiety, and depression may result in similar symptoms to ADHD. Since many conditions have similar symptoms, it is important to make sure the proper diagnosis is made. …

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Wellbutrin (Bupropion) For ADHD and Depression

The usage of Wellbutrin (Bupropion) for treating ADHD and comorbid depression has become a newer practice. It is not very common to use this medication to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, but in some cases people have tried it. Typically when someone is diagnosed with ADHD, they go through the first line of stimulants – this involves …

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What’s the Difference Between ADD and ADHD?

What’s the difference between ADD and ADHD? ADD stands for “attention deficit disorder” while ADHD stands for “attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.” There really isn’t much of a difference other than in ADHD, there is “hyperactivity.” Both are characterized by extreme deficits and/or inability to focus and pay attention. Some would suggest that the term ADD has …

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10 Best Adderall Alternatives: Natural Remedies For ADHD

Many people struggle with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but do not like taking a drug for the condition. The most commonly prescribed medication to treat symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is Adderall or “d-amphetamine.” This medication speeds up activity in the brain and helps people with attention problems to concentrate. The reason most people take …

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Provigil For ADHD: Can Modafinil Help Manage Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

A newer medication called Provigil (Modafinil), which is used to promote wakefulness (eugeroic), has also been found to help manage symptoms of ADHD. Many people don’t have good experiences with using amphetamines to treat their attention-deficit symptoms, so they turn to other classes of medication that may be effective. Many psychiatrists have prescribed their clients …

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